* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\db\driver;

interface driver_interface
	* Gets the name of the sql layer.
	* @return string
	public function get_sql_layer();

	* Gets the name of the database.
	* @return string
	public function get_db_name();

	* Wildcards for matching any (%) character within LIKE expressions
	* @return string
	public function get_any_char();

	* Wildcards for matching exactly one (_) character within LIKE expressions
	* @return string
	public function get_one_char();

	* Gets the time spent into the queries
	* @return int
	public function get_sql_time();

	* Gets the connect ID.
	* @return mixed
	public function get_db_connect_id();

	* Indicates if an error was triggered.
	* @return bool
	public function get_sql_error_triggered();

	* Gets the last faulty query
	* @return string
	public function get_sql_error_sql();

	* Indicates if we are in a transaction.
	* @return bool
	public function get_transaction();

	* Gets the returned error.
	* @return array
	public function get_sql_error_returned();

	* Indicates if multiple insertion can be used
	* @return bool
	public function get_multi_insert();

	* Set if multiple insertion can be used
	* @param bool $multi_insert
	public function set_multi_insert($multi_insert);

	* Gets the exact number of rows in a specified table.
	* @param string $table_name Table name
	* @return string	Exact number of rows in $table_name.
	public function get_row_count($table_name);

	* Gets the estimated number of rows in a specified table.
	* @param string $table_name Table name
	* @return string	Number of rows in $table_name.
	*					Prefixed with ~ if estimated (otherwise exact).
	public function get_estimated_row_count($table_name);

	* Run LOWER() on DB column of type text (i.e. neither varchar nor char).
	* @param string $column_name	The column name to use
	* @return string		A SQL statement like "LOWER($column_name)"
	public function sql_lower_text($column_name);

	* Display sql error page
	* @param string		$sql	The SQL query causing the error
	* @return mixed		Returns the full error message, if $this->return_on_error
	*					is set, null otherwise
	public function sql_error($sql = '');

	* Returns whether results of a query need to be buffered to run a
	* transaction while iterating over them.
	* @return bool	Whether buffering is required.
	public function sql_buffer_nested_transactions();

	* Run binary OR operator on DB column.
	* @param string	$column_name	The column name to use
	* @param int	$bit			The value to use for the OR operator,
	*					will be converted to (1 << $bit). Is used by options,
	*					using the number schema... 0, 1, 2...29
	* @param string	$compare	Any custom SQL code after the check (e.g. "= 0")
	* @return string	A SQL statement like "$column | (1 << $bit) {$compare}"
	public function sql_bit_or($column_name, $bit, $compare = '');

	* Version information about used database
	* @param bool $raw			Only return the fetched sql_server_version
	* @param bool $use_cache	Is it safe to retrieve the value from the cache
	* @return string sql server version
	public function sql_server_info($raw = false, $use_cache = true);

	* Return on error or display error message
	* @param bool	$fail		Should we return on errors, or stop
	* @return null
	public function sql_return_on_error($fail = false);

	* Build sql statement from an array
	* @param	string	$query		Should be on of the following strings:
	* @param	array	$assoc_ary	Array with "column => value" pairs
	* @return	string		A SQL statement like "c1 = 'a' AND c2 = 'b'"
	public function sql_build_array($query, $assoc_ary = array());

	* Fetch all rows
	* @param	mixed	$query_id	Already executed query to get the rows from,
	*								if false, the last query will be used.
	* @return	mixed		Nested array if the query had rows, false otherwise
	public function sql_fetchrowset($query_id = false);

	* SQL Transaction
	* @param	string	$status		Should be one of the following strings:
	*								begin, commit, rollback
	* @return	mixed	Buffered, seekable result handle, false on error
	public function sql_transaction($status = 'begin');

	* Build a concatenated expression
	* @param	string	$expr1		Base SQL expression where we append the second one
	* @param	string	$expr2		SQL expression that is appended to the first expression
	* @return	string		Concatenated string
	public function sql_concatenate($expr1, $expr2);

	* Build a case expression
	* Note: The two statements action_true and action_false must have the same
	* data type (int, vchar, ...) in the database!
	* @param	string	$condition		The condition which must be true,
	*							to use action_true rather then action_else
	* @param	string	$action_true	SQL expression that is used, if the condition is true
	* @param	mixed	$action_false	SQL expression that is used, if the condition is false
	* @return	string		CASE expression including the condition and statements
	public function sql_case($condition, $action_true, $action_false = false);

	* Build sql statement from array for select and select distinct statements
	* Possible query values: SELECT, SELECT_DISTINCT
	* @param	string	$query	Should be one of: SELECT, SELECT_DISTINCT
	* @param	array	$array	Array with the query data:
	*					SELECT		A comma imploded list of columns to select
	*					FROM		Array with "table => alias" pairs,
	*								(alias can also be an array)
	*		Optional:	LEFT_JOIN	Array of join entries:
	*						FROM		Table that should be joined
	*						ON			Condition for the join
	*		Optional:	WHERE		Where SQL statement
	*		Optional:	GROUP_BY	Group by SQL statement
	*		Optional:	ORDER_BY	Order by SQL statement
	* @return	string		A SQL statement ready for execution
	public function sql_build_query($query, $array);

	* Fetch field
	* if rownum is false, the current row is used, else it is pointing to the row (zero-based)
	* @param	string	$field		Name of the column
	* @param	mixed	$rownum		Row number, if false the current row will be used
	*								and the row curser will point to the next row
	*								Note: $rownum is 0 based
	* @param	mixed	$query_id	Already executed query to get the rows from,
	*								if false, the last query will be used.
	* @return	mixed		String value of the field in the selected row,
	*						false, if the row does not exist
	public function sql_fetchfield($field, $rownum = false, $query_id = false);

	* Fetch current row
	* @param	mixed	$query_id	Already executed query to get the rows from,
	*								if false, the last query will be used.
	* @return	mixed		Array with the current row,
	*						false, if the row does not exist
	public function sql_fetchrow($query_id = false);

	* Returns SQL string to cast a string expression to an int.
	* @param  string $expression An expression evaluating to string
	* @return string             Expression returning an int
	public function cast_expr_to_bigint($expression);

	* Get last inserted id after insert statement
	* @return	string		Autoincrement value of the last inserted row
	public function sql_nextid();

	* Add to query count
	* @param bool $cached	Is this query cached?
	* @return null
	public function sql_add_num_queries($cached = false);

	* Build LIMIT query
	* @param	string	$query		The SQL query to execute
	* @param	int		$total		The number of rows to select
	* @param	int		$offset
	* @param	int		$cache_ttl	Either 0 to avoid caching or
	*				the time in seconds which the result shall be kept in cache
	* @return	mixed	Buffered, seekable result handle, false on error
	public function sql_query_limit($query, $total, $offset = 0, $cache_ttl = 0);

	* Base query method
	* @param	string	$query		The SQL query to execute
	* @param	int		$cache_ttl	Either 0 to avoid caching or
	*				the time in seconds which the result shall be kept in cache
	* @return	mixed	Buffered, seekable result handle, false on error
	public function sql_query($query = '', $cache_ttl = 0);

	* Returns SQL string to cast an integer expression to a string.
	* @param	string	$expression		An expression evaluating to int
	* @return string		Expression returning a string
	public function cast_expr_to_string($expression);

	 * Connect to server
	 * @param	string	$sqlserver		Address of the database server
	 * @param	string	$sqluser		User name of the SQL user
	 * @param	string	$sqlpassword	Password of the SQL user
	 * @param	string	$database		Name of the database
	 * @param	mixed	$port			Port of the database server
	 * @param	bool	$persistency
	 * @param	bool	$new_link		Should a new connection be established
	 * @return	mixed	Connection ID on success, string error message otherwise
	public function sql_connect($sqlserver, $sqluser, $sqlpassword, $database, $port = false, $persistency = false, $new_link = false);

	* Run binary AND operator on DB column.
	* Results in sql statement: "{$column_name} & (1 << {$bit}) {$compare}"
	* @param string	$column_name	The column name to use
	* @param int	$bit			The value to use for the AND operator,
	*								will be converted to (1 << $bit). Is used by
	*								options, using the number schema: 0, 1, 2...29
	* @param string	$compare		Any custom SQL code after the check (for example "= 0")
	* @return string	A SQL statement like: "{$column} & (1 << {$bit}) {$compare}"
	public function sql_bit_and($column_name, $bit, $compare = '');

	* Free sql result
	* @param	mixed	$query_id	Already executed query result,
	*								if false, the last query will be used.
	* @return	null
	public function sql_freeresult($query_id = false);

	* Return number of sql queries and cached sql queries used
	* @param	bool	$cached		Should we return the number of cached or normal queries?
	* @return	int		Number of queries that have been executed
	public function sql_num_queries($cached = false);

	* Run more than one insert statement.
	* @param string	$table		Table name to run the statements on
	* @param array	$sql_ary	Multi-dimensional array holding the statement data
	* @return bool		false if no statements were executed.
	public function sql_multi_insert($table, $sql_ary);

	* Return number of affected rows
	* @return	mixed		Number of the affected rows by the last query
	*						false if no query has been run before
	public function sql_affectedrows();

	* DBAL garbage collection, close SQL connection
	* @return	mixed		False if no connection was opened before,
	*						Server response otherwise
	public function sql_close();

	* Seek to given row number
	* @param	mixed	$rownum		Row number the curser should point to
	*								Note: $rownum is 0 based
	* @param	mixed	$query_id	ID of the query to set the row cursor on
	*								if false, the last query will be used.
	*								$query_id will then be set correctly
	* @return	bool		False if something went wrong
	public function sql_rowseek($rownum, &$query_id);

	* Escape string used in sql query
	* @param	string	$msg	String to be escaped
	* @return	string		Escaped version of $msg
	public function sql_escape($msg);

	* Correctly adjust LIKE expression for special characters
	* Some DBMS are handling them in a different way
	* @param	string	$expression	The expression to use. Every wildcard is
	*						escaped, except $this->any_char and $this->one_char
	* @return string	A SQL statement like: "LIKE 'bertie_%'"
	public function sql_like_expression($expression);

	* Correctly adjust NOT LIKE expression for special characters
	* Some DBMS are handling them in a different way
	* @param	string	$expression	The expression to use. Every wildcard is
	*						escaped, except $this->any_char and $this->one_char
	* @return string	A SQL statement like: "NOT LIKE 'bertie_%'"
	public function sql_not_like_expression($expression);

	* Explain queries
	* @param	string	$mode		Available modes: display, start, stop,
	 *								add_select_row, fromcache, record_fromcache
	* @param	string	$query		The Query that should be explained
	* @return	mixed		Either a full HTML page, boolean or null
	public function sql_report($mode, $query = '');

	* Build IN or NOT IN sql comparison string, uses <> or = on single element
	* arrays to improve comparison speed
	* @param	string	$field			Name of the sql column that shall be compared
	* @param	array	$array			Array of values that are (not) allowed
	* @param	bool	$negate			true for NOT IN (), false for IN ()
	* @param	bool	$allow_empty_set	If true, allow $array to be empty,
	*								this function will return 1=1 or 1=0 then.
	* @return string	A SQL statement like: "IN (1, 2, 3, 4)" or "= 1"
	public function sql_in_set($field, $array, $negate = false, $allow_empty_set = false);