config = new PlanetConfig(array()); } else { $this->config = $config; } $this->items = array(); $this->people = array(); $this->errors = array(); } /** * Getters */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } public function getPeople() { return $this->people; } /** * Adds a feed to the planet * @param PlanetFeed feed */ public function addPerson(&$feed) { $this->people[] = $feed; } /** * Load people from an OPML * @return integer Number of people loaded */ public function loadOpml($file) { if (!is_file($file)) { $this->errors[] = new PlanetError(3, $file.' is missing.'); return 0; } $opml = OpmlManager::load($file); $opml_people = $opml->getPeople(); foreach ($opml_people as $opml_person){ $this->addPerson( new PlanetFeed( $opml_person['name'], $opml_person['feed'], $opml_person['website'] ) ); } return count($opml_people); } /** * Load feeds */ public function loadFeeds() { foreach ($this->people as $feed) { $feed->set_timeout(-1); $feed->init(); $this->items = array_merge($this->items, $feed->get_items()); } $this->sort(); } /** * Download * @var $max_load percentage of feeds to load */ public function download($max_load=0.1) { $max_load_feeds = ceil(count($this->people) * $max_load); foreach ($this->people as $feed) { //Avoid mass loading with variable cache duration //$feed->set_cache_duration($this->config->getCacheTimeout()+rand(0,30)); $feed->set_cache_duration($this->config->getCacheTimeout()); //Load only a few feeds, force other to fetch from the cache if (0 > $max_load_feeds--) { $feed->set_timeout(-1); $this->errors[] = new PlanetError(1, 'Forced from cache : '.$feed->getFeed()); } //Load feed $feed->init(); // ? //Add items to index if (($feed->data) && ($feed->get_item_quantity() > 0)){ $items = $feed->get_items(); $this->items = array_merge($this->items, $items); } else { $this->errors[] = new PlanetError(1, 'No items : '.$feed->getFeed()); } } } public function sort() { usort($this->items, array('PlanetItem','compare')); } }