createXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/extensions.xml'); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->cache = new phpbb_mock_cache(); $this->config = new \phpbb\config\config(array( 'version' => '3.1.0', )); $this->db = $this->new_dbal(); $this->db_tools = new \phpbb\db\tools($this->db); $this->phpbb_root_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $this->phpEx = 'php'; $this->user = new \phpbb\user(); $this->table_prefix = 'phpbb_'; $this->template = new \phpbb\template\twig\twig( new \phpbb\path_helper( new \phpbb\symfony_request( new phpbb_mock_request() ), new \phpbb\filesystem(), $this->phpbb_root_path, $this->phpEx ), $this->config, $this->user, new \phpbb\template\context() ); $this->migrator = new \phpbb\db\migrator( $this->config, $this->db, $this->db_tools, 'phpbb_migrations', $this->phpbb_root_path, 'php', $this->table_prefix, array() ); $container = new phpbb_mock_container_builder(); $container->set('migrator', $migrator); $this->extension_manager = new \phpbb\extension\manager( $container, $this->db, $this->config, new \phpbb\filesystem(), 'phpbb_ext', $this->phpbb_root_path, $this->phpEx, $this->cache ); } // Should fail from missing composer.json public function test_bar() { $ext_name = 'bar'; $manager = $this->get_metadata_manager($ext_name); try { $manager->get_metadata(); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e){} $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'The required file does not exist: ' . $this->phpbb_root_path . $this->extension_manager->get_extension_path($ext_name) . 'composer.json'); } // Should be the same as a direct json_decode of the composer.json file public function test_foo() { $ext_name = 'foo'; $manager = $this->get_metadata_manager($ext_name); try { $metadata = $manager->get_metadata(); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->phpbb_root_path . 'ext/foo/composer.json'), true); $this->assertEquals($metadata, $json); } public function test_validator_non_existant() { $ext_name = 'validator'; $manager = $this->get_metadata_manager($ext_name); // Non-existant data try { $manager->validate('name'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Required meta field \'name\' has not been set.'); } try { $manager->validate('type'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Required meta field \'type\' has not been set.'); } try { $manager->validate('licence'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Required meta field \'licence\' has not been set.'); } try { $manager->validate('version'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Required meta field \'version\' has not been set.'); } try { $manager->validate_authors(); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Required meta field \'authors\' has not been set.'); } $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'authors' => array( array(), ), )); try { $manager->validate_authors(); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Required meta field \'author name\' has not been set.'); } } public function test_validator_invalid() { $ext_name = 'validator'; $manager = $this->get_metadata_manager($ext_name); // Invalid data $manager->set_metadata(array( 'name' => 'asdf', 'type' => 'asdf', 'licence' => '', 'version' => '', )); try { $manager->validate('name'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Meta field \'name\' is invalid.'); } try { $manager->validate('type'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Meta field \'type\' is invalid.'); } try { $manager->validate('licence'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Meta field \'licence\' is invalid.'); } try { $manager->validate('version'); $this->fail('Exception not triggered'); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->assertEquals((string) $e, 'Meta field \'version\' is invalid.'); } } public function test_validator_valid() { $ext_name = 'validator'; $manager = $this->get_metadata_manager($ext_name); // Valid data $manager->set_metadata(array( 'name' => 'test/foo', 'type' => 'phpbb-extension', 'licence' => 'GPL v2', 'version' => '1.0.0', )); try { $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate('enable')); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } } public function test_validator_requirements() { $ext_name = 'validator'; $manager = $this->get_metadata_manager($ext_name); // Too high of requirements $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'require' => array( 'php' => '10.0.0', 'phpbb/phpbb' => '3.2.0', // config is set to 3.1.0 ), )); try { //$this->assertEquals(false, $manager->validate_require_php()); //$this->assertEquals(false, $manager->validate_require_phpbb()); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } // Too high of requirements $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'require' => array( 'php' => '5.3.0', 'phpbb/phpbb' => '3.1.0-beta', // config is set to 3.1.0 ), )); try { $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_php()); $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_phpbb()); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } // Too high of requirements $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'require' => array( 'php' => '>' . phpversion(), 'phpbb/phpbb' => '>3.1.0', // config is set to 3.1.0 ), )); try { //$this->assertEquals(false, $manager->validate_require_php()); //$this->assertEquals(false, $manager->validate_require_phpbb()); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } // Too high of current install $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'require' => array( 'php' => '<' . phpversion(), 'phpbb/phpbb' => '<3.1.0', // config is set to 3.1.0 ), )); try { //$this->assertEquals(false, $manager->validate_require_php()); //$this->assertEquals(false, $manager->validate_require_phpbb()); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } // Matching requirements $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'require' => array( 'php' => phpversion(), 'phpbb/phpbb' => '3.1.0', // config is set to 3.1.0 ), )); try { $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_php()); $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_phpbb()); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } // Matching requirements $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'require' => array( 'php' => '>=' . phpversion(), 'phpbb/phpbb' => '>=3.1.0', // config is set to 3.1.0 ), )); try { $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_php()); $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_phpbb()); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } // Matching requirements $manager->merge_metadata(array( 'require' => array( 'php' => '<=' . phpversion(), 'phpbb/phpbb' => '<=3.1.0', // config is set to 3.1.0 ), )); try { $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_php()); $this->assertEquals(true, $manager->validate_require_phpbb()); } catch(\phpbb\extension\exception $e) { $this->fail($e); } } /** * Get an instance of the metadata manager * * @param string $ext_name * @return phpbb_mock_metadata_manager */ private function get_metadata_manager($ext_name) { return new phpbb_mock_metadata_manager( $ext_name, $this->config, $this->extension_manager, $this->template, $this->phpbb_root_path ); } }