1, 'Feb' => 2, 'Mar' => 3, 'Apr' => 4, 'May' => 5, 'Jun' => 6, 'Jul' => 7, 'Aug' => 8, 'Sep' => 9, 'Sept' => 9, 'Oct' => 10, 'Nov' => 11, 'Dec' => 12 ); function common_header() { ?> phpBB - Database upgrade 1.4 to 2.0 sql_query($sql)) { print "
\n"; print "$errormsg
"; $sql_error = $db->sql_error(); print $sql_error['code'] .": ". $sql_error['message']. "
\n"; print "
"; print "
\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $result; } } function common_footer() { ?> \n"; print "$line
\n"; print "$field $type($size)"; if (isset($default)){ print " DEFAULT $default"; } if ($notnull == 1) { print " NOT NULL"; } if ($auto_increment == 1) { print " auto_increment"; } print "
\n"; print "\n"; */ $field_def[$table][$field] = array( 'type' => $type, 'size' => $size, 'default' => $default, 'notnull' => $notnull, 'auto_increment' => $auto_increment ); } if(preg_match("/\s*PRIMARY\s+KEY\s*\((.*)\).*/", $line, $matches)) { // Primary key $key_def[$table]['PRIMARY'] = $matches[1]; } else if(preg_match("/\s*KEY\s+(\w+)\s*\((.*)\)/", $line, $matches)) { // Normal key $key_def[$table][$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } else if(preg_match("/^\s*(\w+)\s*(.*?),?\s*$/", $line, $matches)) { // Column definition $create_def[$table][$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } else { // It's a bird! It's a plane! It's something we didn't expect ;( } } } /* print "
	print "
"; */ $schema['field_def'] = $field_def; $schema['table_def'] = $table_def; $schema['create_def'] = $create_def; $schema['key_def'] = $key_def; return $schema; } function get_inserts() { global $table_prefix; $insertfile = file("db/schemas/mysql_basic.sql"); for($i=0; $i < count($insertfile); $i++) { if (preg_match("/^.*(INSERT INTO (\w+)\s.*);$/i", str_replace("phpbb_", $table_prefix, $insertfile[$i]), $matches)) { $returnvalue[$matches[2]][] = $matches[1]; } } return $returnvalue; } function lock_tables($state, $tables= '') { if($state == 1) { if(is_array($tables)) { $tables = join(' WRITE, ', $tables); } $sql = "LOCK TABLES $tables WRITE"; query($sql, "Couldn't do: $sql"); } else { query("UNLOCK TABLES", "Couldn't unlock all tables"); } } function output_table_content($content){ echo $content."\n"; return; } // // Nathan's bbcode2 conversion routines // function bbdecode($message) { // Undo [code] $code_start_html = "
		$code_end_html = "

"; $message = str_replace($code_start_html, "[code]", $message); $message = str_replace($code_end_html, "[/code]", $message); // Undo [quote] $quote_start_html = "
"; $quote_end_html = "

"; $message = str_replace($quote_start_html, "[quote]", $message); $message = str_replace($quote_end_html, "[/quote]", $message); // Undo [b] and [i] $message = preg_replace("#(.*?)#s", "[b]\\1[/b]", $message); $message = preg_replace("#(.*?)#s", "[i]\\1[/i]", $message); // Undo [url] (long form) $message = preg_replace("#(.*?)#s", "[url=\\1\\2]\\3[/url]", $message); // Undo [url] (short form) $message = preg_replace("#(.*?)#s", "[url]\\3[/url]", $message); // Undo [email] $message = preg_replace("#(.*?)#s", "[email]\\1[/email]", $message); // Undo [img] $message = preg_replace("##s", "[img]\\1[/img]", $message); // Undo lists (unordered/ordered) //
  • tags: $message = str_replace("
  • ", "[*]", $message); // [list] tags: $message = str_replace("", "[/list]", $message); $message = str_replace("", "[/list]", $message); return($message); } // // Alternative for in_array() which is only available in PHP4 // function inarray($needle, $haystack) { for( $i=0 ; $i < sizeof($haystack) ; $i++ ) { if($haystack[$i]==$needle) { return true; break; } else { $value=false; } } return $value; } function end_step($next) { global $debug; if(!isset($debug)) { // Print out link to next step and wait only if we are not debugging. print "
    Next step: $next
    \n"; break; } else { print "
    Next step: $next

    \n"; } } // // End function defns /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> "; print_r($table_def); print "create:
    "; print_r($create_def); die; */ if(isset($next)) { switch($next) { case 'start': case 'cleanstart': $sql = "DROP TABLE sessions"; query($sql, "Couldn't drop table 'sessions'"); $sql = "DROP TABLE themes"; query($sql, "Couldn't drop table 'themes'"); end_step('mod_old_tables'); case 'mod_old_tables': common_header(); $modtables = array( "banlist" => "banlist", "catagories" => "categories", "config" => "old_config", "forums" => "forums", "disallow" => "disallow", "posts" => "posts", "posts_text" => "posts_text", "priv_msgs" => "privmsgs", "ranks" => "ranks", "smiles" => "smilies", "topics" => "topics", "users" => "users", "words" => "words" ); while(list($old, $new) = each($modtables)) { $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM $old"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get list of indices for table $old"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $index = $row['Key_name']; if($index != 'PRIMARY') { query("ALTER TABLE $old DROP INDEX $index", "Couldn't DROP INDEX $old.$index"); } } // Rename table $new = $table_prefix . $new; $sql = "ALTER TABLE $old RENAME $new"; print "Renaming '$old' to '$new'
    \n"; query($sql, "Failed to rename $old to $new"); } common_footer(); end_step('create_tables'); case 'create_tables': common_header(); // Create array with tables in 'old' database $sql = 'SHOW TABLES'; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get list of current tables"); while ($table = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $currenttables[] = $table[0]; } // Check what tables we need to CREATE while (list($table, $definition) = each ($table_def)) { if (!inarray($table, $currenttables)) { print "Creating $table: "; query($definition, "Couldn't create table $table"); print "OK
    \n"; } } common_footer(); end_step('create_config'); case 'create_config': common_header(); $inserts = get_inserts(); print "Inserting new values into new layout config table"; while(list($table, $inserts_table) = each($inserts)) { if ($table == CONFIG_TABLE) { while(list($nr, $insert) = each($inserts_table)) { query($insert, "Couldn't insert value into config table"); print "."; } print "
    "; } } print "New config table has been created with default values.

    \n"; //end_step('convert_config'); case 'convert_config': common_header(); print "Starting!
    "; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_prefix"."old_config"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get info from old config table"); $oldconfig = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); while(list($name, $value) = each($oldconfig)) { if(is_int($name)) { continue; } print "Updating $name...
    \n"; $sql = "UPDATE ".CONFIG_TABLE." SET config_value = '".stripslashes($value)."' WHERE config_name = '$name'"; query($sql, "Couldn't update config table with values from old config table"); } end_step('droptables'); case 'droptables': //drop access, whosonline, sessions (recreate) echo "Nothing here yet
    \n"; end_step('convert_ip_date'); case 'convert_ip_date': common_header(); $names[POSTS_TABLE]['poster_ip'] = 'ip'; $names[POSTS_TABLE]['post_time'] = 'date'; $names[TOPICS_TABLE]['topic_time'] = 'date'; $names[PRIVMSGS_TABLE]['poster_ip'] = 'ip'; $names[PRIVMSGS_TABLE]['msg_time'] = 'date'; lock_tables(1, array(POSTS_TABLE, TOPICS_TABLE, PRIVMSGS_TABLE)); while(list($table, $fields) = each($names)) { while(list($field, $type) = each($fields)) { print "Converting $type format of $field in $table...
    \n"; flush(); $function = ($type == 'ip') ? 'INET_ATON' : 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP'; $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $field = $function($field)"; query($sql, "Couldn't convert $type format of $table($field)"); } } lock_tables(0); common_footer(); end_step('fix_addslashes'); case 'fix_addslashes': $slashfields[TOPICS_TABLE] = array('topic_title'); $slashfields[FORUMS_TABLE] = array('forum_desc'); $slashfields[CATEGORIES_TABLE] = array('cat_title'); $slashfields[WORDS_TABLE] = array('word', 'replacement'); $slashfields[RANKS_TABLE] = array('rank_title'); //convert smilies? $slashes = array( "\\'" => "'", "\\\"" => "\"", "\\\\" => "\\"); $slashes = array( "\\'" => "'", "\\\"" => "\"", "\\\\" => "\\"); lock_tables(1, array(TOPICS_TABLE, FORUMS_TABLE, CATEGORIES_TABLE, WORDS_TABLE, RANKS_TABLE)); while(list($table, $fields) = each($slashfields)) { print "Removing slashes from $table table.
    \n"; flush(); while(list($nr, $field) = each($fields)) { reset($slashes); while(list($search, $replace) = each($slashes)) { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $field = REPLACE($field, '".addslashes($search)."', '".addslashes($replace)."')"; query($sql, "Couldn't remove extraneous slashes from the old data."); } } } lock_tables(0); end_step('convert_users'); case 'convert_users': $sql = " SELECT count(*) as total, max(user_id) as maxid FROM ". USERS_TABLE; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get max post_id."); $maxid = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $totalposts = $maxid['total']; $maxid = $maxid['maxid']; $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".USERS_TABLE." ADD user_sig_bbcode_uid CHAR(10), MODIFY user_sig text"; query($sql, "Couldn't add user_sig_bbcode_uid field to users table"); $batchsize = 1000; print "Going to convert BBcode and registration dates in User table.
    \n"; flush(); for($i = 0; $i <= $maxid; $i += $batchsize) { $batchstart = $i + 1; $batchend = $i + $batchsize; print "Converting Users $batchstart to $batchend
    \n"; flush(); $sql = "SELECT * from ". USERS_TABLE. " WHERE user_id BETWEEN $batchstart AND $batchend"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get ". USERS_TABLE .".user_id $batchstart to $batchend"); // Array with user fields that we want to check for invalid data (to few characters) $checklength = array( 'user_occ', 'user_website', 'user_email', 'user_from', 'user_intrest', 'user_aim', 'user_yim', 'user_msnm'); lock_tables(1, array(USERS_TABLE, GROUPS_TABLE, USER_GROUP_TABLE)); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".GROUPS_TABLE." (group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES ('".addslashes($row['username'])."', 'Personal User', 1)"; query($sql, "Wasn't able to insert user ".$row['user_id']." into table ".GROUPS_TABLE); $group_id = mysql_insert_id(); if($group_id != 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".USER_GROUP_TABLE." (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES ($group_id, ".$row['user_id'].", 0)"; query($sql, "Wasn't able to insert user ".$row['user_id']." into table ".USER_GROUP_TABLE); } else { print "Couldn't get insert ID for ".GROUPS_TABLE." table
    \n"; } if(is_int($row['user_regdate'])) { // We already converted this post to the new style BBcode, skip this post. continue; } // // Nathan's bbcode2 conversion // // undo 1.2.x encoding.. $row['user_sig'] = bbdecode(stripslashes($row['user_sig'])); $row['user_sig'] = undo_make_clickable($row['user_sig']); $row['user_sig'] = str_replace("
    ", "\n", $row['user_sig']); // make a uid $uid = make_bbcode_uid(); // do 2.x first-pass encoding.. $row['user_sig'] = bbencode_first_pass($row['user_sig'], $uid); $row['user_sig'] = addslashes($row['user_sig']); // Check for invalid info like '-' and '?' for a lot of fields reset($checklength); while($field = each($checklength)) { $row[$field[1]] = strlen($row[$field[1]]) < 3 ? '' : $row[$field[1]]; } preg_match('/(.*?) (\d{1,2}), (\d{4})/', $row['user_regdate'], $parts); $row['user_regdate'] = mktime(0,0,0,$months[$parts[1]], $parts[2], $parts[3]); $website = $row['user_website']; if(substr(strtolower($website), 0, 7) != "http://") { $website = "http://" . $website; } if(strtolower($website) == 'http://'){ $website = ''; } $row['user_website'] = addslashes($website); $row['user_icq'] = (ereg("^[0-9]+$", $row['user_icq'])) ? $row['user_icq'] : ''; reset($checklength); while($field = each($checklength)) { if(strlen($row[$field[1]]) < 3) { $row[$field[1]] = ''; } $row[$field[1]] = addslashes($row[$field[1]]); } switch($row['user_level']) { case '4': $row['user_level'] = ADMIN; break; case '-1': $row['user_level'] = ANONYMOUS; break; default: $row['user_level'] = USER; } $sql = "UPDATE ".USERS_TABLE." SET user_sig = '".$row['user_sig']."', user_sig_bbcode_uid = '$uid', user_regdate = '".$row['user_regdate']."', user_website = '".$row['user_website']."', user_occ = '".$row['user_occ']."', user_email = '".$row['user_email']."', user_from = '".$row['user_from']."', user_intrest = '".$row['user_intrest']."', user_aim = '".$row['user_aim']."', user_yim = '".$row['user_yim']."', user_msnm = '".$row['user_msnm']."', user_level = '".$row['user_level']."' WHERE user_id = ".$row['user_id']; query($sql, "Couldn't update ".USERS_TABLE." table with new BBcode and regdate for user_id ".$row['user_id']); } lock_tables(0); } end_step('convert_posts'); case 'convert_posts': common_header(); $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".POSTS_TABLE." ADD bbcode_uid char(10) NOT NULL, ADD enable_sig tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL"; print "Adding bbcode_uid field to ".POSTS_TABLE.".
    \n"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get add bbcode_uid field to ".POSTS_TABLE."."); $sql = " SELECT count(*) as total, max(post_id) as maxid FROM ". POSTS_TEXT_TABLE; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get max post_id."); $maxid = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $totalposts = $maxid['total']; $maxid = $maxid['maxid']; $batchsize = 2000; print "Going to convert BBcode in posts with $batchsize messages at a time and $totalposts in total.
    \n"; for($i = 0; $i <= $maxid; $i += $batchsize) { $batchstart = $i + 1; $batchend = $i + $batchsize; print "Converting BBcode in post number $batchstart to $batchend
    \n"; flush(); $sql = " SELECT pt.*, p.bbcode_uid FROM " .POSTS_TEXT_TABLE." pt," .POSTS_TABLE." p WHERE pt.post_id = p.post_id && pt.post_id BETWEEN $batchstart AND $batchend"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get ". POSTS_TEXT_TABLE .".post_id $batchstart to $batchend"); lock_tables(1, array(POSTS_TABLE, POSTS_TEXT_TABLE)); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row['bbcode_uid'] != '') { // We already converted this post to the new style BBcode, skip this post. continue; } // // Nathan's bbcode2 conversion // // undo 1.2.x encoding.. $row['post_text'] = bbdecode(stripslashes($row['post_text'])); $row['post_text'] = undo_make_clickable($row['post_text']); $row['post_text'] = str_replace("
    ", "\n", $row['post_text']); // make a uid $uid = make_bbcode_uid(); // do 2.x first-pass encoding.. $row['post_text'] = bbencode_first_pass($row['post_text'], $uid); $row['post_text'] = addslashes($row['post_text']); $checksig = preg_replace('/\[addsig\]$/', '', $row['post_text']); if(strlen($checksig) == strlen($row['post_text'])) { $enable_sig = 0; } else { $enable_sig = 1; } $sql = "UPDATE ".POSTS_TEXT_TABLE." SET post_text = '$checksig' WHERE post_id = ".$row['post_id']; query($sql, "Couldn't update ".POSTS_TEXT_TABLE." table with new BBcode for post_id ".$row['post_id']); $sql = "UPDATE ".POSTS_TABLE." SET bbcode_uid = '$uid', enable_sig = $enable_sig WHERE post_id = ".$row['post_id']; query($sql, "Couldn't update ".POSTS_TABLE." table with bbcode_uid of post_id ".$row['post_id']); } lock_tables(0); } end_step('convert_pm'); case 'convert_pm': $sql = " SELECT count(*) as total, max(msg_id) as maxid FROM ". PRIVMSGS_TABLE; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get max privmsgs_id."); $maxid = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $totalposts = $maxid['total']; $maxid = $maxid['maxid']; $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".PRIVMSGS_TABLE." ADD privmsgs_subject VARCHAR(255), ADD privmsgs_attach_sig TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1"; query($sql, "Couldn't add privmsgs_subject field to ".PRIVMSGS_TABLE." table"); $batchsize = 2000; print "Going to convert Private messsages with $batchsize messages at a time and $totalposts in total.
    \n"; for($i = 0; $i <= $maxid; $i += $batchsize) { $batchstart = $i + 1; $batchend = $i + $batchsize; print "Converting Private Message number $batchstart to $batchend
    \n"; flush(); $sql = " SELECT * FROM " .PRIVMSGS_TABLE." WHERE msg_id BETWEEN $batchstart AND $batchend"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get ". POSTS_TEXT_TABLE .".post_id $batchstart to $batchend"); lock_tables(1, array(PRIVMSGS_TABLE, PRIVMSGS_TEXT_TABLE)); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row['msg_text'] == NULL) { // We already converted this post to the new style BBcode, skip this post. continue; } // // Nathan's bbcode2 conversion // // undo 1.2.x encoding.. $row['msg_text'] = bbdecode(stripslashes($row['msg_text'])); $row['msg_text'] = undo_make_clickable($row['msg_text']); $row['msg_text'] = str_replace("
    ", "\n", $row['msg_text']); // make a uid $uid = make_bbcode_uid(); // do 2.x first-pass encoding.. $row['msg_text'] = bbencode_first_pass($row['msg_text'], $uid); $checksig = preg_replace('/\[addsig\]$/', '', $row['msg_text']); if(strlen($checksig) == strlen($row['msg_text'])) { $enable_sig = 0; } else { $enable_sig = 1; } $row['msg_text'] = $checksig; if($row['msg_status'] == 1) { // Private message has been read $row['msg_status'] = PRIVMSGS_SAVED_IN_MAIL; } else { // Private message is new $row['msg_status'] = PRIVMSGS_NEW_MAIL; } // Subject contains first 60 characters of msg $subject = addslashes(strip_tags(substr($row['msg_text'], 0, 60))); $row['msg_text'] = addslashes($row['msg_text']); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".PRIVMSGS_TEXT_TABLE." (privmsgs_text_id, privmsgs_bbcode_uid, privmsgs_text) VALUES ('".$row['msg_id']."', '$uid', '".$row['msg_text']."')"; query($sql, "Couldn't insert PrivMsg text into ".PRIVMSGS_TEXT_TABLE." table msg_id ".$row['msg_id']); $sql = "UPDATE ".PRIVMSGS_TABLE." SET msg_text = NULL, msg_status = ".$row['msg_status'].", privmsgs_subject = '$subject', privmsgs_attach_sig = $enable_sig WHERE msg_id = ".$row['msg_id']; query($sql, "Couldn't update ".PRIVMSGS_TABLE." table for msg_id ".$row['post_id']); } } lock_tables(0); end_step('convert_mods'); case 'convert_mods'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM forum_mods"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get list with all forum moderators"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Check if this moderator and this forum still exist $sql = "SELECT NULL from ".USERS_TABLE.", ".FORUMS_TABLE." WHERE user_id = ".$row['user_id']." AND forum_id = ".$row['forum_id']; $check_data = query($sql, "Couldn't check if user ".$row['user_id']." and forum ".$row['forum_id']." exist"); if(mysql_numrows($check_data) == 0) { // Either the moderator or the forum have been deleted, this line in forum_mods was redundant, skip it. continue; } $sql = " SELECT g.group_id FROM ". GROUPS_TABLE." g, ". USER_GROUP_TABLE." ug WHERE g.group_id=ug.group_id AND ug.user_id = ".$row['user_id']." AND g.group_single_user = 1 "; $insert_group = query($sql, "Couldn't get group number for user ".$row['user_id']."."); $group_id = mysql_fetch_array($insert_group); $group_id = $group_id['group_id']; print "Adding moderator for forum ".$row['forum_id']."
    \n"; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".AUTH_ACCESS_TABLE." (group_id, forum_id, auth_mod) VALUES ($group_id, ".$row['forum_id'].", 1)"; query($sql, "Couldn't set moderator (user_id = ".$row['user_id'].") for forum ".$row['forum_id']."."); } end_step('convert_privforums'); case 'convert_privforums': $sql = "SELECT fa.*, forum_name FROM forum_access fa LEFT JOIN forums f using (forum_id) ORDER BY fa.forum_id, fa.user_id"; $forum_access = query($sql, "Couldn't get list with special forum access (forum_access)"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($forum_access)) { // Iterate trough access table if($row['forum_id'] != $forum_id) { // This is a new forum, create new group. $forum_id = $row['forum_id']; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".GROUPS_TABLE." (group_type, group_name, group_description, group_moderator, group_single_user) VALUES (".GROUP_HIDDEN.", '".addslashes($row['forum_name'])." Group', 'Converted group', ".$row['user_id'].", 0) "; print "Creating new group for (private) forum: $forum_id
    \n"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't create group for ".$row['forum_name']); $group_id = $db->sql_nextid($result); if( $group_id <= 0 ) { print "Group creation failed. Aborting creation of groups...
    \n"; continue 2; } print "Creating auth_access group for forum: $forum_id
    \n"; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".AUTH_ACCESS_TABLE." (group_id, forum_id, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete) VALUES ($group_id, $forum_id, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) "; $result = query($sql, "Unable to set group auth access."); if( $db->sql_affectedrows($result) <= 0 ) { print "Group creation failed. Aborting creation of groups...
    \n"; continue 2; } } // Add user to the group $user_id = $row['user_id']; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".USER_GROUP_TABLE ." (group_id, user_id, user_pending) VALUES ($group_id, $user_id, 0) "; query($sql, "Unable to add user_id $user_id to group_id $group_id
    \n"); } end_step('update_schema'); case 'update_schema': common_header(); $rename = array( $table_prefix."users" => array( "user_interest" => "user_intrest", "user_allowsmile" => "user_desmile", "user_allowhtml" => "user_html", "user_allowbbcode" => "user_bbcode" ), $table_prefix."privmsgs" => array( "privmsgs_id" => "msg_id", "privmsgs_from_userid" => "from_userid", "privmsgs_to_userid" => "to_userid", "privmsgs_date" => "msg_time", "privmsgs_ip" => "poster_ip", "privmsgs_type" => "msg_status" ), $table_prefix."smilies" => array( "smilies_id" => "id" ) ); $schema = get_schema(); $table_def = $schema['table_def']; $field_def = $schema['field_def']; //print "

    		//print "
    "; // Loop tables in schema while (list($table, $table_def) = each($field_def)) { // Loop fields in table print "Table: $table
    \n"; flush(); $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM $table"; $result = query($sql, "Can't get definition of current $table table"); $current_def = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); while(list($nr, $def) = each($current_def)) { $current_fields[] = $def['Field']; } $alter_sql = "ALTER TABLE $table "; while (list($field, $definition) = each($table_def)) { if ($field == '') { // Skip empty fields if any (shouldn't be needed) continue; } $type = $definition['type']; $size = $definition['size']; $default = isset($definition['default']) ? "DEFAULT " . $definition['default'] : ''; $notnull = $definition['notnull'] == 1 ? 'NOT NULL' : ''; $auto_increment = $definition['auto_increment'] == 1 ? 'auto_increment' : ''; $oldfield = isset($rename[$table][$field]) ? $rename[$table][$field] : $field; if(!inarray($field, $current_fields) && $oldfield == $field) { // If the current is not a key of $current_def and it is not a field that is // to be renamed then the field doesn't currently exist. $changes[] = "\nADD $field ". $create_def[$table][$field]; } else { $changes[] = "\nCHANGE $oldfield $field ". $create_def[$table][$field]; } } $alter_sql .= join(',', $changes); unset($changes); unset($current_fields); $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM $table"; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get list of indices for table $table"); unset($indices); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $indices[] = $row['Key_name']; } while (list($key_name, $key_field) = each($key_def[$table]) ) { if(!inarray($key_name, $indices)) { $alter_sql .= ($key_name == 'PRIMARY') ? ",\nADD PRIMARY KEY ($key_field)" : ",\nADD INDEX $key_name ($key_field)"; } } query($alter_sql, "Couldn't alter table $table"); flush(); } end_step('convert_forums'); case 'convert_forums': $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".FORUMS_TABLE; $result = query($sql, "Couldn't get list with all forums"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "Converting forumpermissions for forum: '".$row['forum_name'] ."'.
    \n"; // Old auth structure: // forum_type: (only concerns viewing) // 0 = Public // 1 = Private switch($row['forum_type']) { case 0: $auth_view = AUTH_ALL; $auth_read = AUTH_ALL; break; default: $auth_view = AUTH_ALL; $auth_read = AUTH_ALL; break; } // forum_access: (only concerns posting) // 1 = Registered users only // 2 = Anonymous Posting // 3 = Moderators/Administrators only switch($row['forum_access']) { case 1: // Public forum, no anonymous posting $auth_post = AUTH_REG; $auth_reply = AUTH_REG; $auth_edit = AUTH_REG; $auth_delete = AUTH_REG; $auth_vote = AUTH_REG; $auth_pollcreate = AUTH_REG; $auth_sticky = AUTH_MOD; $auth_announce = AUTH_MOD; break; case 2: $auth_post = AUTH_ALL; $auth_reply = AUTH_ALL; $auth_edit = AUTH_ALL; $auth_delete = AUTH_ALL; $auth_vote = AUTH_ALL; $auth_pollcreate = AUTH_ALL; $auth_sticky = AUTH_MOD; $auth_announce = AUTH_MOD; break; default: $auth_post = AUTH_MOD; $auth_reply = AUTH_MOD; $auth_edit = AUTH_MOD; $auth_delete = AUTH_MOD; $auth_vote = AUTH_MOD; $auth_pollcreate = AUTH_MOD; $auth_sticky = AUTH_MOD; $auth_announce = AUTH_MOD; break; } $sql = "UPDATE ".FORUMS_TABLE." SET auth_view = $auth_view, auth_read = $auth_read, auth_post = $auth_post, auth_edit = $auth_edit, auth_delete = $auth_delete, auth_vote = $auth_vote, auth_pollcreate = $auth_pollcreate, auth_sticky = $auth_sticky, auth_announce = $auth_announce WHERE forum_id = ". $row['forum_id']; query($sql, "Was unable to update forum permissions!"); } end_step('insert_themes'); case 'insert_themes': common_header(); $inserts = get_inserts(); print "Inserting new values into new themes table"; while(list($table, $inserts_table) = each($inserts)) { if ($table == THEMES_TABLE) { while(list($nr, $insert) = each($inserts_table)) { query($insert, "Couldn't insert value into ".THEMES_TABLE); print "."; } print "
    "; } } //end_step('convert_config'); echo "This is the end...."; break; } } ?>