set_filenames(array( "body" => "viewonline_body.tpl", "jumpbox" => "jumpbox.tpl") ); $jumpbox = make_jumpbox(); $template->assign_vars(array( "JUMPBOX_LIST" => $jumpbox, "SELECT_NAME" => POST_FORUM_URL) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle("JUMPBOX", "jumpbox"); $template->assign_vars(array( "TOTAL_POSTS" => $total_posts, "TOTAL_USERS" => $total_users, "POST_USER_URL" => POST_USERS_URL, "NEWEST_USER" => $newest_user, "NEWEST_UID" => $newest_uid, "U_NEWEST_USER_PROFILE" => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&".POST_USERS_URL."=$newest_uid")) ); // // End header // $sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, s.session_page, s.session_logged_in, s.session_time FROM ".USERS_TABLE." u, ".SESSIONS_TABLE." s WHERE u.user_id = s.session_user_id AND s.session_time >= ".(time()-300)." ORDER BY s.session_time DESC"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if(!$result) { error_die(SQL_QUERY, "Couldn't obtain user/online information.", __LINE__, __FILE__); } $onlinerow = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); $sql = "SELECT forum_name, forum_id FROM ".FORUMS_TABLE; $forums_result = $db->sql_query($sql); if(!$forums_result) { error_die(SQL_QUERY, "Couldn't obtain user/online forums information.", __LINE__, __FILE__); } else { while($forumsrow = $db->sql_fetchrow($forums_result)) { $forum_data[$forumsrow['forum_id']] = $forumsrow['forum_name']; } } if(!$onlinerow || !$forum_data) { error_die(SQL_QUERY, "Couldn't fetchrow.", __LINE__, __FILE__); } $template->assign_vars(array( "L_WHOSONLINE" => $l_whosonline, "L_USERNAME" => $l_username, "L_LOCATION" => $l_forum_location, "L_LAST_UPDATE" => $l_last_updated ) ); $active_users = 0; $guest_users = 0; $online_count = $db->sql_numrows($result); if($online_count) { for($i = 0; $i < $online_count; $i++) { if(!($i % 2)) { $row_color = "#".$theme['td_color1']; } else { $row_color = "#".$theme['td_color2']; } if($onlinerow[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && $onlinerow[$i]['user_id'] != DELETED) { if($onlinerow[$i]['session_logged_in']) { $username = $onlinerow[$i]['username']; $logged_on = TRUE; $active_users++; } else { $username = $onlinerow[$i]['username']; $logged_on = FALSE; $guest_users++; } } else { $username = $l_anonymous; $logged_on = FALSE; $guest_users++; } if($onlinerow[$i]['session_page'] < 1) { switch($onlinerow[$i]['session_page']) { case PAGE_INDEX: $location = $l_forum_index; $location_url = "index.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_LOGIN: $location = $l_logging_on; $location_url = "index.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_SEARCH: $location = $l_searching; $location_url = "search.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_REGISTER: $location = $l_registering; $location_url = "index.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_VIEWPROFILE: $location = $l_viewing_profiles; $location_url = "index.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_ALTERPROFILE: $location = $l_altering_profile; $location_url = "index.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_VIEWONLINE: $location = $l_viewing_online; $location_url = "viewonline.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_VIEWMEMBERS: $location = $l_viewing_members; $location_url = "memberlist.".$phpEx; break; case PAGE_FAQ: $location = $l_viewing_faq; $location_url = "faq.".$phpEx; break; default: $location = $l_forum_index; $location_url = "index.".$phpEx; } } else { $location_url = append_sid("viewforum.".$phpEx."?".POST_FORUM_URL."=".$onlinerow[$i]['session_page']); $location = $forum_data[$onlinerow[$i]['session_page']]; } // // What would be nice here is to let // the template designer decide whether // to display all users, registered users // or just logged in users ... but we need // if... constructs in the templating system // for that ... // if($logged_on) { $template->assign_block_vars("userrow", array( "ROW_COLOR" => $row_color, "USERNAME" => $username, "LOGGED_ON" => $logged_on, "LASTUPDATE" => create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $onlinerow[$i]['session_time'], $board_config['default__timezone']), "LOCATION" => $location, "U_USER_PROFILE" => append_sid("profile.".$phpEx."?mode=viewprofile&".POST_USERS_URL."=".$onlinerow[$i]['user_id']), "U_FORUM_LOCATION" => append_sid($location_url) ) ); } } $template->assign_vars(array( "ACTIVE_USERS" => $active_users, "GUEST_USERS" => $guest_users ) ); $template->pparse("body"); } else { error_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "There are no users currently browsing this forum"); } include('includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx); ?>