<?php /** * * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package. * * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com> * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ namespace phpbb\install; use phpbb\di\ordered_service_collection; use phpbb\install\exception\resource_limit_reached_exception; use phpbb\install\helper\config; use phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface; /** * Base class for installer module */ abstract class module_base implements module_interface { /** * @var config */ protected $install_config; /** * @var iohandler_interface */ protected $iohandler; /** * @var bool */ protected $is_essential; /** * Array of tasks for installer module * * @var ordered_service_collection */ protected $task_collection; /** * @var array */ protected $task_step_count; /** * @var bool */ protected $allow_progress_bar; /** * Installer module constructor * * @param ordered_service_collection $tasks array of installer tasks for installer module * @param bool $essential flag indicating whether the module is essential or not * @param bool $allow_progress_bar flag indicating whether or not to send progress information from within the module */ public function __construct(ordered_service_collection $tasks, $essential = true, $allow_progress_bar = true) { $this->task_collection = $tasks; $this->is_essential = $essential; $this->allow_progress_bar = $allow_progress_bar; } /** * Dependency getter * * @param config $config * @param iohandler_interface $iohandler */ public function setup(config $config, iohandler_interface $iohandler) { $this->install_config = $config; $this->iohandler = $iohandler; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function is_essential() { return $this->is_essential; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * Overwrite this method if your task is non-essential! */ public function check_requirements() { return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function run() { // Recover install progress $task_index = $this->recover_progress(); $iterator = $this->task_collection->getIterator(); if ($task_index < $iterator->count()) { $iterator->seek($task_index); } else { $this->install_config->set_finished_task(0); return; } while ($iterator->valid()) { $task = $iterator->current(); $name = $iterator->key(); // Check if we can run the task if (!$task->is_essential() && !$task->check_requirements()) { $this->iohandler->add_log_message(array( 'SKIP_TASK', $name, )); $this->install_config->increment_current_task_progress($this->task_step_count[$name]); } else { // Send progress information if ($this->allow_progress_bar) { $this->iohandler->set_progress( $task->get_task_lang_name(), $this->install_config->get_current_task_progress() ); $this->iohandler->send_response(); } $task->run(); if ($this->allow_progress_bar) { // Only increment progress by one, as if a task has more than one steps // then that should be incremented in the task itself $this->install_config->increment_current_task_progress(); } } $task_index++; $this->install_config->set_finished_task($task_index); $iterator->next(); // Send progress information if ($this->allow_progress_bar) { $this->iohandler->set_progress( $task->get_task_lang_name(), $this->install_config->get_current_task_progress() ); } $this->iohandler->send_response(); // Stop execution if resource limit is reached if ($iterator->valid() && ($this->install_config->get_time_remaining() <= 0 || $this->install_config->get_memory_remaining() <= 0)) { throw new resource_limit_reached_exception(); } } // Module finished, so clear task progress $this->install_config->set_finished_task(0); } /** * Returns the next task's name * * @return string Index of the array element of the next task */ protected function recover_progress() { $progress_array = $this->install_config->get_progress_data(); return $progress_array['last_task_index']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get_step_count() { $task_step_count = 0; $task_class_names = $this->task_collection->get_service_classes(); foreach ($task_class_names as $name => $task_class) { $step_count = $task_class::get_step_count(); $task_step_count += $step_count; $this->task_step_count[$name] = $step_count; } return $task_step_count; } }