'All available',
'ALL_RESULTS' => 'All results',
'DISPLAY_RESULTS' => 'Display results as',
'FOUND_SEARCH_MATCH' => 'Search found %d match',
'FOUND_SEARCH_MATCHES' => 'Search found %d matches',
'IGNORED_TERMS' => 'ignored',
'NO_RECENT_SEARCHES' => 'No searches have been carried out recently',
'NO_SEARCH' => 'Sorry but you are not permitted to use the search system.',
'NO_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'No suitable matches were found.',
'NO_SEARCH_TIME' => 'Sorry but you cannot use search at this time. Please try again in a few minutes.',
'POST_CHARACTERS' => 'characters of posts',
'RECENT_SEARCHES' => 'Recent searches',
'RESULT_DAYS' => 'Limit results to previous',
'RESULT_SORT' => 'Sort results by',
'RETURN_FIRST' => 'Return first',
'SEARCHED_FOR' => 'Search term used',
'SEARCH_ALL_TERMS' => 'Search for all terms or use query as entered',
'SEARCH_ANY_TERMS' => 'Search for any terms',
'SEARCH_AUTHOR' => 'Search for Author',
'SEARCH_AUTHOR_EXPLAIN' => 'Use * as a wildcard for partial matches',
'SEARCH_FORUMS' => 'Search in forums',
'SEARCH_FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Select the forum or forums you wish to search in. For speed all subforums can be searched by selecting the parent and setting enable search subforums below.',
'SEARCH_IN_RESULTS' => 'Search these results',
'SEARCH_KEYWORDS' => 'Search for Keywords',
'SEARCH_KEYWORDS_EXPLAIN' => 'Use + for words which must be found, - for words which must not be found and | for words which may or may not be found. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches',
'SEARCH_MSG_ONLY' => 'Message text only',
'SEARCH_OPTIONS' => 'Search Options',
'SEARCH_QUERY' => 'Search Query',
'SEARCH_SUBFORUMS' => 'Search subforums',
'SEARCH_TITLE_MSG' => 'Topic titles and message text',
'SEARCH_TITLE_ONLY' => 'Topic titles only',
'SEARCH_WITHIN' => 'Search within',
'SORT_ASCENDING' => 'Ascending',
'SORT_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'SORT_DESCENDING' => 'Descending',
'SORT_FORUM' => 'Forum',
'SORT_POST_SUBJECT' => 'Post Subject',
'SORT_TIME' => 'Post Time',