diff options
14 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/langs/cs/thank-you.cs.lang b/langs/cs/thank-you.cs.lang
index 30422e304..3a31e82d2 100644
--- a/langs/cs/thank-you.cs.lang
+++ b/langs/cs/thank-you.cs.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, darovat, dar, poděkování, partneři, pomoc, zrcadla, hostování
Také díky nim Mageia posunuje dopředu.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Od září 2010 by se Mageia nestala skutečností bez nadšení, rady a zapojení stovek lidí.
diff --git a/langs/de/thank-you.de.lang b/langs/de/thank-you.de.lang
index d8d0a1347..88d034197 100644
--- a/langs/de/thank-you.de.lang
+++ b/langs/de/thank-you.de.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, spenden, spende, danke, Partner, Hilfe, Mirror, Spiegel, Server, Hosting
Dank ihnen, entwickelt sich Mageia weiter.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Mageia wäre - beginnend mit dem September 2010 - keine Realität geworden, ohne den Enthusiasmus, den Rat und die Beteiligung Hunderter Personen.
diff --git a/langs/el/thank-you.el.lang b/langs/el/thank-you.el.lang
index 2574bc5ec..2ff33f095 100644
--- a/langs/el/thank-you.el.lang
+++ b/langs/el/thank-you.el.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, δωρεά, δωρητές, ευχαριστούμε, συνεργάτε
Χάρις επίσης σε αυτούς, η Mageia προχωρά.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Η Mageia δεν θα μπορούσε ποτέ να γίνει πραγματικότητα, από τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2010, χωρίς τον ενθουσιασμό, τις συμβουλές και την συμμετοχή εκατοντάδων ανθρώπων. not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
diff --git a/langs/eo/thank-you.eo.lang b/langs/eo/thank-you.eo.lang
index 916e56302..1d9fa7ec7 100644
--- a/langs/eo/thank-you.eo.lang
+++ b/langs/eo/thank-you.eo.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ magejo, mondonacu, mondonaco, dankon, partneroj, helpo, speguloj, gastigo
Ankaŭ dank'al ili, Magejo antaŭeniras.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Ekde septembro 2010, Magejo ne estintus realo sen la entuziasmo, konsiloj kaj engaĝiĝo de miloj da homoj.
diff --git a/langs/es/thank-you.es.lang b/langs/es/thank-you.es.lang
index c1fe172e6..e1f5ace16 100644
--- a/langs/es/thank-you.es.lang
+++ b/langs/es/thank-you.es.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, donar, donación, gracias, socios, ayuda, espejos, alojamiento
También gracias a ellos, Mageia sigue adelante.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Desde septiembre de 2010, Mageia no habría llegado a ser una realidad sin el entusiasmo, el asesoramiento y la participación de cientos de personas.
diff --git a/langs/et/thank-you.et.lang b/langs/et/thank-you.et.lang
index ec5627f10..988dfec86 100644
--- a/langs/et/thank-you.et.lang
+++ b/langs/et/thank-you.et.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, annetamine, annetused, tänu, partnerid, abi, peeglid, majutamine
Suuresti tänu teile on Mageia suutnud edasi liikuda.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Mageia ei oleks suutnud 2010. aasta septembris sündida ega edasi liikuda ilma sadade inimeste innu, nõuannete ja kaasalöömiseta.
diff --git a/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang b/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang
index 1a20d5ab8..e7dae09f5 100644
--- a/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang
+++ b/langs/fr/thank-you.fr.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, dons, merci, partenaires, aide, miroirs, hébergement
Grâce à eux aussi, Mageia avance
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Mageia n’aurait jamais pu devenir une réalité, depuis septembre 2010, sans l’enthousiasme, les conseils et l’investissement de centaines de personnes.
diff --git a/langs/id/thank-you.id.lang b/langs/id/thank-you.id.lang
index 126520f2a..a6b86de85 100644
--- a/langs/id/thank-you.id.lang
+++ b/langs/id/thank-you.id.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, mendonasi, donasi, terima kasih, mitra, bantuan, mirror, hosting
Terima kasih juga untuk mereka, Mageia terus maju.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Sejak September 2010, Mageia tidak akan menjadi kenyataan tanpa antusiasme, saran dan keterlibatan ratusan orang.
diff --git a/langs/it/thank-you.it.lang b/langs/it/thank-you.it.lang
index e1c3be872..3f100f2a6 100644
--- a/langs/it/thank-you.it.lang
+++ b/langs/it/thank-you.it.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, dona, donazioni, ringraziamenti, partners, aiuto, mirrors, hosting {ok}
Anche grazie a loro, Mageia va avanti. {ok}
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Da Settembre 2010, Mageia non sarebbe divenuta realtà senza l'entusiasmo, i suggerimenti e il coinvolgimento di centinaia di persone. {ok}
diff --git a/langs/pl/thank-you.pl.lang b/langs/pl/thank-you.pl.lang
index 014c6db82..5814dbdcb 100644
--- a/langs/pl/thank-you.pl.lang
+++ b/langs/pl/thank-you.pl.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, ofiarodawcy, dotacja, podziękowania, partnerzy, pomoc, serwery lustrzan
Dzięki nim Mageia idzie dalej.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Od września 2010 roku Magei nie dotrwała by do dziś, gdyby nie entuzjazm, dobre słowa i zaangażowania setek ludzi.
diff --git a/langs/pt-br/thank-you.pt-br.lang b/langs/pt-br/thank-you.pt-br.lang
index bf953b3e0..ee492151a 100644
--- a/langs/pt-br/thank-you.pt-br.lang
+++ b/langs/pt-br/thank-you.pt-br.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ Mageia, doar, doação, obrigado, parceiros, ajudar, espelhos, Hospedagem
Graças a eles também, a Mageia vai para a frente.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Desde setembro de 2010, a Mageia não teria vindo para uma realidade sem o entusiasmo, o Conselho e a participação de centenas de pessoas.
diff --git a/langs/ro/thank-you.ro.lang b/langs/ro/thank-you.ro.lang
index 3c864d06c..3e156f88a 100644
--- a/langs/ro/thank-you.ro.lang
+++ b/langs/ro/thank-you.ro.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, doneați, donație, mulțumiri, parteneri, ajutor, servere alternative,
Mageia avansează și datorită lor.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Începînd cu septembrie 2010, Mageia nu ar fi devenit realitate fără entuziasmul, sfaturile și implicarea a sute de oameni.
diff --git a/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang b/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang
index ce65752ef..63c098f2f 100644
--- a/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang
+++ b/langs/tr/thank-you.tr.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, bağış yapmak, bağış, teşekkürler, ortaklar, yardım, yansılar,
Onların sayesinde Mageia ileriye doğru gidiyor.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Eylül 2010'dan bu yana, yüzlerce insanın katılımı, fikri ve coşkusu olmasaydı Mageia bu noktaya gelemezdi.
diff --git a/langs/uk/thank-you.uk.lang b/langs/uk/thank-you.uk.lang
index 6ac67eae3..98351b292 100644
--- a/langs/uk/thank-you.uk.lang
+++ b/langs/uk/thank-you.uk.lang
@@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ mageia, donate, donation, thanks, partners, help, mirrors, hosting, пожерт
Завдяки їм Mageia рухається вперед.
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +26
+;You too can donate!
+You too can donate!
# /en/thank-you/index.php +27
+;Check our activity and financial reports!
+Check our activity and financial reports!
+# /en/thank-you/index.php +40
;Since September 2010, Mageia would not have come to a reality without the enthusiasm, advice and involvement of hundreds of people.
Mageia б не стала тим, чим вона є зараз, з вересня 2010 року, якби не ентузіазм, поради та участь сотень людей.