* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_content.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/utf/utf_tools.php'; class phpbb_profilefield_type_string_test extends phpbb_test_case { protected $cp; protected $field_options; /** * Sets up basic test objects * * @access public * @return null */ public function setUp() { global $request, $user, $cache; $user = $this->getMock('\phpbb\user', array(), array('\phpbb\datetime')); $cache = new phpbb_mock_cache; $user->expects($this->any()) ->method('lang') ->will($this->returnCallback(array($this, 'return_callback_implode'))); $request = $this->getMock('\phpbb\request\request'); $template = $this->getMock('\phpbb\template\template'); $this->cp = new \phpbb\profilefields\type\type_string( $request, $template, $user ); $this->field_options = array( 'field_type' => '\phpbb\profilefields\type\type_string', 'field_name' => 'field', 'field_id' => 1, 'lang_id' => 1, 'lang_name' => 'field', 'field_required' => false, 'field_validation' => '.*', ); } public function validate_profile_field_data() { return array( array( '', array('field_required' => true), 'FIELD_REQUIRED-field', 'Field should not accept empty values for required fields', ), array( null, array('field_required' => true), 'FIELD_REQUIRED-field', 'Field should not accept empty values for required field', ), array( 0, array('field_required' => true), false, 'Field should accept a non-empty input', ), array( 'false', array('field_required' => true), false, 'Field should accept a non-empty input', ), array( 10, array('field_required' => true), false, 'Field should accept a non-empty input', ), array( 'tas', array('field_minlen' => 2, 'field_maxlen' => 5), false, 'Field should accept value of correct length', ), array( 't', array('field_minlen' => 2, 'field_maxlen' => 5), 'FIELD_TOO_SHORT-2-field', 'Field should reject value of incorrect length', ), array( 'this is a long string', array('field_minlen' => 2, 'field_maxlen' => 5), 'FIELD_TOO_LONG-5-field', 'Field should reject value of incorrect length', ), array( 'H3110', array('field_validation' => '[0-9]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_NUMBERS_ONLY-field', 'Required field should reject characters in a numbers-only field', ), array( '<>"&%&><>', array('field_maxlen' => 10, 'field_minlen' => 2), false, 'Optional field should accept html entities', ), array( 'ö ä ü ß', array(), false, 'Required field should accept UTF-8 string', ), array( 'This ö ä string has to b', array('field_maxlen' => 10), 'FIELD_TOO_LONG-10-field', 'Required field should reject an UTF-8 string which is too long', ), array( 'ö äö äö ä', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_ALPHA_ONLY-field', 'Required field should reject UTF-8 in alpha only field', ), array( 'a_abc', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_ALPHA_ONLY-field', 'Required field should reject underscore in alpha only field', ), array( 'Hello', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), false, 'Required field should accept a characters only field', ), array( 'Valid.Username123', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z0-9.]+'), false, 'Required field should accept a alphanumeric field with dots', ), array( 'Invalid.,username123', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z0-9.]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_ALPHA_DOTS-field', 'Required field should reject field with comma', ), array( 'Invalid._username123', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z0-9.]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_ALPHA_DOTS-field', 'Required field should reject field with underscore', ), array( 'skype.test.name,_this', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z][\w\.,\-]+'), false, 'Required field should accept alphanumeric field with punctuations', ), array( '1skype.this.should.faila', array('field_validation' => '[a-zA-Z][\w\.,\-]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_ALPHA_PUNCTUATION-field', 'Required field should reject field having invalid input for the given validation', ), // UTF-8 string tests array( 'ö äö äö ä', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_LETTER_NUM_ONLY-field', 'Required field should reject spaces in UTF-8 letternumeric only field', ), array( 'Имя123', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9]+'), false, 'Required field should accept UTF-8 letternumeric only field', ), array( 'Ö äö äö- ä+', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9_]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_LETTER_NUM_UNDERSCORE-field', 'Required field should reject spacers in UTF-8 letternumeric with underscore field', ), array( 'Правильное.Имя123', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9.]+'), false, 'Required field should accept UTF-8 letternumeric field with dots', ), array( 'Неправильное.,имя123', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9.]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_LETTER_NUM_DOTS-field', 'Required field should reject comma in UTF-8 letternumeric field with dots', ), array( 'Ö äö äö- ä+', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9\x20_+\-\[\]]+'), false, 'Required field should accept spacers in UTF-8 letternumeric with spacers field', ), array( 'skype.test.name,_this', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}][\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9.,\-_]+'), false, 'Required field should accept alphanumeric value for UTF-8 letternumeric field with punctuations', ), array( '1skype.this.should.fail', array('field_validation' => '[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}][\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9.,\-_]+'), 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_LETTER_NUM_PUNCTUATION-field', 'Required field should reject field having leading numeric for UTF-8 letternumeric field with punctuations', ), ); } /** * @dataProvider validate_profile_field_data */ public function test_validate_profile_field($value, $field_options, $expected, $description) { $field_options = array_merge($this->field_options, $field_options); $result = $this->cp->validate_profile_field($value, $field_options); $this->assertSame($expected, $result, $description); } public function profile_value_data() { return array( array( 'test', array('field_show_novalue' => true), 'test', 'Field should output the given value', ), array( 'test', array('field_show_novalue' => false), 'test', 'Field should output the given value', ), array( '', array('field_show_novalue' => true), '', 'Field should output nothing for empty value', ), array( '', array('field_show_novalue' => false), null, 'Field should simply output null for empty vlaue', ), ); } /** * @dataProvider profile_value_data */ public function test_get_profile_value($value, $field_options, $expected, $description) { $field_options = array_merge($this->field_options, $field_options); $result = $this->cp->get_profile_value($value, $field_options); $this->assertSame($expected, $result, $description); } public function profile_value_raw_data() { return array( array( '[b]bbcode test[/b]', array('field_show_novalue' => true), '[b]bbcode test[/b]', 'Field should return the correct raw value', ), array( '[b]bbcode test[/b]', array('field_show_novalue' => false), '[b]bbcode test[/b]', 'Field should return correct raw value', ), array( 125, array('field_show_novalue' => false), 125, 'Field should return value of integer as is', ), array( 0, array('field_show_novalue' => false), 0, 'Field should return value of integer 0 without show_novalue', ), array( '0', array('field_show_novalue' => false), '0', 'Field should return string 0', ), array( 0, array('field_show_novalue' => true), 0, 'Field should return 0 for empty integer with show_novalue', ), array( null, array('field_show_novalue' => true), null, 'field should return null value as is', ), ); } /** * @dataProvider profile_value_raw_data */ public function test_get_profile_value_raw($value, $field_options, $expected, $description) { $field_options = array_merge($this->field_options, $field_options); $result = $this->cp->get_profile_value_raw($value, $field_options); $this->assertSame($expected, $result, $description); } public function return_callback_implode() { return implode('-', func_get_args()); } }