<?php /** * * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package. * * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com> * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ use Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\CookieJar; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_install.php'; class phpbb_functional_test_case extends phpbb_test_case { static protected $client; static protected $cookieJar; static protected $root_url; protected $cache = null; protected $db = null; protected $extension_manager = null; /** * Session ID for current test's session (each test makes its own) * @var string */ protected $sid; /** * Language array used by phpBB * @var array */ protected $lang = array(); static protected $config = array(); static protected $already_installed = false; static protected $last_post_timestamp = 0; static public function setUpBeforeClass() { parent::setUpBeforeClass(); self::$config = phpbb_test_case_helpers::get_test_config(); self::$root_url = self::$config['phpbb_functional_url']; // Important: this is used both for installation and by // test cases for querying the tables. // Therefore table prefix must be set before a board is // installed, and also before each test case is run. self::$config['table_prefix'] = 'phpbb_'; if (!isset(self::$config['phpbb_functional_url'])) { self::markTestSkipped('phpbb_functional_url was not set in test_config and wasn\'t set as PHPBB_FUNCTIONAL_URL environment variable either.'); } if (!self::$already_installed) { self::install_board(); self::$already_installed = true; } } /** * @return array List of extensions that should be set up */ static protected function setup_extensions() { return array(); } public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->bootstrap(); self::$cookieJar = new CookieJar; self::$client = new Goutte\Client(array(), null, self::$cookieJar); // Reset the curl handle because it is 0 at this point and not a valid // resource self::$client->getClient()->getCurlMulti()->reset(true); // Clear the language array so that things // that were added in other tests are gone $this->lang = array(); $this->add_lang('common'); $this->purge_cache(); $db = $this->get_db(); foreach (static::setup_extensions() as $extension) { $sql = 'SELECT ext_active FROM ' . EXT_TABLE . " WHERE ext_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($extension). "'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $status = (bool) $db->sql_fetchfield('ext_active'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$status) { $this->install_ext($extension); } } } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); if ($this->db instanceof \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface) { // Close the database connections again this test $this->db->sql_close(); } } /** * Perform a request to page * * @param string $method HTTP Method * @param string $path Page path, relative from phpBB root path * @param array $form_data An array of form field values * @param bool $assert_response_html Should we perform standard assertions for a normal html page * @return Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler */ static public function request($method, $path, $form_data = array(), $assert_response_html = true) { $crawler = self::$client->request($method, self::$root_url . $path, $form_data); if ($assert_response_html) { self::assert_response_html(); } return $crawler; } /** * Submits a form * * @param Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Form $form A Form instance * @param array $values An array of form field values * @param bool $assert_response_html Should we perform standard assertions for a normal html page * @return Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler */ static public function submit(Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Form $form, array $values = array(), $assert_response_html = true) { $crawler = self::$client->submit($form, $values); if ($assert_response_html) { self::assert_response_html(); } return $crawler; } /** * Get Client Content * * @return string HTML page */ static public function get_content() { return self::$client->getResponse()->getContent(); } // bootstrap, called after board is set up // once per test case class // test cases can override this protected function bootstrap() { } public function __construct($name = NULL, array $data = array(), $dataName = '') { parent::__construct($name, $data, $dataName); $this->backupStaticAttributesBlacklist += array( 'phpbb_functional_test_case' => array('config', 'already_installed'), ); } protected function get_db() { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; // so we don't reopen an open connection if (!($this->db instanceof \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface)) { $dbms = self::$config['dbms']; $this->db = new $dbms(); $this->db->sql_connect(self::$config['dbhost'], self::$config['dbuser'], self::$config['dbpasswd'], self::$config['dbname'], self::$config['dbport']); } return $this->db; } protected function get_cache_driver() { if (!$this->cache) { $this->cache = new \phpbb\cache\driver\file; } return $this->cache; } protected function purge_cache() { $cache = $this->get_cache_driver(); $cache->purge(); $cache->unload(); $cache->load(); } protected function get_extension_manager() { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; $config = new \phpbb\config\config(array()); $db = $this->get_db(); $db_tools = new \phpbb\db\tools($db); $migrator = new \phpbb\db\migrator( $config, $db, $db_tools, self::$config['table_prefix'] . 'migrations', $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, self::$config['table_prefix'], array(), new \phpbb\db\migration\helper() ); $container = new phpbb_mock_container_builder(); $container->set('migrator', $migrator); $user = new \phpbb\user('\phpbb\datetime'); $extension_manager = new \phpbb\extension\manager( $container, $db, $config, new phpbb\filesystem(), $user, self::$config['table_prefix'] . 'ext', dirname(__FILE__) . '/', $phpEx, $this->get_cache_driver() ); return $extension_manager; } static protected function install_board() { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; self::recreate_database(self::$config); $config_file = $phpbb_root_path . "config.$phpEx"; $config_file_dev = $phpbb_root_path . "config_dev.$phpEx"; $config_file_test = $phpbb_root_path . "config_test.$phpEx"; if (file_exists($config_file)) { if (!file_exists($config_file_dev)) { rename($config_file, $config_file_dev); } else { unlink($config_file); } } self::$cookieJar = new CookieJar; self::$client = new Goutte\Client(array(), null, self::$cookieJar); // Set client manually so we can increase the cURL timeout self::$client->setClient(new Guzzle\Http\Client('', array( Guzzle\Http\Client::DISABLE_REDIRECTS => true, 'curl.options' => array( CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120, ), ))); // Reset the curl handle because it is 0 at this point and not a valid // resource self::$client->getClient()->getCurlMulti()->reset(true); $parseURL = parse_url(self::$config['phpbb_functional_url']); $crawler = self::request('GET', 'install/index.php?mode=install&language=en'); self::assertContains('Welcome to Installation', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=requirements $crawler = self::submit($form); self::assertContains('Installation compatibility', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=database $crawler = self::submit($form); self::assertContains('Database configuration', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(array( // Installer uses 3.0-style dbms name 'dbms' => str_replace('phpbb\db\driver\\', '', self::$config['dbms']), 'dbhost' => self::$config['dbhost'], 'dbport' => self::$config['dbport'], 'dbname' => self::$config['dbname'], 'dbuser' => self::$config['dbuser'], 'dbpasswd' => self::$config['dbpasswd'], 'table_prefix' => self::$config['table_prefix'], )); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=database $crawler = self::submit($form); self::assertContains('Successful connection', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=administrator $crawler = self::submit($form); self::assertContains('Administrator configuration', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(array( 'default_lang' => 'en', 'admin_name' => 'admin', 'admin_pass1' => 'adminadmin', 'admin_pass2' => 'adminadmin', 'board_email' => 'nobody@example.com', )); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=administrator $crawler = self::submit($form); self::assertContains('Tests passed', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(); // We have to skip install/index.php?mode=install&sub=config_file // because that step will create a config.php file if phpBB has the // permission to do so. We have to create the config file on our own // in order to get the DEBUG constants defined. $config_php_data = phpbb_create_config_file_data(self::$config, self::$config['dbms'], true, false, true); $config_created = file_put_contents($config_file, $config_php_data) !== false; if (!$config_created) { self::markTestSkipped("Could not write $config_file file."); } // We also have to create a install lock that is normally created by // the installer. The file will be removed by the final step of the // installer. $install_lock_file = $phpbb_root_path . 'cache/install_lock'; $lock_created = file_put_contents($install_lock_file, '') !== false; if (!$lock_created) { self::markTestSkipped("Could not create $lock_created file."); } @chmod($install_lock_file, 0666); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=advanced $form_data = $form->getValues(); unset($form_data['submit']); $crawler = self::request('POST', 'install/index.php?mode=install&sub=advanced', $form_data); self::assertContains('The settings on this page are only necessary to set if you know that you require something different from the default.', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(array( 'email_enable' => true, 'smtp_delivery' => true, 'smtp_host' => 'nxdomain.phpbb.com', 'smtp_auth' => 'PLAIN', 'smtp_user' => 'nxuser', 'smtp_pass' => 'nxpass', 'cookie_secure' => false, 'force_server_vars' => false, 'server_protocol' => $parseURL['scheme'] . '://', 'server_name' => 'localhost', 'server_port' => isset($parseURL['port']) ? (int) $parseURL['port'] : 80, 'script_path' => $parseURL['path'], )); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=create_table $crawler = self::submit($form); self::assertContains('The database tables used by phpBB', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); self::assertContains('have been created and populated with some initial data.', $crawler->filter('#main')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('submit')->form(); // install/index.php?mode=install&sub=final $crawler = self::submit($form); self::assertContains('You have successfully installed', $crawler->text()); copy($config_file, $config_file_test); } public function install_ext($extension) { $this->login(); $this->admin_login(); $ext_path = str_replace('/', '%2F', $extension); $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=enable_pre&ext_name=' . $ext_path . '&sid=' . $this->sid); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $crawler->filter('.submit-buttons')->count()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('Enable')->form(); $crawler = self::submit($form); $this->add_lang('acp/extensions'); $this->assertContainsLang('EXTENSION_ENABLE_SUCCESS', $crawler->filter('div.successbox')->text()); $this->logout(); } static private function recreate_database($config) { $db_conn_mgr = new phpbb_database_test_connection_manager($config); $db_conn_mgr->recreate_db(); } /** * Creates a new style * * @param string $style_id Style ID * @param string $style_path Style directory * @param string $parent_style_id Parent style id. Default = 1 * @param string $parent_style_path Parent style directory. Default = 'prosilver' */ protected function add_style($style_id, $style_path, $parent_style_id = 1, $parent_style_path = 'prosilver') { global $phpbb_root_path; $db = $this->get_db(); if (version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, '3.1.0-dev', '<')) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . STYLES_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array( 'style_id' => $style_id, 'style_name' => $style_path, 'style_copyright' => '', 'style_active' => 1, 'template_id' => $style_id, 'theme_id' => $style_id, 'imageset_id' => $style_id, )); $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . STYLES_IMAGESET_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array( 'imageset_id' => $style_id, 'imageset_name' => $style_path, 'imageset_copyright' => '', 'imageset_path' => $style_path, )); $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array( 'template_id' => $style_id, 'template_name' => $style_path, 'template_copyright' => '', 'template_path' => $style_path, 'bbcode_bitfield' => 'kNg=', 'template_inherits_id' => $parent_style_id, 'template_inherit_path' => $parent_style_path, )); $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . STYLES_THEME_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array( 'theme_id' => $style_id, 'theme_name' => $style_path, 'theme_copyright' => '', 'theme_path' => $style_path, 'theme_storedb' => 0, 'theme_mtime' => 0, 'theme_data' => '', )); $db->sql_query($sql); if ($style_path != 'prosilver' && $style_path != 'subsilver2') { @mkdir($phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $style_path, 0777); @mkdir($phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $style_path . '/template', 0777); } } else { $db->sql_multi_insert(STYLES_TABLE, array(array( 'style_id' => $style_id, 'style_name' => $style_path, 'style_copyright' => '', 'style_active' => 1, 'style_path' => $style_path, 'bbcode_bitfield' => 'kNg=', 'style_parent_id' => $parent_style_id, 'style_parent_tree' => $parent_style_path, ))); } } /** * Remove temporary style created by add_style() * * @param string $style_id Style ID * @param string $style_path Style directory */ protected function delete_style($style_id, $style_path) { global $phpbb_root_path; $db = $this->get_db(); $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . STYLES_TABLE . ' WHERE style_id = ' . $style_id); if (version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, '3.1.0-dev', '<')) { $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . STYLES_IMAGESET_TABLE . ' WHERE imageset_id = ' . $style_id); $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_TABLE . ' WHERE template_id = ' . $style_id); $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . STYLES_THEME_TABLE . ' WHERE theme_id = ' . $style_id); if ($style_path != 'prosilver' && $style_path != 'subsilver2') { @rmdir($phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $style_path . '/template'); @rmdir($phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $style_path); } } } /** * Creates a new user with limited permissions * * @param string $username Also doubles up as the user's password * @return int ID of created user */ protected function create_user($username) { // Required by unique_id global $config; $config = new \phpbb\config\config(array()); /* * Add required config entries to the config array to prevent * set_config() sending an INSERT query for already existing entries, * resulting in a SQL error. * This is because set_config() first sends an UPDATE query, then checks * sql_affectedrows() which can be 0 (e.g. on MySQL) when the new * data is already there. */ $config['newest_user_colour'] = ''; $config['rand_seed'] = ''; $config['rand_seed_last_update'] = time() + 600; // Required by user_add global $db, $cache, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_container; $db = $this->get_db(); if (!function_exists('phpbb_mock_null_cache')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../mock/null_cache.php'); } $cache = new phpbb_mock_null_cache; $cache_driver = new \phpbb\cache\driver\null(); $phpbb_container = new phpbb_mock_container_builder(); $phpbb_container->set('cache.driver', $cache_driver); $phpbb_notifications = new phpbb_mock_notification_manager(); $phpbb_container->set('notification_manager', $phpbb_notifications); if (!function_exists('utf_clean_string')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/utf/utf_tools.php'); } if (!function_exists('user_add')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_user.php'); } set_config(null, null, null, $config); set_config_count(null, null, null, $config); $phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher(); $passwords_manager = $this->get_passwords_manager(); $user_row = array( 'username' => $username, 'group_id' => 2, 'user_email' => 'nobody@example.com', 'user_type' => 0, 'user_lang' => 'en', 'user_timezone' => 'UTC', 'user_dateformat' => 'r', 'user_password' => $passwords_manager->hash($username . $username), ); return user_add($user_row); } protected function remove_user_group($group_name, $usernames) { global $db, $cache, $auth, $config, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_log, $phpbb_container, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; $config = new \phpbb\config\config(array()); $config['coppa_enable'] = 0; $db = $this->get_db(); $phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher(); $user = $this->getMock('\phpbb\user', array(), array('\phpbb\datetime')); $auth = $this->getMock('\phpbb\auth\auth'); $phpbb_log = new \phpbb\log\log($db, $user, $auth, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_root_path, 'adm/', $phpEx, LOG_TABLE); $cache = new phpbb_mock_null_cache; $cache_driver = new \phpbb\cache\driver\null(); $phpbb_container = new phpbb_mock_container_builder(); $phpbb_container->set('cache.driver', $cache_driver); $phpbb_container->set('notification_manager', new phpbb_mock_notification_manager()); if (!function_exists('utf_clean_string')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/utf/utf_tools.php'); } if (!function_exists('group_user_del')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_user.php'); } $sql = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . " WHERE group_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($group_name) . "'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $group_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); return group_user_del($group_id, false, $usernames, $group_name); } protected function add_user_group($group_name, $usernames, $default = false, $leader = false) { global $db, $cache, $auth, $config, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_log, $phpbb_container, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; $config = new \phpbb\config\config(array()); $config['coppa_enable'] = 0; $db = $this->get_db(); $phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher(); $user = $this->getMock('\phpbb\user', array(), array('\phpbb\datetime')); $auth = $this->getMock('\phpbb\auth\auth'); $phpbb_log = new \phpbb\log\log($db, $user, $auth, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_root_path, 'adm/', $phpEx, LOG_TABLE); $cache = new phpbb_mock_null_cache; $cache_driver = new \phpbb\cache\driver\null(); $phpbb_container = $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface'); $phpbb_container ->expects($this->any()) ->method('get') ->with('cache.driver') ->will($this->returnValue($cache_driver)); if (!function_exists('utf_clean_string')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/utf/utf_tools.php'); } if (!function_exists('group_user_del')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_user.php'); } $sql = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . " WHERE group_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($group_name) . "'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $group_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); return group_user_add($group_id, false, $usernames, $group_name, $default, $leader); } protected function login($username = 'admin') { $this->add_lang('ucp'); $crawler = self::request('GET', 'ucp.php'); $this->assertContains($this->lang('LOGIN_EXPLAIN_UCP'), $crawler->filter('html')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton($this->lang('LOGIN'))->form(); $crawler = self::submit($form, array('username' => $username, 'password' => $username . $username)); $this->assertNotContains($this->lang('LOGIN'), $crawler->filter('.navbar')->text()); $cookies = self::$cookieJar->all(); // The session id is stored in a cookie that ends with _sid - we assume there is only one such cookie foreach ($cookies as $cookie); { if (substr($cookie->getName(), -4) == '_sid') { $this->sid = $cookie->getValue(); } } } protected function logout() { $this->add_lang('ucp'); $crawler = self::request('GET', 'ucp.php?sid=' . $this->sid . '&mode=logout'); $this->assertContains($this->lang('REGISTER'), $crawler->filter('.navbar')->text()); unset($this->sid); } /** * Login to the ACP * You must run login() before calling this. */ protected function admin_login($username = 'admin') { $this->add_lang('acp/common'); // Requires login first! if (empty($this->sid)) { $this->fail('$this->sid is empty. Make sure you call login() before admin_login()'); return; } $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?sid=' . $this->sid); $this->assertContains($this->lang('LOGIN_ADMIN_CONFIRM'), $crawler->filter('html')->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton($this->lang('LOGIN'))->form(); foreach ($form->getValues() as $field => $value) { if (strpos($field, 'password_') === 0) { $crawler = self::submit($form, array('username' => $username, $field => $username . $username)); $this->assertContains($this->lang('ADMIN_PANEL'), $crawler->filter('h1')->text()); $cookies = self::$cookieJar->all(); // The session id is stored in a cookie that ends with _sid - we assume there is only one such cookie foreach ($cookies as $cookie); { if (substr($cookie->getName(), -4) == '_sid') { $this->sid = $cookie->getValue(); } } break; } } } protected function add_lang($lang_file) { if (is_array($lang_file)) { foreach ($lang_file as $file) { $this->add_lang($file); } } $lang_path = __DIR__ . "/../../phpBB/language/en/$lang_file.php"; $lang = array(); if (file_exists($lang_path)) { include($lang_path); } $this->lang = array_merge($this->lang, $lang); } protected function add_lang_ext($ext_name, $lang_file) { if (is_array($lang_file)) { foreach ($lang_file as $file) { $this->add_lang_ext($ext_name, $file); } return; } $lang_path = __DIR__ . "/../../phpBB/ext/{$ext_name}/language/en/$lang_file.php"; $lang = array(); if (file_exists($lang_path)) { include($lang_path); } $this->lang = array_merge($this->lang, $lang); } protected function lang() { $args = func_get_args(); $key = $args[0]; if (empty($this->lang[$key])) { throw new RuntimeException('Language key "' . $key . '" could not be found.'); } $args[0] = $this->lang[$key]; return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } /** * assertContains for language strings * * @param string $needle Search string * @param string $haystack Search this * @param string $message Optional failure message */ public function assertContainsLang($needle, $haystack, $message = null) { $this->assertContains(html_entity_decode($this->lang($needle), ENT_QUOTES), $haystack, $message); } /** * assertNotContains for language strings * * @param string $needle Search string * @param string $haystack Search this * @param string $message Optional failure message */ public function assertNotContainsLang($needle, $haystack, $message = null) { $this->assertNotContains(html_entity_decode($this->lang($needle), ENT_QUOTES), $haystack, $message); } /* * Perform some basic assertions for the page * * Checks for debug/error output before the actual page content and the status code * * @param mixed $status_code Expected status code, false to disable check * @return null */ static public function assert_response_html($status_code = 200) { if ($status_code !== false) { self::assert_response_status_code($status_code); } // Any output before the doc type means there was an error $content = self::$client->getResponse()->getContent(); self::assertNotContains('[phpBB Debug]', $content); self::assertStringStartsWith('<!DOCTYPE', trim($content), 'Output found before DOCTYPE specification.'); } /* * Perform some basic assertions for an xml page * * Checks for debug/error output before the actual page content and the status code * * @param mixed $status_code Expected status code, false to disable check * @return null */ static public function assert_response_xml($status_code = 200) { if ($status_code !== false) { self::assert_response_status_code($status_code); } // Any output before the xml opening means there was an error $content = self::$client->getResponse()->getContent(); self::assertNotContains('[phpBB Debug]', $content); self::assertStringStartsWith('<?xml', trim($content), 'Output found before XML specification.'); } /** * Heuristic function to check that the response is success. * * When php decides to die with a fatal error, it still sends 200 OK * status code. This assertion tries to catch that. * * @param int $status_code Expected status code * @return null */ static public function assert_response_status_code($status_code = 200) { self::assertEquals($status_code, self::$client->getResponse()->getStatus()); } public function assert_filter($crawler, $expr, $msg = null) { $nodes = $crawler->filter($expr); if ($msg) { $msg .= "\n"; } else { $msg = ''; } $msg .= "`$expr` not found in DOM."; $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($nodes), $msg); return $nodes; } /** * Asserts that exactly one checkbox with name $name exists within the scope * of $crawler and that the checkbox is checked. * * @param Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler $crawler * @param string $name * @param string $message * * @return null */ public function assert_checkbox_is_checked($crawler, $name, $message = '') { $this->assertSame( 'checked', $this->assert_find_one_checkbox($crawler, $name)->attr('checked'), $message ?: "Failed asserting that checkbox $name is checked." ); } /** * Asserts that exactly one checkbox with name $name exists within the scope * of $crawler and that the checkbox is unchecked. * * @param Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler $crawler * @param string $name * @param string $message * * @return null */ public function assert_checkbox_is_unchecked($crawler, $name, $message = '') { $this->assertSame( '', $this->assert_find_one_checkbox($crawler, $name)->attr('checked'), $message ?: "Failed asserting that checkbox $name is unchecked." ); } /** * Searches for an input element of type checkbox with the name $name using * $crawler. Contains an assertion that only one such checkbox exists within * the scope of $crawler. * * @param Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler $crawler * @param string $name * @param string $message * * @return Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler */ public function assert_find_one_checkbox($crawler, $name, $message = '') { $query = sprintf('//input[@type="checkbox" and @name="%s"]', $name); $result = $crawler->filterXPath($query); $this->assertEquals( 1, sizeof($result), $message ?: 'Failed asserting that exactly one checkbox with name' . " $name exists in crawler scope." ); return $result; } /** * Creates a topic * * Be sure to login before creating * * @param int $forum_id * @param string $subject * @param string $message * @param array $additional_form_data Any additional form data to be sent in the request * @param string $expected Lang var of expected message after posting * @return array|null post_id, topic_id if message is empty */ public function create_topic($forum_id, $subject, $message, $additional_form_data = array(), $expected = '') { $posting_url = "posting.php?mode=post&f={$forum_id}&sid={$this->sid}"; $form_data = array_merge(array( 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'post' => true, ), $additional_form_data); return self::submit_post($posting_url, 'POST_TOPIC', $form_data, $expected); } /** * Creates a post * * Be sure to login before creating * * @param int $forum_id * @param int $topic_id * @param string $subject * @param string $message * @param array $additional_form_data Any additional form data to be sent in the request * @param string $expected Lang var of expected message after posting * @return array|null post_id, topic_id if message is empty */ public function create_post($forum_id, $topic_id, $subject, $message, $additional_form_data = array(), $expected = '') { $posting_url = "posting.php?mode=reply&f={$forum_id}&t={$topic_id}&sid={$this->sid}"; $form_data = array_merge(array( 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'post' => true, ), $additional_form_data); return self::submit_post($posting_url, 'POST_REPLY', $form_data, $expected); } /** * Helper for submitting posts * * @param string $posting_url * @param string $posting_contains * @param array $form_data * @param string $expected Lang var of expected message after posting * @return array|null post_id, topic_id if message is empty */ protected function submit_post($posting_url, $posting_contains, $form_data, $expected = '') { $this->add_lang('posting'); $crawler = $this->submit_message($posting_url, $posting_contains, $form_data); if ($expected !== '') { if (isset($this->lang[$expected])) { $this->assertContainsLang($expected, $crawler->filter('html')->text()); } else { $this->assertContains($expected, $crawler->filter('html')->text()); } return null; } $url = $crawler->selectLink($form_data['subject'])->link()->getUri(); return array( 'topic_id' => $this->get_parameter_from_link($url, 't'), 'post_id' => $this->get_parameter_from_link($url, 'p'), ); } /** * Creates a private message * * Be sure to login before creating * * @param string $subject * @param string $message * @param array $to * @param array $additional_form_data Any additional form data to be sent in the request * @return int private_message_id */ public function create_private_message($subject, $message, $to, $additional_form_data = array()) { $this->add_lang(array('ucp', 'posting')); $posting_url = "ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&sid={$this->sid}"; $form_data = array_merge(array( 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'post' => true, ), $additional_form_data); foreach ($to as $user_id) { $form_data['address_list[u][' . $user_id . ']'] = 'to'; } $crawler = self::submit_message($posting_url, 'POST_NEW_PM', $form_data); $this->assertContains($this->lang('MESSAGE_STORED'), $crawler->filter('html')->text()); $url = $crawler->selectLink($this->lang('VIEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE', '', ''))->link()->getUri(); return $this->get_parameter_from_link($url, 'p'); } /** * Helper for submitting a message (post or private message) * * @param string $posting_url * @param string $posting_contains * @param array $form_data * @return \Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler the crawler object */ protected function submit_message($posting_url, $posting_contains, $form_data) { if (time() == self::$last_post_timestamp) { // Travis is too fast, so we have to wait to not mix up the post/topic order sleep(1); } self::$last_post_timestamp = time(); $crawler = self::request('GET', $posting_url); $this->assertContains($this->lang($posting_contains), $crawler->filter('html')->text()); if (!empty($form_data['upload_files'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $form_data['upload_files']; $i++) { $file = array( 'tmp_name' => __DIR__ . '/../functional/fixtures/files/valid.jpg', 'name' => 'valid.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'size' => filesize(__DIR__ . '/../functional/fixtures/files/valid.jpg'), 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, ); $crawler = self::$client->request('POST', $posting_url, array('add_file' => $this->lang('ADD_FILE')), array('fileupload' => $file)); } unset($form_data['upload_files']); } $hidden_fields = array( $crawler->filter('[type="hidden"]')->each(function ($node, $i) { return array('name' => $node->attr('name'), 'value' => $node->attr('value')); }), ); foreach ($hidden_fields as $fields) { foreach($fields as $field) { $form_data[$field['name']] = $field['value']; } } // Bypass time restriction that said that if the lastclick time (i.e. time when the form was opened) // is not at least 2 seconds before submission, cancel the form $form_data['lastclick'] = 0; // I use a request because the form submission method does not allow you to send data that is not // contained in one of the actual form fields that the browser sees (i.e. it ignores "hidden" inputs) // Instead, I send it as a request with the submit button "post" set to true. return self::request('POST', $posting_url, $form_data); } /** * Deletes a topic * * Be sure to login before creating * * @param int $topic_id * @return null */ public function delete_topic($topic_id) { $this->add_lang('posting'); $crawler = $this->get_quickmod_page($topic_id, 'DELETE_TOPIC'); $this->assertContainsLang('DELETE_PERMANENTLY', $crawler->text()); $this->add_lang('mcp'); $form = $crawler->selectButton('Yes')->form(); $form['delete_permanent'] = 1; $crawler = self::submit($form); $this->assertContainsLang('TOPIC_DELETED_SUCCESS', $crawler->text()); } /** * Deletes a post * * Be sure to login before creating * * @param int $forum_id * @param int $topic_id * @return null */ public function delete_post($forum_id, $post_id) { $this->add_lang('posting'); $crawler = self::request('GET', "posting.php?mode=delete&f={$forum_id}&p={$post_id}&sid={$this->sid}"); $this->assertContainsLang('DELETE_PERMANENTLY', $crawler->text()); $form = $crawler->selectButton('Yes')->form(); $form['delete_permanent'] = 1; $crawler = self::submit($form); $this->assertContainsLang('POST_DELETED', $crawler->text()); } /** * Returns the requested parameter from a URL * * @param string $url * @param string $parameter * @return string Value of the parameter in the URL, null if not set */ public function get_parameter_from_link($url, $parameter) { if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { return null; } $url_parts = explode('?', $url); if (isset($url_parts[1])) { $url_parameters = $url_parts[1]; if (strpos($url_parameters, '#') !== false) { $url_parameters = explode('#', $url_parameters); $url_parameters = $url_parameters[0]; } foreach (explode('&', $url_parameters) as $url_param) { list($param, $value) = explode('=', $url_param); if ($param == $parameter) { return $value; } } } return null; } /** * Return a passwords manager instance * * @return phpbb\passwords\manager */ public function get_passwords_manager() { // Prepare dependencies for manager and driver $config = new \phpbb\config\config(array()); $driver_helper = new \phpbb\passwords\driver\helper($config); $passwords_drivers = array( 'passwords.driver.bcrypt_2y' => new \phpbb\passwords\driver\bcrypt_2y($config, $driver_helper), 'passwords.driver.bcrypt' => new \phpbb\passwords\driver\bcrypt($config, $driver_helper), 'passwords.driver.salted_md5' => new \phpbb\passwords\driver\salted_md5($config, $driver_helper), 'passwords.driver.phpass' => new \phpbb\passwords\driver\phpass($config, $driver_helper), ); $passwords_helper = new \phpbb\passwords\helper; // Set up passwords manager $manager = new \phpbb\passwords\manager($config, $passwords_drivers, $passwords_helper, array_keys($passwords_drivers)); return $manager; } /** * Get quickmod page * * @param int $topic_id * @param string $action Language key for the quickmod action * @param Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler Optional crawler object to use instead of creating new one. * @return Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler */ public function get_quickmod_page($topic_id, $action, $crawler = false) { $this->add_lang('viewtopic'); if ($crawler === false) { $crawler = self::request('GET', "viewtopic.php?t={$topic_id}&sid={$this->sid}"); } $link = $crawler->filter('#quickmod')->selectLink($this->lang($action))->link()->getUri(); return self::request('GET', substr($link, strpos($link, 'mcp.'))); } }