<?php /*************************************************************************** * page_header.php * ------------------- * begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001 * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group * email : support@phpbb.com * * $Id$ * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ***************************************************************************/ define(HEADER_INC, TRUE); // // Parse and show the overall header. // $template->set_filenames(array( "overall_header" => "overall_header.tpl", "overall_footer" => "overall_footer.tpl")); // // Generate logged in/logged out status // if($userdata['session_logged_in']) { $logged_in_status = "You are logged in as <b>".$userdata["username"]."</b>."; $logged_in_status .= " [<a href=\"".append_sid("login.$phpEx?submit=logout")."\">Logout</a>]"; $u_login_logout = "login.$phpEx?submit=logout"; $l_login_logout = "$l_logout : ".$userdata["username"].""; } else { $logged_in_status = "You are not logged in."; $u_login_logout = "login.$phpEx"; $l_login_logout = "$l_login"; } // // Do timezone text output // if($board_config['default_timezone'] < 0) { $s_timezone = "$l_all_times GMT - ".(-$board_config['default_timezone'])." $l_hours"; } else if($board_config['default_timezone'] == 0) { $s_timezone = "$l_all_times GMT"; } else { $s_timezone = "$l_all_times GMT + ".$board_config['default_timezone']." $l_hours"; } // // Get basic (usernames + totals) online // situation // $sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, s.session_logged_in FROM ".USERS_TABLE." u, ".SESSIONS_TABLE." s WHERE u.user_id = s.session_user_id AND s.session_time >= '".(time() - 300)."'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if(!$result) { error_die(SQL_QUERY, "Couldn't obtain user/online information.", __LINE__, __FILE__); } $logged_online = 0; $guests_online = 0; while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if($row['session_logged_in']) { $userlist_ary[] = "<a href=\"".append_sid("profile." . $phpEx . "?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $row['user_id']) . "\">" . $row['username'] . "</a>"; $logged_online++; } else { $guests_online++; } } $userlist = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $logged_online; $i++) { $userlist .= ($i == $logged_online - 1 && $logged_online > 1) ? " and " : ""; $userlist .= $userlist_ary[$i]; $userlist .= ($i < $logged_online - 2) ? ", " : ""; } $l_r_user_s = ($logged_online == 1) ? $l_user : $l_users; $l_g_user_s = ($guests_online == 1) ? $l_user : $l_users; $l_is_are = ($logged_online == 1) ? $l_is : $l_are; $userlist = ($logged_online > 0) ? "$l_Registered $l_r_user_s: " . $userlist : "$l_Registered $l_r_user_s: $l_None"; $template->assign_vars(array( "SITENAME" => $board_config['sitename'], "PHPEX" => $phpEx, "PHPSELF" => $PHP_SELF, "L_USERNAME" => $l_username, "L_PASSWORD" => $l_password, "L_LOGIN" => $l_login, "L_LOG_ME_IN" => $l_log_me_in, "L_WELCOMETO" => $l_welcometo, "L_INDEX" => $l_indextitle, "L_REGISTER" => $l_register, "L_PROFILE" => $l_profile, "L_SEARCH" => $l_search, "L_PRIVATEMSGS" => $l_privmsgs, "L_MEMBERLIST" => $l_memberslist, "L_FAQ" => $l_faq, "L_FORUM" => $l_forum, "L_TOPICS" => $l_topics, "L_REPLIES" => $l_replies, "L_VIEWS" => $l_views, "L_POSTS" => $l_posts, "L_LASTPOST" => $l_lastpost, "L_MODERATOR" => $l_moderator, "L_MESSAGES" => $l_messages, "L_POSTEDTOTAL" => $l_postedtotal, "L_WEHAVE" => $l_wehave, "L_REGUSERS" => $l_regedusers, "L_NEWESTUSER" => $l_newestuser, "L_BROWSING" => $l_browsing, "L_ARECURRENTLY" => $l_arecurrently, "L_THEFORUMS" => $l_theforums, "L_NONEWPOSTS" => $l_nonewposts, "L_NEWPOSTS" => $l_newposts, "L_POSTED" => $l_posted, "L_JOINED" => $l_joined, "L_AUTO_LOGIN" => $l_autologin, "L_AUTHOR" => $l_author, "L_MESSAGE" => $l_message, "L_BY" => $l_by, "L_LOGIN_LOGOUT" => $l_login_logout, "U_INDEX" => append_sid("index.".$phpEx), "U_REGISTER" => append_sid("profile.".$phpEx."?mode=register"), "U_PROFILE" => append_sid("profile.".$phpEx."?mode=editprofile"), "U_PRIVATEMSGS" => append_sid("priv_msgs.".$phpEx."?mode=read"), "U_SEARCH" => append_sid("search.".$phpEx), "U_MEMBERLIST" => append_sid("memberlist.".$phpEx), "U_FAQ" => append_sid("faq.".$phpEx), "U_VIEWONLINE" => append_sid("viewonline.$phpEx"), "U_LOGIN_LOGOUT" => append_sid($u_login_logout), "U_MEMBERSLIST" => append_sid("memberlist.".$phpEx), "S_TIMEZONE" => $s_timezone, "S_LOGIN_ACTION" => append_sid("login.$phpEx"), "S_JUMPBOX_ACTION" => append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx"), "T_HEAD_STYLESHEET" => $theme['head_stylesheet'], "T_BODY_BACKGROUND" => $theme['body_background'], "T_BODY_BGCOLOR" => "#".$theme['body_bgcolor'], "T_BODY_TEXT" => "#".$theme['body_text'], "T_BODY_LINK" => "#".$theme['body_link'], "T_BODY_VLINK" => "#".$theme['body_vlink'], "T_BODY_ALINK" => "#".$theme['body_alink'], "T_BODY_HLINK" => "#".$theme['body_hlink'], "T_TR_COLOR1" => "#".$theme['tr_color1'], "T_TR_COLOR2" => "#".$theme['tr_color2'], "T_TR_COLOR3" => "#".$theme['tr_color3'], "T_TH_COLOR1" => "#".$theme['th_color1'], "T_TH_COLOR2" => "#".$theme['th_color2'], "T_TH_COLOR3" => "#".$theme['th_color3'], "T_TD_COLOR1" => "#".$theme['td_color1'], "T_TD_COLOR2" => "#".$theme['td_color2'], "T_TD_COLOR3" => "#".$theme['td_color3'], "T_FONTFACE1" => $theme['fontface1'], "T_FONTFACE2" => $theme['fontface2'], "T_FONTFACE3" => $theme['fontface3'], "T_FONTSIZE1" => $theme['fontsize1'], "T_FONTSIZE2" => $theme['fontsize2'], "T_FONTSIZE3" => $theme['fontsize3'], "T_FONTCOLOR1" => "#".$theme['fontcolor1'], "T_FONTCOLOR2" => "#".$theme['fontcolor2'], "T_FONTCOLOR3" => "#".$theme['fontcolor3'], "T_IMG1" => $theme['img1'], "T_IMG2" => $theme['img2'], "T_IMG3" => $theme['img3'], "T_IMG4" => $theme['img4'], "PAGE_TITLE" => $page_title, "LOGIN_STATUS" => $logged_in_status, "META_INFO" => $meta_tags, "TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE" => "$l_There $l_is_are $logged_online $l_Registered $l_r_user_s $l_and $guests_online $l_guest $l_g_user_s $l_online", "LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST" => $userlist )); $template->pparse("overall_header"); // // Do a switch on page type, this way we only load // the templates that we need at the time // switch($pagetype) { case 'index': $template->set_filenames(array( "header" => "index_header.tpl", "body" => "index_body.tpl", "footer" => "index_footer.tpl") ); $template->assign_vars(array( "TOTAL_POSTS" => $total_posts, "TOTAL_USERS" => $total_users, "NEWEST_USER" => $newest_user, "NEWEST_UID" => $newest_uid, "USERS_BROWSING" => $users_browsing, "U_NEWEST_USER_PROFILE" => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&".POST_USERS_URL."=$newest_uid")) ); $template->pparse("header"); break; case 'viewforum': $template->set_filenames(array( "header" => "viewforum_header.tpl", "body" => "viewforum_body.tpl", "jumpbox" => "jumpbox.tpl", "footer" => "viewforum_footer.tpl") ); $jumpbox = make_jumpbox(); $template->assign_vars(array( "JUMPBOX_LIST" => $jumpbox, "SELECT_NAME" => POST_FORUM_URL) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle("JUMPBOX", "jumpbox"); $template->assign_vars(array( "FORUM_ID" => $forum_id, "FORUM_NAME" => $forum_name, "MODERATORS" => $forum_moderators, "USERS_BROWSING" => $users_browsing) ); $template->pparse("header"); break; case 'viewtopic': $template->set_filenames(array( "header" => "viewtopic_header.tpl", "body" => "viewtopic_body.tpl", "jumpbox" => "jumpbox.tpl", "footer" => "viewtopic_footer.tpl") ); $jumpbox = make_jumpbox(); $template->assign_vars(array( "JUMPBOX_LIST" => $jumpbox, "SELECT_NAME" => POST_FORUM_URL) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle("JUMPBOX", "jumpbox"); $template->assign_vars(array( "FORUM_ID" => $forum_id, "FORUM_NAME" => $forum_name, "TOPIC_ID" => $topic_id, "TOPIC_TITLE" => $topic_title, "POST_FORUM_URL" => POST_FORUM_URL, "USERS_BROWSING" => $users_browsing) ); $template->pparse("header"); break; case 'viewonline': $template->set_filenames(array( "header" => "viewonline_header.tpl", "body" => "viewonline_body.tpl", "jumpbox" => "jumpbox.tpl", "footer" => "viewonline_footer.tpl") ); $jumpbox = make_jumpbox(); $template->assign_vars(array( "JUMPBOX_LIST" => $jumpbox, "SELECT_NAME" => POST_FORUM_URL) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle("JUMPBOX", "jumpbox"); $template->assign_vars(array( "TOTAL_POSTS" => $total_posts, "TOTAL_USERS" => $total_users, "POST_USER_URL" => POST_USERS_URL, "NEWEST_USER" => $newest_user, "NEWEST_UID" => $newest_uid, "U_NEWEST_USER_PROFILE" => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&".POST_USERS_URL."=$newest_uid")) ); $template->pparse("header"); break; case 'newtopic': $template->set_filenames(array( "header" => "newtopic_header.tpl", "jumpbox" => "jumpbox.tpl", "body" => "posting_body.tpl") ); $jumpbox = make_jumpbox(); $template->assign_vars(array( "JUMPBOX_LIST" => $jumpbox, "SELECT_NAME" => POST_FORUM_URL) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle("JUMPBOX", "jumpbox"); $template->assign_vars(array( "L_POSTNEWIN" => $l_postnewin, "FORUM_ID" => $forum_id, "FORUM_NAME" => $forum_name, "U_VIEW_FORUM" => append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?".POST_FORUM_URL."=$forum_id")) ); $template->pparse("header"); break; case 'register': if(!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['agreed']) && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['agreed'])) { $coppa = (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['coppa'])) ? FALSE : TRUE; $template->set_filenames(array( "body" => "agreement.tpl") ); $template->assign_vars(array( "COPPA" => $coppa, "U_AGREE_OVER13" => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=register&agreed=true"), "U_AGREE_UNDER13" => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=register&agreed=true&coppa=true")) ); } else { $template->set_filenames(array( "body" => "profile_add_body.tpl") ); } break; case 'profile': $template->set_filenames(array( "body" => "profile_view_body.tpl") ); break; } ?>