1) return "s"; } /** * Return timestamp from package key * @param string $key package submission key * * @return integer */ function key2timestamp($key) { global $tz; $date = DateTime::createFromFormat("YmdHis", $key+0, $tz); if ($date <= 0) return null; return $date->getTimestamp(); } function timediff($start, $end) { /** * Return human-readable time difference * * @param integer $start timestamp * @param integer $end timestamp, defaults to now * * @return string */ if (is_null($end)) { $end = time(); } $diff = $end - $start; if ($diff<60) return $diff . " second" . plural($diff); $diff = round($diff/60); if ($diff<60) return $diff . " minute" . plural($diff); $diff = round($diff/60); if ($diff<24) return $diff . " hour" . plural($diff); $diff = round($diff/24); return $diff . " day" . plural($diff); } $g_user = isset($_GET['user']) ? htmlentities(strip_tags($_GET['user'])) : null; $upload_dir = '/home/schedbot/uploads'; $max_modified = 2; $title = 'Mageia build system status'; $robots = 'index,nofollow,nosnippet,noarchive'; if ($g_user) { $title .= ' for ' . $g_user . "'s packages"; $robots = 'no' . $robots; } $tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); $date_gen = date('c'); # Temporary until initial mirror is ready chdir("data"); $missing_deps = file("missing-deps.i586.txt"); ######################################### $unmaintained = file('unmaintained.txt'); chdir($upload_dir); $all_files = shell_exec("find \( -name '*.rpm' -o -name '*.src.rpm.info' -o -name '*.youri' -o -name '*.lock' -o -name '*.done' \) -ctime -$max_modified -printf \"%p\t%T@\\n\""); $re = "!^\./(\w+)/((\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)/(\d+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\d+))_?(.*)(\.src\.rpm(?:\.info)?|\.youri|\.lock|\.done)\s+(\d+\.\d+)$!m"; $r = preg_match_all($re, $all_files, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $pkgs = array(); $buildtime_total = array(); $buid_dates = array(); foreach ($matches as $val) { if ($_GET['user'] && ($_GET['user'] != $val[7])) { continue; } $key = $val[6] . $val[7]; if (!is_array($pkgs[$key])) { $pkgs[$key] = array( 'status' => array(), 'path' => $val[2], 'version' => $val[3], 'media' => $val[4], 'section' => $val[5], 'user' => $val[7], 'host' => $val[8], 'job' => $val[9] ); } $status = $val[1]; $data = $val[10]; if (preg_match("/@(\d+):/", $data, $revision)) { $pkgs[$key]['revision'] = $revision[1]; } $pkgs[$key]['status'][$status] = 1; $ext = $val[11]; if ($ext == '.src.rpm.info') { preg_match("!^(?:@\d+:)?(.*)!", $data, $name); $pkgs[$key]['package'] = $name[1]; } else if ($ext == '.src.rpm') { $pkgs[$key]['status']['src'] = 1; } else if ($ext == '.youri') { $pkgs[$key]['status']['youri'] = 1; } else if ($ext == '.lock') { preg_match("!.*\.iurt\.(.*)\.\d+\.\d+!", $data, $buildhost); if ($pkgs[$key]['status']['build']) array_push($pkgs[$key]['status']['build'], $buildhost[1]); else $pkgs[$key]['status']['build'] = array($buildhost[1]); } else if ($ext == '.done') { // beware! this block is called twice for a given $key $pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['start'] = key2timestamp($val[6]); $pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['end'] = round($val[12]); $pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['diff'] = $pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['end'] - $pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['start']; @$build_dates[date('H', $pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['start'])] += 1; // keep obviously dubious values out of there // 12 hours is be an acceptable threshold given current BS global perfs // as of April 2011 if ($pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['diff'] < 43200) { $buildtime_total[$key] = $pkgs[$key]['buildtime']['diff']; } } } // sort by key in reverse order to have more recent pkgs first krsort($pkgs); ksort($build_dates); $build_count = count($buildtime_total); $buildtime_total = array_sum($buildtime_total); // count all packages statuses $stats = array( 'uploaded' => 0, 'failure' => 0, 'todo' => 0, 'building' => 0, 'partial' => 0, 'built' => 0, ); $total = count($pkgs); // count users' packages $users = array(); if ($total > 0) { foreach ($pkgs as $key => $p) { $pkgs[$key]['type'] = pkg_gettype($p); $stats[$pkgs[$key]['type']] += 1; if (!array_key_exists($p['user'], $users)) $users[$p['user']] = 1; else $users[$p['user']] += 1; } } // check if emi is running $stat = stat("/var/lib/schedbot/tmp/upload"); if ($stat) { $upload_time = $stat['mtime']; } // publish stats as headers foreach ($stats as $k => $v) { Header("X-BS-Queue-$k: $v"); } $w = $stats['todo'] - 10; if($w < 0) $w = 0; $w = $w * 60; Header("X-BS-Throttle: $w"); $buildtime_total = $buildtime_total / 60; header(sprintf('X-BS-Buildtime: %d', round($buildtime_total))); $buildtime_avg = round($buildtime_total / $build_count, 2); header(sprintf('X-BS-Buildtime-Average: %5.2f', $buildtime_avg)); ?> <?php echo strip_tags($title); ?>

« Back to full list'; # Temporary until initial mirror is ready echo sprintf( '

%s broken dependencies. %s unmaintained packages. You can help!

', 'data/missing-deps.i586.txt', count($missing_deps) == 0 ? 'no' : count($missing_deps), 'data/unmaintained.txt', count($unmaintained), 'https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Importing_packages' ); ######################################### if ($upload_time) { echo sprintf('

Upload in progress for %s.

', timediff($upload_time)); } $buildtime_stats = array(); $s = ''; $tmpl = << %s %s %s %s %s/%s T; if ($total > 0) { foreach ($pkgs as $key => $p) { $s .= sprintf($tmpl, $p['type'], timediff(key2timestamp($key)) . ' ago', $p['user'], $p['user'], $p['revision'], addslashes($p['summary']), $p['package'], $p['version'], $p['media'], $p['section'] ); $typelink = ''; if ($p['type'] == 'failure') { $typelink = '/uploads/' . $p['type'] . '/' . $p['path']; } elseif ($p['type'] == 'rejected') { $typelink = '/uploads/' . $p['type'] . '/' . $p['path'] . '.youri'; } $typestr = $p['type']; if ($p['status']['build']) { $typealt = 'Building on'; foreach ($p['status']['build'] as $h) $typealt .= " $h"; $typestr = "$typestr"; } $s .= ''; $s .= ($typelink != '') ? sprintf('%s', $typelink, $typestr) : $typestr; $s .= ''; if ($p['type'] == 'uploaded') { $tdiff = timediff($p['buildtime']['start'], $p['buildtime']['end']); // use $p['buildtime']['diff']; instead? $s .= $tdiff; @$buildtime_stats[$tdiff] += 1; } $s .= ''; $s .= ''; } // Table echo '', '', '', $s, '
', $total, ' packages submitted in the past ', $max_modified * 24, ' hours.
SubmittedUser PackageTargetMedia StatusBuild time
'; // Stats $s = '
'; $score = round($stats['uploaded']/$total * 100); $s .= sprintf('

Score: %d/100

', $score, $score); $s .= ''; foreach ($stats as $k => $v) { $s .= sprintf('', $k, $k, $v, round($v/$total*100)); } $s .= '

'; $s .= ''; arsort($users); foreach ($users as $k => $v) $s .= sprintf('', $k, $k, $v); $s .= '

'; /** */ function timesort($a, $b) { $a = explode(' ', trim($a)); $b = explode(' ', trim($b)); if ($a[1] == 'hour' || $a[1] == 'hours') $a[0] *= 3600; if ($b[1] == 'hour' || $a[1] == 'hours') $b[0] *= 3600; if ($a[0] > $b[0]) return 1; elseif ($a[0] < $b[0]) return -1; return 0; } uksort($buildtime_stats, "timesort"); $bts = ''; $max = max($buildtime_stats); foreach ($buildtime_stats as $time => $count) { $bts .= sprintf('%s', $time, round($count/$max*100), $count); $tmp = explode(' ', $time); } $s .= ''; $s .= sprintf('', round($buildtime_total / 60, 2), $buildtime_avg, $buildtime_cnt); $s .= ''; $s .= $bts; $s .= '
Build time
Total time%s hours
Average%s minutes
Builds count%s
DurationPack. nb.
Does not take
build failures
into account.
'; $s .= ''; $max = max($build_dates); foreach ($build_dates as $time => $count) $s .= sprintf('', $time, round($count / $max * 100), $count); $s .= '
Build times
'; $s .= '
'; echo $s; } else { echo sprintf('

No package has been submitted in the past %d hours.

', $max_modified * 24); } ?>

Generated at . Code for this page is in http://svnweb.mageia.org/soft/build_system/web/.