# Dashboard for Mageia buildsystem Romain d'Alverny for Mageia.Org Code is available in http://svn.mageia.org/svn/soft/dashboard/ under MIT license, see LICENSE.txt. ## About This is quite an ugly functional sample to get a first idea of what we can have. Here, we focus on the chain from code source of individual projects to the final ISO to download: - individual source projects (Box/01_UpstreamProjects.php, disabled for now) - source packages in Mageia (Box/02_) - build system (Box/03_) - cauldron packages (Box/04_) - ISO build (Box/5_, disabled for now) For each step, we aim to gather as meaningful data as possible: status, QA, availability, things broken or to improve. ## Requirements - PHP 5.2+ ## Usage Call make_report.php > report.html ## Next Basically, in the future, we need: * a service that fetches data from severals sources and normalize them into a local data store; that doesn't prevent data sources to be published in a practical form (say, UTF-8, json format, public API) * a renderer (cron-called or on-the-fly) that publishes easy to grasp metrics in visual forms.