<?php /** * * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package. * * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com> * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ namespace phpbb\db\migration; /** * The schema generator generates the schema based on the existing migrations */ class schema_generator { /** @var \phpbb\config\config */ protected $config; /** @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface */ protected $db; /** @var \phpbb\db\tools */ protected $db_tools; /** @var array */ protected $class_names; /** @var string */ protected $table_prefix; /** @var string */ protected $phpbb_root_path; /** @var string */ protected $php_ext; /** @var array */ protected $tables; /** @var array */ protected $dependencies = array(); /** * Constructor */ public function __construct(array $class_names, \phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db, \phpbb\db\tools $db_tools, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext, $table_prefix) { $this->config = $config; $this->db = $db; $this->db_tools = $db_tools; $this->class_names = $class_names; $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path; $this->php_ext = $php_ext; $this->table_prefix = $table_prefix; } /** * Loads all migrations and their application state from the database. * * @return array */ public function get_schema() { if (!empty($this->tables)) { return $this->tables; } $migrations = $this->class_names; $tree = array(); $check_dependencies = true; while (!empty($migrations)) { foreach ($migrations as $migration_class) { $open_dependencies = array_diff($migration_class::depends_on(), $tree); if (empty($open_dependencies)) { $migration = new $migration_class($this->config, $this->db, $this->db_tools, $this->phpbb_root_path, $this->php_ext, $this->table_prefix); $tree[] = $migration_class; $migration_key = array_search($migration_class, $migrations); foreach ($migration->update_schema() as $change_type => $data) { if ($change_type === 'add_tables') { foreach ($data as $table => $table_data) { $this->tables[$table] = $table_data; } } else if ($change_type === 'drop_tables') { foreach ($data as $table) { unset($this->tables[$table]); } } else if ($change_type === 'add_columns') { foreach ($data as $table => $add_columns) { foreach ($add_columns as $column => $column_data) { if (isset($column_data['after'])) { $columns = $this->tables[$table]['COLUMNS']; $offset = array_search($column_data['after'], array_keys($columns)); unset($column_data['after']); if ($offset === false) { $this->tables[$table]['COLUMNS'][$column] = array_values($column_data); } else { $this->tables[$table]['COLUMNS'] = array_merge(array_slice($columns, 0, $offset + 1, true), array($column => array_values($column_data)), array_slice($columns, $offset)); } } else { $this->tables[$table]['COLUMNS'][$column] = $column_data; } } } } else if ($change_type === 'change_columns') { foreach ($data as $table => $change_columns) { foreach ($change_columns as $column => $column_data) { $this->tables[$table]['COLUMNS'][$column] = $column_data; } } } else if ($change_type === 'drop_columns') { foreach ($data as $table => $drop_columns) { if (is_array($drop_columns)) { foreach ($drop_columns as $column) { unset($this->tables[$table]['COLUMNS'][$column]); } } else { unset($this->tables[$table]['COLUMNS'][$drop_columns]); } } } else if ($change_type === 'add_unique_index') { foreach ($data as $table => $add_index) { foreach ($add_index as $key => $index_data) { $this->tables[$table]['KEYS'][$key] = array('UNIQUE', $index_data); } } } else if ($change_type === 'add_index') { foreach ($data as $table => $add_index) { foreach ($add_index as $key => $index_data) { $this->tables[$table]['KEYS'][$key] = array('INDEX', $index_data); } } } else if ($change_type === 'drop_keys') { foreach ($data as $table => $drop_keys) { foreach ($drop_keys as $key) { unset($this->tables[$table]['KEYS'][$key]); } } } else { var_dump($change_type); } } unset($migrations[$migration_key]); } else if ($check_dependencies) { $this->dependencies = array_merge($this->dependencies, $open_dependencies); } } // Only run this check after the first run if ($check_dependencies) { $this->check_dependencies(); $check_dependencies = false; } } ksort($this->tables); return $this->tables; } /** * Check if one of the migrations files' dependencies can't be resolved * by the supplied list of migrations * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException If a dependency can't be resolved */ protected function check_dependencies() { // Strip duplicate values from array $this->dependencies = array_unique($this->dependencies); foreach ($this->dependencies as $dependency) { if (!in_array($dependency, $this->class_names)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Unable to resolve the dependency '$dependency'"); } } } }