<?php /** * * @package phpBB3 * @version $Id$ * @copyright (c) 2007 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * */ /** * @ignore */ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { exit; } /** * phpBB Hook Class * @package phpBB3 */ class phpbb_hook { /** * Registered hooks */ var $hooks = array(); /** * Results returned by functions called */ var $hook_result = array(); /** * internal pointer */ var $current_hook = NULL; /** * Initialize hook class. * * @param array $valid_hooks array containing the hookable functions/methods */ function phpbb_hook($valid_hooks) { foreach ($valid_hooks as $_null => $method) { $this->add_hook($method); } if (function_exists('phpbb_hook_register')) { phpbb_hook_register($this); } } /** * Register function/method to be called within hook * This function is normally called by the modification/application to attach/register the functions. * * @param mixed $definition Declaring function (with __FUNCTION__) or class with array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__) * @param mixed $hook The replacement function/method to be called. Passing function name or array with object/class definition * @param string $mode Specify the priority/chain mode. 'normal' -> hook gets appended to the chain. 'standalone' -> only the specified hook gets called - later hooks are not able to overwrite this (E_NOTICE is triggered then). 'first' -> hook is called as the first one within the chain. 'last' -> hook is called as the last one within the chain. */ function register($definition, $hook, $mode = 'normal') { $class = (!is_array($definition)) ? '__global' : $definition[0]; $function = (!is_array($definition)) ? $definition : $definition[1]; // Method able to be hooked? if (isset($this->hooks[$class][$function])) { switch ($mode) { case 'standalone': if (!isset($this->hooks[$class][$function]['standalone'])) { $this->hooks[$class][$function] = array('standalone' => $hook); } else { trigger_error('Hook not able to be called standalone, previous hook already standalone.', E_NOTICE); } break; case 'first': case 'last': $this->hooks[$class][$function][$mode][] = $hook; break; case 'normal': default: $this->hooks[$class][$function]['normal'][] = $hook; break; } } } /** * Calling all functions/methods attached to a specified hook. * Called by the function allowing hooks... * * @param mixed $definition Declaring function (with __FUNCTION__) or class with array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__) * @return bool False if no hook got executed, true otherwise */ function call_hook($definition) { $class = (!is_array($definition)) ? '__global' : $definition[0]; $function = (!is_array($definition)) ? $definition : $definition[1]; if (!empty($this->hooks[$class][$function])) { // Developer tries to call a hooked function within the hooked function... if ($this->current_hook !== NULL && $this->current_hook['class'] === $class && $this->current_hook['function'] === $function) { return false; } // Call the hook with the arguments attached and store result $arguments = func_get_args(); $this->current_hook = array('class' => $class, 'function' => $function); $arguments[0] = &$this; // Call the hook chain... if (isset($this->hooks[$class][$function]['standalone'])) { $this->hook_result[$class][$function] = call_user_func_array($this->hooks[$class][$function]['standalone'], $arguments); } else { foreach (array('first', 'normal', 'last') as $mode) { if (!isset($this->hooks[$class][$function][$mode])) { continue; } foreach ($this->hooks[$class][$function][$mode] as $hook) { $this->hook_result[$class][$function] = call_user_func_array($hook, $arguments); } } } $this->current_hook = NULL; return true; } $this->current_hook = NULL; return false; } /** * Get result from previously called functions/methods for the same hook * * @param mixed $definition Declaring function (with __FUNCTION__) or class with array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__) * @return mixed False if nothing returned if there is no result, else array('result' => ... ) */ function previous_hook_result($definition) { $class = (!is_array($definition)) ? '__global' : $definition[0]; $function = (!is_array($definition)) ? $definition : $definition[1]; if (!empty($this->hooks[$class][$function]) && isset($this->hook_result[$class][$function])) { return array('result' => $this->hook_result[$class][$function]); } return false; } /** * Check if the called functions/methods returned something. * * @param mixed $definition Declaring function (with __FUNCTION__) or class with array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__) * @return bool True if results are there, false if not */ function hook_return($definition) { $class = (!is_array($definition)) ? '__global' : $definition[0]; $function = (!is_array($definition)) ? $definition : $definition[1]; if (!empty($this->hooks[$class][$function]) && isset($this->hook_result[$class][$function])) { return true; } return false; } /** * Give actual result from called functions/methods back. * * @param mixed $definition Declaring function (with __FUNCTION__) or class with array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__) * @return mixed The result */ function hook_return_result($definition) { $class = (!is_array($definition)) ? '__global' : $definition[0]; $function = (!is_array($definition)) ? $definition : $definition[1]; if (!empty($this->hooks[$class][$function]) && isset($this->hook_result[$class][$function])) { $result = $this->hook_result[$class][$function]; unset($this->hook_result[$class][$function]); return $result; } return; } /** * Add new function to the allowed hooks. * * @param mixed $definition Declaring function (with __FUNCTION__) or class with array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__) */ function add_hook($definition) { if (!is_array($definition)) { $definition = array('__global', $definition); } $this->hooks[$definition[0]][$definition[1]] = array(); } /** * Remove function from the allowed hooks. * * @param mixed $definition Declaring function (with __FUNCTION__) or class with array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__) */ function remove_hook($definition) { $class = (!is_array($definition)) ? '__global' : $definition[0]; $function = (!is_array($definition)) ? $definition : $definition[1]; if (isset($this->hooks[$class][$function])) { unset($this->hooks[$class][$function]); if (isset($this->hook_result[$class][$function])) { unset($this->hook_result[$class][$function]); } } } } ?>