1) { $headers = join("\r\n", $headers); } else { $headers = $headers[0]; } } $headers = chop($headers); // Make sure there are no bare linefeeds in the headers $headers = ereg_replace("[^\r]\n", "\r\n", $headers); } if(trim($mail_to) == "") { error_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "No email address specified"); exit; } if(trim($subject) == "") { error_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "No email Subject specified"); } if(trim($message) == "") { error_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Email message was blank!"); } $mail_to_array = explode(",", $mail_to); // Ok we have error checked as much as we can to this point let's get on // it already. $socket = fsockopen($smtp_vars['host'], $smtp_vars['port'], &$errno, @$errstr, 30) or error_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not connect to smtp host!"); server_parse($socket, "220"); // Send the RFC821 specified HELO. fputs($socket, "HELO " . $stmp_vars['host'] . "\r\n"); // From this point onward most server response codes should be 250 server_parse($socket, "250"); // Specify who the mail is from.... fputs($socket, "MAIL FROM: $email_from\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250"); // Specify each user to send to and build to header. $to_header = "To: "; foreach($mail_to_array as $mail_to_address) { fputs($socket, "RCPT TO: $mail_to_address\r\n"; server_parse($socket, "250"); $to_header .= "<$mail_to_address>, "; } // Ok now we tell the server we are ready to start sending data fputs($socket, "DATA\r\n"); // This is the last response code we look for until the end of the message. server_parse($socket, "354"); // Send the Subject Line... fputs($socket, "Subject: $subject\r\n"); // Now the To Header. fputs($socket, "$to_header\r\n"); // Now any custom headers.... fputs($socket, "$headers\r\n\r\n"); // Ok now we are ready for the message... fputs($socket, "$message\r\n"); // Ok the all the ingredients are mixed in let's cook this puppy... fputs($socket, ".\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250"); // Now tell the server we are done and close the socket... fputs($socket, "quit\r\n"); fclose($socket); return(1); } ?>