* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
* @ignore
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/message_parser.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
// Grab only parameters needed here
$post_id = $request->variable('p', 0);
$topic_id = $request->variable('t', 0);
$forum_id = $request->variable('f', 0);
$draft_id = $request->variable('d', 0);
$preview = (isset($_POST['preview'])) ? true : false;
$save = (isset($_POST['save'])) ? true : false;
$load = (isset($_POST['load'])) ? true : false;
$confirm = $request->is_set_post('confirm');
$cancel = (isset($_POST['cancel']) && !isset($_POST['save'])) ? true : false;
$refresh = (isset($_POST['add_file']) || isset($_POST['delete_file']) || isset($_POST['cancel_unglobalise']) || $save || $load || $preview);
$submit = $request->is_set_post('post') && !$refresh && !$preview;
$mode = $request->variable('mode', '');
// If the user is not allowed to delete the post, we try to soft delete it, so we overwrite the mode here.
if ($mode == 'delete' && (($confirm && !$request->is_set_post('delete_permanent')) || !$auth->acl_gets('f_delete', 'm_delete', $forum_id)))
$mode = 'soft_delete';
$error = $post_data = array();
$current_time = time();
* This event allows you to alter the above parameters, such as submit and mode
* Note: $refresh must be true to retain previously submitted form data.
* Note: The template class will not work properly until $user->setup() is
* called, and it has not been called yet. Extensions requiring template
* assignments should use an event that comes later in this file.
* @event core.modify_posting_parameters
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var int draft_id ID of the draft
* @var bool submit Whether or not the form has been submitted
* @var bool preview Whether or not the post is being previewed
* @var bool save Whether or not a draft is being saved
* @var bool load Whether or not a draft is being loaded
* @var bool cancel Whether or not to cancel the form (returns to
* viewtopic or viewforum depending on if the user
* is posting a new topic or editing a post)
* @var bool refresh Whether or not to retain previously submitted data
* @var string mode What action to take if the form has been submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete|bump|smilies|popup
* @var array error Any error strings; a non-empty array aborts
* form submission.
* NOTE: Should be actual language strings, NOT
* language keys.
* @since 3.1.0-a1
* @changed 3.1.2-RC1 Removed 'delete' var as it does not exist
* @changed 3.2.4-RC1 Remove unused 'lastclick' var
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_posting_parameters', compact($vars)));
// Was cancel pressed? If so then redirect to the appropriate page
if ($cancel)
$f = ($forum_id) ? 'f=' . $forum_id . '&' : '';
$redirect = ($post_id) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", $f . 'p=' . $post_id) . '#p' . $post_id : (($topic_id) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", $f . 't=' . $topic_id) : (($forum_id) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $forum_id) : append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx")));
if (in_array($mode, array('post', 'reply', 'quote', 'edit', 'delete')) && !$forum_id)
/* @var $phpbb_content_visibility \phpbb\content_visibility */
$phpbb_content_visibility = $phpbb_container->get('content.visibility');
// We need to know some basic information in all cases before we do anything.
switch ($mode)
case 'post':
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE forum_id = $forum_id";
case 'bump':
case 'reply':
if (!$topic_id)
// Force forum id
$sql = 'SELECT forum_id
WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id;
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$f_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('forum_id');
$forum_id = (!$f_id) ? $forum_id : $f_id;
$sql = 'SELECT f.*, t.*
WHERE t.topic_id = $topic_id
AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id
AND " . $phpbb_content_visibility->get_visibility_sql('topic', $forum_id, 't.');
case 'quote':
case 'edit':
case 'delete':
case 'soft_delete':
if (!$post_id)
// Force forum id
$sql = 'SELECT forum_id
WHERE post_id = ' . $post_id;
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$f_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('forum_id');
$forum_id = (!$f_id) ? $forum_id : $f_id;
$sql = 'SELECT f.*, t.*, p.*, u.username, u.username_clean, u.user_sig, u.user_sig_bbcode_uid, u.user_sig_bbcode_bitfield
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f, ' . USERS_TABLE . " u
WHERE p.post_id = $post_id
AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id
AND u.user_id = p.poster_id
AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id
AND " . $phpbb_content_visibility->get_visibility_sql('post', $forum_id, 'p.');
case 'smilies':
$sql = '';
generate_smilies('window', $forum_id);
case 'popup':
if ($forum_id)
$sql = 'SELECT forum_style
WHERE forum_id = ' . $forum_id;
$sql = '';
if (!$sql)
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$post_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if (!$post_data)
if (!($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'bump' || $mode == 'reply'))
trigger_error(($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'bump' || $mode == 'reply') ? 'NO_TOPIC' : 'NO_POST');
// Not able to reply to unapproved posts/topics
// TODO: add more descriptive language key
if ($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) && ((($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'bump') && $post_data['topic_visibility'] != ITEM_APPROVED) || ($mode == 'quote' && $post_data['post_visibility'] != ITEM_APPROVED)))
trigger_error(($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'bump') ? 'TOPIC_UNAPPROVED' : 'POST_UNAPPROVED');
if ($mode == 'popup')
$user->setup(array('posting', 'mcp', 'viewtopic'), $post_data['forum_style']);
if ($config['enable_post_confirm'] && !$user->data['is_registered'])
$captcha = $phpbb_container->get('captcha.factory')->get_instance($config['captcha_plugin']);
// Use post_row values in favor of submitted ones...
$forum_id = (!empty($post_data['forum_id'])) ? (int) $post_data['forum_id'] : (int) $forum_id;
$topic_id = (!empty($post_data['topic_id'])) ? (int) $post_data['topic_id'] : (int) $topic_id;
$post_id = (!empty($post_data['post_id'])) ? (int) $post_data['post_id'] : (int) $post_id;
// Need to login to passworded forum first?
if ($post_data['forum_password'])
'forum_id' => $forum_id,
'forum_name' => $post_data['forum_name'],
'forum_password' => $post_data['forum_password'])
// Check permissions
if ($user->data['is_bot'])
// Is the user able to read within this forum?
if (!$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id))
if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS)
$message = $user->lang['LOGIN_EXPLAIN_POST'];
if ($request->is_ajax())
$json = new phpbb\json_response();
'title' => $user->lang['INFORMATION'],
'message' => $message,
login_box('', $message);
// Permission to do the action asked?
$is_authed = false;
switch ($mode)
case 'post':
if ($auth->acl_get('f_post', $forum_id))
$is_authed = true;
case 'bump':
if ($auth->acl_get('f_bump', $forum_id))
$is_authed = true;
case 'quote':
$post_data['post_edit_locked'] = 0;
// no break;
case 'reply':
if ($auth->acl_get('f_reply', $forum_id))
$is_authed = true;
case 'edit':
if ($user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_gets('f_edit', 'm_edit', $forum_id))
$is_authed = true;
case 'delete':
if ($user->data['is_registered'] && ($auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id) || ($post_data['poster_id'] == $user->data['user_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_delete', $forum_id))))
$is_authed = true;
// no break;
case 'soft_delete':
if (!$is_authed && $user->data['is_registered'] && $phpbb_content_visibility->can_soft_delete($forum_id, $post_data['poster_id'], $post_data['post_edit_locked']))
// Fall back to soft_delete if we have no permissions to delete posts but to soft delete them
$is_authed = true;
$mode = 'soft_delete';
* This event allows you to do extra auth checks and verify if the user
* has the required permissions
* Extensions should only change the error and is_authed variables.
* @event core.modify_posting_auth
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var int draft_id ID of the draft
* @var bool submit Whether or not the form has been submitted
* @var bool preview Whether or not the post is being previewed
* @var bool save Whether or not a draft is being saved
* @var bool load Whether or not a draft is being loaded
* @var bool refresh Whether or not to retain previously submitted data
* @var string mode What action to take if the form has been submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete|bump|smilies|popup
* @var array error Any error strings; a non-empty array aborts
* form submission.
* NOTE: Should be actual language strings, NOT
* language keys.
* @var bool is_authed Does the user have the required permissions?
* @var array post_data All post data from database
* @since 3.1.3-RC1
* @changed 3.1.10-RC1 Added post_data
* @changed 3.2.4-RC1 Remove unused 'lastclick' var
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_posting_auth', compact($vars)));
if (!$is_authed || !empty($error))
$check_auth = ($mode == 'quote') ? 'reply' : (($mode == 'soft_delete') ? 'delete' : $mode);
if ($user->data['is_registered'])
trigger_error(empty($error) ? 'USER_CANNOT_' . strtoupper($check_auth) : implode(' ', $error));
$message = $user->lang['LOGIN_EXPLAIN_' . strtoupper($mode)];
if ($request->is_ajax())
$json = new phpbb\json_response();
'title' => $user->lang['INFORMATION'],
'message' => $message,
login_box('', $message);
// Is the user able to post within this forum?
if ($post_data['forum_type'] != FORUM_POST && in_array($mode, array('post', 'bump', 'quote', 'reply')))
// Forum/Topic locked?
if (($post_data['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED || (isset($post_data['topic_status']) && $post_data['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED)) && !$auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id))
trigger_error(($post_data['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED) ? 'FORUM_LOCKED' : 'TOPIC_LOCKED');
// Can we edit this post ... if we're a moderator with rights then always yes
// else it depends on editing times, lock status and if we're the correct user
if ($mode == 'edit' && !$auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id))
$force_edit_allowed = false;
$s_cannot_edit = $user->data['user_id'] != $post_data['poster_id'];
$s_cannot_edit_time = $config['edit_time'] && $post_data['post_time'] <= time() - ($config['edit_time'] * 60);
$s_cannot_edit_locked = $post_data['post_edit_locked'];
* This event allows you to modify the conditions for the "cannot edit post" checks
* @event core.posting_modify_cannot_edit_conditions
* @var array post_data Array with post data
* @var bool force_edit_allowed Allow the user to edit the post (all permissions and conditions are ignored)
* @var bool s_cannot_edit User can not edit the post because it's not his
* @var bool s_cannot_edit_locked User can not edit the post because it's locked
* @var bool s_cannot_edit_time User can not edit the post because edit_time has passed
* @since 3.1.0-b4
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.posting_modify_cannot_edit_conditions', compact($vars)));
if (!$force_edit_allowed)
if ($s_cannot_edit)
else if ($s_cannot_edit_time)
else if ($s_cannot_edit_locked)
// Handle delete mode...
if ($mode == 'delete' || $mode == 'soft_delete')
if ($mode == 'soft_delete' && $post_data['post_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED)
$delete_reason = $request->variable('delete_reason', '', true);
phpbb_handle_post_delete($forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $post_data, ($mode == 'soft_delete' && !$request->is_set_post('delete_permanent')), $delete_reason);
// Handle bump mode...
if ($mode == 'bump')
if ($bump_time = bump_topic_allowed($forum_id, $post_data['topic_bumped'], $post_data['topic_last_post_time'], $post_data['topic_poster'], $post_data['topic_last_poster_id'])
&& check_link_hash($request->variable('hash', ''), "topic_{$post_data['topic_id']}"))
$meta_url = phpbb_bump_topic($forum_id, $topic_id, $post_data, $current_time);
meta_refresh(3, $meta_url);
$message = $user->lang['TOPIC_BUMPED'];
if (!$request->is_ajax())
$message .= ' ' . $user->lang('VIEW_MESSAGE', '', ' ');
$message .= ' ' . $user->lang('RETURN_FORUM', '', ' ');
// Subject length limiting to 60 characters if first post...
if ($mode == 'post' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_data['post_id']))
$template->assign_var('S_NEW_MESSAGE', true);
// Determine some vars
if (isset($post_data['poster_id']) && $post_data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
$post_data['quote_username'] = (!empty($post_data['post_username'])) ? $post_data['post_username'] : $user->lang['GUEST'];
$post_data['quote_username'] = isset($post_data['username']) ? $post_data['username'] : '';
$post_data['post_edit_locked'] = (isset($post_data['post_edit_locked'])) ? (int) $post_data['post_edit_locked'] : 0;
$post_data['post_subject_md5'] = (isset($post_data['post_subject']) && $mode == 'edit') ? md5($post_data['post_subject']) : '';
$post_data['post_subject'] = (in_array($mode, array('quote', 'edit'))) ? $post_data['post_subject'] : ((isset($post_data['topic_title'])) ? $post_data['topic_title'] : '');
$post_data['topic_time_limit'] = (isset($post_data['topic_time_limit'])) ? (($post_data['topic_time_limit']) ? (int) $post_data['topic_time_limit'] / 86400 : (int) $post_data['topic_time_limit']) : 0;
$post_data['poll_length'] = (!empty($post_data['poll_length'])) ? (int) $post_data['poll_length'] / 86400 : 0;
$post_data['poll_start'] = (!empty($post_data['poll_start'])) ? (int) $post_data['poll_start'] : 0;
$post_data['icon_id'] = (!isset($post_data['icon_id']) || in_array($mode, array('quote', 'reply'))) ? 0 : (int) $post_data['icon_id'];
$post_data['poll_options'] = array();
// Get Poll Data
if ($post_data['poll_start'])
$sql = 'SELECT poll_option_text
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
ORDER BY poll_option_id";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$post_data['poll_options'][] = trim($row['poll_option_text']);
* This event allows you to modify the post data before parsing
* @event core.posting_modify_post_data
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var string mode What action to take if the form has been submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete|bump|smilies|popup
* @var array post_data Array with post data
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @since 3.2.2-RC1
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.posting_modify_post_data', compact($vars)));
if ($mode == 'edit')
$original_poll_data = array(
'poll_title' => $post_data['poll_title'],
'poll_length' => $post_data['poll_length'],
'poll_max_options' => $post_data['poll_max_options'],
'poll_option_text' => implode("\n", $post_data['poll_options']),
'poll_start' => $post_data['poll_start'],
'poll_last_vote' => $post_data['poll_last_vote'],
'poll_vote_change' => $post_data['poll_vote_change'],
$orig_poll_options_size = count($post_data['poll_options']);
$message_parser = new parse_message();
/* @var $plupload \phpbb\plupload\plupload */
$plupload = $phpbb_container->get('plupload');
/* @var $mimetype_guesser \phpbb\mimetype\guesser */
$mimetype_guesser = $phpbb_container->get('mimetype.guesser');
if (isset($post_data['post_text']))
$message_parser->message = &$post_data['post_text'];
// Set some default variables
$uninit = array('post_attachment' => 0, 'poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'], 'enable_magic_url' => 0, 'topic_status' => 0, 'topic_type' => POST_NORMAL, 'post_subject' => '', 'topic_title' => '', 'post_time' => 0, 'post_edit_reason' => '', 'notify_set' => 0);
foreach ($uninit as $var_name => $default_value)
if (!isset($post_data[$var_name]))
$post_data[$var_name] = $default_value;
// Always check if the submitted attachment data is valid and belongs to the user.
// Further down (especially in submit_post()) we do not check this again.
if ($post_data['post_attachment'] && !$submit && !$refresh && !$preview && $mode == 'edit')
// Do not change to SELECT *
$sql = 'SELECT attach_id, is_orphan, attach_comment, real_filename, filesize
WHERE post_msg_id = $post_id
AND in_message = 0
AND is_orphan = 0
ORDER BY attach_id DESC";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$message_parser->attachment_data = array_merge($message_parser->attachment_data, $db->sql_fetchrowset($result));
if ($post_data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
$post_data['username'] = ($mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'edit') ? trim($post_data['post_username']) : '';
$post_data['username'] = ($mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'edit') ? trim($post_data['username']) : '';
$post_data['enable_urls'] = $post_data['enable_magic_url'];
if ($mode != 'edit')
$post_data['enable_sig'] = ($config['allow_sig'] && $user->optionget('attachsig')) ? true: false;
$post_data['enable_smilies'] = ($config['allow_smilies'] && $user->optionget('smilies')) ? true : false;
$post_data['enable_bbcode'] = ($config['allow_bbcode'] && $user->optionget('bbcode')) ? true : false;
$post_data['enable_urls'] = true;
if ($mode == 'post')
$post_data['topic_status'] = ($request->is_set_post('lock_topic') && $auth->acl_gets('m_lock', 'f_user_lock', $forum_id)) ? ITEM_LOCKED : ITEM_UNLOCKED;
$post_data['enable_magic_url'] = $post_data['drafts'] = false;
// User own some drafts?
if ($user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_get('u_savedrafts') && ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'post' || $mode == 'quote'))
$sql = 'SELECT draft_id
WHERE user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] .
(($forum_id) ? ' AND forum_id = ' . (int) $forum_id : '') .
(($topic_id) ? ' AND topic_id = ' . (int) $topic_id : '') .
(($draft_id) ? " AND draft_id <> $draft_id" : '');
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
if ($db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$post_data['drafts'] = true;
$check_value = (($post_data['enable_bbcode']+1) << 8) + (($post_data['enable_smilies']+1) << 4) + (($post_data['enable_urls']+1) << 2) + (($post_data['enable_sig']+1) << 1);
// Check if user is watching this topic
if ($mode != 'post' && $config['allow_topic_notify'] && $user->data['is_registered'])
$sql = 'SELECT topic_id
WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id . '
AND user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$post_data['notify_set'] = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('topic_id');
// Do we want to edit our post ?
if ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['bbcode_uid'])
$message_parser->bbcode_uid = $post_data['bbcode_uid'];
// HTML, BBCode, Smilies, Images and Flash status
$bbcode_status = ($config['allow_bbcode'] && $auth->acl_get('f_bbcode', $forum_id)) ? true : false;
$smilies_status = ($config['allow_smilies'] && $auth->acl_get('f_smilies', $forum_id)) ? true : false;
$img_status = ($bbcode_status && $auth->acl_get('f_img', $forum_id)) ? true : false;
$url_status = ($config['allow_post_links']) ? true : false;
$flash_status = ($bbcode_status && $auth->acl_get('f_flash', $forum_id) && $config['allow_post_flash']) ? true : false;
$quote_status = true;
// Save Draft
if ($save && $user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_get('u_savedrafts') && ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'post' || $mode == 'quote'))
$subject = $request->variable('subject', '', true);
$subject = (!$subject && $mode != 'post') ? $post_data['topic_title'] : $subject;
$message = $request->variable('message', '', true);
if ($subject && $message)
if (confirm_box(true))
$message_parser->message = $message;
$message_parser->parse($post_data['enable_bbcode'], ($config['allow_post_links']) ? $post_data['enable_urls'] : false, $post_data['enable_smilies'], $img_status, $flash_status, $quote_status, $config['allow_post_links']);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DRAFTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
'user_id' => (int) $user->data['user_id'],
'topic_id' => (int) $topic_id,
'forum_id' => (int) $forum_id,
'save_time' => (int) $current_time,
'draft_subject' => (string) $subject,
'draft_message' => (string) $message_parser->message)
$meta_info = ($mode == 'post') ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $forum_id) : append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id");
meta_refresh(3, $meta_info);
$message = $user->lang['DRAFT_SAVED'] . ' ';
$message .= ($mode != 'post') ? sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_TOPIC'], '', ' ') . ' ' : '';
$message .= sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_FORUM'], '', ' ');
$s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array(
'mode' => $mode,
'save' => true,
'f' => $forum_id,
't' => $topic_id,
'subject' => $subject,
'message' => $message,
'attachment_data' => $message_parser->attachment_data,
$hidden_fields = array(
'icon_id' => 0,
'disable_bbcode' => false,
'disable_smilies' => false,
'disable_magic_url' => false,
'attach_sig' => true,
'lock_topic' => false,
'topic_type' => POST_NORMAL,
'topic_time_limit' => 0,
'poll_title' => '',
'poll_option_text' => '',
'poll_max_options' => 1,
'poll_length' => 0,
'poll_vote_change' => false,
foreach ($hidden_fields as $name => $default)
if (!isset($_POST[$name]))
// Don't include it, if its not available
if (is_bool($default))
// Use the string representation
$hidden_fields[$name] = $request->variable($name, '');
$hidden_fields[$name] = $request->variable($name, $default);
$s_hidden_fields .= build_hidden_fields($hidden_fields);
confirm_box(false, 'SAVE_DRAFT', $s_hidden_fields);
if (utf8_clean_string($subject) === '')
$error[] = $user->lang['EMPTY_SUBJECT'];
if (utf8_clean_string($message) === '')
$error[] = $user->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS'];
unset($subject, $message);
// Load requested Draft
if ($draft_id && ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'post') && $user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_get('u_savedrafts'))
$sql = 'SELECT draft_subject, draft_message
WHERE draft_id = $draft_id
AND user_id = " . $user->data['user_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($row)
$post_data['post_subject'] = $row['draft_subject'];
$message_parser->message = $row['draft_message'];
$template->assign_var('S_DRAFT_LOADED', true);
$draft_id = 0;
// Load draft overview
if ($load && ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'post') && $post_data['drafts'])
load_drafts($topic_id, $forum_id);
$bbcode_utils = $phpbb_container->get('text_formatter.utils');
if ($submit || $preview || $refresh)
$post_data['topic_cur_post_id'] = $request->variable('topic_cur_post_id', 0);
$post_data['post_subject'] = $request->variable('subject', '', true);
$message_parser->message = $request->variable('message', '', true);
$post_data['username'] = $request->variable('username', $post_data['username'], true);
$post_data['post_edit_reason'] = ($request->variable('edit_reason', false, false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::POST) && $mode == 'edit' && $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id)) ? $request->variable('edit_reason', '', true) : '';
$post_data['orig_topic_type'] = $post_data['topic_type'];
$post_data['topic_type'] = $request->variable('topic_type', (($mode != 'post') ? (int) $post_data['topic_type'] : POST_NORMAL));
$post_data['topic_time_limit'] = $request->variable('topic_time_limit', (($mode != 'post') ? (int) $post_data['topic_time_limit'] : 0));
if ($post_data['enable_icons'] && $auth->acl_get('f_icons', $forum_id))
$post_data['icon_id'] = $request->variable('icon', (int) $post_data['icon_id']);
$post_data['enable_bbcode'] = (!$bbcode_status || isset($_POST['disable_bbcode'])) ? false : true;
$post_data['enable_smilies'] = (!$smilies_status || isset($_POST['disable_smilies'])) ? false : true;
$post_data['enable_urls'] = (isset($_POST['disable_magic_url'])) ? 0 : 1;
$post_data['enable_sig'] = (!$config['allow_sig'] || !$auth->acl_get('f_sigs', $forum_id) || !$auth->acl_get('u_sig')) ? false : ((isset($_POST['attach_sig']) && $user->data['is_registered']) ? true : false);
if ($config['allow_topic_notify'] && $user->data['is_registered'])
$notify = (isset($_POST['notify'])) ? true : false;
$notify = false;
$topic_lock = (isset($_POST['lock_topic'])) ? true : false;
$post_lock = (isset($_POST['lock_post'])) ? true : false;
$poll_delete = (isset($_POST['poll_delete'])) ? true : false;
if ($submit)
$status_switch = (($post_data['enable_bbcode']+1) << 8) + (($post_data['enable_smilies']+1) << 4) + (($post_data['enable_urls']+1) << 2) + (($post_data['enable_sig']+1) << 1);
$status_switch = ($status_switch != $check_value);
$status_switch = 1;
// Delete Poll
if ($poll_delete && $mode == 'edit' && count($post_data['poll_options']) &&
((!$post_data['poll_last_vote'] && $post_data['poster_id'] == $user->data['user_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_delete', $forum_id)) || $auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id)))
if ($submit && check_form_key('posting'))
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id";
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id";
$topic_sql = array(
'poll_title' => '',
'poll_start' => 0,
'poll_length' => 0,
'poll_last_vote' => 0,
'poll_max_options' => 0,
'poll_vote_change' => 0
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . '
SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $topic_sql) . "
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id";
$post_data['poll_title'] = $post_data['poll_option_text'] = '';
$post_data['poll_vote_change'] = $post_data['poll_max_options'] = $post_data['poll_length'] = 0;
$post_data['poll_title'] = $request->variable('poll_title', '', true);
$post_data['poll_length'] = $request->variable('poll_length', 0);
$post_data['poll_option_text'] = $request->variable('poll_option_text', '', true);
$post_data['poll_max_options'] = $request->variable('poll_max_options', 1);
$post_data['poll_vote_change'] = ($auth->acl_get('f_votechg', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('f_vote', $forum_id) && isset($_POST['poll_vote_change'])) ? 1 : 0;
// If replying/quoting and last post id has changed
// give user option to continue submit or return to post
// notify and show user the post made between his request and the final submit
if (($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') && $post_data['topic_cur_post_id'] && $post_data['topic_cur_post_id'] != $post_data['topic_last_post_id'])
// Only do so if it is allowed forum-wide
if ($post_data['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_POST_REVIEW)
if (topic_review($topic_id, $forum_id, 'post_review', $post_data['topic_cur_post_id']))
$template->assign_var('S_POST_REVIEW', true);
$submit = false;
$refresh = true;
// Parse Attachments - before checksum is calculated
$message_parser->parse_attachments('fileupload', $mode, $forum_id, $submit, $preview, $refresh);
* This event allows you to modify message text before parsing
* @event core.posting_modify_message_text
* @var array post_data Array with post data
* @var string mode What action to take if the form is submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete|bump|smilies|popup
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var bool submit Whether or not the form has been submitted
* @var bool preview Whether or not the post is being previewed
* @var bool save Whether or not a draft is being saved
* @var bool load Whether or not a draft is being loaded
* @var bool cancel Whether or not to cancel the form (returns to
* viewtopic or viewforum depending on if the user
* is posting a new topic or editing a post)
* @var bool refresh Whether or not to retain previously submitted data
* @var object message_parser The message parser object
* @var array error Array of errors
* @since 3.1.2-RC1
* @changed 3.1.11-RC1 Added error
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.posting_modify_message_text', compact($vars)));
// Grab md5 'checksum' of new message
$message_md5 = md5($message_parser->message);
// If editing and checksum has changed we know the post was edited while we're editing
// Notify and show user the changed post
if ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_POST_REVIEW)
$edit_post_message_checksum = $request->variable('edit_post_message_checksum', '');
$edit_post_subject_checksum = $request->variable('edit_post_subject_checksum', '');
// $post_data['post_checksum'] is the checksum of the post submitted in the meantime
// $message_md5 is the checksum of the post we're about to submit
// $edit_post_message_checksum is the checksum of the post we're editing
// ...
// We make sure nobody else made exactly the same change
// we're about to submit by also checking $message_md5 != $post_data['post_checksum']
if ($edit_post_message_checksum !== '' &&
$edit_post_message_checksum != $post_data['post_checksum'] &&
$message_md5 != $post_data['post_checksum']
$edit_post_subject_checksum !== '' &&
$edit_post_subject_checksum != $post_data['post_subject_md5'] &&
md5($post_data['post_subject']) != $post_data['post_subject_md5'])
if (topic_review($topic_id, $forum_id, 'post_review_edit', $post_id))
'S_POST_REVIEW' => true,
'L_POST_REVIEW' => $user->lang['POST_REVIEW_EDIT'],
$submit = false;
$refresh = true;
// Check checksum ... don't re-parse message if the same
$update_message = ($mode != 'edit' || $message_md5 != $post_data['post_checksum'] || $status_switch || strlen($post_data['bbcode_uid']) < BBCODE_UID_LEN) ? true : false;
// Also check if subject got updated...
$update_subject = $mode != 'edit' || ($post_data['post_subject_md5'] && $post_data['post_subject_md5'] != md5($post_data['post_subject']));
// Parse message
if ($update_message)
if (count($message_parser->warn_msg))
$error[] = implode(' ', $message_parser->warn_msg);
$message_parser->warn_msg = array();
if (!$preview || !empty($message_parser->message))
$message_parser->parse($post_data['enable_bbcode'], ($config['allow_post_links']) ? $post_data['enable_urls'] : false, $post_data['enable_smilies'], $img_status, $flash_status, $quote_status, $config['allow_post_links']);
// On a refresh we do not care about message parsing errors
if (count($message_parser->warn_msg) && $refresh && !$preview)
$message_parser->warn_msg = array();
$message_parser->bbcode_bitfield = $post_data['bbcode_bitfield'];
$ignore_flood = $auth->acl_get('u_ignoreflood') ? true : $auth->acl_get('f_ignoreflood', $forum_id);
if ($mode != 'edit' && !$preview && !$refresh && $config['flood_interval'] && !$ignore_flood)
// Flood check
$last_post_time = 0;
if ($user->data['is_registered'])
$last_post_time = $user->data['user_lastpost_time'];
$sql = 'SELECT post_time AS last_post_time
WHERE poster_ip = '" . $user->ip . "'
AND post_time > " . ($current_time - $config['flood_interval']);
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$last_post_time = $row['last_post_time'];
if ($last_post_time && ($current_time - $last_post_time) < intval($config['flood_interval']))
$error[] = $user->lang['FLOOD_ERROR'];
// Validate username
if (($post_data['username'] && !$user->data['is_registered']) || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS && $post_data['username'] && $post_data['post_username'] && $post_data['post_username'] != $post_data['username']))
if (!function_exists('validate_username'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
if (($result = validate_username($post_data['username'], (!empty($post_data['post_username'])) ? $post_data['post_username'] : '')) !== false)
$error[] = $user->lang[$result . '_USERNAME'];
if (($result = validate_string($post_data['username'], false, $config['min_name_chars'], $config['max_name_chars'])) !== false)
$min_max_amount = ($result == 'TOO_SHORT') ? $config['min_name_chars'] : $config['max_name_chars'];
$error[] = $user->lang('FIELD_' . $result, $min_max_amount, $user->lang['USERNAME']);
if ($config['enable_post_confirm'] && !$user->data['is_registered'] && in_array($mode, array('quote', 'post', 'reply')))
$captcha_data = array(
'message' => $request->variable('message', '', true),
'subject' => $request->variable('subject', '', true),
'username' => $request->variable('username', '', true),
$vc_response = $captcha->validate($captcha_data);
if ($vc_response)
$error[] = $vc_response;
// check form
if (($submit || $preview) && !check_form_key('posting'))
$error[] = $user->lang['FORM_INVALID'];
if ($submit && $mode == 'edit' && $post_data['post_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED && !isset($_POST['soft_delete']) && $auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id))
$is_first_post = ($post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id'] || !$post_data['topic_posts_approved']);
$is_last_post = ($post_id == $post_data['topic_last_post_id'] || !$post_data['topic_posts_approved']);
$updated_post_data = $phpbb_content_visibility->set_post_visibility(ITEM_APPROVED, $post_id, $post_data['topic_id'], $post_data['forum_id'], $user->data['user_id'], time(), '', $is_first_post, $is_last_post);
if (!empty($updated_post_data))
// Update the post_data, so we don't need to refetch it.
$post_data = array_merge($post_data, $updated_post_data);
// Parse subject
if (!$preview && !$refresh && utf8_clean_string($post_data['post_subject']) === '' && ($mode == 'post' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id)))
$error[] = $user->lang['EMPTY_SUBJECT'];
// Check for out-of-bounds characters that are currently
// not supported by utf8_bin in MySQL
if (preg_match_all('/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $post_data['post_subject'], $matches))
$character_list = implode(' ', $matches[0]);
$error[] = $user->lang('UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTERS_SUBJECT', $character_list);
$post_data['poll_last_vote'] = (isset($post_data['poll_last_vote'])) ? $post_data['poll_last_vote'] : 0;
if ($post_data['poll_option_text'] &&
($mode == 'post' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id']/* && (!$post_data['poll_last_vote'] || $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id))*/))
&& $auth->acl_get('f_poll', $forum_id))
$poll = array(
'poll_title' => $post_data['poll_title'],
'poll_length' => $post_data['poll_length'],
'poll_max_options' => $post_data['poll_max_options'],
'poll_option_text' => $post_data['poll_option_text'],
'poll_start' => $post_data['poll_start'],
'poll_last_vote' => $post_data['poll_last_vote'],
'poll_vote_change' => $post_data['poll_vote_change'],
'enable_bbcode' => $post_data['enable_bbcode'],
'enable_urls' => $post_data['enable_urls'],
'enable_smilies' => $post_data['enable_smilies'],
'img_status' => $img_status
$post_data['poll_options'] = (isset($poll['poll_options'])) ? $poll['poll_options'] : array();
$post_data['poll_title'] = (isset($poll['poll_title'])) ? $poll['poll_title'] : '';
/* We reset votes, therefore also allow removing options
if ($post_data['poll_last_vote'] && ($poll['poll_options_size'] < $orig_poll_options_size))
$message_parser->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['NO_DELETE_POLL_OPTIONS'];
else if ($mode == 'edit' && $post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_poll', $forum_id))
// The user removed all poll options, this is equal to deleting the poll.
$poll = array(
'poll_title' => '',
'poll_length' => 0,
'poll_max_options' => 0,
'poll_option_text' => '',
'poll_start' => 0,
'poll_last_vote' => 0,
'poll_vote_change' => 0,
'poll_options' => array(),
$post_data['poll_options'] = array();
$post_data['poll_title'] = '';
$post_data['poll_start'] = $post_data['poll_length'] = $post_data['poll_max_options'] = $post_data['poll_last_vote'] = $post_data['poll_vote_change'] = 0;
else if (!$auth->acl_get('f_poll', $forum_id) && ($mode == 'edit') && ($post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id']) && !$bbcode_utils->is_empty($original_poll_data['poll_title']))
// We have a poll but the editing user is not permitted to create/edit it.
// So we just keep the original poll-data.
// Decode the poll title and options text fisrt.
$original_poll_data['poll_title'] = $bbcode_utils->unparse($original_poll_data['poll_title']);
$original_poll_data['poll_option_text'] = $bbcode_utils->unparse($original_poll_data['poll_option_text']);
$original_poll_data['poll_options'] = explode("\n", $original_poll_data['poll_option_text']);
$poll = array_merge($original_poll_data, array(
'enable_bbcode' => $post_data['enable_bbcode'],
'enable_urls' => $post_data['enable_urls'],
'enable_smilies' => $post_data['enable_smilies'],
'img_status' => $img_status,
$post_data['poll_options'] = (isset($poll['poll_options'])) ? $poll['poll_options'] : array();
$post_data['poll_title'] = (isset($poll['poll_title'])) ? $poll['poll_title'] : '';
$poll = array();
// Check topic type
if ($post_data['topic_type'] != POST_NORMAL && ($mode == 'post' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id)))
switch ($post_data['topic_type'])
$auth_option = 'f_announce_global';
$auth_option = 'f_announce';
$auth_option = 'f_sticky';
$auth_option = '';
if ($auth_option != '' && !$auth->acl_get($auth_option, $forum_id))
// There is a special case where a user edits his post whereby the topic type got changed by an admin/mod.
// Another case would be a mod not having sticky permissions for example but edit permissions.
if ($mode == 'edit')
// To prevent non-authed users messing around with the topic type we reset it to the original one.
$post_data['topic_type'] = $post_data['orig_topic_type'];
$error[] = $user->lang['CANNOT_POST_' . str_replace('F_', '', strtoupper($auth_option))];
if (count($message_parser->warn_msg))
$error[] = implode(' ', $message_parser->warn_msg);
// DNSBL check
if ($config['check_dnsbl'] && !$refresh)
if (($dnsbl = $user->check_dnsbl('post')) !== false)
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['IP_BLACKLISTED'], $user->ip, $dnsbl[1]);
* This event allows you to define errors before the post action is performed
* @event core.posting_modify_submission_errors
* @var array post_data Array with post data
* @var array poll Array with poll data from post (must be used instead of the post_data equivalent)
* @var string mode What action to take if the form is submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete|bump|smilies|popup
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var bool submit Whether or not the form has been submitted
* @var array error Any error strings; a non-empty array aborts form submission.
* NOTE: Should be actual language strings, NOT language keys.
* @since 3.1.0-RC5
* @changed 3.1.5-RC1 Added poll array to the event
* @changed 3.2.0-a1 Removed undefined page_title
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.posting_modify_submission_errors', compact($vars)));
// Store message, sync counters
if (!count($error) && $submit)
if ($submit)
// Lock/Unlock Topic
$change_topic_status = $post_data['topic_status'];
$perm_lock_unlock = ($auth->acl_get('m_lock', $forum_id) || ($auth->acl_get('f_user_lock', $forum_id) && $user->data['is_registered'] && !empty($post_data['topic_poster']) && $user->data['user_id'] == $post_data['topic_poster'] && $post_data['topic_status'] == ITEM_UNLOCKED)) ? true : false;
if ($post_data['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED && !$topic_lock && $perm_lock_unlock)
$change_topic_status = ITEM_UNLOCKED;
else if ($post_data['topic_status'] == ITEM_UNLOCKED && $topic_lock && $perm_lock_unlock)
$change_topic_status = ITEM_LOCKED;
if ($change_topic_status != $post_data['topic_status'])
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . "
SET topic_status = $change_topic_status
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
AND topic_moved_id = 0";
$user_lock = ($auth->acl_get('f_user_lock', $forum_id) && $user->data['is_registered'] && $user->data['user_id'] == $post_data['topic_poster']) ? 'USER_' : '';
$phpbb_log->add('mod', $user->data['user_id'], $user->ip, 'LOG_' . $user_lock . (($change_topic_status == ITEM_LOCKED) ? 'LOCK' : 'UNLOCK'), false, array(
'forum_id' => $forum_id,
'topic_id' => $topic_id,
// Lock/Unlock Post Edit
if ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['post_edit_locked'] == ITEM_LOCKED && !$post_lock && $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id))
$post_data['post_edit_locked'] = ITEM_UNLOCKED;
else if ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['post_edit_locked'] == ITEM_UNLOCKED && $post_lock && $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id))
$post_data['post_edit_locked'] = ITEM_LOCKED;
$data = array(
'topic_title' => (empty($post_data['topic_title'])) ? $post_data['post_subject'] : $post_data['topic_title'],
'topic_first_post_id' => (isset($post_data['topic_first_post_id'])) ? (int) $post_data['topic_first_post_id'] : 0,
'topic_last_post_id' => (isset($post_data['topic_last_post_id'])) ? (int) $post_data['topic_last_post_id'] : 0,
'topic_time_limit' => (int) $post_data['topic_time_limit'],
'topic_attachment' => (isset($post_data['topic_attachment'])) ? (int) $post_data['topic_attachment'] : 0,
'post_id' => (int) $post_id,
'topic_id' => (int) $topic_id,
'forum_id' => (int) $forum_id,
'icon_id' => (int) $post_data['icon_id'],
'poster_id' => (int) $post_data['poster_id'],
'enable_sig' => (bool) $post_data['enable_sig'],
'enable_bbcode' => (bool) $post_data['enable_bbcode'],
'enable_smilies' => (bool) $post_data['enable_smilies'],
'enable_urls' => (bool) $post_data['enable_urls'],
'enable_indexing' => (bool) $post_data['enable_indexing'],
'message_md5' => (string) $message_md5,
'post_checksum' => (isset($post_data['post_checksum'])) ? (string) $post_data['post_checksum'] : '',
'post_edit_reason' => $post_data['post_edit_reason'],
'post_edit_user' => ($mode == 'edit') ? $user->data['user_id'] : ((isset($post_data['post_edit_user'])) ? (int) $post_data['post_edit_user'] : 0),
'forum_parents' => $post_data['forum_parents'],
'forum_name' => $post_data['forum_name'],
'notify' => $notify,
'notify_set' => $post_data['notify_set'],
'poster_ip' => (isset($post_data['poster_ip'])) ? $post_data['poster_ip'] : $user->ip,
'post_edit_locked' => (int) $post_data['post_edit_locked'],
'bbcode_bitfield' => $message_parser->bbcode_bitfield,
'bbcode_uid' => $message_parser->bbcode_uid,
'message' => $message_parser->message,
'attachment_data' => $message_parser->attachment_data,
'filename_data' => $message_parser->filename_data,
'topic_status' => $post_data['topic_status'],
'topic_visibility' => (isset($post_data['topic_visibility'])) ? $post_data['topic_visibility'] : false,
'post_visibility' => (isset($post_data['post_visibility'])) ? $post_data['post_visibility'] : false,
if ($mode == 'edit')
$data['topic_posts_approved'] = $post_data['topic_posts_approved'];
$data['topic_posts_unapproved'] = $post_data['topic_posts_unapproved'];
$data['topic_posts_softdeleted'] = $post_data['topic_posts_softdeleted'];
// Only return the username when it is either a guest posting or we are editing a post and
// the username was supplied; otherwise post_data might hold the data of the post that is
// being quoted (which could result in the username being returned being that of the quoted
// post's poster, not the poster of the current post). See: PHPBB3-11769 for more information.
$post_author_name = ((!$user->data['is_registered'] || $mode == 'edit') && $post_data['username'] !== '') ? $post_data['username'] : '';
* This event allows you to define errors before the post action is performed
* @event core.posting_modify_submit_post_before
* @var array post_data Array with post data
* @var array poll Array with poll data
* @var array data Array with post data going to be stored in the database
* @var string mode What action to take if the form is submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var string post_author_name Author name for guest posts
* @var bool update_message Boolean if the post message was changed
* @var bool update_subject Boolean if the post subject was changed
* NOTE: Should be actual language strings, NOT language keys.
* @since 3.1.0-RC5
* @changed 3.1.6-RC1 remove submit and error from event Submit and Error are checked previously prior to running event
* @change 3.2.0-a1 Removed undefined page_title
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.posting_modify_submit_post_before', compact($vars)));
// The last parameter tells submit_post if search indexer has to be run
$redirect_url = submit_post($mode, $post_data['post_subject'], $post_author_name, $post_data['topic_type'], $poll, $data, $update_message, ($update_message || $update_subject) ? true : false);
* This event allows you to define errors after the post action is performed
* @event core.posting_modify_submit_post_after
* @var array post_data Array with post data
* @var array poll Array with poll data
* @var array data Array with post data going to be stored in the database
* @var string mode What action to take if the form is submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var string post_author_name Author name for guest posts
* @var bool update_message Boolean if the post message was changed
* @var bool update_subject Boolean if the post subject was changed
* @var string redirect_url URL the user is going to be redirected to
* NOTE: Should be actual language strings, NOT language keys.
* @since 3.1.0-RC5
* @changed 3.1.6-RC1 remove submit and error from event Submit and Error are checked previously prior to running event
* @change 3.2.0-a1 Removed undefined page_title
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.posting_modify_submit_post_after', compact($vars)));
if ($config['enable_post_confirm'] && !$user->data['is_registered'] && (isset($captcha) && $captcha->is_solved() === true) && ($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote'))
// Handle delete mode...
if ($request->is_set_post('delete') || $request->is_set_post('delete_permanent'))
$delete_reason = $request->variable('delete_reason', '', true);
phpbb_handle_post_delete($forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $post_data, !$request->is_set_post('delete_permanent'), $delete_reason);
// Check the permissions for post approval.
// Moderators must go through post approval like ordinary users.
if ((!$auth->acl_get('f_noapprove', $data['forum_id']) && empty($data['force_approved_state'])) || (isset($data['force_approved_state']) && !$data['force_approved_state']))
meta_refresh(10, $redirect_url);
$message = ($mode == 'edit') ? $user->lang['POST_EDITED_MOD'] : $user->lang['POST_STORED_MOD'];
$message .= (($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? '' : ' '. $user->lang['POST_APPROVAL_NOTIFY']);
$message .= ' ' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_FORUM'], '', ' ');
// Preview
if (!count($error) && $preview)
$post_data['post_time'] = ($mode == 'edit') ? $post_data['post_time'] : $current_time;
$preview_message = $message_parser->format_display($post_data['enable_bbcode'], $post_data['enable_urls'], $post_data['enable_smilies'], false);
$preview_signature = ($mode == 'edit') ? $post_data['user_sig'] : $user->data['user_sig'];
$preview_signature_uid = ($mode == 'edit') ? $post_data['user_sig_bbcode_uid'] : $user->data['user_sig_bbcode_uid'];
$preview_signature_bitfield = ($mode == 'edit') ? $post_data['user_sig_bbcode_bitfield'] : $user->data['user_sig_bbcode_bitfield'];
// Signature
if ($post_data['enable_sig'] && $config['allow_sig'] && $preview_signature && $auth->acl_get('f_sigs', $forum_id))
$flags = ($config['allow_sig_bbcode']) ? OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE : 0;
$flags |= ($config['allow_sig_links']) ? OPTION_FLAG_LINKS : 0;
$flags |= ($config['allow_sig_smilies']) ? OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES : 0;
$preview_signature = generate_text_for_display($preview_signature, $preview_signature_uid, $preview_signature_bitfield, $flags, false);
$preview_signature = '';
$preview_subject = censor_text($post_data['post_subject']);
// Poll Preview
if (!$poll_delete && ($mode == 'post' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id']/* && (!$post_data['poll_last_vote'] || $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id))*/))
&& $auth->acl_get('f_poll', $forum_id))
$parse_poll = new parse_message($post_data['poll_title']);
$parse_poll->bbcode_uid = $message_parser->bbcode_uid;
$parse_poll->bbcode_bitfield = $message_parser->bbcode_bitfield;
$parse_poll->format_display($post_data['enable_bbcode'], $post_data['enable_urls'], $post_data['enable_smilies']);
if ($post_data['poll_length'])
$poll_end = ($post_data['poll_length'] * 86400) + (($post_data['poll_start']) ? $post_data['poll_start'] : time());
'S_HAS_POLL_OPTIONS' => (count($post_data['poll_options'])),
'S_IS_MULTI_CHOICE' => ($post_data['poll_max_options'] > 1) ? true : false,
'POLL_QUESTION' => $parse_poll->message,
'L_POLL_LENGTH' => ($post_data['poll_length']) ? sprintf($user->lang['POLL_RUN_TILL'], $user->format_date($poll_end)) : '',
'L_MAX_VOTES' => $user->lang('MAX_OPTIONS_SELECT', (int) $post_data['poll_max_options']),
$preview_poll_options = array();
foreach ($post_data['poll_options'] as $poll_option)
$parse_poll->message = $poll_option;
$parse_poll->format_display($post_data['enable_bbcode'], $post_data['enable_urls'], $post_data['enable_smilies']);
$preview_poll_options[] = $parse_poll->message;
foreach ($preview_poll_options as $key => $option)
$template->assign_block_vars('poll_option', array(
'POLL_OPTION_ID' => $key + 1)
// Attachment Preview
if (count($message_parser->attachment_data))
$template->assign_var('S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS', true);
$update_count = array();
$attachment_data = $message_parser->attachment_data;
parse_attachments($forum_id, $preview_message, $attachment_data, $update_count, true);
foreach ($attachment_data as $i => $attachment)
$template->assign_block_vars('attachment', array(
'DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment)
if (!count($error))
'PREVIEW_SUBJECT' => $preview_subject,
'PREVIEW_MESSAGE' => $preview_message,
'PREVIEW_SIGNATURE' => $preview_signature,
'S_DISPLAY_PREVIEW' => !empty($preview_message),
// Remove quotes that would become nested too deep before decoding the text
$generate_quote = ($mode == 'quote' && !$submit && !$preview && !$refresh);
if ($generate_quote && $config['max_quote_depth'] > 0)
$tmp_bbcode_uid = $message_parser->bbcode_uid;
$message_parser->bbcode_uid = $post_data['bbcode_uid'];
$message_parser->remove_nested_quotes($config['max_quote_depth'] - 1);
$message_parser->bbcode_uid = $tmp_bbcode_uid;
// Decode text for message display
$post_data['bbcode_uid'] = ($mode == 'quote' && !$preview && !$refresh && !count($error)) ? $post_data['bbcode_uid'] : $message_parser->bbcode_uid;
if ($generate_quote)
// Remove attachment bbcode tags from the quoted message to avoid mixing with the new post attachments if any
$message_parser->message = preg_replace('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]#uis', '\\2', $message_parser->message);
$quote_attributes = array(
'author' => $post_data['quote_username'],
'post_id' => $post_data['post_id'],
'time' => $post_data['post_time'],
'user_id' => $post_data['poster_id'],
phpbb_format_quote($config['allow_bbcode'], $quote_attributes, $bbcode_utils, $message_parser);
if (($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') && !$submit && !$preview && !$refresh)
$post_data['post_subject'] = ((strpos($post_data['post_subject'], 'Re: ') !== 0) ? 'Re: ' : '') . censor_text($post_data['post_subject']);
$attachment_data = $message_parser->attachment_data;
$filename_data = $message_parser->filename_data;
$post_data['post_text'] = $message_parser->message;
if (count($post_data['poll_options']) || (isset($post_data['poll_title']) && !$bbcode_utils->is_empty($post_data['poll_title'])))
$message_parser->message = $post_data['poll_title'];
$message_parser->bbcode_uid = $post_data['bbcode_uid'];
$post_data['poll_title'] = $message_parser->message;
$message_parser->message = implode("\n", $post_data['poll_options']);
$post_data['poll_options'] = explode("\n", $message_parser->message);
// Forum moderators?
$moderators = array();
if ($config['load_moderators'])
get_moderators($moderators, $forum_id);
// Generate smiley listing
generate_smilies('inline', $forum_id);
// Generate inline attachment select box
// Do show topic type selection only in first post.
$topic_type_toggle = false;
if ($mode == 'post' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id']))
$topic_type_toggle = posting_gen_topic_types($forum_id, $post_data['topic_type']);
$s_topic_icons = false;
if ($post_data['enable_icons'] && $auth->acl_get('f_icons', $forum_id))
$s_topic_icons = posting_gen_topic_icons($mode, $post_data['icon_id']);
$bbcode_checked = (isset($post_data['enable_bbcode'])) ? !$post_data['enable_bbcode'] : (($config['allow_bbcode']) ? !$user->optionget('bbcode') : 1);
$smilies_checked = (isset($post_data['enable_smilies'])) ? !$post_data['enable_smilies'] : (($config['allow_smilies']) ? !$user->optionget('smilies') : 1);
$urls_checked = (isset($post_data['enable_urls'])) ? !$post_data['enable_urls'] : 0;
$sig_checked = $post_data['enable_sig'];
$lock_topic_checked = (isset($topic_lock) && $topic_lock) ? $topic_lock : (($post_data['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED) ? 1 : 0);
$lock_post_checked = (isset($post_lock)) ? $post_lock : $post_data['post_edit_locked'];
// If the user is replying or posting and not already watching this topic but set to always being notified we need to overwrite this setting
$notify_set = ($mode != 'edit' && $config['allow_topic_notify'] && $user->data['is_registered'] && !$post_data['notify_set']) ? $user->data['user_notify'] : $post_data['notify_set'];
$notify_checked = (isset($notify)) ? $notify : (($mode == 'post') ? $user->data['user_notify'] : $notify_set);
// Page title & action URL
$s_action = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "mode=$mode&f=$forum_id");
$s_action .= ($topic_id) ? "&t=$topic_id" : '';
$s_action .= ($post_id) ? "&p=$post_id" : '';
switch ($mode)
case 'post':
$page_title = $user->lang['POST_TOPIC'];
case 'quote':
case 'reply':
$page_title = $user->lang['POST_REPLY'];
case 'delete':
case 'edit':
$page_title = $user->lang['EDIT_POST'];
// Build Navigation Links
// Build Forum Rules
// Posting uses is_solved for legacy reasons. Plugins have to use is_solved to force themselves to be displayed.
if ($config['enable_post_confirm'] && !$user->data['is_registered'] && (isset($captcha) && $captcha->is_solved() === false) && ($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote'))
'S_CONFIRM_CODE' => true,
'CAPTCHA_TEMPLATE' => $captcha->get_template(),
$s_hidden_fields = ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') ? ' ' : '';
$s_hidden_fields .= ($draft_id || isset($_REQUEST['draft_loaded'])) ? ' ' : '';
if ($mode == 'edit')
$s_hidden_fields .= build_hidden_fields(array(
'edit_post_message_checksum' => $post_data['post_checksum'],
'edit_post_subject_checksum' => $post_data['post_subject_md5'],
// Add the confirm id/code pair to the hidden fields, else an error is displayed on next submit/preview
if (isset($captcha) && $captcha->is_solved() !== false)
$s_hidden_fields .= build_hidden_fields($captcha->get_hidden_fields());
$form_enctype = (@ini_get('file_uploads') == '0' || strtolower(@ini_get('file_uploads')) == 'off' || !$config['allow_attachments'] || !$auth->acl_get('u_attach') || !$auth->acl_get('f_attach', $forum_id)) ? '' : ' enctype="multipart/form-data"';
/** @var \phpbb\controller\helper $controller_helper */
$controller_helper = $phpbb_container->get('controller.helper');
// Build array of variables for main posting page
$page_data = array(
'L_POST_A' => $page_title,
'L_ICON' => ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_id != $post_data['topic_first_post_id'])) ? $user->lang['POST_ICON'] : $user->lang['TOPIC_ICON'],
'L_MESSAGE_BODY_EXPLAIN' => $user->lang('MESSAGE_BODY_EXPLAIN', (int) $config['max_post_chars']),
'FORUM_NAME' => $post_data['forum_name'],
'FORUM_DESC' => ($post_data['forum_desc']) ? generate_text_for_display($post_data['forum_desc'], $post_data['forum_desc_uid'], $post_data['forum_desc_bitfield'], $post_data['forum_desc_options']) : '',
'TOPIC_TITLE' => censor_text($post_data['topic_title']),
'MODERATORS' => (count($moderators)) ? implode($user->lang['COMMA_SEPARATOR'], $moderators[$forum_id]) : '',
'USERNAME' => ((!$preview && $mode != 'quote') || $preview) ? $post_data['username'] : '',
'SUBJECT' => $post_data['post_subject'],
'MESSAGE' => $post_data['post_text'],
'BBCODE_STATUS' => $user->lang(($bbcode_status ? 'BBCODE_IS_ON' : 'BBCODE_IS_OFF'), '', ' '),
'IMG_STATUS' => ($img_status) ? $user->lang['IMAGES_ARE_ON'] : $user->lang['IMAGES_ARE_OFF'],
'FLASH_STATUS' => ($flash_status) ? $user->lang['FLASH_IS_ON'] : $user->lang['FLASH_IS_OFF'],
'SMILIES_STATUS' => ($smilies_status) ? $user->lang['SMILIES_ARE_ON'] : $user->lang['SMILIES_ARE_OFF'],
'URL_STATUS' => ($bbcode_status && $url_status) ? $user->lang['URL_IS_ON'] : $user->lang['URL_IS_OFF'],
'MAX_FONT_SIZE' => (int) $config['max_post_font_size'],
'MINI_POST_IMG' => $user->img('icon_post_target', $user->lang['POST']),
'POST_DATE' => ($post_data['post_time']) ? $user->format_date($post_data['post_time']) : '',
'ERROR' => (count($error)) ? implode(' ', $error) : '',
'TOPIC_TIME_LIMIT' => (int) $post_data['topic_time_limit'],
'EDIT_REASON' => $request->variable('edit_reason', '', true),
'SHOW_PANEL' => $request->variable('show_panel', ''),
'U_VIEW_FORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id"),
'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => ($mode != 'post') ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id") : '',
'U_PROGRESS_BAR' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&mode=popup"),
'UA_PROGRESS_BAR' => addslashes(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&mode=popup")),
'S_PRIVMSGS' => false,
'S_CLOSE_PROGRESS_WINDOW' => (isset($_POST['add_file'])) ? true : false,
'S_EDIT_POST' => ($mode == 'edit') ? true : false,
'S_EDIT_REASON' => ($mode == 'edit' && $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id)) ? true : false,
'S_DISPLAY_USERNAME' => (!$user->data['is_registered'] || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS)) ? true : false,
'S_SHOW_TOPIC_ICONS' => $s_topic_icons,
'S_DELETE_ALLOWED' => ($mode == 'edit' && (($post_id == $post_data['topic_last_post_id'] && $post_data['poster_id'] == $user->data['user_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_delete', $forum_id) && !$post_data['post_edit_locked'] && ($post_data['post_time'] > time() - ($config['delete_time'] * 60) || !$config['delete_time'])) || $auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id))) ? true : false,
'S_BBCODE_ALLOWED' => ($bbcode_status) ? 1 : 0,
'S_BBCODE_CHECKED' => ($bbcode_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_SMILIES_ALLOWED' => $smilies_status,
'S_SMILIES_CHECKED' => ($smilies_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_SIG_ALLOWED' => ($auth->acl_get('f_sigs', $forum_id) && $config['allow_sig'] && $user->data['is_registered']) ? true : false,
'S_SIGNATURE_CHECKED' => ($sig_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_NOTIFY_ALLOWED' => (!$user->data['is_registered'] || ($mode == 'edit' && $user->data['user_id'] != $post_data['poster_id']) || !$config['allow_topic_notify'] || !$config['email_enable']) ? false : true,
'S_NOTIFY_CHECKED' => ($notify_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_LOCK_TOPIC_ALLOWED' => (($mode == 'edit' || $mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'post') && ($auth->acl_get('m_lock', $forum_id) || ($auth->acl_get('f_user_lock', $forum_id) && $user->data['is_registered'] && !empty($post_data['topic_poster']) && $user->data['user_id'] == $post_data['topic_poster'] && $post_data['topic_status'] == ITEM_UNLOCKED))) ? true : false,
'S_LOCK_TOPIC_CHECKED' => ($lock_topic_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_LOCK_POST_ALLOWED' => ($mode == 'edit' && $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id)) ? true : false,
'S_LOCK_POST_CHECKED' => ($lock_post_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_SOFTDELETE_CHECKED' => ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['post_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_SOFTDELETE_ALLOWED' => ($mode == 'edit' && $phpbb_content_visibility->can_soft_delete($forum_id, $post_data['poster_id'], $lock_post_checked)) ? true : false,
'S_RESTORE_ALLOWED' => $auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id),
'S_IS_DELETED' => ($mode == 'edit' && $post_data['post_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED) ? true : false,
'S_LINKS_ALLOWED' => $url_status,
'S_MAGIC_URL_CHECKED' => ($urls_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'S_TYPE_TOGGLE' => $topic_type_toggle,
'S_SAVE_ALLOWED' => ($auth->acl_get('u_savedrafts') && $user->data['is_registered'] && $mode != 'edit') ? true : false,
'S_HAS_DRAFTS' => ($auth->acl_get('u_savedrafts') && $user->data['is_registered'] && $post_data['drafts']) ? true : false,
'S_FORM_ENCTYPE' => $form_enctype,
'S_BBCODE_IMG' => $img_status,
'S_BBCODE_URL' => $url_status,
'S_BBCODE_FLASH' => $flash_status,
'S_BBCODE_QUOTE' => $quote_status,
'S_POST_ACTION' => $s_action,
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields,
'S_ATTACH_DATA' => json_encode($message_parser->attachment_data),
'S_IN_POSTING' => true,
// Build custom bbcodes array
// Poll entry
if (($mode == 'post' || ($mode == 'edit' && $post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id']/* && (!$post_data['poll_last_vote'] || $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id))*/))
&& $auth->acl_get('f_poll', $forum_id))
$page_data = array_merge($page_data, array(
'S_SHOW_POLL_BOX' => true,
'S_POLL_VOTE_CHANGE' => ($auth->acl_get('f_votechg', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('f_vote', $forum_id)),
'S_POLL_DELETE' => ($mode == 'edit' && count($post_data['poll_options']) && ((!$post_data['poll_last_vote'] && $post_data['poster_id'] == $user->data['user_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_delete', $forum_id)) || $auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id))),
'S_POLL_DELETE_CHECKED' => (!empty($poll_delete)) ? true : false,
'L_POLL_OPTIONS_EXPLAIN' => $user->lang('POLL_OPTIONS_' . (($mode == 'edit') ? 'EDIT_' : '') . 'EXPLAIN', (int) $config['max_poll_options']),
'VOTE_CHANGE_CHECKED' => (!empty($post_data['poll_vote_change'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'POLL_TITLE' => (isset($post_data['poll_title'])) ? $post_data['poll_title'] : '',
'POLL_OPTIONS' => (!empty($post_data['poll_options'])) ? implode("\n", $post_data['poll_options']) : '',
'POLL_MAX_OPTIONS' => (isset($post_data['poll_max_options'])) ? (int) $post_data['poll_max_options'] : 1,
'POLL_LENGTH' => $post_data['poll_length'],
* This event allows you to modify template variables for the posting screen
* @event core.posting_modify_template_vars
* @var array post_data Array with post data
* @var array moderators Array with forum moderators
* @var string mode What action to take if the form is submitted
* post|reply|quote|edit|delete|bump|smilies|popup
* @var string page_title Title of the mode page
* @var bool s_topic_icons Whether or not to show the topic icons
* @var string form_enctype If attachments are allowed for this form
* "multipart/form-data" or empty string
* @var string s_action The URL to submit the POST data to
* @var string s_hidden_fields Concatenated hidden input tags of posting form
* @var int post_id ID of the post
* @var int topic_id ID of the topic
* @var int forum_id ID of the forum
* @var int draft_id ID of the draft
* @var bool submit Whether or not the form has been submitted
* @var bool preview Whether or not the post is being previewed
* @var bool save Whether or not a draft is being saved
* @var bool load Whether or not a draft is being loaded
* @var bool cancel Whether or not to cancel the form (returns to
* viewtopic or viewforum depending on if the user
* is posting a new topic or editing a post)
* @var array error Any error strings; a non-empty array aborts
* form submission.
* NOTE: Should be actual language strings, NOT
* language keys.
* @var bool refresh Whether or not to retain previously submitted data
* @var array page_data Posting page data that should be passed to the
* posting page via $template->assign_vars()
* @var object message_parser The message parser object
* @since 3.1.0-a1
* @changed 3.1.0-b3 Added vars post_data, moderators, mode, page_title,
* s_topic_icons, form_enctype, s_action, s_hidden_fields,
* post_id, topic_id, forum_id, submit, preview, save, load,
* delete, cancel, refresh, error, page_data, message_parser
* @changed 3.1.2-RC1 Removed 'delete' var as it does not exist
* @changed 3.1.5-RC1 Added poll variables to the page_data array
* @changed 3.1.6-RC1 Added 'draft_id' var
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.posting_modify_template_vars', compact($vars)));
// Start assigning vars for main posting page ...
// Show attachment box for adding attachments if true
$allowed = ($auth->acl_get('f_attach', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('u_attach') && $config['allow_attachments'] && $form_enctype);
if ($allowed)
$max_files = ($auth->acl_get('a_') || $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id)) ? 0 : (int) $config['max_attachments'];
$plupload->configure($cache, $template, $s_action, $forum_id, $max_files);
// Attachment entry
posting_gen_attachment_entry($attachment_data, $filename_data, $allowed);
// Output page ...
'body' => 'posting_body.html')
// Topic review
if ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote')
if (topic_review($topic_id, $forum_id))
$template->assign_var('S_DISPLAY_REVIEW', true);