path_helper = $path_helper; $this->set_url($url); } /** * Set URL * * @param string $url URL */ public function set_url($url) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.7') < 0 && substr($url, 0, 2) === '//') { // Workaround for PHP 5.4.6 and older bug #62844 - add fake scheme and then remove it $this->components = parse_url('http:' . $url); $this->components['scheme'] = ''; return; } $this->components = parse_url($url); } /** * Convert URL components into string * * @param array $components URL components * @return string URL */ protected function join_url($components) { $path = ''; if (isset($components['scheme'])) { $path = $components['scheme'] === '' ? '//' : $components['scheme'] . '://'; } if (isset($components['user']) || isset($components['pass'])) { if ($path === '' && !isset($components['port'])) { $path = '//'; } $path .= $components['user']; if (isset($components['pass'])) { $path .= ':' . $components['pass']; } $path .= '@'; } if (isset($components['host'])) { if ($path === '' && !isset($components['port'])) { $path = '//'; } $path .= $components['host']; if (isset($components['port'])) { $path .= ':' . $components['port']; } } if (isset($components['path'])) { $path .= $components['path']; } if (isset($components['query'])) { $path .= '?' . $components['query']; } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $path .= '#' . $components['fragment']; } return $path; } /** * Get URL * * @return string URL */ public function get_url() { return $this->path_helper->update_web_root_path($this->join_url($this->components)); } /** * Checks if URL is local and relative * * @return boolean True if URL is local and relative */ public function is_relative() { if (empty($this->components) || !isset($this->components['path'])) { // Invalid URL return false; } return !isset($this->components['scheme']) && !isset($this->components['host']) && substr($this->components['path'], 0, 1) !== '/'; } /** * Get path component of current URL * * @return string Path */ public function get_path() { return isset($this->components['path']) ? $this->components['path'] : ''; } /** * Set path component * * @param string $path Path component * @param boolean $urlencode If true, parts of path should be encoded with rawurlencode() */ public function set_path($path, $urlencode = false) { if ($urlencode) { $paths = explode('/', $path); foreach ($paths as &$dir) { $dir = rawurlencode($dir); } $path = implode('/', $paths); } $this->components['path'] = $path; } /** * Add assets_version parameter to URL. * Parameter will not be added if assets_version already exists in URL * * @param string $version Version */ public function add_assets_version($version) { if (!isset($this->components['query'])) { $this->components['query'] = 'assets_version=' . $version; return; } $query = $this->components['query']; if (!preg_match('/(^|[&;])assets_version=/', $query)) { $this->components['query'] = $query . '&assets_version=' . $version; } } }