* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ /** * @ignore */ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { exit; } if (!class_exists('bbcode')) { // The following lines are for extensions which include message_parser.php // while $phpbb_root_path and $phpEx are out of the script scope // which may lead to the 'Undefined variable' and 'failed to open stream' errors if (!isset($phpbb_root_path)) { global $phpbb_root_path; } if (!isset($phpEx)) { global $phpEx; } include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx); } /** * BBCODE FIRSTPASS * BBCODE first pass class (functions for parsing messages for db storage) */ class bbcode_firstpass extends bbcode { var $message = ''; var $warn_msg = array(); var $parsed_items = array(); /** * Parse BBCode */ function parse_bbcode() { if (!$this->bbcodes) { $this->bbcode_init(); } global $user; $this->bbcode_bitfield = ''; $bitfield = new bitfield(); foreach ($this->bbcodes as $bbcode_name => $bbcode_data) { if (isset($bbcode_data['disabled']) && $bbcode_data['disabled']) { foreach ($bbcode_data['regexp'] as $regexp => $replacement) { if (preg_match($regexp, $this->message)) { $this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['UNAUTHORISED_BBCODE'] , '[' . $bbcode_name . ']'); continue; } } } else { foreach ($bbcode_data['regexp'] as $regexp => $replacement) { // The pattern gets compiled and cached by the PCRE extension, // it should not demand recompilation if (preg_match($regexp, $this->message)) { if (is_callable($replacement)) { $this->message = preg_replace_callback($regexp, $replacement, $this->message); } else { $this->message = preg_replace($regexp, $replacement, $this->message); } $bitfield->set($bbcode_data['bbcode_id']); } } } } $this->bbcode_bitfield = $bitfield->get_base64(); } /** * Prepare some bbcodes for better parsing */ function prepare_bbcodes() { // Ok, seems like users instead want the no-parsing of urls, smilies, etc. after and before and within quote tags being tagged as "not a bug". // Fine by me ;) Will ease our live... but do not come back and cry at us, we won't hear you. /* Add newline at the end and in front of each quote block to prevent parsing errors (urls, smilies, etc.) if (strpos($this->message, '[quote') !== false && strpos($this->message, '[/quote]') !== false) { $this->message = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->message); // We strip newlines and spaces after and before quotes in quotes (trimming) and then add exactly one newline $this->message = preg_replace('#\[quote(=".*?")?\]\s*(.*?)\s*\[/quote\]#siu', '[quote\1]' . "\n" . '\2' ."\n[/quote]", $this->message); } */ // Add other checks which needs to be placed before actually parsing anything (be it bbcodes, smilies, urls...) } /** * Init bbcode data for later parsing */ function bbcode_init($allow_custom_bbcode = true) { global $phpbb_dispatcher; static $rowset; $bbcode_class = $this; // This array holds all bbcode data. BBCodes will be processed in this // order, so it is important to keep [code] in first position and // [quote] in second position. // To parse multiline URL we enable dotall option setting only for URL text // but not for link itself, thus [url][/url] is not affected. // // To perform custom validation in extension, use $this->validate_bbcode_by_extension() // method which accepts variable number of parameters $this->bbcodes = array( 'code' => array('bbcode_id' => 8, 'regexp' => array('#\[code(?:=([a-z]+))?\](.+\[/code\])#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_code($match[1], $match[2]); } )), 'quote' => array('bbcode_id' => 0, 'regexp' => array('#\[quote(?:="(.*?)")?\](.+)\[/quote\]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_quote($match[0]); } )), 'attachment' => array('bbcode_id' => 12, 'regexp' => array('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[/attachment\]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_attachment($match[1], $match[2]); } )), 'b' => array('bbcode_id' => 1, 'regexp' => array('#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_strong($match[1]); } )), 'i' => array('bbcode_id' => 2, 'regexp' => array('#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_italic($match[1]); } )), 'url' => array('bbcode_id' => 3, 'regexp' => array('#\[url(=(.*))?\](?(1)((?s).*(?-s))|(.*))\[/url\]#uiU' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->validate_url($match[2], ($match[3]) ? $match[3] : $match[4]); } )), 'img' => array('bbcode_id' => 4, 'regexp' => array('#\[img\](.*)\[/img\]#uiU' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_img($match[1]); } )), 'size' => array('bbcode_id' => 5, 'regexp' => array('#\[size=([\-\+]?\d+)\](.*?)\[/size\]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_size($match[1], $match[2]); } )), 'color' => array('bbcode_id' => 6, 'regexp' => array('!\[color=(#[0-9a-f]{3}|#[0-9a-f]{6}|[a-z\-]+)\](.*?)\[/color\]!uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_color($match[1], $match[2]); } )), 'u' => array('bbcode_id' => 7, 'regexp' => array('#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_underline($match[1]); } )), 'list' => array('bbcode_id' => 9, 'regexp' => array('#\[list(?:=(?:[a-z0-9]|disc|circle|square))?].*\[/list]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_parse_list($match[0]); } )), 'email' => array('bbcode_id' => 10, 'regexp' => array('#\[email=?(.*?)?\](.*?)\[/email\]#uis' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->validate_email($match[1], $match[2]); } )), 'flash' => array('bbcode_id' => 11, 'regexp' => array('#\[flash=([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[/flash\]#ui' => function ($match) use($bbcode_class) { return $bbcode_class->bbcode_flash($match[1], $match[2], $match[3]); } )) ); // Zero the parsed items array $this->parsed_items = array(); foreach ($this->bbcodes as $tag => $bbcode_data) { $this->parsed_items[$tag] = 0; } if (!$allow_custom_bbcode) { return; } if (!is_array($rowset)) { global $db; $rowset = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . BBCODES_TABLE; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $rowset[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } foreach ($rowset as $row) { $this->bbcodes[$row['bbcode_tag']] = array( 'bbcode_id' => (int) $row['bbcode_id'], 'regexp' => array($row['first_pass_match'] => str_replace('$uid', $this->bbcode_uid, $row['first_pass_replace'])) ); } $bbcodes = $this->bbcodes; /** * Event to modify the bbcode data for later parsing * * @event core.modify_bbcode_init * @var array bbcodes Array of bbcode data for use in parsing * @var array rowset Array of bbcode data from the database * @since 3.1.0-a3 */ $vars = array('bbcodes', 'rowset'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_bbcode_init', compact($vars))); $this->bbcodes = $bbcodes; } /** * Making some pre-checks for bbcodes as well as increasing the number of parsed items */ function check_bbcode($bbcode, &$in) { // when using the /e modifier, preg_replace slashes double-quotes but does not // seem to slash anything else $in = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', $in)); // Trimming here to make sure no empty bbcodes are parsed accidently if (trim($in) == '') { return false; } $this->parsed_items[$bbcode]++; return true; } /** * Transform some characters in valid bbcodes */ function bbcode_specialchars($text) { $str_from = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':'); $str_to = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':'); return str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $text); } /** * Parse size tag */ function bbcode_size($stx, $in) { global $user, $config; if (!$this->check_bbcode('size', $in)) { return $in; } if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_font_size'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_font_size'] < $stx) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('MAX_FONT_SIZE_EXCEEDED', (int) $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_font_size']); return '[size=' . $stx . ']' . $in . '[/size]'; } // Do not allow size=0 if ($stx <= 0) { return '[size=' . $stx . ']' . $in . '[/size]'; } return '[size=' . $stx . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/size:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse color tag */ function bbcode_color($stx, $in) { if (!$this->check_bbcode('color', $in)) { return $in; } return '[color=' . $stx . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/color:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse u tag */ function bbcode_underline($in) { if (!$this->check_bbcode('u', $in)) { return $in; } return '[u:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/u:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse b tag */ function bbcode_strong($in) { if (!$this->check_bbcode('b', $in)) { return $in; } return '[b:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/b:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse i tag */ function bbcode_italic($in) { if (!$this->check_bbcode('i', $in)) { return $in; } return '[i:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/i:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse img tag */ function bbcode_img($in) { global $user, $config; if (!$this->check_bbcode('img', $in)) { return $in; } $in = trim($in); $error = false; $in = str_replace(' ', '%20', $in); // Checking urls if (!preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('url') . '$#iu', $in) && !preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('www_url') . '$#iu', $in)) { return '[img]' . $in . '[/img]'; } // Try to cope with a common user error... not specifying a protocol but only a subdomain if (!preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#i', $in)) { $in = 'http://' . $in; } if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] || $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']) { $imagesize = new \FastImageSize\FastImageSize(); $size_info = $imagesize->getImageSize(htmlspecialchars_decode($in)); if ($size_info === false) { $error = true; $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE']; } else { if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] < $size_info['height']) { $error = true; $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED', (int) $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height']); } if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] < $size_info['width']) { $error = true; $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('MAX_IMG_WIDTH_EXCEEDED', (int) $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']); } } } if ($error || $this->path_in_domain($in)) { return '[img]' . $in . '[/img]'; } return '[img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($in) . '[/img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse flash tag */ function bbcode_flash($width, $height, $in) { global $user, $config; if (!$this->check_bbcode('flash', $in)) { return $in; } $in = trim($in); $error = false; // Do not allow 0-sizes generally being entered if ($width <= 0 || $height <= 0) { return '[flash=' . $width . ',' . $height . ']' . $in . '[/flash]'; } $in = str_replace(' ', '%20', $in); // Make sure $in is a URL. if (!preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('url') . '$#iu', $in) && !preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('www_url') . '$#iu', $in)) { return '[flash=' . $width . ',' . $height . ']' . $in . '[/flash]'; } // Apply the same size checks on flash files as on images if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] || $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']) { if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] < $height) { $error = true; $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('MAX_FLASH_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED', (int) $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height']); } if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] < $width) { $error = true; $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('MAX_FLASH_WIDTH_EXCEEDED', (int) $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']); } } if ($error || $this->path_in_domain($in)) { return '[flash=' . $width . ',' . $height . ']' . $in . '[/flash]'; } return '[flash=' . $width . ',' . $height . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($in) . '[/flash:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse inline attachments [ia] */ function bbcode_attachment($stx, $in) { if (!$this->check_bbcode('attachment', $in)) { return $in; } return '[attachment=' . $stx . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . trim($in) . '[/attachment:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } /** * Parse code text from code tag * @access private */ function bbcode_parse_code($stx, &$code) { switch (strtolower($stx)) { case 'php': $remove_tags = false; $str_from = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':', ':'); $str_to = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':', ':'); $code = str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $code); if (!preg_match('/\<\?.*?\?\>/is', $code)) { $remove_tags = true; $code = ""; } $conf = array('highlight.bg', 'highlight.comment', 'highlight.default', 'highlight.html', 'highlight.keyword', 'highlight.string'); foreach ($conf as $ini_var) { @ini_set($ini_var, str_replace('highlight.', 'syntax', $ini_var)); } // Because highlight_string is specialcharing the text (but we already did this before), we have to reverse this in order to get correct results $code = htmlspecialchars_decode($code); $code = highlight_string($code, true); $str_from = array('', '', '','[', ']', '.', ':'); $str_to = array('', '', '', '[', ']', '.', ':'); if ($remove_tags) { $str_from[] = '<?php '; $str_to[] = ''; $str_from[] = '<?php '; $str_to[] = ''; } $code = str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $code); $code = preg_replace('#^()\n?(.*?)\n?()$#is', '$1$2$3', $code); if ($remove_tags) { $code = preg_replace('#()?\?>()#', '$1 $2', $code); } $code = preg_replace('#^(.*)#s', '$2', $code); $code = preg_replace('#(?:\s++| )*+$#u', '', $code); // remove newline at the end if (!empty($code) && substr($code, -1) == "\n") { $code = substr($code, 0, -1); } return "[code=$stx:" . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $code . '[/code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; break; default: return '[code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($code) . '[/code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; break; } } /** * Parse code tag * Expects the argument to start right after the opening [code] tag and to end with [/code] */ function bbcode_code($stx, $in) { if (!$this->check_bbcode('code', $in)) { return $in; } // We remove the hardcoded elements from the code block here because it is not used in code blocks // Having it here saves us one preg_replace per message containing [code] blocks // Additionally, magic url parsing should go after parsing bbcodes, but for safety those are stripped out too... $htm_match = get_preg_expression('bbcode_htm'); unset($htm_match[4], $htm_match[5]); $htm_replace = array('\1', '\1', '\2', '\1'); $out = $code_block = ''; $open = 1; while ($in) { // Determine position and tag length of next code block preg_match('#(.*?)(\[code(?:=([a-z]+))?\])(.+)#is', $in, $buffer); $pos = (isset($buffer[1])) ? strlen($buffer[1]) : false; $tag_length = (isset($buffer[2])) ? strlen($buffer[2]) : false; // Determine position of ending code tag $pos2 = stripos($in, '[/code]'); // Which is the next block, ending code or code block if ($pos !== false && $pos < $pos2) { // Open new block if (!$open) { $out .= substr($in, 0, $pos); $in = substr($in, $pos); $stx = (isset($buffer[3])) ? $buffer[3] : ''; $code_block = ''; } else { // Already opened block, just append to the current block $code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos) . ((isset($buffer[2])) ? $buffer[2] : ''); $in = substr($in, $pos); } $in = substr($in, $tag_length); $open++; } else { // Close the block if ($open == 1) { $code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos2); $code_block = preg_replace($htm_match, $htm_replace, $code_block); // Parse this code block $out .= $this->bbcode_parse_code($stx, $code_block); $code_block = ''; $open--; } else if ($open) { // Close one open tag... add to the current code block $code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos2 + 7); $open--; } else { // end code without opening code... will be always outside code block $out .= substr($in, 0, $pos2 + 7); } $in = substr($in, $pos2 + 7); } } // if now $code_block has contents we need to parse the remaining code while removing the last closing tag to match up. if ($code_block) { $code_block = substr($code_block, 0, -7); $code_block = preg_replace($htm_match, $htm_replace, $code_block); $out .= $this->bbcode_parse_code($stx, $code_block); } return $out; } /** * Parse list bbcode * Expects the argument to start with a tag */ function bbcode_parse_list($in) { if (!$this->check_bbcode('list', $in)) { return $in; } // $tok holds characters to stop at. Since the string starts with a '[' we'll get everything up to the first ']' which should be the opening [list] tag $tok = ']'; $out = '['; // First character is [ $in = substr($in, 1); $list_end_tags = $item_end_tags = array(); do { $pos = strlen($in); for ($i = 0, $tok_len = strlen($tok); $i < $tok_len; ++$i) { $tmp_pos = strpos($in, $tok[$i]); if ($tmp_pos !== false && $tmp_pos < $pos) { $pos = $tmp_pos; } } $buffer = substr($in, 0, $pos); $tok = $in[$pos]; $in = substr($in, $pos + 1); if ($tok == ']') { // if $tok is ']' the buffer holds a tag if (strtolower($buffer) == '/list' && sizeof($list_end_tags)) { // valid [/list] tag, check nesting so that we don't hit false positives if (sizeof($item_end_tags) && sizeof($item_end_tags) >= sizeof($list_end_tags)) { // current li tag has not been closed $out = preg_replace('/\n?\[$/', '[', $out) . array_pop($item_end_tags) . ']['; } $out .= array_pop($list_end_tags) . ']'; $tok = '['; } else if (preg_match('#^list(=[0-9a-z]+)?$#i', $buffer, $m)) { // sub-list, add a closing tag if (empty($m[1]) || preg_match('/^=(?:disc|square|circle)$/i', $m[1])) { array_push($list_end_tags, '/list:u:' . $this->bbcode_uid); } else { array_push($list_end_tags, '/list:o:' . $this->bbcode_uid); } $out .= 'list' . substr($buffer, 4) . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; $tok = '['; } else { if (($buffer == '*' || substr($buffer, -2) == '[*') && sizeof($list_end_tags)) { // the buffer holds a bullet tag and we have a [list] tag open if (sizeof($item_end_tags) >= sizeof($list_end_tags)) { if (substr($buffer, -2) == '[*') { $out .= substr($buffer, 0, -2) . '['; } // current li tag has not been closed if (preg_match('/\n\[$/', $out, $m)) { $out = preg_replace('/\n\[$/', '[', $out); $buffer = array_pop($item_end_tags) . "]\n[*:" . $this->bbcode_uid; } else { $buffer = array_pop($item_end_tags) . '][*:' . $this->bbcode_uid; } } else { $buffer = '*:' . $this->bbcode_uid; } $item_end_tags[] = '/*:m:' . $this->bbcode_uid; } else if ($buffer == '/*') { array_pop($item_end_tags); $buffer = '/*:' . $this->bbcode_uid; } $out .= $buffer . $tok; $tok = '[]'; } } else { // Not within a tag, just add buffer to the return string $out .= $buffer . $tok; $tok = ($tok == '[') ? ']' : '[]'; } } while ($in); // do we have some tags open? close them now if (sizeof($item_end_tags)) { $out .= '[' . implode('][', $item_end_tags) . ']'; } if (sizeof($list_end_tags)) { $out .= '[' . implode('][', $list_end_tags) . ']'; } return $out; } /** * Parse quote bbcode * Expects the argument to start with a tag */ function bbcode_quote($in) { global $config, $user; $in = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($in))); if (!$in) { return ''; } // To let the parser not catch tokens within quote_username quotes we encode them before we start this... $in = preg_replace_callback('#quote="(.*?)"\]#i', function ($match) { return 'quote="' . str_replace(array('[', ']', '\\\"'), array('[', ']', '\"'), $match[1]) . '"]'; }, $in); $tok = ']'; $out = '['; $in = substr($in, 1); $close_tags = $error_ary = array(); $buffer = ''; do { $pos = strlen($in); for ($i = 0, $tok_len = strlen($tok); $i < $tok_len; ++$i) { $tmp_pos = strpos($in, $tok[$i]); if ($tmp_pos !== false && $tmp_pos < $pos) { $pos = $tmp_pos; } } $buffer .= substr($in, 0, $pos); $tok = $in[$pos]; $in = substr($in, $pos + 1); if ($tok == ']') { if (strtolower($buffer) == '/quote' && sizeof($close_tags) && substr($out, -1, 1) == '[') { // we have found a closing tag $out .= array_pop($close_tags) . ']'; $tok = '['; $buffer = ''; /* Add space at the end of the closing tag if not happened before to allow following urls/smilies to be parsed correctly * Do not try to think for the user. :/ Do not parse urls/smilies if there is no space - is the same as with other bbcodes too. * Also, we won't have any spaces within $in anyway, only adding up spaces -> #10982 if (!$in || $in[0] !== ' ') { $out .= ' '; }*/ } else if (preg_match('#^quote(?:="(.*?)")?$#is', $buffer, $m) && substr($out, -1, 1) == '[') { $this->parsed_items['quote']++; array_push($close_tags, '/quote:' . $this->bbcode_uid); if (isset($m[1]) && $m[1]) { $username = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('[', ']'), $m[1]); $username = preg_replace('#\[(?!b|i|u|color|url|email|/b|/i|/u|/color|/url|/email)#iU', '[$1', $username); $end_tags = array(); $error = false; preg_match_all('#\[((?:/)?(?:[a-z]+))#i', $username, $tags); foreach ($tags[1] as $tag) { if ($tag[0] != '/') { $end_tags[] = '/' . $tag; } else { $end_tag = array_pop($end_tags); $error = ($end_tag != $tag) ? true : false; } } if ($error) { $username = $m[1]; } $out .= 'quote="' . $username . '":' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } else { $out .= 'quote:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } $tok = '['; $buffer = ''; } else if (preg_match('#^quote="(.*?)#is', $buffer, $m)) { // the buffer holds an invalid opening tag $buffer .= ']'; } else { $out .= $buffer . $tok; $tok = '[]'; $buffer = ''; } } else { /** * Old quote code working fine, but having errors listed in bug #3572 * * $out .= $buffer . $tok; * $tok = ($tok == '[') ? ']' : '[]'; * $buffer = ''; */ $out .= $buffer . $tok; if ($tok == '[') { // Search the text for the next tok... if an ending quote comes first, then change tok to [] $pos1 = stripos($in, '[/quote'); // If the token ] comes first, we change it to ] $pos2 = strpos($in, ']'); // If the token [ comes first, we change it to [ $pos3 = strpos($in, '['); if ($pos1 !== false && ($pos2 === false || $pos1 < $pos2) && ($pos3 === false || $pos1 < $pos3)) { $tok = '[]'; } else if ($pos3 !== false && ($pos2 === false || $pos3 < $pos2)) { $tok = '['; } else { $tok = ']'; } } else { $tok = '[]'; } $buffer = ''; } } while ($in); $out .= $buffer; if (sizeof($close_tags)) { $out .= '[' . implode('][', $close_tags) . ']'; } foreach ($error_ary as $error_msg) { $this->warn_msg[] = $error_msg; } return $out; } /** * Validate email */ function validate_email($var1, $var2) { $var1 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var1))); $var2 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var2))); $txt = $var2; $email = ($var1) ? $var1 : $var2; $validated = true; if (!preg_match('/^' . get_preg_expression('email') . '$/i', $email)) { $validated = false; } if (!$validated) { return '[email' . (($var1) ? "=$var1" : '') . ']' . $var2 . '[/email]'; } $this->parsed_items['email']++; if ($var1) { $retval = '[email=' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($email) . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $txt . '[/email:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } else { $retval = '[email:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($email) . '[/email:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } return $retval; } /** * Validate url * * @param string $var1 optional url parameter for url bbcode: [url(=$var1)]$var2[/url] * @param string $var2 url bbcode content: [url(=$var1)]$var2[/url] */ function validate_url($var1, $var2) { global $config; $var1 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var1))); $var2 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var2))); $url = ($var1) ? $var1 : $var2; if ($var1 && !$var2) { $var2 = $var1; } if (!$url) { return '[url' . (($var1) ? '=' . $var1 : '') . ']' . $var2 . '[/url]'; } $valid = false; $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url); // Checking urls if (preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('url') . '$#iu', $url) || preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('www_url') . '$#iu', $url) || preg_match('#^' . preg_quote(generate_board_url(), '#') . get_preg_expression('relative_url') . '$#iu', $url)) { $valid = true; } if ($valid) { $this->parsed_items['url']++; // if there is no scheme, then add http schema if (!preg_match('#^[a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:/{2}#i', $url)) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } // Is this a link to somewhere inside this board? If so then remove the session id from the url if (strpos($url, generate_board_url()) !== false && strpos($url, 'sid=') !== false) { $url = preg_replace('/(&|\?)sid=[0-9a-f]{32}&/', '\1', $url); $url = preg_replace('/(&|\?)sid=[0-9a-f]{32}$/', '', $url); $url = append_sid($url); } return ($var1) ? '[url=' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($url) . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $var2 . '[/url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' : '[url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($url) . '[/url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'; } return '[url' . (($var1) ? '=' . $var1 : '') . ']' . $var2 . '[/url]'; } /** * Check if url is pointing to this domain/script_path/php-file * * @param string $url the url to check * @return true if the url is pointing to this domain/script_path/php-file, false if not * * @access private */ function path_in_domain($url) { global $config, $phpEx, $user; if ($config['force_server_vars']) { $check_path = $config['script_path']; } else { $check_path = ($user->page['root_script_path'] != '/') ? substr($user->page['root_script_path'], 0, -1) : '/'; } // Is the user trying to link to a php file in this domain and script path? if (strpos($url, ".{$phpEx}") !== false && strpos($url, $check_path) !== false) { $server_name = $user->host; // Forcing server vars is the only way to specify/override the protocol if ($config['force_server_vars'] || !$server_name) { $server_name = $config['server_name']; } // Check again in correct order... $pos_ext = strpos($url, ".{$phpEx}"); $pos_path = strpos($url, $check_path); $pos_domain = strpos($url, $server_name); if ($pos_domain !== false && $pos_path >= $pos_domain && $pos_ext >= $pos_path) { // Ok, actually we allow linking to some files (this may be able to be extended in some way later...) if (strpos($url, '/' . $check_path . '/download/file.' . $phpEx) !== 0) { return false; } return true; } } return false; } } /** * Main message parser for posting, pm, etc. takes raw message * and parses it for attachments, bbcode and smilies */ class parse_message extends bbcode_firstpass { var $attachment_data = array(); var $filename_data = array(); // Helps ironing out user error var $message_status = ''; var $allow_img_bbcode = true; var $allow_flash_bbcode = true; var $allow_quote_bbcode = true; var $allow_url_bbcode = true; var $mode; /** * The plupload object used for dealing with attachments * @var \phpbb\plupload\plupload */ protected $plupload; /** * Init - give message here or manually */ function parse_message($message = '') { // Init BBCode UID $this->bbcode_uid = substr(base_convert(unique_id(), 16, 36), 0, BBCODE_UID_LEN); $this->message = $message; } /** * Parse Message */ function parse($allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $allow_img_bbcode = true, $allow_flash_bbcode = true, $allow_quote_bbcode = true, $allow_url_bbcode = true, $update_this_message = true, $mode = 'post') { global $config, $db, $user, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_container; $this->mode = $mode; foreach (array('chars', 'smilies', 'urls', 'font_size', 'img_height', 'img_width') as $key) { if (!isset($config['max_' . $mode . '_' . $key])) { $config['max_' . $mode . '_' . $key] = 0; } } $this->allow_img_bbcode = $allow_img_bbcode; $this->allow_flash_bbcode = $allow_flash_bbcode; $this->allow_quote_bbcode = $allow_quote_bbcode; $this->allow_url_bbcode = $allow_url_bbcode; // If false, then $this->message won't be altered, the text will be returned instead. if (!$update_this_message) { $tmp_message = $this->message; $return_message = &$this->message; } if ($this->message_status == 'display') { $this->decode_message(); } // Store message length... $message_length = ($mode == 'post') ? utf8_strlen($this->message) : utf8_strlen(preg_replace('#\[\/?[a-z\*\+\-]+(=[\S]+)?\]#ius', ' ', $this->message)); // Maximum message length check. 0 disables this check completely. if ((int) $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars'] > 0 && $message_length > (int) $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars']) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('CHARS_' . strtoupper($mode) . '_CONTAINS', $message_length) . '
' . $user->lang('TOO_MANY_CHARS_LIMIT', (int) $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars']); return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg; } // Minimum message length check for post only if ($mode === 'post') { if (!$message_length || $message_length < (int) $config['min_post_chars']) { $this->warn_msg[] = (!$message_length) ? $user->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS'] : ($user->lang('CHARS_POST_CONTAINS', $message_length) . '
' . $user->lang('TOO_FEW_CHARS_LIMIT', (int) $config['min_post_chars'])); return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg; } } /** * This event can be used for additional message checks/cleanup before parsing * * @event core.message_parser_check_message * @var bool allow_bbcode Do we allow BBCodes * @var bool allow_magic_url Do we allow magic urls * @var bool allow_smilies Do we allow smilies * @var bool allow_img_bbcode Do we allow image BBCode * @var bool allow_flash_bbcode Do we allow flash BBCode * @var bool allow_quote_bbcode Do we allow quote BBCode * @var bool allow_url_bbcode Do we allow url BBCode * @var bool update_this_message Do we alter the parsed message * @var string mode Posting mode * @var string message The message text to parse * @var string bbcode_bitfield The bbcode_bitfield before parsing * @var string bbcode_uid The bbcode_uid before parsing * @var bool return Do we return after the event is triggered if $warn_msg is not empty * @var array warn_msg Array of the warning messages * @since 3.1.2-RC1 * @change 3.1.3-RC1 Added vars $bbcode_bitfield and $bbcode_uid */ $message = $this->message; $warn_msg = $this->warn_msg; $return = false; $bbcode_bitfield = $this->bbcode_bitfield; $bbcode_uid = $this->bbcode_uid; $vars = array( 'allow_bbcode', 'allow_magic_url', 'allow_smilies', 'allow_img_bbcode', 'allow_flash_bbcode', 'allow_quote_bbcode', 'allow_url_bbcode', 'update_this_message', 'mode', 'message', 'bbcode_bitfield', 'bbcode_uid', 'return', 'warn_msg', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.message_parser_check_message', compact($vars))); $this->message = $message; $this->warn_msg = $warn_msg; $this->bbcode_bitfield = $bbcode_bitfield; $this->bbcode_uid = $bbcode_uid; if ($return && !empty($this->warn_msg)) { return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg; } // Get the parser $parser = $phpbb_container->get('text_formatter.parser'); // Set the parser's options ($allow_bbcode) ? $parser->enable_bbcodes() : $parser->disable_bbcodes(); ($allow_magic_url) ? $parser->enable_magic_url() : $parser->disable_magic_url(); ($allow_smilies) ? $parser->enable_smilies() : $parser->disable_smilies(); ($allow_img_bbcode) ? $parser->enable_bbcode('img') : $parser->disable_bbcode('img'); ($allow_flash_bbcode) ? $parser->enable_bbcode('flash') : $parser->disable_bbcode('flash'); ($allow_quote_bbcode) ? $parser->enable_bbcode('quote') : $parser->disable_bbcode('quote'); ($allow_url_bbcode) ? $parser->enable_bbcode('url') : $parser->disable_bbcode('url'); // Set some config values $parser->set_vars(array( 'max_font_size' => $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_font_size'], 'max_img_height' => $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'], 'max_img_width' => $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'], 'max_smilies' => $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_smilies'], 'max_urls' => $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_urls'] )); // Parse this message $this->message = $parser->parse(htmlspecialchars_decode($this->message, ENT_QUOTES)); // Remove quotes that are nested too deep if ($config['max_quote_depth'] > 0) { $this->remove_nested_quotes($config['max_quote_depth']); } // Check for "empty" message. We do not check here for maximum length, because bbcode, smilies, etc. can add to the length. // The maximum length check happened before any parsings. if ($mode === 'post' && utf8_clean_string($this->message) === '') { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS']; return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg; } // Remove quotes that are nested too deep if ($config['max_quote_depth'] > 0) { $this->message = $phpbb_container->get('text_formatter.utils')->remove_bbcode( $this->message, 'quote', $config['max_quote_depth'] ); } // Check for errors $errors = $parser->get_errors(); if ($errors) { foreach ($errors as $i => $args) { // Translate each error with $user->lang() $errors[$i] = call_user_func_array(array($user, 'lang'), $args); } $this->warn_msg = array_merge($this->warn_msg, $errors); return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg; } if (!$update_this_message) { unset($this->message); $this->message = $tmp_message; return $return_message; } $this->message_status = 'parsed'; return false; } /** * Formatting text for display */ function format_display($allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $update_this_message = true) { global $phpbb_container, $phpbb_dispatcher; // If false, then the parsed message get returned but internal message not processed. if (!$update_this_message) { $tmp_message = $this->message; $return_message = &$this->message; } $text = $this->message; $uid = $this->bbcode_uid; /** * Event to modify the text before it is parsed * * @event core.modify_format_display_text_before * @var string text The message text to parse * @var string uid The bbcode uid * @var bool allow_bbcode Do we allow bbcodes * @var bool allow_magic_url Do we allow magic urls * @var bool allow_smilies Do we allow smilies * @var bool update_this_message Do we update the internal message * with the parsed result * @since 3.1.6-RC1 */ $vars = array('text', 'uid', 'allow_bbcode', 'allow_magic_url', 'allow_smilies', 'update_this_message'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_format_display_text_before', compact($vars))); $this->message = $text; $this->bbcode_uid = $uid; unset($text, $uid); // NOTE: message_status is unreliable for detecting unparsed text because some callers // change $this->message without resetting $this->message_status to 'plain' so we // inspect the message instead //if ($this->message_status == 'plain') if (!preg_match('/^<[rt][ >]/', $this->message)) { // Force updating message - of course. $this->parse($allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $this->allow_img_bbcode, $this->allow_flash_bbcode, $this->allow_quote_bbcode, $this->allow_url_bbcode, true); } // There's a bug when previewing a topic with no poll, because the empty title of the poll // gets parsed but $this->message still ends up empty. This fixes it, until a proper fix is // devised if ($this->message === '') { $this->message = $phpbb_container->get('text_formatter.parser')->parse($this->message); } $this->message = $phpbb_container->get('text_formatter.renderer')->render($this->message); $text = $this->message; $uid = $this->bbcode_uid; /** * Event to modify the text after it is parsed * * @event core.modify_format_display_text_after * @var string text The message text to parse * @var string uid The bbcode uid * @var bool allow_bbcode Do we allow bbcodes * @var bool allow_magic_url Do we allow magic urls * @var bool allow_smilies Do we allow smilies * @var bool update_this_message Do we update the internal message * with the parsed result * @since 3.1.0-a3 */ $vars = array('text', 'uid', 'allow_bbcode', 'allow_magic_url', 'allow_smilies', 'update_this_message'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_format_display_text_after', compact($vars))); $this->message = $text; $this->bbcode_uid = $uid; if (!$update_this_message) { unset($this->message); $this->message = $tmp_message; return $return_message; } $this->message_status = 'display'; return false; } /** * Decode message to be placed back into form box */ function decode_message($custom_bbcode_uid = '', $update_this_message = true) { // If false, then the parsed message get returned but internal message not processed. if (!$update_this_message) { $tmp_message = $this->message; $return_message = &$this->message; } ($custom_bbcode_uid) ? decode_message($this->message, $custom_bbcode_uid) : decode_message($this->message, $this->bbcode_uid); if (!$update_this_message) { unset($this->message); $this->message = $tmp_message; return $return_message; } $this->message_status = 'plain'; return false; } /** * Replace magic urls of form http://xxx.xxx., www.xxx. and xxx@xxx.xxx. * Cuts down displayed size of link if over 50 chars, turns absolute links * into relative versions when the server/script path matches the link */ function magic_url($server_url) { // We use the global make_clickable function $this->message = make_clickable($this->message, $server_url); } /** * Parse Smilies */ function smilies($max_smilies = 0) { global $db, $user; static $match; static $replace; // See if the static arrays have already been filled on an earlier invocation if (!is_array($match)) { $match = $replace = array(); // NOTE: obtain_* function? chaching the table contents? // For now setting the ttl to 10 minutes switch ($db->get_sql_layer()) { case 'mssql': case 'mssql_odbc': case 'mssqlnative': $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . SMILIES_TABLE . ' ORDER BY LEN(code) DESC'; break; // LENGTH supported by MySQL, IBM DB2, Oracle and Access for sure... default: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . SMILIES_TABLE . ' ORDER BY LENGTH(code) DESC'; break; } $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 600); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (empty($row['code'])) { continue; } // (assertion) $match[] = preg_quote($row['code'], '#'); $replace[] = '' . $row['code'] . ''; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } if (sizeof($match)) { if ($max_smilies) { // 'u' modifier has been added to correctly parse smilies within unicode strings // For details: http://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-10117 $num_matches = preg_match_all('#(?<=^|[\n .])(?:' . implode('|', $match) . ')(?![^<>]*>)#u', $this->message, $matches); unset($matches); if ($num_matches !== false && $num_matches > $max_smilies) { $this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_SMILIES'], $max_smilies); return; } } // Make sure the delimiter # is added in front and at the end of every element within $match // 'u' modifier has been added to correctly parse smilies within unicode strings // For details: http://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-10117 $this->message = trim(preg_replace(explode(chr(0), '#(?<=^|[\n .])' . implode('(?![^<>]*>)#u' . chr(0) . '#(?<=^|[\n .])', $match) . '(?![^<>]*>)#u'), $replace, $this->message)); } } /** * Parse Attachments */ function parse_attachments($form_name, $mode, $forum_id, $submit, $preview, $refresh, $is_message = false) { global $config, $auth, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $db, $request; global $phpbb_container; $error = array(); $num_attachments = sizeof($this->attachment_data); $this->filename_data['filecomment'] = $request->variable('filecomment', '', true); $upload = $request->file($form_name); $upload_file = (!empty($upload) && $upload['name'] !== 'none' && trim($upload['name'])); $add_file = (isset($_POST['add_file'])) ? true : false; $delete_file = (isset($_POST['delete_file'])) ? true : false; // First of all adjust comments if changed $actual_comment_list = $request->variable('comment_list', array(''), true); foreach ($actual_comment_list as $comment_key => $comment) { if (!isset($this->attachment_data[$comment_key])) { continue; } if ($this->attachment_data[$comment_key]['attach_comment'] != $actual_comment_list[$comment_key]) { $this->attachment_data[$comment_key]['attach_comment'] = $actual_comment_list[$comment_key]; } } $cfg = array(); $cfg['max_attachments'] = ($is_message) ? $config['max_attachments_pm'] : $config['max_attachments']; $forum_id = ($is_message) ? 0 : $forum_id; if ($submit && in_array($mode, array('post', 'reply', 'quote', 'edit')) && $upload_file) { if ($num_attachments < $cfg['max_attachments'] || $auth->acl_get('a_') || $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id)) { /** @var \phpbb\attachment\upload $attachment_upload */ $attachment_upload = $phpbb_container->get('attachment.upload'); $filedata = $attachment_upload->upload($form_name, $forum_id, false, '', $is_message); $error = $filedata['error']; if ($filedata['post_attach'] && !sizeof($error)) { $sql_ary = array( 'physical_filename' => $filedata['physical_filename'], 'attach_comment' => $this->filename_data['filecomment'], 'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'], 'extension' => $filedata['extension'], 'mimetype' => $filedata['mimetype'], 'filesize' => $filedata['filesize'], 'filetime' => $filedata['filetime'], 'thumbnail' => $filedata['thumbnail'], 'is_orphan' => 1, 'in_message' => ($is_message) ? 1 : 0, 'poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'], ); $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary)); $new_entry = array( 'attach_id' => $db->sql_nextid(), 'is_orphan' => 1, 'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'], 'attach_comment'=> $this->filename_data['filecomment'], 'filesize' => $filedata['filesize'], ); $this->attachment_data = array_merge(array(0 => $new_entry), $this->attachment_data); $this->message = preg_replace_callback('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]#', function ($match) { return '[attachment='.($match[1] + 1).']' . $match[2] . '[/attachment]'; }, $this->message); $this->filename_data['filecomment'] = ''; // This Variable is set to false here, because Attachments are entered into the // Database in two modes, one if the id_list is 0 and the second one if post_attach is true // Since post_attach is automatically switched to true if an Attachment got added to the filesystem, // but we are assigning an id of 0 here, we have to reset the post_attach variable to false. // // This is very relevant, because it could happen that the post got not submitted, but we do not // know this circumstance here. We could be at the posting page or we could be redirected to the entered // post. :) $filedata['post_attach'] = false; } } else { $error[] = $user->lang('TOO_MANY_ATTACHMENTS', (int) $cfg['max_attachments']); } } if ($preview || $refresh || sizeof($error)) { if (isset($this->plupload) && $this->plupload->is_active()) { $json_response = new \phpbb\json_response(); } // Perform actions on temporary attachments if ($delete_file) { include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx); $index = array_keys($request->variable('delete_file', array(0 => 0))); $index = (!empty($index)) ? $index[0] : false; if ($index !== false && !empty($this->attachment_data[$index])) { // delete selected attachment if ($this->attachment_data[$index]['is_orphan']) { $sql = 'SELECT attach_id, physical_filename, thumbnail FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE attach_id = ' . (int) $this->attachment_data[$index]['attach_id'] . ' AND is_orphan = 1 AND poster_id = ' . $user->data['user_id']; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($row) { phpbb_unlink($row['physical_filename'], 'file'); if ($row['thumbnail']) { phpbb_unlink($row['physical_filename'], 'thumbnail'); } $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE attach_id = ' . (int) $this->attachment_data[$index]['attach_id']); } } else { delete_attachments('attach', array(intval($this->attachment_data[$index]['attach_id']))); } unset($this->attachment_data[$index]); $this->message = preg_replace_callback('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]#', function ($match) use($index) { return ($match[1] == $index) ? '' : (($match[1] > $index) ? '[attachment=' . ($match[1] - 1) . ']' . $match[2] . '[/attachment]' : $match[0]); }, $this->message); // Reindex Array $this->attachment_data = array_values($this->attachment_data); if (isset($this->plupload) && $this->plupload->is_active()) { $json_response->send($this->attachment_data); } } } else if (($add_file || $preview) && $upload_file) { if ($num_attachments < $cfg['max_attachments'] || $auth->acl_gets('m_', 'a_', $forum_id)) { /** @var \phpbb\attachment\upload $attachment_upload */ $attachment_upload = $phpbb_container->get('attachment.upload'); $filedata = $attachment_upload->upload($form_name, $forum_id, false, '', $is_message); $error = array_merge($error, $filedata['error']); if (!sizeof($error)) { $sql_ary = array( 'physical_filename' => $filedata['physical_filename'], 'attach_comment' => $this->filename_data['filecomment'], 'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'], 'extension' => $filedata['extension'], 'mimetype' => $filedata['mimetype'], 'filesize' => $filedata['filesize'], 'filetime' => $filedata['filetime'], 'thumbnail' => $filedata['thumbnail'], 'is_orphan' => 1, 'in_message' => ($is_message) ? 1 : 0, 'poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'], ); $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary)); $new_entry = array( 'attach_id' => $db->sql_nextid(), 'is_orphan' => 1, 'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'], 'attach_comment'=> $this->filename_data['filecomment'], 'filesize' => $filedata['filesize'], ); $this->attachment_data = array_merge(array(0 => $new_entry), $this->attachment_data); $this->message = preg_replace_callback('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]#', function ($match) { return '[attachment=' . ($match[1] + 1) . ']' . $match[2] . '[/attachment]'; }, $this->message); $this->filename_data['filecomment'] = ''; if (isset($this->plupload) && $this->plupload->is_active()) { $download_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}download/file.{$phpEx}", 'mode=view&id=' . $new_entry['attach_id']); // Send the client the attachment data to maintain state $json_response->send(array('data' => $this->attachment_data, 'download_url' => $download_url)); } } } else { $error[] = $user->lang('TOO_MANY_ATTACHMENTS', (int) $cfg['max_attachments']); } if (!empty($error) && isset($this->plupload) && $this->plupload->is_active()) { // If this is a plupload (and thus ajax) request, give the // client the first error we have $json_response->send(array( 'jsonrpc' => '2.0', 'id' => 'id', 'error' => array( 'code' => 105, 'message' => current($error), ), )); } } } foreach ($error as $error_msg) { $this->warn_msg[] = $error_msg; } } /** * Get Attachment Data */ function get_submitted_attachment_data($check_user_id = false) { global $user, $db, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config; global $request; $this->filename_data['filecomment'] = $request->variable('filecomment', '', true); $attachment_data = $request->variable('attachment_data', array(0 => array('' => '')), true, \phpbb\request\request_interface::POST); $this->attachment_data = array(); $check_user_id = ($check_user_id === false) ? $user->data['user_id'] : $check_user_id; if (!sizeof($attachment_data)) { return; } $not_orphan = $orphan = array(); foreach ($attachment_data as $pos => $var_ary) { if ($var_ary['is_orphan']) { $orphan[(int) $var_ary['attach_id']] = $pos; } else { $not_orphan[(int) $var_ary['attach_id']] = $pos; } } // Regenerate already posted attachments if (sizeof($not_orphan)) { // Get the attachment data, based on the poster id... $sql = 'SELECT attach_id, is_orphan, real_filename, attach_comment, filesize FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('attach_id', array_keys($not_orphan)) . ' AND poster_id = ' . $check_user_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $pos = $not_orphan[$row['attach_id']]; $this->attachment_data[$pos] = $row; $this->attachment_data[$pos]['attach_comment'] = $attachment_data[$pos]['attach_comment']; unset($not_orphan[$row['attach_id']]); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } if (sizeof($not_orphan)) { trigger_error('NO_ACCESS_ATTACHMENT', E_USER_ERROR); } // Regenerate newly uploaded attachments if (sizeof($orphan)) { $sql = 'SELECT attach_id, is_orphan, real_filename, attach_comment, filesize FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('attach_id', array_keys($orphan)) . ' AND poster_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND is_orphan = 1'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $pos = $orphan[$row['attach_id']]; $this->attachment_data[$pos] = $row; $this->attachment_data[$pos]['attach_comment'] = $attachment_data[$pos]['attach_comment']; unset($orphan[$row['attach_id']]); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } if (sizeof($orphan)) { trigger_error('NO_ACCESS_ATTACHMENT', E_USER_ERROR); } ksort($this->attachment_data); } /** * Parse Poll */ function parse_poll(&$poll) { global $auth, $user, $config; $poll_max_options = $poll['poll_max_options']; // Parse Poll Option text $tmp_message = $this->message; $poll['poll_options'] = explode("\n", trim($poll['poll_option_text'])); $poll['poll_options_size'] = sizeof($poll['poll_options']); foreach ($poll['poll_options'] as &$poll_option) { $this->message = $poll_option; $poll_option = $this->parse($poll['enable_bbcode'], ($config['allow_post_links']) ? $poll['enable_urls'] : false, $poll['enable_smilies'], $poll['img_status'], false, false, $config['allow_post_links'], false, 'poll'); } unset($poll_option); $poll['poll_option_text'] = implode("\n", $poll['poll_options']); // Parse Poll Title $this->message = $poll['poll_title']; if (!$poll['poll_title'] && $poll['poll_options_size']) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['NO_POLL_TITLE']; } else { if (utf8_strlen(preg_replace('#\[\/?[a-z\*\+\-]+(=[\S]+)?\]#ius', ' ', $this->message)) > 100) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['POLL_TITLE_TOO_LONG']; } $poll['poll_title'] = $this->parse($poll['enable_bbcode'], ($config['allow_post_links']) ? $poll['enable_urls'] : false, $poll['enable_smilies'], $poll['img_status'], false, false, $config['allow_post_links'], false, 'poll'); if (strlen($poll['poll_title']) > 255) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['POLL_TITLE_COMP_TOO_LONG']; } } if (sizeof($poll['poll_options']) == 1) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_FEW_POLL_OPTIONS']; } else if ($poll['poll_options_size'] > (int) $config['max_poll_options']) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_MANY_POLL_OPTIONS']; } else if ($poll_max_options > $poll['poll_options_size']) { $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_MANY_USER_OPTIONS']; } $poll['poll_max_options'] = ($poll['poll_max_options'] < 1) ? 1 : (($poll['poll_max_options'] > $config['max_poll_options']) ? $config['max_poll_options'] : $poll['poll_max_options']); $this->message = $tmp_message; } /** * Remove nested quotes at given depth in current parsed message * * @param integer $max_depth Depth limit * @return null */ public function remove_nested_quotes($max_depth) { global $phpbb_container; if (preg_match('#^<[rt][ >]#', $this->message)) { $this->message = $phpbb_container->get('text_formatter.utils')->remove_bbcode( $this->message, 'quote', $max_depth ); return; } // Capture all [quote] and [/quote] tags preg_match_all('(\\[/?quote(?:="(.*?)")?:' . $this->bbcode_uid . '\\])', $this->message, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // Iterate over the quote tags to mark the ranges that must be removed $depth = 0; $ranges = array(); $start_pos = 0; foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { if ($match[0][1] === '/') { --$depth; if ($depth == $max_depth) { $end_pos = $match[1] + strlen($match[0]); $length = $end_pos - $start_pos; $ranges[] = array($start_pos, $length); } } else { ++$depth; if ($depth == $max_depth + 1) { $start_pos = $match[1]; } } } foreach (array_reverse($ranges) as $range) { list($start_pos, $length) = $range; $this->message = substr_replace($this->message, '', $start_pos, $length); } } /** * Setter function for passing the plupload object * * @param \phpbb\plupload\plupload $plupload The plupload object * * @return null */ public function set_plupload(\phpbb\plupload\plupload $plupload) { $this->plupload = $plupload; } /** * Function to perform custom bbcode validation by extensions * can be used in bbcode_init() to assign regexp replacement * Example: 'regexp' => array('#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#uise' => "\$this->validate_bbcode_by_extension('\$1')") * * Accepts variable number of parameters * * @return mixed Validation result */ public function validate_bbcode_by_extension() { global $phpbb_dispatcher; $return = false; $params_array = func_get_args(); /** * Event to validate bbcode with the custom validating methods * provided by extensions * * @event core.validate_bbcode_by_extension * @var array params_array Array with the function parameters * @var mixed return Validation result to return * * @since 3.1.5-RC1 */ $vars = array('params_array', 'return'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.validate_bbcode_by_extension', compact($vars))); return $return; } }