* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ class phpbb_functions_obtain_online_test extends phpbb_database_test_case { public function getDataSet() { return $this->createXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__).'/fixtures/obtain_online.xml'); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); global $config, $db, $user; $user = new StdClass; $db = $this->db = $this->new_dbal(); $config = array( 'load_online_time' => 5, ); } static public function obtain_guest_count_data() { return array( array(0, 2), array(1, 1), ); } /** * @dataProvider obtain_guest_count_data */ public function test_obtain_guest_count($forum_id, $expected) { $this->db->sql_query('DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions'); $time = time(); $this->create_guest_sessions($time); $this->assertEquals($expected, obtain_guest_count($forum_id)); } static public function obtain_users_online_data() { return array( array(0, false, array( 'online_users' => array(2 => 2, 3 => 3, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 10 => 10), 'hidden_users' => array(6 => 6, 7 => 7, 10 => 10), 'total_online' => 5, 'visible_online' => 2, 'hidden_online' => 3, 'guests_online' => 0, )), array(0, true, array( 'online_users' => array(2 => 2, 3 => 3, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 10 => 10), 'hidden_users' => array(6 => 6, 7 => 7, 10 => 10), 'total_online' => 7, 'visible_online' => 2, 'hidden_online' => 3, 'guests_online' => 2, )), array(1, false, array( 'online_users' => array(3 => 3, 7 => 7), 'hidden_users' => array(7 => 7), 'total_online' => 2, 'visible_online' => 1, 'hidden_online' => 1, 'guests_online' => 0, )), array(1, true, array( 'online_users' => array(3 => 3, 7 => 7), 'hidden_users' => array(7 => 7), 'total_online' => 3, 'visible_online' => 1, 'hidden_online' => 1, 'guests_online' => 1, )), array(2, false, array( 'online_users' => array(), 'hidden_users' => array(), 'total_online' => 0, 'visible_online' => 0, 'hidden_online' => 0, 'guests_online' => 0, )), array(2, true, array( 'online_users' => array(), 'hidden_users' => array(), 'total_online' => 0, 'visible_online' => 0, 'hidden_online' => 0, 'guests_online' => 0, )), ); } /** * @dataProvider obtain_users_online_data */ public function test_obtain_users_online($forum_id, $display_guests, $expected) { $this->db->sql_query('DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions'); global $config; $config['load_online_guests'] = $display_guests; $time = time(); $this->create_guest_sessions($time); $this->create_user_sessions($time); $this->assertEquals($expected, obtain_users_online($forum_id)); } static public function obtain_users_online_string_data() { return array( array(0, false, array( 'online_userlist' => 'REGISTERED_USERS 2, 3', 'l_online_users' => 'ONLINE_USERS_TOTAL 5 REG_USERS_TOTAL 2 HIDDEN_USERS_TOTAL 3', )), array(0, true, array( 'online_userlist' => 'REGISTERED_USERS 2, 3', 'l_online_users' => 'ONLINE_USERS_TOTAL_GUESTS 7 REG_USERS_TOTAL 2 HIDDEN_USERS_TOTAL 3 GUEST_USERS_TOTAL 2', )), array(1, false, array( 'online_userlist' => 'BROWSING_FORUM 3', 'l_online_users' => 'ONLINE_USERS_TOTAL 2 REG_USERS_TOTAL 1 HIDDEN_USERS_TOTAL 1', )), array(1, true, array( 'online_userlist' => 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUESTS 1 3', 'l_online_users' => 'ONLINE_USERS_TOTAL_GUESTS 3 REG_USERS_TOTAL 1 HIDDEN_USERS_TOTAL 1 GUEST_USERS_TOTAL 1', )), array(2, false, array( 'online_userlist' => 'BROWSING_FORUM NO_ONLINE_USERS', 'l_online_users' => 'ONLINE_USERS_TOTAL 0 REG_USERS_TOTAL 0 HIDDEN_USERS_TOTAL 0', )), array(2, true, array( 'online_userlist' => 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUESTS 0 NO_ONLINE_USERS', 'l_online_users' => 'ONLINE_USERS_TOTAL_GUESTS 0 REG_USERS_TOTAL 0 HIDDEN_USERS_TOTAL 0 GUEST_USERS_TOTAL 0', )), ); } /** * @dataProvider obtain_users_online_string_data */ public function test_obtain_users_online_string($forum_id, $display_guests, $expected) { $this->db->sql_query('DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions'); global $config, $user, $auth, $phpbb_dispatcher; $config['load_online_guests'] = $display_guests; $user = new phpbb_mock_lang(); $user->lang = $this->load_language(); $auth = $this->getMock('\phpbb\auth\auth'); $acl_get_map = array( array('u_viewonline', true), array('u_viewprofile', true), ); $auth->expects($this->any()) ->method('acl_get') ->with($this->stringContains('_'), $this->anything()) ->will($this->returnValueMap($acl_get_map)); $phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher(); $time = time(); $this->create_guest_sessions($time); $this->create_user_sessions($time); $online_users = obtain_users_online($forum_id); $this->assertEquals($expected, obtain_users_online_string($online_users, $forum_id)); } protected function create_guest_sessions($time) { $this->add_session(1, '0001', '', 0, true, $time); $this->add_session(1, '0002', '', 1, true, $time); $this->add_session(1, '0003', '', 0, true, $time, 10); $this->add_session(1, '0004', '', 1, true, $time, 10); } protected function create_user_sessions($time) { $this->add_session(2, '0005', '', 0, true, $time); $this->add_session(3, '0006', '', 1, true, $time); $this->add_session(4, '0007', '', 0, true, $time, 10); $this->add_session(5, '0008', '', 1, true, $time, 10); $this->add_session(6, '0005', '', 0, false, $time); $this->add_session(7, '0006', '', 1, false, $time); $this->add_session(8, '0007', '', 0, false, $time, 10); $this->add_session(9, '0008', '', 1, false, $time, 10); $this->add_session(10, '009', '', 0, false, $time); } protected function add_session($user_id, $session_id, $user_ip, $forum_id, $view_online, $time, $time_delta = 0) { $sql_ary = array( 'session_id' => $user_id . '_' . $forum_id . '_session00000000000000000' . $session_id, 'session_user_id' => $user_id, 'session_ip' => $user_ip, 'session_forum_id' => $forum_id, 'session_time' => $time - $time_delta * 60, 'session_viewonline' => $view_online, ); $this->db->sql_query('INSERT INTO phpbb_sessions ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary)); } protected function load_language() { return array( 'NO_ONLINE_USERS' => 'NO_ONLINE_USERS', 'REGISTERED_USERS' => 'REGISTERED_USERS', 'BROWSING_FORUM' => 'BROWSING_FORUM %s', 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUEST' => 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUEST %s %d', 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUESTS' => 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUESTS %s %d', ); } }