* @package phpBB3
* @copyright (c) 2011 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

// Report all errors, except notices and deprecation messages
if (!defined('E_DEPRECATED'))
	define('E_DEPRECATED', 8192);

* Remove variables created by register_globals from the global scope
* Thanks to Matt Kavanagh
function deregister_globals()
	$not_unset = array(
		'GLOBALS'	=> true,
		'_GET'		=> true,
		'_POST'		=> true,
		'_COOKIE'	=> true,
		'_REQUEST'	=> true,
		'_SERVER'	=> true,
		'_SESSION'	=> true,
		'_ENV'		=> true,
		'_FILES'	=> true,
		'phpEx'		=> true,
		'phpbb_root_path'	=> true

	// Not only will array_merge and array_keys give a warning if
	// a parameter is not an array, array_merge will actually fail.
	// So we check if _SESSION has been initialised.
	if (!isset($_SESSION) || !is_array($_SESSION))
		$_SESSION = array();

	// Merge all into one extremely huge array; unset this later
	$input = array_merge(

	foreach ($input as $varname)
		if (isset($not_unset[$varname]))
			// Hacking attempt. No point in continuing unless it's a COOKIE (so a cookie called GLOBALS doesn't lock users out completely)
			if ($varname !== 'GLOBALS' || isset($_GET['GLOBALS']) || isset($_POST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_SERVER['GLOBALS']) || isset($_SESSION['GLOBALS']) || isset($_ENV['GLOBALS']) || isset($_FILES['GLOBALS']))
				$cookie = &$_COOKIE;
				while (isset($cookie['GLOBALS']))
					if (!is_array($cookie['GLOBALS']))

					foreach ($cookie['GLOBALS'] as $registered_var => $value)
						if (!isset($not_unset[$registered_var]))
					$cookie = &$cookie['GLOBALS'];



// Register globals and magic quotes have been dropped in PHP 5.4
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0-dev', '>='))
	* @ignore
	define('STRIP', false);

	// Be paranoid with passed vars
	if (@ini_get('register_globals') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('register_globals')) == 'on' || !function_exists('ini_get'))

	define('STRIP', (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? true : false);

// Prevent date/time functions from throwing E_WARNING on PHP 5.3 by setting a default timezone
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_get'))
	// For PHP 5.1.0 the date/time functions have been rewritten
	// and setting a timezone is required prior to calling any date/time function.

	// Since PHP 5.2.0 calls to date/time functions without having a timezone set
	// result in E_STRICT errors being thrown.
	// Note: We already exclude E_STRICT errors
	// (to be exact: they are not included in E_ALL in PHP 5.2)

	// In PHP 5.3.0 the error level has been raised to E_WARNING which causes problems
	// because we show E_WARNING errors and do not set a default timezone.
	// This is because we have our own timezone handling and work in UTC only anyway.

	// So what we basically want to do is set our timezone to UTC,
	// but we don't know what other scripts (such as bridges) are involved,
	// so we check whether a timezone is already set by calling date_default_timezone_get().

	// Unfortunately, date_default_timezone_get() itself might throw E_WARNING
	// if no timezone has been set, so we have to keep it quiet with @.

	// date_default_timezone_get() tries to guess the correct timezone first
	// and then falls back to UTC when everything fails.
	// We just set the timezone to whatever date_default_timezone_get() returns.

// Autoloading of dependencies.
// Three options are supported:
// 1. If dependencies are installed with Composer, Composer will create a
//    vendor/autoload.php. If this file exists it will be
//    automatically used by phpBB. This is the default mode that phpBB
//    will use when shipped.
// 2. To disable composer autoloading, PHPBB_NO_COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD can be specified.
// 	  Additionally specify PHPBB_AUTOLOAD=/path/to/autoload.php in the
//    environment. This is useful for running CLI scripts and tests.
//    /path/to/autoload.php should define and register class loaders
//    for all of phpBB's dependencies.
// 3. You can also set PHPBB_NO_COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD without setting PHPBB_AUTOLOAD.
//    In this case autoloading needs to be defined before running any phpBB
//    script. This might be useful in cases when phpBB is integrated into a
//    larger program.
	if (getenv('PHPBB_AUTOLOAD'))
	if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'vendor/autoload.php'))
		trigger_error('You have not set up composer dependencies. See http://getcomposer.org/.', E_USER_ERROR);
	require($phpbb_root_path . 'vendor/autoload.php');

$starttime = explode(' ', microtime());
$starttime = $starttime[1] + $starttime[0];