'Group avatar', 'GROUP_CLOSED' => 'Closed', 'GROUP_DESC' => 'Group description', 'GROUP_HIDDEN' => 'Hidden', 'GROUP_INFORMATION' => 'Usergroup Information', 'GROUP_MEMBERS' => 'Group members', 'GROUP_NAME' => 'Group name', 'GROUP_OPEN' => 'Open', 'GROUP_RANK' => 'Group rank', 'GROUP_TYPE' => 'Group type', 'GROUP_IS_CLOSED' => 'This is a closed group, new members cannot automatically join.', 'GROUP_IS_OPEN' => 'This is an open group, members can apply to join.', 'GROUP_IS_HIDDEN' => 'This is a hidden group, only members of this group can view its membership.', 'GROUP_IS_FREE' => 'This is a freely open group, all new members are welcome.', 'GROUP_IS_SPECIAL' => 'This is a special group, special groups are managed by the board administrators.', 'REMOVE_SELECTED' => 'Remove selected', ); ?>