<?php /** * * @package testing * @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2 * */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../test_framework/phpbb_session_test_case.php'; class phpbb_session_extract_page_test extends phpbb_session_test_case { public function getDataSet() { return $this->createXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/sessions_empty.xml'); } static public function extract_current_page_data() { return array( array( './', '/phpBB/index.php', '', '/phpBB/', '/', array( 'page_name' => 'index.php', 'page_dir' => '', 'query_string' => '', 'script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'root_script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'page' => 'index.php', 'forum' => 0, ), ), array( './', '/phpBB/ucp.php', 'mode=login', '/phpBB/', '/', array( 'page_name' => 'ucp.php', 'page_dir' => '', 'query_string' => 'mode=login', 'script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'root_script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'page' => 'ucp.php?mode=login', 'forum' => 0, ), ), array( './', '/phpBB/ucp.php', 'mode=register', '/phpBB/', '/', array( 'page_name' => 'ucp.php', 'page_dir' => '', 'query_string' => 'mode=register', 'script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'root_script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'page' => 'ucp.php?mode=register', 'forum' => 0, ), ), array( './', '/phpBB/ucp.php', 'mode=register', '/phpBB/', '/', array( 'page_name' => 'ucp.php', 'page_dir' => '', 'query_string' => 'mode=register', 'script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'root_script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'page' => 'ucp.php?mode=register', 'forum' => 0, ), ), array( './../', '/phpBB/adm/index.php', 'sid=e7215d958cdd41a6fc13509bebe53e42', '/phpBB/adm/', '/', array( 'page_name' => 'index.php', //'page_dir' => 'adm', // ^-- Ignored because .. returns different directory in live vs testing 'query_string' => '', 'script_path' => '/phpBB/adm/', //'root_script_path' => '/phpBB/', //'page' => 'adm/index.php', 'forum' => 0, ), ), array( './', '/phpBB/adm/app.php', 'page=1&test=2', '/phpBB/', '/foo/bar', array( 'page_name' => 'app.php/foo/bar', 'page_dir' => '', 'query_string' => 'page=1&test=2', 'script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'root_script_path' => '/phpBB/', 'page' => 'app.php/foo/bar?page=1&test=2', 'forum' => 0, ), ), array( './../phpBB/', '/test/test.php', 'page=1&test=2', '/test/', '', array( 'page_name' => 'test.php', //'page_dir' => '', 'query_string' => 'page=1&test=2', 'script_path' => '/test/', //'root_script_path' => '../phpBB/', //'page' => '../test/test.php/foo/bar?page=1&test=2', 'forum' => 0, ), ), ); } /** @dataProvider extract_current_page_data */ function test_extract_current_page($root_path, $getScriptName, $getQueryString, $getBasePath, $getPathInfo, $expected) { global $symfony_request; $symfony_request = $this->getMock("\phpbb\symfony_request", array(), array( new phpbb_mock_request(), )); $symfony_request->expects($this->any()) ->method('getScriptName') ->will($this->returnValue($getScriptName)); $symfony_request->expects($this->any()) ->method('getQueryString') ->will($this->returnValue($getQueryString)); $symfony_request->expects($this->any()) ->method('getBasePath') ->will($this->returnValue($getBasePath)); $symfony_request->expects($this->any()) ->method('getPathInfo') ->will($this->returnValue($getPathInfo)); $output = \phpbb\session::extract_current_page($root_path); // This compares the result of the output. // Any keys that are not in the expected array are overwritten by the output (aka not checked). $this->assert_array_content_equals(array_merge($output, $expected), $output); } }