* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ class phpbb_migrator_convert_timezones_test extends phpbb_database_test_case { protected $notifications, $db, $container, $user, $config, $auth, $cache; public function getDataSet() { $this->db = $this->new_dbal(); $db_tools = new \phpbb\db\tools($this->db); // user_dst doesn't exist anymore, must re-add it to test this $db_tools->sql_column_add('phpbb_users', 'user_dst', array('BOOL', 1)); return $this->createXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/convert_timezones.xml'); } public function revert_schema() { return array( 'drop_columns' => array( $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array( 'user_dst', ), ), ); } public function update_schema() { return array( 'add_columns' => array( $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array( 'user_dst' => array('BOOL', 0), ), ), ); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; $this->db = $this->new_dbal(); $this->migration = new \phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\timezone( new \phpbb\config\config(array()), $this->db, new \phpbb\db\tools($this->db), $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, 'phpbb_' ); } protected $expected_results = array( //user_id => user_timezone 1 => 'Etc/GMT+12', 2 => 'Etc/GMT+11', 3 => 'Etc/GMT-3', 4 => 'Etc/GMT-4', 5 => 'America/St_Johns', 6 => 'Australia/Eucla', ); public function test_convert() { $this->migration->update_timezones(0); $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_timezone FROM phpbb_users ORDER BY user_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $this->assertEquals($this->expected_results[$row['user_id']], $row['user_timezone']); } $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $db_tools = new \phpbb\db\tools($this->db); // Remove the user_dst field again $db_tools->sql_column_remove('phpbb_users', 'user_dst'); } }