* @package testing
* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2

class phpbb_lock_flock_test extends phpbb_test_case
	public function test_lock()
		$path = __DIR__ . '/../tmp/precious';

		$lock = new \phpbb\lock\flock($path);
		$ok = $lock->acquire();

	public function test_consecutive_locking()
		$path = __DIR__ . '/../tmp/precious';

		$lock = new \phpbb\lock\flock($path);
		$ok = $lock->acquire();

		$ok = $lock->acquire();

		$ok = $lock->acquire();

	/* This hangs the process.
	public function test_concurrent_locking_fail()
		$path = __DIR__ . '/../tmp/precious';

		$lock1 = new \phpbb\lock\flock($path);
		$ok = $lock1->acquire();

		$lock2 = new \phpbb\lock\flock($path);
		$ok = $lock2->acquire();

		$ok = $lock2->acquire();

	public function test_concurrent_locking()
		if (!function_exists('pcntl_fork'))
			$this->markTestSkipped('pcntl extension and pcntl_fork are required for this test');

		$path = __DIR__ . '/../tmp/precious';

		$pid = pcntl_fork();
		if ($pid)
			// parent
			// wait 0.5 s, acquire the lock, note how long it took

			$lock = new \phpbb\lock\flock($path);
			$start = time();
			$ok = $lock->acquire();
			$delta = time() - $start;
			$this->assertGreaterThan(0.5, $delta, 'First lock acquired too soon');


			// acquire again, this should be instantaneous
			$start = time();
			$ok = $lock->acquire();
			$delta = time() - $start;
			$this->assertLessThan(0.1, $delta, 'Second lock not acquired instantaneously');

			// reap the child
			$status = null;
			pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status);
			// child
			// immediately acquire the lock and sleep for 2 s
			$lock = new \phpbb\lock\flock($path);
			$ok = $lock->acquire();

			// and go away silently
			pcntl_exec('/usr/bin/env', array('true'));