From a0b2d09125d7911656fe4cb286f20643c4432281 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marek Laane Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 10:54:11 +0300 Subject: Updated Estonian translation --- langs/sl/donate.po | 133 ----------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 133 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 langs/sl/donate.po (limited to 'langs/sl/donate.po') diff --git a/langs/sl/donate.po b/langs/sl/donate.po deleted file mode 100644 index 1f0b3e84b..000000000 --- a/langs/sl/donate.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: ./langs/sl/\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-20 17:21:33+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-20 18:04+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Duffy Duck \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"Language: sl\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +10" -msgid "Donate to Mageia" -msgstr "Podarite Mageji" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +12" -msgid "mageia, donate, donation, donors, help" -msgstr "mageia, prispevek, dar, donacija, donatorji, pomoč" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +32" -msgid "Donate via PayPal," -msgstr "Donacija prek sistema PayPal," - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +34" -msgid "via bitcoin," -msgstr "prek sistema bitcoin," - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +35" -msgid "If you want to donate bitcoins, the Mageia.Org bitcoin address is %s." -msgstr "Če želite donirati digitalno valuto bitcoin, za Mageia.Org uporabite naslov %s." - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +36" -msgid "via bank transfer," -msgstr "z bančnim nakazilom," - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +37" -msgid "using the following Bank Identifier Code (IBAN-BIC):" -msgstr "uporabite naslednje bančno identifikacijsko kodo (IBAN-BIC):" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +39" -msgid "In favor of:" -msgstr "V korist:" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +44" -msgid "Bank Account:" -msgstr "Bančni račun:" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +49" -msgid "or via check (€ only)." -msgstr "ali s čekom (samo €)." - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +50" -msgid "You can send your donation by check to this address:" -msgstr "Donacije lahko pošljete s čekom na ta naslov:" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +54" -msgid "Use \"Mageia.Org\" in the \"Pay to the order of...\" line." -msgstr "Uporabite »Mageia.Org« v vnosu »plačilo prejme ...«." - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +56" -msgid "Please note that:" -msgstr "Prosimo, upoštevajte, da:" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +58" -msgid "Paypal withdraws a small commission for each donation (around 2%) so we get a little bit less than you send;" -msgstr "si Paypal vzame majhno provizijo za vsako donacijo (okoli 2%), torej dobimo malo manj kot pošljete;" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +59" -msgid "conversion rates are charged to Mageia, so please use € as currency;" -msgstr "menjalni tečaji bremenijo Magejo, zato vas prosimo, da uporabite € kot valuto;" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +60" -msgid "if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s." -msgstr "dodate ustrezen komentar ali pošljete e-pošto na e-naslov: %s, če želite narediti anonimno donacijo." - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +66" -msgid "Why donate?" -msgstr "Zakaj podariti?" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +67" -msgid "Mageia.Org is a not-for-profit association to manage the Mageia distribution. As a not-for-profit association, it can receive donations from the community to help in a lot of differents fields:" -msgstr "Mageia.Org je neprofitno združenje za upravljanje vsega v zvezi z distribucijo Mageia. Kot neprofitno združenje lahko prejema donacije iz skupnosti, da bi ji pomagali na več različnih področjih:" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +69" -msgid "hardware and hosting for servers;" -msgstr "strojna oprema in gostovanje na strežnikih;" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +70" -msgid "domain names;" -msgstr "domenska imena;" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +71" -msgid "registrations of Mageia trademark;" -msgstr "registracija blagovne znamke Mageia;" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +72" -msgid "goodies for spreading Mageia;" -msgstr "pripomočki za širjenje glasu o Mageji;" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +73" -msgid "administrative expenses;" -msgstr "upravni stroški;" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +74" -msgid "eventually, legal counsel and" -msgstr "pravno svetovanje in" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +75" -msgid "etc." -msgstr "drugo." - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +79" -msgid "How to track donation?" -msgstr "Kako spremljati donacijo?" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +80" -msgid "Currently, we received a lot of generous donations (%s, remains %s) thanks to all of our donors!" -msgstr "Po zaslugi vseh naših donatorjev smo prejeli precej velikodušnih donacij (vse skupaj %s, trenutno stanje %s)!" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +82" -msgid "We believe public accountability is crucial. You can know more about how are used the funds received by reading our financial reports." -msgstr "Prepričani smo, da je javna sledljivost ključnega pomena. Več o tem, kako se porabljajo prejeta sredstva, si lahko preberete v naših finančnih poročilih." - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +104" -msgid "Questions?" -msgstr "Vprašanja?" - -#: "/web/en/donate/index.php +105" -msgid "If you have any question about donations, you can send an email to" -msgstr "Če imate kakršnokoli vprašanje o donacijah, lahko pošljete elektronsko pošto na naslov" -- cgit v1.2.1