get_hash_settings($setting)) === false) { return false; } } else { if (($settings = $this->get_hash_settings($this->generate_salt())) === false) { return false; } } $hash = md5($settings['salt'] . $password, true); do { $hash = md5($hash . $password, true); } while (--$settings['count']); $output = $settings['full']; $output .= $this->helper->hash_encode64($hash, 16); if (strlen($output) == 34) { return $output; } // Should we really just return the md5 of the password? O.o return md5($password); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function check($password, $hash) { if (strlen($hash) !== 34) { return (md5($password) === $hash) ? true : false; } // No need to check prefix, already did that in manage if ($hash === $this->hash($password, $hash)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Generate salt for hashing method * * @return string Salt for hashing method */ protected function generate_salt() { $salt = ''; $random = ''; $count = 6; $random = $this->helper->get_random_salt($count); $salt = $this->get_prefix(); $salt .= $this->helper->itoa64[min($count + 5, 30)]; $salt .= $this->helper->hash_encode64($random, $count); return $salt; } /** * Get hash settings * * @return array Array containing the count_log2, salt, and full hash * settings string */ public function get_hash_settings($hash) { if (empty($hash)) { return false; } $count_log2 = strpos($this->helper->itoa64, $hash[3]); $salt = substr($hash, 4, 8); if ($count_log2 < 7 || $count_log2 > 30 || strlen($salt) != 8) { return false; } return array( 'count' => 1 << $count_log2, 'salt' => $salt, 'full' => substr($hash, 0, 12), ); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function get_settings_only($hash, $full = false) { return substr($hash, 3, 9); } }