version_helper = new \phpbb\version_helper( new phpbb_mock_null_cache(), new \phpbb\config\config(array( 'version' => '3.1.0', )), new \phpbb\user() ); } public function is_stable_data() { return array( array( '3.0.0-a1', false, ), array( '3.0.0-b1', false, ), array( '3.0.0-rc1', false, ), array( '3.0.0-RC1', false, ), array( '3.0.0', true, ), array( '3.0.0-pl1', true, ), array( '', true, ), array( '3.1-dev', false, ), array( 'foobar', false, ), ); } /** * @dataProvider is_stable_data */ public function test_is_stable($version, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, $this->version_helper->is_stable($version)); } public function get_suggested_updates_data() { return array( array( '1.0.0', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), ), array( '1.0.1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), array( '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), ), array( '1.0.1-a1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1-a2', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.0', ), ), array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1-a2', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.0', ), ), ), array( '1.1.0', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), array( '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), ), array( '1.1.1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), array(), ), array( '1.1.0-a1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.0-a2', ), ), array( '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.0-a2', ), ), ), ); } /** * @dataProvider get_suggested_updates_data */ public function test_get_suggested_updates($current_version, $versions, $expected) { $version_helper = $this ->getMockBuilder('\phpbb\version_helper') ->setMethods(array( 'get_versions_matching_stability', )) ->setConstructorArgs(array( new phpbb_mock_null_cache(), new \phpbb\config\config(array( 'version' => $current_version, )), new \phpbb\user(), )) ->getMock() ; $version_helper->expects($this->any()) ->method('get_versions_matching_stability') ->will($this->returnValue($versions)); $this->assertSame($expected, $version_helper->get_suggested_updates()); } public function get_latest_on_current_branch_data() { return array( array( '1.0.0', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), '1.0.1', ), array( '1.0.1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), '1.0.1', ), array( '1.0.1-a1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1-a2', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.0', ), ), '1.0.1-a2', ), array( '1.1.0', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), '1.1.1', ), array( '1.1.1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.1', ), ), '1.1.1', ), array( '1.1.0-a1', array( '1.0' => array( 'current' => '1.0.1', ), '1.1' => array( 'current' => '1.1.0-a2', ), ), '1.1.0-a2', ), ); } /** * @dataProvider get_latest_on_current_branch_data */ public function test_get_latest_on_current_branch($current_version, $versions, $expected) { $version_helper = $this ->getMockBuilder('\phpbb\version_helper') ->setMethods(array( 'get_versions_matching_stability', )) ->setConstructorArgs(array( new phpbb_mock_null_cache(), new \phpbb\config\config(array( 'version' => $current_version, )), new \phpbb\user(), )) ->getMock() ; $version_helper->expects($this->any()) ->method('get_versions_matching_stability') ->will($this->returnValue($versions)); $this->assertSame($expected, $version_helper->get_latest_on_current_branch()); } public function test_version_phpbb_com() { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions.' . $phpEx); if (!phpbb_checkdnsrr('', 'A')) { $this->markTestSkipped(sprintf( 'Could not find a DNS record for hostname %s. ' . 'Assuming network is down.', '' )); } $this->version_helper->get_versions(); // get_versions checks to make sure we got a valid versions file or // throws an exception if we did not. We don't need to test anything // here, but adding an assertion so we do not get a warning about no // assertions in this test $this->assertSame(true, true); } }