 * @package testing
 * @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../test_framework/phpbb_session_test_case.php';

class phpbb_session_validate_referrer_test extends phpbb_session_test_case
	public function getDataSet()
		return $this->createXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/sessions_empty.xml');

	static function referrer_inputs()
		$ex = "example.org";
		$alt = "example.com";
		return array(
			// checkpath   referrer  host    forcevars    port servername   rootpath   pass?
			// 0 Referrer or host wasn't collected, therefore should validate
			array(false,  '',  $ex,  false,  80, $ex,  '', true),
			array(false,  $ex, '',   false,  80, $ex,  '', true),
			// 2 Referrer doesn't match host or server_name
			array(false,  $alt, $ex,   false,  80, $ex,  '', false),
			// 3 Everything should check out
			array(false,  $ex, $ex,  false,    80, $ex,  '', true),
			// 4 Check Script Path
			array(true,  $ex, $ex,  false,    80, $ex,  '', true),
			array(true,  "$ex/foo", $ex,  false,    80, $ex,  "/foo", true),
			array(true,  "$ex/bar", $ex,  false,    80, $ex,  "/foo", false),
			// 7 Port (This is not checked unless path is checked)
			array(true,  "$ex:80/foo", "$ex:80",  false, 80, "$ex:80",  "/foo", true),
			array(true,  "$ex:80/bar", "$ex:80",  false, 80, "$ex:80",  "/foo", false),
			array(true,  "$ex:79/foo", "$ex:81",  false, 81, "$ex:81",  "/foo", false),

	/** @dataProvider referrer_inputs */
	function test_referrer_inputs(
		// Referrer needs http:// because it's going to get stripped in function.
		$referrer = $referrer ? 'http://' . $referrer : '';
			"referrer should" . ($pass_or_fail ? '' : "n't") . " be validated");