<?php /* * Session Management for PHP3 * * (C) Copyright 1999-2000 NetUSE GmbH * Kristian Koehntopp * * $Id$ * * This code was NOT written by the phpBB group. It is part of the PHPLib * package written by NetUSE GmbH and Kristian Koehntopp. * This code is released under the GNU General Public Licence and used in * accordance with said licence. */ /** * Some methods modified by Nathan Codding of the phpBB group for * better performance - replacing preg_replace() with str_replace() * where possible. */ class Template { var $classname = "Template"; /* if set, echo assignments */ var $debug = false; /* $file[handle] = "filename"; */ var $file = array(); /* relative filenames are relative to this pathname */ var $root = ""; /* $varkeys[key] = "key"; $varvals[key] = "value"; */ var $varkeys = array(); var $varvals = array(); /* "remove" => remove undefined variables * "comment" => replace undefined variables with comments * "keep" => keep undefined variables */ var $unknowns = "remove"; /* "yes" => halt, "report" => report error, continue, "no" => ignore error quietly */ var $halt_on_error = "yes"; /* last error message is retained here */ var $last_error = ""; /***************************************************************************/ /* public: Constructor. * root: template directory. * unknowns: how to handle unknown variables. */ function Template($root = ".", $unknowns = "remove") { $this->set_root($root); $this->set_unknowns($unknowns); } /* public: setroot(pathname $root) * root: new template directory. */ function set_root($root) { if (!is_dir($root)) { $this->halt("set_root: $root is not a directory."); return false; } $this->root = $root; return true; } /* public: set_unknowns(enum $unknowns) * unknowns: "remove", "comment", "keep" * */ function set_unknowns($unknowns = "keep") { $this->unknowns = $unknowns; } /* public: set_file(array $filelist) * filelist: array of handle, filename pairs. * * public: set_file(string $handle, string $filename) * handle: handle for a filename, * filename: name of template file */ function set_file($handle, $filename = "") { if (!is_array($handle)) { if ($filename == "") { $this->halt("set_file: For handle $handle filename is empty."); return false; } $this->file[$handle] = $this->filename($filename); } else { reset($handle); while(list($h, $f) = each($handle)) { $this->file[$h] = $this->filename($f); } } } /* public: set_block(string $parent, string $handle, string $name = "") * extract the template $handle from $parent, * place variable {$name} instead. */ function set_block($parent, $handle, $name = "") { if (!$this->loadfile($parent)) { $this->halt("subst: unable to load $parent."); return false; } if ($name == "") $name = $handle; $str = $this->get_var($parent); $reg = "/<!--\s+BEGIN $handle\s+-->(.*?)\n\s*<!--\s+END $handle\s+-->/sm"; preg_match($reg, $str, $m); $str = preg_replace($reg, "{" . "$name}", $str); $this->set_var($handle, $m[1]); $this->set_var($parent, $str); } /* public: set_var(array $values) * values: array of variable name, value pairs. * * public: set_var(string $varname, string $value) * varname: name of a variable that is to be defined * value: value of that variable */ function set_var($varname, $value = "") { if (!is_array($varname)) { if (!empty($varname)) if ($this->debug) print "scalar: set *$varname* to *$value*<br>\n"; $this->varkeys[$varname] = '{' . $varname . '}'; $this->varvals[$varname] = $value; } else { reset($varname); while(list($k, $v) = each($varname)) { if (!empty($k)) if ($this->debug) print "array: set *$k* to *$v*<br>\n"; $this->varkeys[$k] = '{' . $k . '}'; $this->varvals[$k] = $v; } } } /* public: subst(string $handle) * handle: handle of template where variables are to be substituted. */ function subst($handle) { if (!$this->loadfile($handle)) { $this->halt("subst: unable to load $handle."); return false; } $str = $this->get_var($handle); // This will break if $str is an array... Not sure if that ever // actually happens, so we'll use this check for a while. if (is_array($str)) die ("str is an array."); reset($this->varkeys); while (list($k, $v) = each ($this->varkeys)) { $str = str_replace($this->varkeys[$k], $this->varvals[$k], $str); } return $str; } /* public: psubst(string $handle) * handle: handle of template where variables are to be substituted. */ function psubst($handle) { print $this->subst($handle); return false; } /* public: parse(string $target, string $handle, boolean append) * public: parse(string $target, array $handle, boolean append) * target: handle of variable to generate * handle: handle of template to substitute * append: append to target handle */ function parse($target, $handle, $append = false) { if (!is_array($handle)) { $str = $this->subst($handle); if ($append) { $this->set_var($target, $this->get_var($target) . $str); } else { $this->set_var($target, $str); } } else { reset($handle); while(list($i, $h) = each($handle)) { $str = $this->subst($h); $this->set_var($target, $str); } } return $str; } function pparse($target, $handle, $append = false) { print $this->parse($target, $handle, $append); return false; } /* public: get_vars() */ function get_vars() { reset($this->varkeys); while(list($k, $v) = each($this->varkeys)) { $result[$k] = $this->varvals[$k]; } return $result; } /* public: get_var(string varname) * varname: name of variable. * * public: get_var(array varname) * varname: array of variable names */ function get_var($varname) { if (!is_array($varname)) { return $this->varvals[$varname]; } else { reset($varname); while(list($k, $v) = each($varname)) { $result[$k] = $this->varvals[$k]; } return $result; } } /* public: get_undefined($handle) * handle: handle of a template. */ function get_undefined($handle) { if (!$this->loadfile($handle)) { $this->halt("get_undefined: unable to load $handle."); return false; } preg_match_all("/\{([^}]+)\}/", $this->get_var($handle), $m); $m = $m[1]; if (!is_array($m)) return false; reset($m); while(list($k, $v) = each($m)) { if (!isset($this->varkeys[$v])) $result[$v] = $v; } if (count($result)) return $result; else return false; } /* public: finish(string $str) * str: string to finish. */ function finish($str) { switch ($this->unknowns) { case "keep": break; case "remove": $str = preg_replace('/{[^ \t\r\n}]+}/', "", $str); break; case "comment": $str = preg_replace('/{([^ \t\r\n}]+)}/', "<!-- Template $handle: Variable \\1 undefined -->", $str); break; } return $str; } /* public: p(string $varname) * varname: name of variable to print. */ function p($varname) { print $this->finish($this->get_var($varname)); } function get($varname) { return $this->finish($this->get_var($varname)); } /***************************************************************************/ /* private: filename($filename) * filename: name to be completed. */ function filename($filename) { if (substr($filename, 0, 1) != "/") { $filename = $this->root."/".$filename; } if (!file_exists($filename)) $this->halt("filename: file $filename does not exist."); return $filename; } /* private: varname($varname) * varname: name of a replacement variable to be protected. */ function varname($varname) { return preg_quote("{".$varname."}"); } /* private: loadfile(string $handle) * handle: load file defined by handle, if it is not loaded yet. */ function loadfile($handle) { if (isset($this->varkeys[$handle]) and !empty($this->varvals[$handle])) return true; if (!isset($this->file[$handle])) { $this->halt("loadfile: $handle is not a valid handle."); return false; } $filename = $this->file[$handle]; $str = implode("", @file($filename)); if (empty($str)) { $this->halt("loadfile: While loading $handle, $filename does not exist or is empty."); return false; } $this->set_var($handle, $str); return true; } /***************************************************************************/ /* public: halt(string $msg) * msg: error message to show. */ function halt($msg) { $this->last_error = $msg; if ($this->halt_on_error != "no") $this->haltmsg($msg); if ($this->halt_on_error == "yes") die("<b>Halted.</b>"); return false; } /* public, override: haltmsg($msg) * msg: error message to show. */ function haltmsg($msg) { printf("<b>Template Error:</b> %s<br>\n", $msg); } } ?>