* @package testing
* @copyright (c) 2011 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2

class phpbb_user_lang_test extends phpbb_test_case
	public function test_user_lang_sprintf()
		$user = new phpbb_user;
		$user->lang = array(
			'FOO'		=> 'BAR',
			'BARZ'		=> 'PENG',
			'EMPTY'		=> '',
			'ZERO'		=> '0',
			'STR'		=> '%d %s, %d topics',
			'STR2'		=> '%d foos',
			'ARRY'		=> array(
				0		=> 'No posts',		// 0
				1		=> '1 post',		// 1
				2		=> '%d posts',		// 2+
			'ARRY_NO_ZERO'	=> array(
				1		=> '1 post',		// 1
				2		=> '%d posts',		// 0, 2+
			'ARRY_MISSING'	=> array(
				1		=> '%d post',		// 1
				//Missing second plural
			'ARRY_FLOAT'	=> array(
				1		=> '1 post',		// 1.x
				2		=> '%1$.1f posts',	// 0.x, 2+.x
			'ARRY_EMPTY'	=> array(
			'dateformat'	=> array(
				'AGO'	=> array(
					1	=> '%d second',
					2	=> '%d seconds',

		// No param
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('FOO'), 'BAR');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('EMPTY'), '');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ZERO'), '0');

		// Invalid index
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('VOID'), 'VOID');

		// Unnecessary param
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('FOO', 2), 'BAR');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('FOO', 2, 3), 'BAR');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('FOO', 2, 3, 'BARZ'), 'BAR');

		// String
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('STR', 24, 'x', 42), '24 x, 42 topics');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('STR2', 64), '64 foos');

		// Array
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 0), 'No posts');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 1), '1 post');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 2), '2 posts');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 123), '123 posts');

		// Empty array returns the language key
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_EMPTY', 123), 'ARRY_EMPTY');

		// No 0 key defined
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_NO_ZERO', 0), '0 posts');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_NO_ZERO', 1), '1 post');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_NO_ZERO', 2), '2 posts');

		// Array with missing keys
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_MISSING', 2), '2 post');

		// Floats as array key
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_FLOAT', 1.3), '1 post');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_FLOAT', 2.0), '2.0 posts');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY_FLOAT', 2.51), '2.5 posts');

		// Use sub key, if first paramenter is an array
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang(array('dateformat', 'AGO'), 2), '2 seconds');

		// ticket PHPBB3-9949 - use first int to determinate the plural-form to use
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 1, 2), '1 post');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 1, 's', 2), '1 post');

		// ticket PHPBB3-10345 - different plural rules, not just 0/1/2+
		$user = new phpbb_user;
		$user->lang = array(
			'PLURAL_RULE'		=> 13,
			'ARRY'		=> array(
				0		=> '%d is 0',						// 0
				1		=> '%d is 1',						// 1
				2		=> '%d ends with 01-10',			// ending with 01-10
				3		=> '%d ends with 11-19',			// ending with 11-19
				4		=> '%d is part of the last rule',	// everything else
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 0), '0 is 0');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 1), '1 is 1');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 103), '103 ends with 01-10');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 15), '15 ends with 11-19');
		$this->assertEquals($user->lang('ARRY', 300), '300 is part of the last rule');