'iso-8859-1', 'DIRECTION' => 'ltr', 'LEFT' => 'left', 'RIGHT' => 'right', 'DATE_FORMAT' => '|d M Y|', '1_DAY' => '1 Day', '1_MONTH' => '1 Month', '1_YEAR' => '1 Year', '2_WEEKS' => '2 Weeks', '3_MONTHS' => '3 Months', '6_MONTHS' => '6 Months', '7_DAYS' => '7 Days', 'ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVATED' => 'Your account is already activated', 'ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATED' => 'Your account has not been activated yet', 'ACP' => 'Administration Control Panel', 'ACTIVE_ERROR' => 'You have specified an inactive username. Please activate your account and try again. If you continue to have problems please contact a board administrator.', 'ALLOWED' => 'Allowed', 'ALL_FORUMS' => 'All Forums', 'ALL_MESSAGES' => 'All Messages', 'ALL_POSTS' => 'All Posts', 'ALL_TIMES' => 'All times are %1$s %2$s', 'ALL_TOPICS' => 'All Topics', 'AND' => 'And', 'ARE_WATCHING_FORUM' => 'You have subscribed to receive updates on this forum', 'ARE_WATCHING_TOPIC' => 'You have subscribed to receive updates on this topic.', 'ASCENDING' => 'Ascending', 'ATTACHMENTS' => 'Attachments', 'AUTHOR' => 'Author', 'AVATAR_DISALLOWED_EXTENSION' => 'The Extension %s is not allowed', 'AVATAR_EMPTY_REMOTE_DATA' => 'Avatar could not be uploaded, please try uploading the file manually.', 'AVATAR_INVALID_FILENAME' => '%s is an invalid filename', 'AVATAR_NOT_UPLOADED' => 'Avatar could not be uploaded.', 'AVATAR_NO_SIZE' => 'Could not obtain width or height of linked avatar, please enter them manually.', 'AVATAR_PHP_SIZE_NA' => 'The avatar is too huge in filesize.
Could not determine the maximum size defined by PHP in php.ini.', 'AVATAR_PHP_SIZE_OVERRUN' => 'The avatar is too huge in filesize, maximum upload size is %d MB.
Please note this is set in php.ini and cannot be overriden.', 'AVATAR_URL_INVALID' => 'The URL you specified is invalid.', 'AVATAR_WRONG_FILESIZE' => 'The avatar must be between 0 and %1d %2s.', 'AVATAR_WRONG_SIZE' => 'The avatar must be at least %1$d pixels wide, %2$d pixels high and at most %3$d pixels wide and %4$d pixels high.', 'BACK_TO_TOP' => 'Top', 'BCC' => 'Bcc', 'BIRTHDAYS' => 'Birthdays', 'BOARD_BAN_PERM' => 'You have been permanently banned from this board.

Please contact the %2$sBoard Administrator%3$s for more information.', 'BOARD_BAN_REASON' => 'Reason given for ban: %s', 'BOARD_BAN_TIME' => 'You have been banned from this board until %1$s.

Please contact the %2$sBoard Administrator%3$s for more information.', 'BOARD_DISABLE' => 'Sorry but this board is currently unavailable', 'BOARD_UNAVAILABLE' => 'Sorry but the board is temporarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes', 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUEST' => 'Users browsing this forum: %1$s and %2$d guest', 'BROWSING_FORUM_GUESTS' => 'Users browsing this forum: %1$s and %2$d guests', 'BYTES' => 'Bytes', 'CANCEL' => 'Cancel', 'CHANGE' => 'Change', 'CLICK_VIEW_PRIVMSG' => 'Click %sHere%s to visit your Inbox', 'CONFIRM' => 'Confirm', 'CONGRATULATIONS' => 'Congratulations to', 'COOKIES_DELETED' => 'All Board Cookies successfully deleted.', 'CURRENT_TIME' => 'The time is %s', 'DAY' => 'Day', 'DAYS' => 'Days', 'DELETE' => 'Delete', 'DELETE_ALL' => 'Delete All', 'DELETE_COOKIES' => 'Delete all board cookies', 'DELETE_MARKED' => 'Delete Marked', 'DESCENDING' => 'Descending', 'DISABLED' => 'Disabled', 'DISPLAY_GUESTS' => 'Display Guests', 'DISPLAY_MESSAGES' => 'Display messages from previous', 'DISPLAY_POSTS' => 'Display posts from previous', 'DISPLAY_TOPICS' => 'Display topics from previous', 'DOWNLOADED' => 'Downloaded', 'DOWNLOAD_COUNT' => '%d Time', 'DOWNLOAD_COUNTS' => '%d Times', 'DOWNLOAD_NONE' => '0 Times', 'EMAIL' => 'Email', 'EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Email address', 'EMPTY_SUBJECT' => 'You must specify a subject when posting a new topic.', 'ENABLED' => 'Enabled', 'EXTENSION' => 'Extension', 'EXTENSION_DISABLED_AFTER_POSTING' => 'The extension %s has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', 'FILENAME' => 'Filename', 'FILESIZE' => 'Filesize', 'FILE_COMMENT' => 'File comment', 'FIND_USERNAME' => 'Find a member', 'FOLDER' => 'Folder', 'FORGOT_PASS' => 'I forgot my password', 'FORUM' => 'Forum', 'FORUMS_MARKED' => 'All forums have been marked read', 'FORUM_INDEX' => 'Board Index', 'FORUM_LOCATION' => 'Forum Location', 'FORUM_LOCKED' => 'Forum Locked', 'FORUM_RULES' => 'Forum Rules', 'FORUM_RULES_LINK' => 'Please click to view the forum rules', 'FROM' => 'from', 'GO' => 'Go', 'GOTO_PAGE' => 'Goto page', 'GROUP_ERR_DESC_LONG' => 'Group description too long.', 'GROUP_ERR_TYPE' => 'Inappropriate group type specified.', 'GROUP_ERR_USERNAME' => 'No group name specified.', 'GROUP_ERR_USER_LONG' => 'Group name too long.', 'GUEST' => 'Guest', 'GUEST_USERS_ONLINE' => 'There are %d Guest users online', 'GUEST_USERS_TOTAL' => '%d Guests', 'GUEST_USERS_ZERO_ONLINE' => 'There are 0 Guest users online', 'GUEST_USERS_ZERO_TOTAL'=> '0 Guests', 'GUEST_USER_ONLINE' => 'There is %d Guest user online', 'GUEST_USER_TOTAL' => '%d Guest', 'G_ADMINISTRATORS' => 'Administrators', 'G_BOTS' => 'Bots', 'G_GUESTS' => 'Guests', 'G_INACTIVE' => 'Unapproved Users', 'G_INACTIVE_COPPA' => 'Unapproved COPPA Users', 'G_REGISTERED' => 'Registered Users', 'G_REGISTERED_COPPA' => 'Registered COPPA Users', 'G_SUPER_MODERATORS' => 'Super Moderators', 'HIDDEN_USERS_ONLINE' => '%d Hidden users online', 'HIDDEN_USERS_TOTAL' => '%d Hidden and ', 'HIDDEN_USERS_ZERO_ONLINE' => '0 Hidden users online', 'HIDDEN_USERS_ZERO_TOTAL' => '0 Hidden and ', 'HIDDEN_USER_ONLINE' => '%d Hidden user online', 'HIDDEN_USER_TOTAL' => '%d Hidden and ', 'HIDE_GUESTS' => 'Hide Guests', 'HIDE_ME' => 'Hide my online status this session', 'HOURS' => 'Hours', 'ICQ_STATUS' => 'ICQ Status', 'IF' => 'If', 'INDEX' => 'Index page', 'INFORMATION' => 'Information', 'INTERESTS' => 'Interests', 'INVALID_EMAIL_LOG' => '%s possibly an invalid email address?', 'IP' => 'IP', 'JOINED' => 'Joined', 'JUMP_PAGE' => 'Enter the page number you wish to goto', 'JUMP_TO' => 'Jump to', 'KB' => 'KB', 'LAST_POST' => 'Last Post', 'LAST_UPDATED' => 'Last Updated', 'LDAP_DN' => 'LDAP base dn', 'LDAP_DN_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the Distinguished Name, locating the user information, e.g. o=My Company,c=US', 'LDAP_SERVER' => 'LDAP server name', 'LDAP_SERVER_EXPLAIN' => 'If using LDAP this is the name or IP address of the server.', 'LDAP_UID' => 'LDAP uid', 'LDAP_UID_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the key under which to search for a given login identity, e.g. uid, sn, etc.', 'LEGEND' => 'Legend', 'LOCATION' => 'Location', 'LOCK_POST' => 'Lock Post', 'LOCK_POST_EXPLAIN' => 'Prevent editing', 'LOCK_TOPIC' => 'Lock Topic', 'LOGIN' => 'Login', 'LOGIN_CHECK_PM' => 'Log in to check your private messages', 'LOGIN_ERROR' => 'You have specified an incorrect username or password. Please check them both and try again. If you continue to have problems please contact a board administrator.', 'LOGIN_FORUM' => 'To view or post in this forum you must enter a password.', 'LOGIN_INFO' => 'In order to login you must be registered. Registering takes only a few seconds but gives you increased capabilies. The board administrator may also grant additional permissions to registered users. Before you login please ensure you are familiar with our terms of use and related policies. Please ensure you read any forum rules as you navigate around the board.', 'LOGIN_VIEWFORUM' => 'The board administrator requires you to be registered and logged in to view this forum.', 'LOGOUT_USER' => 'Logout [ %s ]', 'LOG_ADMIN_AUTH_FAIL' => 'Failed administration login attempt', 'LOG_ADMIN_AUTH_SUCCESS'=> 'Sucessful administration login', 'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC' => 'Deleted topic
» %s', 'LOG_EMAIL_ERROR' => 'Email error
» %s', 'LOG_JABBER_ERROR' => 'Jabber error
» %s', 'LOG_ME_IN' => 'Log me on automatically each visit', 'LOG_USER_FEEDBACK' => 'Added user feedback
» %s', 'LOG_USER_GENERAL' => '%s', 'MARK' => 'Mark', 'MARK_ALL' => 'Mark all', 'MARK_FORUMS_READ' => 'Mark Forums Read', 'MB' => 'MB', 'MCP' => 'Moderator Control Panel', 'MEMBERLIST' => 'Members', 'MERGE_TOPIC' => 'Merge Topic', 'MESSAGE' => 'Message', 'MESSAGE_BODY' => 'Message body', 'MINUTES' => 'Minutes', 'MODERATE' => 'Moderate', 'MODERATOR' => 'Moderator', 'MODERATORS' => 'Moderators', 'MONTH' => 'Month', 'MOVE' => 'Move', 'NA' => 'N/A', 'NEWEST_USER' => 'Our newest member %s%s%s', 'NEW_MESSAGE' => 'New Message', 'NEW_MESSAGES' => 'New Messages', 'NEW_PM' => '%d new message', 'NEW_PMS' => '%d new messages', 'NEW_POST' => 'New post', 'NEW_POSTS' => 'New posts', 'NEXT' => 'Next', 'NO' => 'No', 'NONE' => 'None', 'NOT_WATCHING_FORUM'=> 'You no subscribe to updates on this forum', 'NOT_WATCHING_TOPIC'=> 'You are no longer subscribed to this topic.', 'NO_BIRTHDAYS' => 'No birthdays today', 'NO_FORUM' => 'The forum you selected does not exist', 'NO_FORUMS' => 'This board has no forums', 'NO_GROUP' => 'The requested usergroup does not exist.', 'NO_MEMBERS' => 'No members found for this search criteria', 'NO_MESSAGES' => 'No Messages', 'NO_NEW_MESSAGES' => 'No new messages', 'NO_NEW_PM' => '0 new messages', 'NO_NEW_POSTS' => 'No new posts', 'NO_POSTS' => 'No Posts', 'NO_TOPIC' => 'The requested topic does not exist.', 'NO_TOPICS' => 'There are no topics or posts in this forum.', 'NO_UNREAD_PM' => '0 unread messages', 'NO_USER' => 'The requested user does not exist.', 'OCCUPATION' => 'Occupation', 'OFFLINE' => 'Offline', 'ONLINE' => 'Online', 'ONLINE_BUDDIES' => 'Online Buddies', 'ONLINE_USERS_TOTAL'=> 'In total there are %d users online :: ', 'ONLINE_USERS_ZERO_TOTAL' => 'In total there are 0 users online :: ', 'ONLINE_USER_TOTAL' => 'In total there is %d user online :: ', 'OPTIONS' => 'Options', 'PAGE_OF' => 'Page %1$d of %2$d', 'PASSWORD' => 'Password', 'PM' => 'PM', 'POSTING_MESSAGE' => 'Posting message in %s', 'POST' => 'Post', 'POST_ANNOUNCEMENT' => 'Announce', 'POST_STICKY' => 'Sticky', 'POSTED' => 'Posted', 'POSTS' => 'Posts', 'POST_BY_FOE' => 'This post was made by %1$s who is currently on your ignore list. To display this post click %2$sHERE%3$s.', 'POST_DAY' => '%.2f posts per day', 'POST_DETAILS' => 'Post Details', 'POST_PCT' => '%.2f%% of all posts', 'POST_REPORTED' => 'Click to view reports', 'POST_SUBJECT' => 'Post Subject', 'POST_TIME' => 'Post time', 'POST_UNAPPROVED' => 'Click to approve post', 'PREVIEW' => 'Preview', 'PREVIOUS' => 'Previous', 'PRIVACY' => 'Privacy Policy', 'PRIVATE_MESSAGE' => 'Private Message', 'PRIVATE_MESSAGES' => 'Private Messages', 'PRIVATE_MESSAGING' => 'Private Messaging', 'PROFILE' => 'User Control Panel', 'READING_FORUM' => 'Viewing topics in %s', 'READING_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE' => 'Reading global announcement', 'READING_TOPIC' => 'Reading topic in %s', 'READ_PROFILE' => 'Profile', 'REASON' => 'Reason', 'RECORD_ONLINE_USERS' => 'Most users ever online was %1$s on %2$s', 'REDIRECTS' => 'Total redirects', 'REGISTER' => 'Register', 'REGISTERED_USERS' => 'Registered Users:', 'REG_USERS_ONLINE' => 'There are %d Registered users and ', 'REG_USERS_TOTAL' => '%d Registered, ', 'REG_USERS_ZERO_ONLINE' => 'There are 0 Registered users and ', 'REG_USERS_ZERO_TOTAL' => '0 Registered, ', 'REG_USER_ONLINE' => 'There is %d Registered user and ', 'REG_USER_TOTAL' => '%d Registered, ', 'REMOVE' => 'Remove', 'REMOVE_INSTALL' => 'Please delete, move or rename the install directory.', 'REPLIES' => 'Replies', 'REPLY_WITH_QUOTE' => 'Reply with quote', 'REPLYING_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE' => 'Replying to global announcement', 'REPLYING_MESSAGE' => 'Replying to message in %s', 'RESEND_ACTIVATION' => 'Resend activation email', 'RESET' => 'Reset', 'RETURN_INDEX' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the index', 'RETURN_FORUM' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forum', 'RETURN_PAGE' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the previous page', 'RETURN_TOPIC' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the topic', 'RULES_ATTACH_CAN' => 'You can post attachments in this forum', 'RULES_ATTACH_CANNOT' => 'You cannot post attachments in this forum', 'RULES_DELETE_CAN' => 'You can delete your posts in this forum', 'RULES_DELETE_CANNOT' => 'You cannot delete your posts in this forum', 'RULES_DOWNLOAD_CAN' => 'You can download attachments in this forum', 'RULES_DOWNLOAD_CANNOT' => 'You cannot download attachments in this forum', 'RULES_EDIT_CAN' => 'You can edit your posts in this forum', 'RULES_EDIT_CANNOT' => 'You cannot edit your posts in this forum', 'RULES_LOCK_CAN' => 'You can lock your topics in this forum', 'RULES_LOCK_CANNOT' => 'You cannot lock your topics in this forum', 'RULES_POST_CAN' => 'You can post new topics in this forum', 'RULES_POST_CANNOT' => 'You cannot post new topics in this forum', 'RULES_REPLY_CAN' => 'You can reply to topics in this forum', 'RULES_REPLY_CANNOT'=> 'You cannot reply to topics in this forum', 'RULES_VOTE_CAN' => 'You can vote in polls in this forum', 'RULES_VOTE_CANNOT' => 'You cannot vote in polls in this forum', 'SEARCH' => 'Search', 'SEARCHING_FORUMS' => 'Searching forums', 'SELECT_DESTINATION_FORUM' => 'Please select a forum for destination', 'SEARCH_FOR' => 'Search for', 'SEARCH_NEW' => 'View new posts', 'SEARCH_SELF' => 'View your posts', 'SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => 'View unanswered posts', 'SELECT' => 'Select', 'SELECT_FORUM' => 'Select a forum', 'SIGNATURE' => 'Signature', 'SORRY_AUTH_READ' => 'You are not authorized to read this forum', 'SORT_BY' => 'Sort by', 'SORT_JOINED' => 'Joined Date', 'SORT_LOCATION' => 'Location', 'SORT_RANK' => 'Rank', 'SORT_TOPIC_TITLE' => 'Topic Title', 'SORT_USERNAME' => 'Username', 'SPLIT_TOPIC' => 'Split Topic', 'STATISTICS' => 'Statistics', 'START_WATCHING_FORUM' => 'Subscribe Forum', 'START_WATCHING_TOPIC' => 'Subscribe Topic', 'STOP_WATCHING_FORUM' => 'Unsubscribe Forum', 'STOP_WATCHING_TOPIC' => 'Unsubscribe Topic', 'SUBFORUM' => 'Subforum', 'SUBFORUMS' => 'Subforums', 'SUBJECT' => 'Subject', 'SUBMIT' => 'Submit', 'TERMS_USE' => 'Terms of Use', 'TIME' => 'Time', 'TOO_LONG_USER_PASSWORD' => 'The password you entered is too long.', 'TOO_MANY_VOTE_OPTIONS' => 'You have tried to vote for too many options.', 'TOO_SHORT_NEW_PASSWORD' => 'The password you entered is too short.', 'TOO_SHORT_PASSWORD_CONFIRM' => 'The password confirmation you entered is too short.', 'TOO_SHORT_USER_PASSWORD' => 'The password you entered is too short.', 'TOO_SHORT_USERNAME' => 'The username you entered is too short.', 'TOO_SHORT_EMAIL' => 'The email address you entered is too short.', 'TOO_SHORT_EMAIL_CONFIRM' => 'The email address confirmation you entered is too short.', 'TOPIC' => 'Topic', 'TOPICS' => 'Topics', 'TOPIC_ICON' => 'Topic icon', 'TOPIC_LOCKED' => 'This topic is locked you cannot edit posts or make replies', 'TOPIC_MOVED' => 'Moved Topic', 'TOPIC_TITLE' => 'Topic Title', 'TOPIC_UNAPPROVED' => 'This topic has not been approved', 'TOTAL_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Attachment(s)', 'TOTAL_NO_PM' => '0 private messages in total', 'TOTAL_PM' => '1 private messages in total', 'TOTAL_PMS' => '$d private messages in total', 'TOTAL_POSTS' => 'Total posts', 'TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER' => 'Total posts %d', 'TOTAL_POSTS_ZERO' => 'Total posts 0', 'TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER'=> 'Total topics %d', 'TOTAL_TOPICS_ZERO' => 'Total topics 0', 'TOTAL_USERS_OTHER' => 'Total members %d', 'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO' => 'Total members 0', 'UNKNOWN_BROWSER' => 'Unknown Browser', 'UNMARK_ALL' => 'Unmark all', 'UNREAD_MESSAGES' => 'Unread Messages', 'UNREAD_PM' => '%d unread message', 'UNREAD_PMS' => '%d unread messages', 'UNWATCHED_FORUMS' => 'You are no longer watching the selected forums.', 'UNWATCHED_TOPICS' => 'You are no longer watching the selected topics.', 'URL_REDIRECT' => 'If your browser does not support meta redirection please click %sHERE%s to be redirected.', 'USERGROUPS' => 'Groups', 'USERNAME' => 'Username', 'USERNAMES' => 'Usernames', 'USER_POST' => '%d Post', 'USER_POSTS' => '%d Posts', 'USERS' => 'Users', 'VIEWED' => 'Viewed', 'VIEWING_FAQ' => 'Viewing FAQ', 'VIEWING_MEMBERS' => 'Viewing member details', 'VIEWING_ONLINE' => 'Viewing who is online', 'VIEWING_UCP' => 'Viewing user control panel', 'VIEWS' => 'Views', 'VIEW_BOOKMARKS' => 'View bookmarks', 'VIEW_LATEST_POST' => 'View latest post', 'VIEW_NEWEST_POST' => 'View newest post', 'VIEW_ONLINE_TIME' => 'This data is based on users active over the past %d minute', 'VIEW_ONLINE_TIMES' => 'This data is based on users active over the past %d minutes', 'VIEW_TOPIC' => 'View topic', 'VIEW_TOPIC_ANNOUNCEMENT' => 'Announcement: ', 'VIEW_TOPIC_LOCKED' => 'Locked: ', 'VIEW_TOPIC_LOGS' => 'View Logs', 'VIEW_TOPIC_MOVED' => 'Moved: ', 'VIEW_TOPIC_POLL' => 'Poll: ', 'VIEW_TOPIC_STICKY' => 'Sticky: ', 'WELCOME_SUBJECT' => 'Welcome to %s Forums', 'WEBSITE' => 'Website', 'WHOIS' => 'Whois', 'WHO_IS_ONLINE' => 'Who is Online', 'WRONG_PASSWORD' => 'You entered an incorrect password.', 'YEAR' => 'Year', 'YES' => 'Yes', 'YOU_LAST_VISIT' => 'Last visit was: %s', 'YOU_NEW_PM' => 'A new private message is waiting for you in your Inbox', 'YOU_NEW_PMS' => 'New private messages are waiting for you in your Inbox', 'YOU_NO_NEW_PM' => 'No new private messages are waiting for you', 'datetime' => array( 'TODAY' => 'Today, ', 'YESTERDAY' => 'Yesterday, ', 'Sunday' => 'Sunday', 'Monday' => 'Monday', 'Tuesday' => 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday' => 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' => 'Thursday', 'Friday' => 'Friday', 'Saturday' => 'Saturday', 'Sun' => 'Sun', 'Mon' => 'Mon', 'Tue' => 'Tue', 'Wed' => 'Wed', 'Thu' => 'Thu', 'Fri' => 'Fri', 'Sat' => 'Sat', 'January' => 'January', 'February' => 'February', 'March' => 'March', 'April' => 'April', 'May' => 'May', 'June' => 'June', 'July' => 'July', 'August' => 'August', 'September' => 'September', 'October' => 'October', 'November' => 'November', 'December' => 'December', 'Jan' => 'Jan', 'Feb' => 'Feb', 'Mar' => 'Mar', 'Apr' => 'Apr', 'Jun' => 'Jun', 'Jul' => 'Jul', 'Aug' => 'Aug', 'Sep' => 'Sep', 'Oct' => 'Oct', 'Nov' => 'Nov', 'Dec' => 'Dec', 'TODAY' => 'Today', 'YESTERDAY' => 'Yesterday', ), 'tz' => array( '-12' => 'GMT - 12 Hours', '-11' => 'GMT - 11 Hours', '-10' => 'GMT - 10 Hours', '-9' => 'GMT - 9 Hours', '-8' => 'GMT - 8 Hours', '-7' => 'GMT - 7 Hours', '-6' => 'GMT - 6 Hours', '-5' => 'GMT - 5 Hours', '-4' => 'GMT - 4 Hours', '-3.5' => 'GMT - 3.5 Hours', '-3' => 'GMT - 3 Hours', '-2' => 'GMT - 2 Hours', '-1' => 'GMT - 1 Hour', '0' => 'GMT', '1' => 'GMT + 1 Hour', '2' => 'GMT + 2 Hours', '3' => 'GMT + 3 Hours', '3.5' => 'GMT + 3.5 Hours', '4' => 'GMT + 4 Hours', '4.5' => 'GMT + 4.5 Hours', '5' => 'GMT + 5 Hours', '5.5' => 'GMT + 5.5 Hours', '6' => 'GMT + 6 Hours', '6.5' => 'GMT + 6.5 Hours', '7' => 'GMT + 7 Hours', '8' => 'GMT + 8 Hours', '9' => 'GMT + 9 Hours', '9.5' => 'GMT + 9.5 Hours', '10' => 'GMT + 10 Hours', '11' => 'GMT + 11 Hours', '12' => 'GMT + 12 Hours', 'dst' => '[ DST ]', 'zones' => array( '-12' => '[GMT-12] Eniwetok, Kwaialein', '-11' => '[GMT-11] Midway Island, Samoa', '-10' => '[GMT-10] Hawaii, Honolulu', '-9' => '[GMT-9] Alaska', '-8' => '[GMT-8] Anchorage, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle', '-7' => '[GMT-7] Denver, Edmonton, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Santa Fe', '-6' => '[GMT-6] Chicago, Guatamala, Mexico City, Saskatchewan East', '-5' => '[GMT-5] Bogota, Kingston, Lima, New York', '-4' => '[GMT-4] Caracas, Labrador, La Paz, Maritimes, Santiago', '-3.5' => '[GMT-3.5] Standard Time [Canada], Newfoundland', '-3' => '[GMT-3] Brazilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Rio de Janero', '-2' => '[GMT-2] Mid-Atlantic', '-1' => '[GMT-1] Azores, Cape Verde Is.', '0' => '[GMT] Dublin, Edinburgh, Iceland, Lisbon, London, Casablanca', '1' => '[GMT+1] Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Brussells, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Oslo, Vienna', '2' => '[GMT+2] Athens, Bucharest, Harare, Helsinki, Israel, Istanbul', '3' => '[GMT+3] Ankara, Baghdad, Bahrain, Beruit, Kuwait, Moscow, Nairobi, Riyadh', '3.5' => '[GMT+3.5] Iran', '4' => '[GMT+4] Abu Dhabi, Kabul, Muscat, Tbilisi, Volgograd', '4.5' => '[GMT+4.5] Afghanistan', '5' => '[GMT+5] Calcutta, Madras, New Dehli', '5.5' => '[GMT+5.5] India', '6' => '[GMT+6] Almaty, Dhakar, Kathmandu', '6.5' => '[GMT+6.5] Rangoon', '7' => '[GMT+7] Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Phnom Penh', '8' => '[GMT+8] Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpar, Manila, Perth, Singapore, Taipei', '9' => '[GMT+9] Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Tokyo, Yakutsk', '9.5' => '[GMT+9.5] Adelaide, Darwin', '10' => '[GMT+10] Brisbane, Canberra, Guam, Hobart, Melbourne, Port Moresby, Sydney', '11' => '[GMT+11] Magadan, New Caledonia, Solomon Is.', '12' => '[GMT+12] Auckland, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is., Suva, Wellington' ), ), ); ?>