* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ namespace phpbb\db; /** * The migrator is responsible for applying new migrations in the correct order. */ class migrator { /** @var \phpbb\config\config */ protected $config; /** @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface */ protected $db; /** @var \phpbb\db\tools */ protected $db_tools; /** @var \phpbb\db\migration\helper */ protected $helper; /** @var string */ protected $table_prefix; /** @var string */ protected $phpbb_root_path; /** @var string */ protected $php_ext; /** @var string */ protected $migrations_table; /** * State of all migrations * * (SELECT * FROM migrations table) * * @var array */ protected $migration_state = array(); /** * Array of all migrations available to be run * * @var array */ protected $migrations = array(); /** * 'name,' 'class,' and 'state' of the last migration run * * 'effectively_installed' set and set to true if the migration was effectively_installed * * @var array */ public $last_run_migration = false; /** * Constructor of the database migrator */ public function __construct(\phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db, \phpbb\db\tools $db_tools, $migrations_table, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext, $table_prefix, $tools, \phpbb\db\migration\helper $helper) { $this->config = $config; $this->db = $db; $this->db_tools = $db_tools; $this->helper = $helper; $this->migrations_table = $migrations_table; $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path; $this->php_ext = $php_ext; $this->table_prefix = $table_prefix; foreach ($tools as $tool) { $this->tools[$tool->get_name()] = $tool; } $this->tools['dbtools'] = $this->db_tools; $this->load_migration_state(); } /** * Loads all migrations and their application state from the database. * * @return null */ public function load_migration_state() { $this->migration_state = array(); // prevent errors in case the table does not exist yet $this->db->sql_return_on_error(true); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->migrations_table; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); if (!$this->db->sql_error_triggered) { while ($migration = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $this->migration_state[$migration['migration_name']] = $migration; $this->migration_state[$migration['migration_name']]['migration_depends_on'] = unserialize($migration['migration_depends_on']); } } $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $this->db->sql_return_on_error(false); } /** * Sets the list of available migration class names to the given array. * * @param array $class_names An array of migration class names * @return null */ public function set_migrations($class_names) { $this->migrations = $class_names; } /** * Runs a single update step from the next migration to be applied. * * The update step can either be a schema or a (partial) data update. To * check if update() needs to be called again use the finished() method. * * @return null */ public function update() { foreach ($this->migrations as $name) { if (!isset($this->migration_state[$name]) || !$this->migration_state[$name]['migration_schema_done'] || !$this->migration_state[$name]['migration_data_done']) { if (!$this->try_apply($name)) { continue; } else { return; } } } } /** * Attempts to apply a step of the given migration or one of its dependencies * * @param string The class name of the migration * @return bool Whether any update step was successfully run */ protected function try_apply($name) { if (!class_exists($name)) { return false; } $migration = $this->get_migration($name); $state = (isset($this->migration_state[$name])) ? $this->migration_state[$name] : array( 'migration_depends_on' => $migration->depends_on(), 'migration_schema_done' => false, 'migration_data_done' => false, 'migration_data_state' => '', 'migration_start_time' => 0, 'migration_end_time' => 0, ); foreach ($state['migration_depends_on'] as $depend) { if ($this->unfulfillable($depend) !== false) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_NOT_FULFILLABLE', $name, $depend); } if (!isset($this->migration_state[$depend]) || !$this->migration_state[$depend]['migration_schema_done'] || !$this->migration_state[$depend]['migration_data_done']) { return $this->try_apply($depend); } } $this->last_run_migration = array( 'name' => $name, 'class' => $migration, 'state' => $state, 'task' => '', ); if (!isset($this->migration_state[$name])) { if ($state['migration_start_time'] == 0 && $migration->effectively_installed()) { $state = array( 'migration_depends_on' => $migration->depends_on(), 'migration_schema_done' => true, 'migration_data_done' => true, 'migration_data_state' => '', 'migration_start_time' => 0, 'migration_end_time' => 0, ); $this->last_run_migration['effectively_installed'] = true; } else { $state['migration_start_time'] = time(); } } $this->set_migration_state($name, $state); if (!$state['migration_schema_done']) { $this->last_run_migration['task'] = 'process_schema_step'; $steps = $this->helper->get_schema_steps($migration->update_schema()); $result = $this->process_data_step($steps, $state['migration_data_state']); $state['migration_data_state'] = ($result === true) ? '' : $result; $state['migration_schema_done'] = ($result === true); } else if (!$state['migration_data_done']) { try { $this->last_run_migration['task'] = 'process_data_step'; $result = $this->process_data_step($migration->update_data(), $state['migration_data_state']); $state['migration_data_state'] = ($result === true) ? '' : $result; $state['migration_data_done'] = ($result === true); $state['migration_end_time'] = ($result === true) ? time() : 0; } catch (\phpbb\db\migration\exception $e) { // Revert the schema changes $this->revert($name); // Rethrow exception throw $e; } } $this->set_migration_state($name, $state); return true; } /** * Runs a single revert step from the last migration installed * * YOU MUST ADD/SET ALL MIGRATIONS THAT COULD BE DEPENDENT ON THE MIGRATION TO REVERT TO BEFORE CALLING THIS METHOD! * The revert step can either be a schema or a (partial) data revert. To * check if revert() needs to be called again use the migration_state() method. * * @param string $migration String migration name to revert (including any that depend on this migration) * @return null */ public function revert($migration) { if (!isset($this->migration_state[$migration])) { // Not installed return; } foreach ($this->migration_state as $name => $state) { if (!empty($state['migration_depends_on']) && in_array($migration, $state['migration_depends_on'])) { $this->revert($name); } } $this->try_revert($migration); } /** * Attempts to revert a step of the given migration or one of its dependencies * * @param string The class name of the migration * @return bool Whether any update step was successfully run */ protected function try_revert($name) { if (!class_exists($name)) { return false; } $migration = $this->get_migration($name); $state = $this->migration_state[$name]; $this->last_run_migration = array( 'name' => $name, 'class' => $migration, 'task' => '', ); if ($state['migration_data_done']) { if ($state['migration_data_state'] !== 'revert_data') { $result = $this->process_data_step($migration->update_data(), $state['migration_data_state'], true); $state['migration_data_state'] = ($result === true) ? 'revert_data' : $result; } else { $result = $this->process_data_step($migration->revert_data(), '', false); $state['migration_data_state'] = ($result === true) ? '' : $result; $state['migration_data_done'] = ($result === true) ? false : true; } $this->set_migration_state($name, $state); } else if ($state['migration_schema_done']) { $steps = $this->helper->get_schema_steps($migration->revert_schema()); $result = $this->process_data_step($steps, $state['migration_data_state']); $state['migration_data_state'] = ($result === true) ? '' : $result; $state['migration_schema_done'] = ($result === true) ? false : true; if (!$state['migration_schema_done']) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->migrations_table . " WHERE migration_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($name) . "'"; $this->db->sql_query($sql); unset($this->migration_state[$name]); } } return true; } /** * Process the data step of the migration * * @param array $steps The steps to run * @param bool|string $state Current state of the migration * @param bool $revert true to revert a data step * @return bool|string migration state. True if completed, serialized array if not finished */ protected function process_data_step($steps, $state, $revert = false) { $state = ($state) ? unserialize($state) : false; // reverse order of steps if reverting if ($revert === true) { $steps = array_reverse($steps); } foreach ($steps as $step_identifier => $step) { $last_result = 0; if ($state) { // Continue until we reach the step that matches the last step called if ($state['step'] != $step_identifier) { continue; } // We send the result from last time to the callable function $last_result = $state['result']; // Set state to false since we reached the point we were at $state = false; } try { // Result will be null or true if everything completed correctly $result = $this->run_step($step, $last_result, $revert); if ($result !== null && $result !== true) { return serialize(array( 'result' => $result, 'step' => $step_identifier, )); } } catch (\phpbb\db\migration\exception $e) { // We should try rolling back here foreach ($steps as $reverse_step_identifier => $reverse_step) { // If we've reached the current step we can break because we reversed everything that was run if ($reverse_step_identifier == $step_identifier) { break; } // Reverse the step that was run $result = $this->run_step($reverse_step, false, !$revert); } // rethrow the exception throw $e; } } return true; } /** * Run a single step * * An exception should be thrown if an error occurs * * @param mixed $step Data step from migration * @param mixed $last_result Result to pass to the callable (only for 'custom' method) * @param bool $reverse False to install, True to attempt uninstallation by reversing the call * @return null */ protected function run_step($step, $last_result = 0, $reverse = false) { $callable_and_parameters = $this->get_callable_from_step($step, $last_result, $reverse); if ($callable_and_parameters === false) { return; } $callable = $callable_and_parameters[0]; $parameters = $callable_and_parameters[1]; return call_user_func_array($callable, $parameters); } /** * Get a callable statement from a data step * * @param array $step Data step from migration * @param mixed $last_result Result to pass to the callable (only for 'custom' method) * @param bool $reverse False to install, True to attempt uninstallation by reversing the call * @return array Array with parameters for call_user_func_array(), 0 is the callable, 1 is parameters */ protected function get_callable_from_step(array $step, $last_result = 0, $reverse = false) { $type = $step[0]; $parameters = $step[1]; $parts = explode('.', $type); $class = $parts[0]; $method = false; if (isset($parts[1])) { $method = $parts[1]; } switch ($class) { case 'if': if (!isset($parameters[0])) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_INVALID_DATA_MISSING_CONDITION', $step); } if (!isset($parameters[1])) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_INVALID_DATA_MISSING_STEP', $step); } $condition = $parameters[0]; if (!$condition) { return false; } $step = $parameters[1]; return $this->get_callable_from_step($step); break; case 'custom': if (!is_callable($parameters[0])) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_INVALID_DATA_CUSTOM_NOT_CALLABLE', $step); } if ($reverse) { return false; } else { return array( $parameters[0], array($last_result), ); } break; default: if (!$method) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_INVALID_DATA_UNKNOWN_TYPE', $step); } if (!isset($this->tools[$class])) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_INVALID_DATA_UNDEFINED_TOOL', $step); } if (!method_exists(get_class($this->tools[$class]), $method)) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_INVALID_DATA_UNDEFINED_METHOD', $step); } // Attempt to reverse operations if ($reverse) { array_unshift($parameters, $method); return array( array($this->tools[$class], 'reverse'), $parameters, ); } return array( array($this->tools[$class], $method), $parameters, ); break; } } /** * Insert/Update migration row into the database * * @param string $name Name of the migration * @param array $state * @return null */ protected function set_migration_state($name, $state) { $migration_row = $state; $migration_row['migration_depends_on'] = serialize($state['migration_depends_on']); if (isset($this->migration_state[$name])) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->migrations_table . ' SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $migration_row) . " WHERE migration_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($name) . "'"; $this->db->sql_query($sql); } else { $migration_row['migration_name'] = $name; $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->migrations_table . ' ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $migration_row); $this->db->sql_query($sql); } $this->migration_state[$name] = $state; $this->last_run_migration['state'] = $state; } /** * Checks if a migration's dependencies can even theoretically be satisfied. * * @param string $name The class name of the migration * @return bool|string False if fulfillable, string of missing migration name if unfulfillable */ public function unfulfillable($name) { if (isset($this->migration_state[$name])) { return false; } if (!class_exists($name)) { return $name; } $migration = $this->get_migration($name); $depends = $migration->depends_on(); foreach ($depends as $depend) { $unfulfillable = $this->unfulfillable($depend); if ($unfulfillable !== false) { return $unfulfillable; } } return false; } /** * Checks whether all available, fulfillable migrations have been applied. * * @return bool Whether the migrations have been applied */ public function finished() { foreach ($this->migrations as $name) { if (!isset($this->migration_state[$name])) { // skip unfulfillable migrations, but fulfillables mean we // are not finished yet if ($this->unfulfillable($name) !== false) { continue; } return false; } $migration = $this->migration_state[$name]; if (!$migration['migration_schema_done'] || !$migration['migration_data_done']) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets a migration state (whether it is installed and to what extent) * * @param string $migration String migration name to check if it is installed * @return bool|array False if the migration has not at all been installed, array */ public function migration_state($migration) { if (!isset($this->migration_state[$migration])) { return false; } return $this->migration_state[$migration]; } /** * Helper to get a migration * * @param string $name Name of the migration * @return \phpbb\db\migration\migration */ protected function get_migration($name) { return new $name($this->config, $this->db, $this->db_tools, $this->phpbb_root_path, $this->php_ext, $this->table_prefix); } /** * This function adds all migrations sent to it to the migrations table * * THIS SHOULD NOT GENERALLY BE USED! THIS IS FOR THE PHPBB INSTALLER. * THIS WILL THROW ERRORS IF MIGRATIONS ALREADY EXIST IN THE TABLE, DO NOT CALL MORE THAN ONCE! * * @param array $migrations Array of migrations (names) to add to the migrations table * @return null */ public function populate_migrations($migrations) { foreach ($migrations as $name) { if ($this->migration_state($name) === false) { $state = array( 'migration_depends_on' => $name::depends_on(), 'migration_schema_done' => true, 'migration_data_done' => true, 'migration_data_state' => '', 'migration_start_time' => time(), 'migration_end_time' => time(), ); $this->set_migration_state($name, $state); } } } /** * Load migration data files from a directory * * @param \phpbb\extension\finder $finder * @param string $path Path to migration data files * @param bool $check_fulfillable If TRUE (default), we will check * if all of the migrations are fulfillable after loading them. * If FALSE, we will not check. You SHOULD check at least once * to prevent errors (if including multiple directories, check * with the last call to prevent throwing errors unnecessarily). * @return array Array of migration names */ public function load_migrations(\phpbb\extension\finder $finder, $path, $check_fulfillable = true) { if (!is_dir($path)) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('DIRECTORY INVALID', $path); } $migrations = array(); $files = $finder ->extension_directory("/") ->find_from_paths(array('/' => $path)); foreach ($files as $file) { $migrations[$file['path'] . $file['filename']] = ''; } $migrations = $finder->get_classes_from_files($migrations); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { if (!in_array($migration, $this->migrations)) { $this->migrations[] = $migration; } } if ($check_fulfillable) { foreach ($this->migrations as $name) { $unfulfillable = $this->unfulfillable($name); if ($unfulfillable !== false) { throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MIGRATION_NOT_FULFILLABLE', $name, $unfulfillable); } } } return $this->migrations; } }