markTestSkipped(sprintf( 'Could not find a DNS record for hostname %s. ' . 'Assuming network is down.', $hostname )); } $errstr = $errno = null; $file = get_remote_file($hostname, '/phpbb', '30x.txt', $errstr, $errno); $this->assertNotEquals( 0, strlen($file), 'Failed asserting that the response is not empty.' ); $this->assertSame( '', $errstr, 'Failed asserting that the error string is empty.' ); $this->assertSame( 0, $errno, 'Failed asserting that the error number is 0 (i.e. no error occurred).' ); $lines = explode("\n", $file); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 2, sizeof($lines), 'Failed asserting that the version file has at least two lines.' ); $this->assertStringStartsWith( '3.', $lines[0], "Failed asserting that the first line of the version file starts with '3.'" ); $this->assertNotSame( false, filter_var($lines[1], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL), 'Failed asserting that the second line of the version file is a valid URL.' ); $this->assertContains('http', $lines[1]); $this->assertContains('', $lines[1], '', true); } }