test_path . '/parent_templates/parent_only.html', 'parent_only.html', false, true, ), array( 'simple inheritance - only child template exists', $this->test_path . '/templates/child_only.html', 'child_only.html', false, true, ), array( 'simple inheritance - both parent and child templates exist', $this->test_path . '/templates/parent_and_child.html', 'parent_and_child.html', false, true, ), array( 'find first template - only child template exists in main style', 'child_only.html', array('parent_only.html', 'child_only.html'), false, false, ), array( 'find first template - both templates exist in main style', 'parent_and_child.html', array('parent_and_child.html', 'child_only.html'), false, false, ), ); } /** * @dataProvider template_data */ public function test_template($name, $expected, $files, $return_default, $return_full_path) { // Reset the engine state $this->setup_engine(); // Locate template $result = $this->style_resource_locator->get_first_template_location($files, $return_default, $return_full_path); $this->assertSame($expected, $result); } }