#!/bin/sh PHPBB_PATH="/home/vagrant/phpbb" PHPBB_CONFIG="${PHPBB_PATH}/phpBB/config.php" PHPBB_INSTALL="${PHPBB_PATH}/vagrant/phpbb-install-config.yml" # Ensure composer deps are installed cd ${PHPBB_PATH}/phpBB php ../composer.phar install # Backup current config.php file if [ -e ${PHPBB_CONFIG} ] then cp --backup=numbered ${PHPBB_CONFIG} ${PHPBB_CONFIG}.bak fi # Delete any sqlite db and config file rm -rf /tmp/phpbb.sqlite3 rm -rf ${PHPBB_CONFIG} # Install phpBB php ${PHPBB_PATH}/phpBB/install/phpbbcli.php install ${PHPBB_INSTALL} # Update sqlite db file permissions sudo chown -R vagrant /tmp/phpbb.sqlite3 # Add DEBUG mode to phpBB to remove annoying installer warnings sed -i "$ a @define('DEBUG', true);" ${PHPBB_CONFIG} echo "Your board is ready at"