config_data = array( 'allow_autologin' => false, 'auth_method' => 'db', 'forwarded_for_check' => true, 'active_sessions' => 0, // disable 'rand_seed' => 'foo', 'rand_seed_last_update' => 0, 'max_autologin_time' => 0, 'session_length' => 100, 'form_token_lifetime' => 100, 'cookie_name' => '', 'limit_load' => 0, 'limit_search_load' => 0, 'ip_check' => 3, 'browser_check' => 1, ); $this->cache_data = array( '_bots' => array(), ); $this->cookies = array(); $this->server_data = $_SERVER; } /** * Retrieve the configured session class instance * * @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver $dbal The database connection to use for session data * @return phpbb_mock_session_testable A session instance */ public function get_session(\phpbb\db\driver\driver $dbal) { // set up all the global variables used by session global $SID, $_SID, $db, $config, $cache, $request, $phpbb_container; $request = $this->request = new phpbb_mock_request( array(), array(), $this->cookies, $this->server_data ); request_var(null, null, null, null, $request); $config = $this->config = new \phpbb\config\config($this->get_config_data()); set_config(null, null, null, $config); $db = $dbal; $cache = $this->cache = new phpbb_mock_cache($this->get_cache_data()); $SID = $_SID = null; $phpbb_container = $this->container = new phpbb_mock_container_builder(); $phpbb_container->set( 'auth.provider.db', new phpbb_mock_auth_provider() ); $session = new phpbb_mock_session_testable; return $session; } /** * Set the cookies which should be present in the request data. * * @param array $cookies The cookie data, structured like $_COOKIE contents. */ public function set_cookies(array $cookies) { $this->cookies = $cookies; } /** * Check if the cache used for the generated session contains correct data. * * @param PHPUnit_Framework_Assert $test The test case to call assert methods * on */ public function check(PHPUnit_Framework_Assert $test) { $this->cache->check($test, $this->get_cache_data()); } /** * Merge config data with the current config data to be supplied to session. * * New values overwrite new ones. * * @param array $config_data The config data to merge with previous data */ public function merge_config_data(array $config_data) { $this->config_data = array_merge($this->config_data, $config_data); } /** * Retrieve the entire config data to be passed to the session. * * @return array Configuration */ public function get_config_data() { return $this->config_data; } /** * Merge the cache contents with more data. * * New values overwrite old ones. * * @param array $cache_data The additional cache data */ public function merge_cache_data(array $cache_data) { $this->cache_data = array_merge($this->cache_data, $cache_data); } /** * Retrieve the entire cache data to be passed to the session. * * @return array Cache contents */ public function get_cache_data() { return $this->cache_data; } /** * Merge the current server info ($_SERVER) with more data. * * New values overwrite old ones. * * @param array $server_data The additional server variables */ public function merge_server_data($server_data) { return $this->server_data = array_merge($this->server_data, $server_data); } /** * Set cookies, merge config and server data in one step. * * New values overwrite old ones. * * @param $session_id * @param $user_id * @param $user_agent * @param $ip * @param int $time */ public function merge_test_data($session_id, $user_id, $user_agent, $ip, $time = 0) { $this->set_cookies(array( '_sid' => $session_id, '_u' => $user_id, )); $this->merge_config_data(array( 'session_length' => time() + $time, // need to do this to allow sessions started at time 0 )); $this->merge_server_data(array( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => $user_agent, 'REMOTE_ADDR' => $ip, )); } /** * Retrieve all server variables to be passed to the session. * * @return array Server variables */ public function get_server_data() { return $this->server_data; } }