"VALUE" => "mysql"
"LABEL" => "PostgreSQL 7.x",
"VALUE" => "postgres"
"LABEL" => "MS SQL Server 7/2000",
"VALUE" => "mssql"
"LABEL" => "ODBC - MS Access",
"VALUE" => "odbc:msaccess"
* End Install Customization Section
$userdata = array();
$lang = array();
// Obtain various vars
if( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['install_step']) || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['install_step']) )
$install_step = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['install_step']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['install_step'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['install_step'];
$install_step = "";
$dbms = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['dbms']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['dbms'] : "";
$language = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['language']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['language'] : $default_language;
$dbhost = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['dbhost']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['dbhost'] : "";
$dbuser = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['dbuser']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['dbuser'] : "";
$dbpasswd = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['dbpasswd']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['dbpasswd'] : "";
$dbname = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['dbname']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['dbname'] : "";
$admin_username = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_user']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_user'] : "";
$admin_pass1 = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_pass1']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_pass1'] : "";
$admin_pass2 = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_pass2']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_pass2'] : "";
$table_prefix = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['prefix']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['prefix'] : "";
// Import language file, setup template ...
include($phpbb_root_path.'language/lang_' . $language . '/lang_main.'.$phpEx);
$template = new Template($phpbb_root_path . "templates/" . $default_template);
// Load default template for install
"body" => "install.tpl")
"L_INSTALLATION" => $lang['Welcome_install'])
// Start main program ...
if( @file_exists('config.'.$phpEx) )
if( defined("PHPBB_INSTALLED") )
// Sorry this has already been installed can't do anything more with it
$template->assign_block_vars("error_install", array());
"L_ERROR_TITLE" => $lang['Installer_Error'],
"L_ERROR" => $lang['Previous_Install'])
else if( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['send_file']) )
header("Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name=\"config.php\"");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=config.php");
if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$HTTP_POST_VARS['config_data'] = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['config_data']);
echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['config_data'];
else if( empty($install_step) || $admin_pass1 != $admin_pass2 || $dbhost == "" )
// Ok we haven't installed before so lets work our way through the various
// steps of the install process. This could turn out to be quite a lengty
// process.
// Step 0 gather the pertinant info for database setup...
// Namely dbms, dbhost, dbname, dbuser, and dbpasswd.
$instruction_text = $lang['Inst_Step_0'];
if( $HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_pass1'] != $HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_pass2'] )
$instruction_text = $lang['Password_mismatch'] . ' ' . $instruction_text;
$lang_options = language_select($language, 'language');
$dbms_options = '';
for($i = 0; $i < count($available_dbms); $i++)
$selected = ( $available_dbms[$i]['VALUE'] == $dbms ) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$dbms_options .= '' . $available_dbms[$i]['LABEL'] . ' ';
$dbms_options .= ' ';
$s_hidden_fields = ' ';
$template->assign_block_vars("stage_one_install", array());
$template->assign_block_vars("common_install", array());
"L_INSTRUCTION_TEXT" => $instruction_text,
"L_INITIAL_CONFIGURATION" => $lang['Initial_config'],
"L_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION" => $lang['DB_config'],
"L_ADMIN_CONFIGURATION" => $lang['Admin_config'],
"L_LANGUAGE" => $lang['Default_lang'],
"L_DBMS" => $lang['dbms'],
"L_DB_HOST" => $lang['DB_Host'],
"L_DB_NAME" => $lang['DB_Name'],
"L_DB_USER" => $lang['Database'] . ' ' . $lang['Username'],
"L_DB_PASSWORD" => $lang['Database'] . ' ' . $lang['Password'],
"L_DB_PREFIX" => $lang['Table_Prefix'],
"L_ADMIN_USERNAME" => $lang['Administrator'] . ' ' . $lang['Username'],
"L_ADMIN_PASSWORD" => $lang['Administrator'] . ' ' . $lang['Password'],
"L_ADMIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => $lang['Confirm'] . ' ' . $lang['Password'],
"L_SUBMIT" => $lang['Start_Install'],
"DB_PREFIX" => ( $table_prefix != "" ) ? $table_prefix : "phpbb_",
"DB_HOST" => ( $dbhost != "" ) ? $dbhost : "",
"DB_USER" => ( $dbuser != "" ) ? $dbuser : "",
"DB_PASSWD" => ( $dbpasswd != "" ) ? $dbpasswd : "",
"ADMIN_USERNAME" => ( $admin_username != "" ) ? $admin_username : "",
"S_LANG_SELECT" => $lang_options,
"S_DBMS_SELECT" => $dbms_options,
"S_HIDDEN_FIELDS" => $s_hidden_fields,
"S_FORM_ACTION" => "install.$phpEx")
// "L_DOMAIN_NAME" => $lang['Domain_name'],
// "L_DOMAIN_NAME_EXPLAIN" => $lang['Domain_name_explain'],
// If the dbms is set to be odbc then we need to skip most of the
// steps and go straight to writing the config file. We'll spit
// out some additional instruction_textions later on what to do after installation
// for the odbc DBMS.
if( ereg(':', $dbms) )
$dbms = explode(':', $dbms);
$dbhost = $dbms[1] . ':' . $dbhost;
$dbms = $dbms[0];
else if( isset($dbms) )
$dbms_schema = 'db/' . $dbms.'_schema.sql';
$dbms_basic = 'db/' . $dbms . '_basic.sql';
$remove_remarks = ( $dbms == 'mysql' ) ? 'remove_remarks' : 'remove_comments';
$delimiter = ( $dbms == 'mssql' ) ? 'GO' : ';';
if( $install_step == 1 )
if($dbms != 'odbc')
// Ok we have the db info go ahead and read in the relevant schema
// and work on building the table.. probably ought to provide some
// kind of feedback to the user as we are working here in order
// to let them know we are actually doing something.
$sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_schema, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_schema));
$sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query);
$sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter);
$sql_count = count($sql_query);
$sql_query = preg_replace('/phpbb_/', $table_prefix, $sql_query);
for($i = 0; $i < $sql_count; $i++)
$result = $db->sql_query($sql_query[$i]);
if( !$result )
$error = $db->sql_error();
$template->assign_block_vars("error_install", array());
"L_ERROR_TITLE" => $lang['Installer_Error'],
"L_ERROR" => $lang['Install_db_error'] . ' ' . $error['message'])
// Ok tables have been built, let's fill in the basic information
$sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_basic, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_basic));
$sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query);
$sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter);
$sql_count = count($sql_query);
$sql_query = preg_replace('/phpbb_/', $table_prefix, $sql_query);
for($i = 0; $i < $sql_count; $i++)
$result = $db->sql_query($sql_query[$i]);
if( !$result )
$error = $db->sql_error();
$template->assign_block_vars("error_install", array());
"L_ERROR_TITLE" => $lang['Installer_Error'],
"L_ERROR" => $lang['Install_db_error'] . " " . $error["message"])
// Ok at this point they have entered their admin password, let's go
// ahead and create the admin account with some basic default information
// that they can customize later, and write out the config file. After
// this we are going to pass them over to the admin_forum.php script
// to set up their forum defaults.
$error = "";
// Update the default admin user with their information.
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . "config (config_name, config_value)
VALUES ('board_startdate', " . time() . ")";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
if( !$result )
$error .= "Could not insert board_startdate :: " . $sql . " ";
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . "config (config_name, config_value)
VALUES ('default_lang', '$language')";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
if( !$result )
$error .= "Could not insert default_lang :: " . $sql . " ";
$sql = "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "users
SET username = '$admin_name', user_password='" . md5($admin_pass1) . "', user_lang = '" . $language . "'
WHERE username = 'Admin'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
if( !$result )
$error .= "Could not update admin info :: " . $sql . " ";
$sql = "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "users
SET user_regdate = " . time();
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
if( !$result )
$error .= "Could not update user_regdate :: " . $sql . " ";
if( $error != "" )
$error = $db->sql_error();
$template->assign_block_vars("error_install", array());
"L_ERROR_TITLE" => $lang['Installer_Error'],
"L_ERROR" => $lang['Install_db_error'] . ' ' . $error)
$template->assign_block_vars("common_install", array());
// Write out the config file.
$config_data = ''; // Done this to prevent highlighting editors getting confused!
$no_open = FALSE;
$fp = @fopen('config.php', 'w');
if( !$fp )
// Unable to open the file writeable do something here as an attempt
// to get around that...
$s_hidden_fields = ' ';
$s_hidden_fields .= ' ';
if ( $dbms == 'odbc' )
// Output the instruction_textions for the odbc...
$template->assign_block_vars("common_install", array());
$s_hidden_fields .= ' ';
$lang['Unwritable_config'] = $lang['ODBC_Instructs'] . ' ' . $lang['Unwritable_config'];
"L_INSTRUCTION_TEXT" => $lang['Unwriteable_config'],
"L_SUBMIT" => $lang['Download_config'],
"S_HIDDEN_FIELDS" => $s_hidden_fields,
"S_FORM_ACTION" => "install.$phpEx")
$result = @fputs($fp, $config_data, strlen($config_data));
// Ok we are basically done with the install process let's go on
// and let the user configure their board now.
// We are going to do this by calling the admin_board.php from the
// normal board admin section.
$s_hidden_fields = ' ';
$s_hidden_fields .= ' ';
$s_hidden_fields .= ' ';
$s_hidden_fields .= ' ';
if ( $dbms == 'odbc' )
// Output the instruction_textions for the odbc...
$lang['Inst_Step_2'] = $lang['ODBC_Instructs'] . ' ' . $lang['Inst_Step_2'];
"L_INSTRUCTION_TEXT" => $lang['Inst_Step_2'],
"L_SUBMIT" => $lang['Finish_Install'],
"S_HIDDEN_FIELDS" => $s_hidden_fields,
"S_FORM_ACTION" => "login.$phpEx")