<?php /** * * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package. * * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com> * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common_groups_test_case.php'; /** * @group functional */ class phpbb_functional_acp_groups_test extends phpbb_functional_common_groups_test_case { protected $form_data; protected function get_url() { return 'adm/index.php?i=groups&mode=manage&action=edit'; } public function acp_group_test_data() { return array( 'both_yes' => array( 5, true, true, ), 'legend_no_teampage' => array( 5, true, false, ), 'no_legend_teampage' => array( 5, false, true, ), 'both_no' => array( 5, false, false, ), 'no_change' => array( 5, NULL, NULL, ), 'back_to_default' => array( 5, true, true, ), // Remove and add moderators back in order to reset // group order to default one 'mods_both_no' => array( 4, false, false, ), 'mods_back_to_default' => array( 4, true, true, ), ); } /** * @dataProvider acp_group_test_data */ public function test_acp_groups_teampage($group_id, $tick_legend, $tick_teampage) { $this->group_manage_login(); // Manage Administrators group $form = $this->get_group_manage_form($group_id); $this->form_data[0] = $form->getValues(); if (isset($tick_legend) && isset($tick_teampage)) { if ($tick_legend) { $form['group_legend']->tick(); } else { $form['group_legend']->untick(); } if ($tick_teampage) { $form['group_teampage']->tick(); } else { $form['group_teampage']->untick(); } } $crawler = self::submit($form); $this->assertContains($this->lang('GROUP_UPDATED'), $crawler->text()); $form = $this->get_group_manage_form($group_id); if (!isset($tick_legend) && !isset($tick_teampage)) { $this->form_data[1] = $form->getValues(); unset($this->form_data[0]['creation_time'], $this->form_data[0]['form_token'], $this->form_data[1]['creation_time'], $this->form_data[1]['form_token']); $this->assertEquals($this->form_data[0], $this->form_data[1]); } else { $this->form_data = $form->getValues(); $this->assertEquals($tick_legend, $this->form_data['group_legend']); $this->assertEquals($tick_teampage, $this->form_data['group_teampage']); } } }