<?php /** * * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package. * * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com> * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ /** * @group functional */ class phpbb_functional_fileupload_form_test extends phpbb_functional_test_case { private $path; public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/files/'; $this->add_lang('posting'); } public function tearDown() { $iterator = new DirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/files/'); foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) { if ( $fileinfo->isDot() || $fileinfo->isDir() || $fileinfo->getFilename() === 'index.htm' || $fileinfo->getFilename() === '.htaccess' ) { continue; } unlink($fileinfo->getPathname()); } } private function upload_file($filename, $mimetype) { $file = array( 'tmp_name' => $this->path . $filename, 'name' => $filename, 'type' => $mimetype, 'size' => filesize($this->path . $filename), 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, ); $crawler = self::$client->request( 'POST', 'posting.php?mode=reply&f=2&t=1&sid=' . $this->sid, array('add_file' => $this->lang('ADD_FILE')), array('fileupload' => $file) ); return $crawler; } public function test_empty_file() { $this->login(); $crawler = $this->upload_file('empty.png', 'image/png'); $this->assertEquals($this->lang('EMPTY_FILEUPLOAD'), $crawler->filter('p.error')->text()); } public function test_invalid_extension() { $this->login(); $crawler = $this->upload_file('illegal-extension.bif', 'application/octet-stream'); $this->assertEquals($this->lang('DISALLOWED_EXTENSION', 'bif'), $crawler->filter('p.error')->text()); } public function test_disallowed_content() { $this->login(); $crawler = $this->upload_file('disallowed.jpg', 'image/jpeg'); $this->assertEquals($this->lang('DISALLOWED_CONTENT'), $crawler->filter('p.error')->text()); } public function test_disallowed_content_no_check() { $this->login(); $this->admin_login(); $this->add_lang('ucp'); // Make sure check_attachment_content is set to false $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?sid=' . $this->sid . '&i=acp_attachments&mode=attach'); $form = $crawler->selectButton('Submit')->form(array( 'config[check_attachment_content]' => 0, 'config[img_imagick]' => '', )); self::submit($form); // Request index for correct URL self::request('GET', 'index.php?sid=' . $this->sid); $crawler = $this->upload_file('disallowed.jpg', 'image/jpeg'); // Hitting the UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE error means we passed the // DISALLOWED_CONTENT check $this->assertContainsLang('UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE', $crawler->text()); // Reset check_attachment_content to default (enabled) $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?sid=' . $this->sid . '&i=acp_attachments&mode=attach'); $form = $crawler->selectButton('Submit')->form(array( 'config[check_attachment_content]' => 1, )); self::submit($form); } public function test_too_large() { $this->create_user('fileupload'); $this->login('fileupload'); $crawler = $this->upload_file('too-large.png', 'image/png'); $this->assertEquals($this->lang('WRONG_FILESIZE', '256', 'KiB'), $crawler->filter('p.error')->text()); } public function test_valid_file() { $this->login(); $crawler = $this->upload_file('valid.jpg', 'image/jpeg'); // Ensure there was no error message rendered $this->assertNotContains('<h2>' . $this->lang('INFORMATION') . '</h2>', $this->get_content()); // Also the file name should be in the first row of the files table $this->assertEquals('valid.jpg', $crawler->filter('span.file-name')->eq(1)->text()); } }