# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Identity / CatDap\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-19 13:15+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Florin Catalin RUSSEN \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: ro\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2)\n" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:133 msgid "Activation" msgstr "Activare" #: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28 root/admin/account_modify.tt:24 #: root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:48 msgid "Add" msgstr "Adaugă" #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:85 msgid "Add ObjectClass" msgstr "Adaugă o clasă obiect" #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:47 msgid "Add attribute" msgstr "Adaugă atribut" #. (oc, dn) #: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:1 msgid "Adding objectclass %1 to dn %2" msgstr "Se adaugă clasa obiect de la %1 pînă la dn %2" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:49 msgid "Addresses do not match" msgstr "Adresele introduse nu sînt identice" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:89 msgid "An account already exists with this email address" msgstr "Această adresă de e-mail este asociată unui alt cont" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:94 msgid "An account already exists with this username" msgstr "Acest nume de utilizator este deja înregistrat" #. ($errors) #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:145 msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. Errors %1" msgstr "S-a produs o eroare în timpul expedierii e-mailului, însă contul a fost creat. Încercați procesul de recuperare a parolei, dacă adresa de e-mail introdusă este corectă. Erori %1" #. ($errors) #: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:548 msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1" msgstr "S-a produs o eroare în timpul expedierii e-mailului, însă contul a fost creat. Încercați procesul de recuperare a parolei, dacă adresa de e-mail introdusă este corectă: %1" #. ($errors) #: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:110 msgid "An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1" msgstr "S-a produs o eroare în timpul expedierii e-mailului, încercați mai tîrziu. Erori %1" #: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:9 root/admin/account_modify.tt:8 #: root/admin/group_modify.tt:5 root/user/index.tt:4 msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Atribut" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:56 msgid "Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators" msgstr "Nu s-a putut verifica fișierul /etc/passwd, avertizați administratorii de sistem" #: root/register/index.tt:29 msgid "Captcha" msgstr "Captcha" #: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:15 msgid "Change" msgstr "Schimbă" #: root/user/fake.tt:2 msgid "Change password" msgstr "Schimbă parola" #: root/register/complete.tt:5 msgid "Check your mail for activation instructions." msgstr "Verificați adresa de e-mail pentru instrucțiunile de activare." #: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:5 msgid "Check your mail for password reset instructions." msgstr "Verificați adresa de e-mail pentru a obține informații în vederea resetării parolei." #: root/register/index.tt:24 msgid "Confirm Email address" msgstr "Reintroduceți adresa de e-mail" #: root/user/password.tt:5 msgid "Current password" msgstr "Parola curentă" #. (cn) #. (entry.cn) #: root/email/activation.tt:1 root/email/admin/password.tt:1 #: root/email/forgot_password.tt:1 msgid "Dear %1," msgstr "Dragă %1," #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:27 root/user/index.tt:22 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Șterge" #: root/user/fake.tt:1 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editează" #: root/admin/account.tt:33 root/admin/account.tt:8 #: root/admin/account_promote.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:20 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" #: root/forgot_password/index.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:21 msgid "Email address" msgstr "Adresă e-mail" #: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:1 msgid "Email sent." msgstr "E-mail expediat." #: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:2 msgid "Enter new password." msgstr "Introduceți noua parolă." #: root/register/index.tt:32 msgid "Enter text" msgstr "Introduceți text" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:62 #: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:76 msgid "Error while searching for account: " msgstr "S-a produs o eroare în cursul căutării contului: " #: root/admin/account.tt:34 root/admin/account_promote.tt:7 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Prenume" #: root/register/index.tt:13 msgid "First name" msgstr "Prenume" #: root/forgot_password/index.tt:2 msgid "Forgot your password?" msgstr "Ați uitat parola?" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:98 msgid "Forgotten password" msgstr "Parolă uitată" #: root/index.tt:17 msgid "Forgotten password?" msgstr "Parolă uitată?" #: root/admin/account.tt:36 root/admin/account.tt:9 #: root/admin/account_promote.tt:9 msgid "Full Name" msgstr "Nume complet" #: root/admin/group.tt:27 msgid "Group Name" msgstr "Numele grupului" #: root/admin/group.tt:9 msgid "Group name" msgstr "Numele grupului" #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:2 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grupuri" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52 msgid "Incorrect validation text, please try again" msgstr "Textul introdus este greșit, reîncercați" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:45 #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:46 msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "Adresa de e-mail este invalidă" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:42 msgid "Invalid username" msgstr "Numele de utilizator este invalid" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:59 msgid "Invalid username, already used by system" msgstr "Nume de utilizator invalid, este deja utilizat" #: root/template/header:10 root/user/fake.tt:3 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Deautentificare" #: root/index.tt:1 root/index.tt:13 msgid "Login" msgstr "Autentificare" #: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8 root/user/firstlogin.tt:5 #: root/user/password.tt:9 msgid "New Password" msgstr "Parolă nouă" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:295 msgid "New passwords dont match" msgstr "Parolele nu sînt identice" #: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:4 msgid "Operation was successful." msgstr "Operațiunea a fost efectuată cu succes." #: root/index.tt:10 msgid "Password : " msgstr "Parolă : " #: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:289 msgid "Password incorrect" msgstr "Parolă incorectă" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:551 msgid "Password reset and email sent" msgstr "E-mailul pentru reinițializarea parolei a fost trimis" #: root/register/index.tt:12 msgid "Personal Information" msgstr "Informații personale" #: root/email/admin/password.tt:5 msgid "Please click below to change your password" msgstr "Faceți clic pe legătura de mai jos pentru a vă schimba parola" #: root/admin/index.tt:1 msgid "Please use the menus above." msgstr "Utilizați meniurile de mai sus." #: root/admin/account_promote.tt:25 msgid "Primary group" msgstr "Grup primar" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:82 msgid "Privileged accounts may not recover passwords via this mechanism" msgstr "Conturile cu privilegii s-ar putea să nu recupereze parolele prin acest mecanism" #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:71 msgid "Promote" msgstr "Promovează" #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:62 msgid "Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:" msgstr "Promovează utilizatorul la posixAccount cu grupul primar:" #: root/index.tt:16 root/register/index.tt:3 root/register/index.tt:35 msgid "Register" msgstr "Înregistrare" #: root/register/complete.tt:1 msgid "Registration completed" msgstr "Înregistrare efectuată" #: root/register/complete.tt:4 msgid "Registration was successful." msgstr "Înregistrarea a fost efectuată cu succes." #: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11 root/user/firstlogin.tt:10 #: root/user/password.tt:12 msgid "Repeat New Password" msgstr "Reintroduceți noua parolă" #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1 root/forgot_password/index.tt:12 msgid "Reset password" msgstr "Reinițializează parola" #: root/admin/account.tt:22 msgid "Search" msgstr "Caută" #: root/admin/account.tt:4 root/admin/group.tt:5 msgid "Search by" msgstr "Caută după" #: root/admin/account_promote.tt:4 msgid "Select" msgstr "Selectează" #: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:16 msgid "Set new password" msgstr "Aplică noua parolă" #: root/register/check.tt:1 msgid "Success" msgstr "Succes" #: root/admin/account.tt:10 root/admin/account.tt:35 #: root/admin/account_promote.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:16 msgid "Surname" msgstr "Nume" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:70 msgid "The first name supplied contains illegal characters" msgstr "Prenumele introdus conține caractere ce nu pot fi utilizate" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:75 msgid "The surname supplied contains illegal characters" msgstr "Numele introdus conține caractere ce nu pot fi utilizate" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:67 msgid "This email address is not bound to an account" msgstr "Această adresă de e-mail nu este asociată vreunui cont" #: root/email/activation.tt:3 msgid "To activate your account, please follow the link below." msgstr "Pentru a vă activa contul accesați legătura de mai jos." #: root/email/forgot_password.tt:3 msgid "To reset your password, please follow the link below." msgstr "Pentru a vă reinițializa parola accesați legatura de mai jos." #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:35 root/user/index.tt:29 msgid "Update" msgstr "Actualizează" #: root/admin/account.tt:32 root/admin/account.tt:7 #: root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/register/index.tt:7 #: root/register/index.tt:8 msgid "Username" msgstr "Nume de utilizator" #: root/index.tt:6 msgid "Username : " msgstr "Nume de utilizator : " #: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:65 msgid "Username is not authorized to be used" msgstr "Acest nume de utilizator nu poate fi folosit" #: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:10 root/admin/account_modify.tt:9 #: root/admin/group_modify.tt:6 root/user/index.tt:4 msgid "Value" msgstr "Valoare" #. (c.config.organisation) #: root/email/forgot_password.tt:2 msgid "Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing." msgstr "A fost înregistrată o cerere de schimbare a parolei pentru contul %1. Dacă nu ați solicitat această modificare sau dacă nu doriți continuarea procesul de reinițializare puteți ignora acest mesaj." #. (c.config.organisation) #: root/email/activation.tt:2 msgid "Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation." msgstr "Contul %1 a fost creat cu succes, însă trebuie activat." #. (c.user.username) #: root/email/admin/password.tt:3 msgid "Your password was reset by %1" msgstr "Parola a fost neinițializată de către %1" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:61 msgid "Your session has expired" msgstr "Sesiunea a expirat" #: root/admin/account.tt:15 root/admin/group.tt:15 msgid "contains" msgstr "conține" #: root/admin/group_modify.tt:14 msgid "delete" msgstr "șterge" #: root/admin/account.tt:17 root/admin/group.tt:17 msgid "greater than or equal to" msgstr "mai mare sau egal cu" #: root/admin/account.tt:16 root/admin/group.tt:16 msgid "is exactly" msgstr "este exact" #: root/admin/account.tt:18 root/admin/group.tt:18 msgid "less than" msgstr "mai mic decît" #: root/admin/group.tt:10 msgid "member" msgstr "membru" #: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:535 msgid "password reset" msgstr "reinițializarea parolei" #: root/admin/account_modify.tt:53 msgid "with value" msgstr "cu valoarea"