/* Style Sheet Tweaks These style definitions are IE 8 & 9 only. They are required due to the poor CSS support in IE browsers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* IE 8 Tweaks (value)\9 equates to IE <= 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Clear float fix */ .inner, ul.linklist { zoom: 1\9; } /* Align checkboxes/radio buttons nicely */ dd label input { vertical-align: text-bottom\9; } /* Fixes header-avatar aspect-ratio */ .header-avatar img { height: 20px\9; } /* IE8 often can't handle max-width in %, so we use px instead */ .postprofile .avatar img { max-width: 150px\9; } /* IE 9 Tweaks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Border-radius bleed fix in IE9 */ .search-header, .search-header .inputbox, .search-header a.button { border-radius: 0; }