array( 'LABEL' => 'FireBird', 'SCHEMA' => 'firebird', 'DELIM' => ';', 'DELIM_BASIC' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks' ), 'mysql' => array( 'LABEL' => 'MySQL 3.x', 'SCHEMA' => 'mysql', 'DELIM' => ';', 'DELIM_BASIC' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks' ), 'mysql4' => array( 'LABEL' => 'MySQL 4.x', 'SCHEMA' => 'mysql', 'DELIM' => ';', 'DELIM_BASIC' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks' ), 'mssql' => array( 'LABEL' => 'MS SQL Server 7/2000', 'SCHEMA' => 'mssql', 'DELIM' => 'GO', 'DELIM_BASIC' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => 'remove_comments' ), 'msaccess' => array( 'LABEL' => 'MS Access [ ODBC ]', 'SCHEMA' => '', 'DELIM' => '', 'DELIM_BASIC' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => '' ), 'mssql-odbc' => array( 'LABEL' => 'MS SQL Server [ ODBC ]', 'SCHEMA' => 'mssql', 'DELIM' => 'GO', 'DELIM_BASIC' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => 'remove_comments' ), 'postgres' => array( 'LABEL' => 'PostgreSQL 7.x', 'SCHEMA' => 'postgres', 'DELIM' => ';', 'DELIM_BASIC' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => 'remove_comments' ), ); // Try and load an appropriate language if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $accept_lang_ary = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); foreach ($accept_lang_ary as $accept_lang) { // Set correct format ... guess full xx_YY form $accept_lang = substr($accept_lang, 0, 2) . '_' . strtoupper(substr($accept_lang, 3, 2)); if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang)) { $default_language = $accept_lang; break; } else { // No match on xx_YY so try xx $accept_lang = substr($accept_lang, 0, 2); if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang)) { $default_language = $accept_lang; break; } } } } // Obtain various vars $confirm = (isset($_POST['confirm'])) ? true : false; $cancel = (isset($_POST['cancel'])) ? true : false; $install_step = (isset($_REQUEST['install_step'])) ? $_REQUEST['install_step'] : ''; $upgrade = (!empty($_POST['upgrade'])) ? $_POST['upgrade']: ''; $upgrade_now = (!empty($_POST['upgrade_now'])) ? $_POST['upgrade_now']:''; $language = (!empty($_POST['language'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['language']) : $default_language; $dbms = isset($_POST['dbms']) ? $_POST['dbms'] : ''; $dbhost = (!empty($_POST['dbhost'])) ? $_POST['dbhost'] : ''; $dbuser = (!empty($_POST['dbuser'])) ? $_POST['dbuser'] : ''; $dbpasswd = (!empty($_POST['dbpasswd'])) ? $_POST['dbpasswd'] : ''; $dbname = (!empty($_POST['dbname'])) ? $_POST['dbname'] : ''; $table_prefix = (!empty($_POST['prefix'])) ? $_POST['prefix'] : ''; $admin_name = (!empty($_POST['admin_name'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['admin_name']) : ''; $admin_pass1 = (!empty($_POST['admin_pass1'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['admin_pass1']) : ''; $admin_pass2 = (!empty($_POST['admin_pass2'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['admin_pass2']) : ''; $board_email1 = (!empty($_POST['board_email1'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['board_email1']) : ''; $board_email2 = (!empty($_POST['board_email2'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['board_email2']) : ''; $server_name = (!empty($_POST['server_name'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['server_name']) : ''; $server_port = (!empty($_POST['server_port'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['server_port']) : ''; $script_path = (!empty($_POST['script_path'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['script_path']) : ''; $ftp_path = (!empty($_POST['ftp_path'])) ? $_POST['ftp_path'] : ''; $ftp_user = (!empty($_POST['ftp_user'])) ? $_POST['ftp_user'] : ''; $ftp_pass = (!empty($_POST['ftp_pass'])) ? $_POST['ftp_pass'] : ''; // Try opening config file if (@file_exists('../config.'.$phpEx)) { // include('../config.'.$phpEx); } // Do we install/upgrade/update or quit back to index? if (defined('PHPBB_INSTALLED')) { // redirect("../index.$phpEx"); } // Include essential scripts include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/session.'.$phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acm/cache_file.'.$phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.'.$phpEx); // Import language file, setup template ... include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language . '/lang_main.'.$phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language . '/lang_admin.'.$phpEx); // If we're upgrading include that script if ($upgrade) { require('upgrade.' . $phpEx); $install_step = 1; } // Instantiate classes for future use $user = new user(); $auth = new auth(); $cache = new acm(); // What shall we do? if (!empty($_POST['send_file']) && $_POST['send_file'] == 1 && !defined('PHPBB_INSTALLED') && empty($_POST['upgrade_now'])) { // We need to stripslashes no matter what the setting of magic_quotes_gpc is // because we add slahes at the top if its off, and they are added automaticlly // if it is on. $_POST['config_data'] = stripslashes($_POST['config_data']); header("Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name=\"config.$phpEx\""); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=config.$phpEx"); echo $_POST['config_data']; exit; } else if (!empty($_POST['send_file']) && $_POST['send_file'] == 2 && !defined("PHPBB_INSTALLED")) { // Ok we couldn't write the config file so let's try ftping it. $_POST['config_data'] = stripslashes($_POST['config_data']); $s_hidden_fields = ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; if ($upgrade == 1) { $s_hidden_fields .= ''; } page_header($lang['ftp_instructs']); ?> '; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; page_header($lang['NoFTP_config'], "install.$phpEx"); if ($upgrade) { $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; page_upgrade_form(); } else { page_common_form($s_hidden_fields, $lang['Download_config']); } page_footer($lang['Download_config'], $s_hidden_fields); exit; } else { // Write out a temp file... $tmpfname = @tempnam('/tmp', 'cfg'); @unlink($tmpfname); $fp = @fopen($tmpfname, 'w'); @fwrite($fp, $_POST['config_data']); @fclose($fp); // Now ftp it across. @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_dir); $res = @ftp_put($conn_id, 'config.' . $phpEx, $tmpfname, FTP_ASCII); @ftp_quit($conn_id); unlink($tmpfname); if ($upgrade) { require('upgrade.'.$phpEx); exit; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}config"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $config = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Log user in $auth->login($admin_name, $admin_pass1); page_header($lang['Inst_Step_2'], "../adm/index.$phpEx$SID"); page_footer($lang['Finish_Install'], $s_hidden_fields); exit; } } else if ((empty($install_step) || $admin_pass1 != $admin_pass2 || $board_email1 != $board_email2 || empty($admin_pass1) || $dbhost == '') && !defined("PHPBB_INSTALLED")) { // Ok we haven't installed before so lets work our way through the various // steps of the install process. This could turn out to be quite a lengty // process. // Step 0 gather the pertinant info for database setup... // Namely dbms, dbhost, dbname, dbuser, and dbpasswd. // Guess at some basic info used for install.. if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) || !empty($_ENV['SERVER_NAME'])) { $server_name = (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_ENV['SERVER_NAME']; } else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) || !empty($_ENV['HTTP_HOST'])) { $server_name = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_ENV['HTTP_HOST']; } else { $server_name = ''; } if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) || !empty($_ENV['SERVER_PORT'])) { $server_port = (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : $_ENV['SERVER_PORT']; } else { $server_port = '80'; } $script_path = preg_replace('#install\/install\.'.$phpEx.'#i', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Generate installation form $instruction_text = $lang['Inst_Step_0']; if (!empty($install_step)) { if ((($_POST['admin_pass1'] != $_POST['admin_pass2'])) || (empty($_POST['admin_pass1']) || empty($dbhost)) && $_POST['cur_lang'] == $language) { $error = $lang['Password_mismatch']; } if ((($_POST['board_email1'] != $_POST['board_email2'])) || (empty($_POST['board_email1']) || empty($dbhost)) && $_POST['cur_lang'] == $language) { $error = $lang['INSTALL_EMAIL_MISMATCH']; } } $lang_options = language_select($language, 'language', '../language'); foreach($available_dbms as $dbms_name => $details) { $selected = ($dbms_name == $dbms) ? ' selected="selected' : ''; $dbms_options .= ''; } $upgrade_option = ''; $upgrade_option .= ''; $upgrade_option .= ''; $s_hidden_fields = ''; page_header($instruction_text, "install.$phpEx"); ?> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : return_on_error = true; // Ok we have the db info go ahead and read in the relevant schema // and work on building the table.. probably ought to provide some // kind of feedback to the user as we are working here in order // to let them know we are actually doing something. $sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_schema, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_schema)); $sql_query = preg_replace('#phpbb_#is', $table_prefix, $sql_query); $sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query); $sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter); $sql_count = count($sql_query); set_time_limit(15); /* foreach ($sql_query as $sql) { echo "
" . $sql = str_replace('|', ';', $sql); echo "\n"; flush(); if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { $error = $db->sql_error(); page_header($lang['Install'], ''); page_error($lang['Installer_Error'], $lang['Install_db_error'] . '
' . $error['message']); page_footer(); exit; } } */ // Ok tables have been built, let's fill in the basic information $sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_basic, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_basic)); $sql_query = preg_replace('#phpbb_#', $table_prefix, $sql_query); $sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query); $sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter_basic); $sql_count = count($sql_query); foreach ($sql_query as $sql) { echo "
" . $sql; echo "\n"; flush(); if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { $error = $db->sql_error(); page_header($lang['Install'], ''); page_error($lang['Installer_Error'], $lang['Install_db_error'] . '
' . $error['message']); page_footer(); exit; } } } // Set default config and post data $sql_ary = array( "INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . "config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_startdate', " . time() . ")", "INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . "config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_lang', '" . $db->sql_escape($language) . "')", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "config SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_name) . "' WHERE config_name = 'server_name'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "config SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_port) . "' WHERE config_name = 'server_port'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "config SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($script_path) . "' WHERE config_name = 'script_path'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "config SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($board_email) . "' WHERE config_name = 'board_email'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "config SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_name) . "' WHERE config_name = 'cookie_domain'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "config SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "' WHERE config_name = 'newest_username'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "users SET username = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "', user_password='" . $db->sql_escape(md5($admin_pass1)) . "', user_lang = '" . $db->sql_escape($language) . "', user_email='" . $db->sql_escape($board_email) . "' WHERE username = 'Admin'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "moderator_cache SET username = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "' WHERE username = 'Admin'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "forums SET forum_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "' WHERE forum_last_poster_name = 'Admin'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "topics SET topic_first_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "', topic_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "' WHERE topic_first_poster_name = 'Admin' OR topic_last_poster_name = 'Admin'", "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "users SET user_regdate = " . time() ); foreach ($sql_ary as $sql) { if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { $error = $db->sql_error(); page_header($lang['Install'], ''); page_error($lang['Installer_Error'], $lang['Install_db_error'] . '
' . $error['message']); page_footer(); exit; } } } if (!$upgrade_now) { // Write out the config file. $config_data = "'; // Done this to prevent highlighting editors getting confused! @umask(0111); $no_open = FALSE; if (!($fp = @fopen('../config.'.$phpEx, 'w'))) { // Unable to open the file writeable do something here as an attempt // to get around that... $s_hidden_fields = ''; if (extension_loaded('ftp') && !defined('NO_FTP')) { page_header($lang['Unwriteable_config'] . '

' . $lang['ftp_option'] . '

'); ?> '; } if ($upgrade == 1) { $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; $s_hidden_fields .= ''; page_upgrade_form(); } else { page_common_form($s_hidden_fields, $lang['Download_config']); } page_footer(); exit; } $result = @fputs($fp, $config_data, strlen($config_data)); @fclose($fp); $upgrade_now = $lang['upgrade_submit']; } // First off let's check and see if we are supposed to be doing an upgrade. if ($upgrade && $upgrade_now == $lang['upgrade_submit']) { define('INSTALLING', true); require('upgrade.'.$phpEx); exit; } // Load the basic configuration data define('SESSIONS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'sessions'); define('USERS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'users'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}config"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $config = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Log user in $auth->login($admin_name, $admin_pass1); page_header($lang['Inst_Step_2'], "../adm/index.$phpEx$SID"); page_footer($lang['Finish_Install'], $s_hidden_fields); exit; } } // addslashes to vars if magic_quotes_gpc is off this is a security precaution // to prevent someone trying to break out of a SQL statement. function slash_input_data(&$data) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = (is_array($v)) ? slash_input_data($v) : addslashes($v); } } return $data; } // Output page -> header function page_header($l_instructions, $s_action) { global $phpEx, $lang; ?> <?php echo $lang['Welcome_install']; ?>
phpBB Logo      

footer function page_footer($l_submit, $s_hidden_fields) { global $lang; ?>