<?php /** * * @package testing * @copyright (c) 2014 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2 * */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_user.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/utf/utf_tools.php'; class phpbb_functions_user_delete_user_test extends phpbb_database_test_case { /** @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface */ protected $db; public function getDataSet() { return $this->createXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/delete_user.xml'); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); global $cache, $config, $db, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_container; $db = $this->db = $this->new_dbal(); $config = new \phpbb\config\config(array( 'load_online_time' => 5, 'search_type' => '\phpbb\search\fulltext_mysql', )); set_config(false, false, false, $config); set_config_count(false, false, false, $config); $cache = new phpbb_mock_null_cache(); $phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher(); $phpbb_container = new phpbb_mock_container_builder(); $phpbb_container->set('notification_manager', new phpbb_mock_notification_manager()); } public function first_last_post_data() { return array( array( 'retain', false, array( array('post_id' => 1, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => ''), array('post_id' => 2, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), array('post_id' => 3, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => ''), array('post_id' => 4, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), ), array( array( 'topic_id' => 1, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => '', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => '', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 2, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 3, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => '', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => '', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 4, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), ), array( array('forum_id' => 1, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => '', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 2, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 3, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => '', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 4, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), ), ), array( 'remove', false, array( array('post_id' => 2, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), array('post_id' => 4, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), ), array( array( 'topic_id' => 2, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 4, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), ), array( array('forum_id' => 1, 'forum_last_poster_id' => 0, 'forum_last_poster_name' => '', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 2, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 3, 'forum_last_poster_id' => 0, 'forum_last_poster_name' => '', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 4, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), ), ), array( 'retain', true, array( array('post_id' => 1, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Foobar'), array('post_id' => 2, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), array('post_id' => 3, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Foobar'), array('post_id' => 4, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), ), array( array( 'topic_id' => 1, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Foobar', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Foobar', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 2, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 3, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Foobar', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Foobar', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 4, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), ), array( array('forum_id' => 1, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Foobar', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 2, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 3, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Foobar', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 4, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), ), ), array( 'remove', true, array( array('post_id' => 2, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), array('post_id' => 4, 'poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'post_username' => 'Other'), ), array( array( 'topic_id' => 2, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), array( 'topic_id' => 4, 'topic_poster' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_first_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_first_poster_colour' => '', 'topic_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'topic_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'topic_last_poster_colour' => '', ), ), array( array('forum_id' => 1, 'forum_last_poster_id' => 0, 'forum_last_poster_name' => '', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 2, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 3, 'forum_last_poster_id' => 0, 'forum_last_poster_name' => '', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), array('forum_id' => 4, 'forum_last_poster_id' => ANONYMOUS, 'forum_last_poster_name' => 'Other', 'forum_last_poster_colour' => ''), ), ), ); } /** * @dataProvider first_last_post_data */ public function test_first_last_post_info($mode, $retain_username, $expected_posts, $expected_topics, $expected_forums) { $this->assertFalse(user_delete($mode, 2, $retain_username)); $sql = 'SELECT post_id, poster_id, post_username FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY post_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_posts, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Post table poster info is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT topic_id, topic_poster, topic_first_poster_name, topic_first_poster_colour, topic_last_poster_id, topic_last_poster_name, topic_last_poster_colour FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY topic_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_topics, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Topic table first/last poster info is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_last_poster_id, forum_last_poster_name, forum_last_poster_colour FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY forum_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_forums, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Forum table last poster info is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); } public function report_attachment_data() { return array( array( 'retain', array( array('post_id' => 1, 'post_reported' => 1, 'post_edit_user' => 1, 'post_delete_user' => 1), array('post_id' => 2, 'post_reported' => 1, 'post_edit_user' => 1, 'post_delete_user' => 1), array('post_id' => 3, 'post_reported' => 0, 'post_edit_user' => 1, 'post_delete_user' => 1), array('post_id' => 4, 'post_reported' => 0, 'post_edit_user' => 1, 'post_delete_user' => 1), ), array( array('report_id' => 1, 'post_id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1), array('report_id' => 3, 'post_id' => 2, 'user_id' => 1), ), array( array('topic_id' => 1, 'topic_reported' => 1, 'topic_delete_user' => 1), array('topic_id' => 2, 'topic_reported' => 1, 'topic_delete_user' => 1), array('topic_id' => 3, 'topic_reported' => 0, 'topic_delete_user' => 1), array('topic_id' => 4, 'topic_reported' => 0, 'topic_delete_user' => 1), ), array( array('attach_id' => 1, 'post_msg_id' => 1, 'poster_id' => 1), array('attach_id' => 2, 'post_msg_id' => 2, 'poster_id' => 1), array('attach_id' => 3, 'post_msg_id' => 0, 'poster_id' => 1), // TODO should be deleted: PHPBB3-13089 ), ), array( 'remove', array( array('post_id' => 2, 'post_reported' => 1, 'post_edit_user' => 1, 'post_delete_user' => 1), array('post_id' => 4, 'post_reported' => 0, 'post_edit_user' => 1, 'post_delete_user' => 1), ), array( array('report_id' => 3, 'post_id' => 2, 'user_id' => 1), ), array( array('topic_id' => 2, 'topic_reported' => 1, 'topic_delete_user' => 1), array('topic_id' => 4, 'topic_reported' => 0, 'topic_delete_user' => 1), ), array( array('attach_id' => 2, 'post_msg_id' => 2, 'poster_id' => 1), array('attach_id' => 3, 'post_msg_id' => 0, 'poster_id' => 2), // TODO should be deleted: PHPBB3-13089 ), ), ); } /** * @dataProvider report_attachment_data */ public function test_report_attachment_info($mode, $expected_posts, $expected_reports, $expected_topics, $expected_attach) { $this->assertFalse(user_delete($mode, 2)); $sql = 'SELECT post_id, post_reported, post_edit_user, post_delete_user FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY post_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_posts, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Post report status content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT report_id, post_id, user_id FROM ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY report_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_reports, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Report table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT topic_id, topic_reported, topic_delete_user FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY topic_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_topics, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Topic report status is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT attach_id, post_msg_id, poster_id FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY attach_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_attach, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Attachment table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); } public function delete_data() { return array( array( 'retain', array(array('user_id' => 1, 'user_posts' => 4)), array(array('user_id' => 1, 'zebra_id' => 3)), array(array('ban_id' => 2), array('ban_id' => 3)), array(array('session_id' => '12345678901234567890123456789013')), array( array('log_id' => 2, 'user_id' => 1, 'reportee_id' => 1), array('log_id' => 3, 'user_id' => 1, 'reportee_id' => 1), ), array( array('msg_id' => 1, 'author_id' => 3, 'message_edit_user' => 3), array('msg_id' => 2, 'author_id' => 1, 'message_edit_user' => 1), ), ), array( 'remove', array(array('user_id' => 1, 'user_posts' => 2)), array(array('user_id' => 1, 'zebra_id' => 3)), array(array('ban_id' => 2), array('ban_id' => 3)), array(array('session_id' => '12345678901234567890123456789013')), array( array('log_id' => 2, 'user_id' => 1, 'reportee_id' => 1), array('log_id' => 3, 'user_id' => 1, 'reportee_id' => 1), ), array( array('msg_id' => 1, 'author_id' => 3, 'message_edit_user' => 3), array('msg_id' => 2, 'author_id' => 1, 'message_edit_user' => 1), ), ), ); } /** * @dataProvider delete_data */ public function test_delete_data($mode, $expected_users, $expected_zebra, $expected_ban, $expected_sessions, $expected_logs, $expected_pms) { $this->assertFalse(user_delete($mode, 2)); $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_posts FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY user_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_users, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'User table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT user_id, zebra_id FROM ' . ZEBRA_TABLE . ' ORDER BY user_id ASC, zebra_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_zebra, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Zebra table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT ban_id FROM ' . BANLIST_TABLE . ' ORDER BY ban_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_ban, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Ban table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT session_id FROM ' . SESSIONS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY session_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_sessions, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Session table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT log_id, user_id, reportee_id FROM ' . LOG_TABLE . ' ORDER BY log_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_logs, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Log table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT msg_id, author_id, message_edit_user FROM ' . PRIVMSGS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY msg_id ASC'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals($expected_pms, $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result), 'Private messages table content is mismatching after deleting a user.'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); } public function delete_user_id_data() { return array( array( 'retain', array( USER_GROUP_TABLE, TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE, FORUMS_WATCH_TABLE, ACL_USERS_TABLE, TOPICS_TRACK_TABLE, TOPICS_POSTED_TABLE, FORUMS_TRACK_TABLE, PROFILE_FIELDS_DATA_TABLE, MODERATOR_CACHE_TABLE, DRAFTS_TABLE, BOOKMARKS_TABLE, SESSIONS_KEYS_TABLE, PRIVMSGS_FOLDER_TABLE, PRIVMSGS_RULES_TABLE, ), ), array( 'remove', array( USER_GROUP_TABLE, TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE, FORUMS_WATCH_TABLE, ACL_USERS_TABLE, TOPICS_TRACK_TABLE, TOPICS_POSTED_TABLE, FORUMS_TRACK_TABLE, PROFILE_FIELDS_DATA_TABLE, MODERATOR_CACHE_TABLE, DRAFTS_TABLE, BOOKMARKS_TABLE, SESSIONS_KEYS_TABLE, PRIVMSGS_FOLDER_TABLE, PRIVMSGS_RULES_TABLE, ), ), ); } /** * @dataProvider delete_user_id_data */ public function test_delete_user_id_data($mode, $cleaned_tables) { $this->assertFalse(user_delete($mode, 2)); foreach ($cleaned_tables as $table) { $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE user_id = 2'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertFalse($this->db->sql_fetchfield('user_id'), 'Found data for deleted user in table: ' . $table); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE user_id = 3'; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->assertEquals(3, $this->db->sql_fetchfield('user_id'), 'Missing data for user in table: ' . $table); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); } } }