#!/bin/bash # # This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package. # # @copyright (c) phpBB Limited # @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) # # For full copyright and license information, please see # the docs/CREDITS.txt file. # set -e set -x DB=$1 TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION=$2 NOTESTS=$3 if [ "$NOTESTS" == '1' ] then travis/setup-exiftool.sh travis/setup-unbuffer.sh fi if [ "$DB" == "mariadb" ] then travis/setup-mariadb.sh fi if [ "$NOTESTS" != '1' -a "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" != "hhvm" ] then travis/setup-php-extensions.sh fi if [ "$NOTESTS" != '1' ] then travis/setup-webserver.sh travis/install-phpbb-test-dependencies.sh fi cd phpBB php ../composer.phar install --dev --no-interaction --prefer-source cd ..