* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

* Transfer class, wrapper for ftp/sftp/ssh
* @package phpBB3
class transfer
	var $connection;
	var $host;
	var $port;
	var $username;
	var $password;
	var $timeout;
	var $root_path;
	var $tmp_path;
	var $file_perms;
	var $dir_perms;

	* Constructor - init some basic values
	function transfer()
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$this->file_perms	= 0644;
		$this->dir_perms	= 0777;

		// We use the store directory as temporary path to circumvent open basedir restrictions
		$this->tmp_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'store/';

	* Write file to location
	function write_file($destination_file = '', $contents = '')
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$destination_file = $this->root_path . str_replace($phpbb_root_path, '', $destination_file);

		// need to create a temp file and then move that temp file.
		// ftp functions can only move files around and can't create.
		// This means that the users will need to have access to write
		// temporary files or have write access on a folder within phpBB
		// like the cache folder. If the user can't do either, then
		// he/she needs to use the fsock ftp method
		$temp_name = tempnam($this->tmp_path, 'transfer_');

		$fp = @fopen($temp_name, 'w');

		if (!$fp)
			trigger_error('Unable to create temporary file ' . $temp_name, E_USER_ERROR);

		@fwrite($fp, $contents);

		$result = $this->overwrite_file($temp_name, $destination_file);

		// remove temporary file now

		return $result;

	* Moving file into location. If the destination file already exists it gets overwritten
	function overwrite_file($source_file, $destination_file)
		* @todo generally think about overwriting files in another way, by creating a temporary file and then renaming it
		* @todo check for the destination file existance too
		$result = $this->_put($source_file, $destination_file);
		$this->_chmod($destination_file, $this->file_perms);

		return $result;

	* Create directory structure
	function make_dir($dir)
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$dir = str_replace($phpbb_root_path, '', $dir);
		$dir = explode('/', $dir);
		$dirs = '';

		for ($i = 0, $total = sizeof($dir); $i < $total; $i++)
			$result = true;

			if (strpos($dir[$i], '.') === 0)
			$cur_dir = $dir[$i] . '/';

			if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $dirs . $cur_dir))
				// create the directory
				$result = $this->_mkdir($dir[$i]);
				$this->_chmod($dir[$i], $this->dir_perms);

			$this->_chdir($this->root_path . $dirs . $dir[$i]);
			$dirs .= $cur_dir;


		* @todo stack result into array to make sure every path creation has been taken care of
		return $result;

	* Copy file from source location to destination location
	function copy_file($from_loc, $to_loc)
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$from_loc = ((strpos($from_loc, $phpbb_root_path) !== 0) ? $phpbb_root_path : '') . $from_loc;
		$to_loc = $this->root_path . str_replace($phpbb_root_path, '', $to_loc);

		if (!file_exists($from_loc))
			return false;

		$result = $this->overwrite_file($from_loc, $to_loc);

		return $result;

	* Remove file
	function delete_file($file)
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$file = $this->root_path . str_replace($phpbb_root_path, '', $file);

		return $this->_delete($file);

	* Remove directory
	* @todo remove child directories?
	function remove_dir($dir)
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$dir = $this->root_path . str_replace($phpbb_root_path, '', $dir);

		return $this->_rmdir($dir);

	* Rename a file or folder
	function rename($old_handle, $new_handle)
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$old_handle = $this->root_path . str_replace($phpbb_root_path, '', $old_handle);

		return $this->_rename($old_handle, $new_handle);

	* Check if a specified file exist...
	function file_exists($directory, $filename)
		global $phpbb_root_path;

		$directory = $this->root_path . str_replace($phpbb_root_path, '', $directory);

		$result = $this->_ls('');

		if ($result !== false && is_array($result))
			return (in_array($filename, $result)) ? true : false;

		return false;

	* Open session
	function open_session()
		return $this->_init();

	* Close current session
	function close_session()
		return $this->_close();

	* Determine methods able to be used
	function methods()
		$methods = array();
		$disabled_functions = explode(',', @ini_get('disable_functions'));

		if (@extension_loaded('ftp'))
			$methods[] = 'ftp';

		if (!in_array('fsockopen', $disabled_functions))
			$methods[] = 'ftp_fsock';

		return $methods;

* FTP transfer class
* @package phpBB3
class ftp extends transfer
	* Standard parameters for FTP session
	function ftp($host, $username, $password, $root_path, $port = 21, $timeout = 10)
		$this->host			= $host;
		$this->port			= $port;
		$this->username		= $username;
		$this->password		= $password;
		$this->timeout		= $timeout;

		// Make sure $this->root_path is layed out the same way as the $user->page['root_script_path'] value (/ at the end)
		$this->root_path	= str_replace('\\', '/', $this->root_path);

		if (!empty($root_path))
			$this->root_path = (($root_path[0] != '/' ) ? '/' : '') . $root_path . ((substr($root_path, -1, 1) == '/') ? '' : '/');

		// Init some needed values


	* Requests data
	function data()
		global $user;

		return array(
			'host'		=> 'localhost',
			'username'	=> 'anonymous',
			'password'	=> '',
			'root_path'	=> $user->page['root_script_path'],
			'port'		=> 21,
			'timeout'	=> 10

	* Init FTP Session
	* @access private
	function _init()
		// connect to the server
		$this->connection = @ftp_connect($this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout);

		if (!$this->connection)

		// attempt to turn pasv mode on
		@ftp_pasv($this->connection, true);

		// login to the server
		if (!@ftp_login($this->connection, $this->username, $this->password))
			return 'ERR_UNABLE_TO_LOGIN';

		// change to the root directory
		if (!$this->_chdir($this->root_path))

		return true;

	* Create Directory (MKDIR)
	* @access private
	function _mkdir($dir)
		return @ftp_mkdir($this->connection, $dir);

	* Remove directory (RMDIR)
	* @access private
	function _rmdir($dir)
		return @ftp_rmdir($this->connection, $dir);

	* Rename file
	* @access private
	function _rename($old_handle, $new_handle)
		return @ftp_rename($this->connection, $old_handle, $new_handle);

	* Change current working directory (CHDIR)
	* @access private
	function _chdir($dir = '')
		if ($dir && $dir !== '/')
			if (substr($dir, -1, 1) == '/')
				$dir = substr($dir, 0, -1);

		return @ftp_chdir($this->connection, $dir);

	* change file permissions (CHMOD)
	* @access private
	function _chmod($file, $perms)
		if (function_exists('ftp_chmod'))
			$err = @ftp_chmod($this->connection, $perms, $file);
			// Unfortunatly CHMOD is not expecting an octal value...
			// We need to transform the integer (which was an octal) to an octal representation (to get the int) and then pass as is. ;)
			$chmod_cmd = 'CHMOD ' . base_convert($perms, 10, 8) . ' ' . $file;
			$err = $this->_site($chmod_cmd);

		return $err;

	* Upload file to location (PUT)
	* @access private
	function _put($from_file, $to_file)
		// get the file extension
		$file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($to_file, '.'), 1));

		// We only use the BINARY file mode to cicumvent rewrite actions from ftp server (mostly linefeeds being replaced)
		$mode = FTP_BINARY;

		$to_dir = dirname($to_file);
		$to_file = basename($to_file);

		$result = @ftp_put($this->connection, $to_file, $from_file, $mode);

		return $result;

	* Delete file (DELETE)
	* @access private
	function _delete($file)
		return @ftp_delete($this->connection, $file);

	* Close ftp session (CLOSE)
	* @access private
	function _close()
		if (!$this->connection)
			return false;

		return @ftp_quit($this->connection);

	* Return current working directory (CWD)
	* At the moment not used by parent class
	* @access private
	function _cwd()
		return @ftp_pwd($this->connection);

	* Return list of files in a given directory (LS)
	* @access private
	function _ls($dir = './')
		return @ftp_nlist($this->connection, $dir);

	* FTP SITE command (ftp-only function)
	* @access private
	function _site($command)
		return @ftp_site($this->connection, $command);

* FTP fsock transfer class
* @author wGEric
* @package phpBB3
class ftp_fsock extends transfer
	var $data_connection;

	* Standard parameters for FTP session
	function ftp_fsock($host, $username, $password, $root_path, $port = 21, $timeout = 10)
		$this->host			= $host;
		$this->port			= $port;
		$this->username		= $username;
		$this->password		= $password;
		$this->timeout		= $timeout;

		// Make sure $this->root_path is layed out the same way as the $user->page['root_script_path'] value (/ at the end)
		$this->root_path	= str_replace('\\', '/', $this->root_path);

		if (!empty($root_path))
			$this->root_path = (($root_path[0] != '/' ) ? '/' : '') . $root_path . ((substr($root_path, -1, 1) == '/') ? '' : '/');

		// Init some needed values


	* Requests data
	function data()
		global $user;

		return array(
			'host'		=> 'localhost',
			'username'	=> 'anonymous',
			'password'	=> '',
			'root_path'	=> $user->page['root_script_path'],
			'port'		=> 21,
			'timeout'	=> 10

	* Init FTP Session
	* @access private
	function _init()
		$errno = 0;
		$errstr = '';

		// connect to the server
		$this->connection = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);

		if (!$this->connection || !$this->_check_command())

		@stream_set_timeout($this->connection, $this->timeout);

		// login
		if (!$this->_send_command('USER', $this->username))
			return 'ERR_UNABLE_TO_LOGIN';

		if (!$this->_send_command('PASS', $this->password))
			return 'ERR_UNABLE_TO_LOGIN';

		// change to the root directory
		if (!$this->_chdir($this->root_path))

		return true;

	* Create Directory (MKDIR)
	* @access private
	function _mkdir($dir)
		return $this->_send_command('MKD', $dir);

	* Remove directory (RMDIR)
	* @access private
	function _rmdir($dir)
		return $this->_send_command('RMD', $dir);

	* Rename File
	* @access private
	function _rename($old_handle, $new_handle)
		$this->_send_command('RNFR', $old_handle);
		return $this->_send_command('RNTO', $new_handle);

	* Change current working directory (CHDIR)
	* @access private
	function _chdir($dir = '')
		if ($dir && $dir !== '/')
			if (substr($dir, -1, 1) == '/')
				$dir = substr($dir, 0, -1);

		return $this->_send_command('CWD', $dir);

	* change file permissions (CHMOD)
	* @access private
	function _chmod($file, $perms)
		// Unfortunatly CHMOD is not expecting an octal value...
		// We need to transform the integer (which was an octal) to an octal representation (to get the int) and then pass as is. ;)
		return $this->_send_command('SITE CHMOD', base_convert($perms, 10, 8) . ' ' . $file);

	* Upload file to location (PUT)
	* @access private
	function _put($from_file, $to_file)
		// We only use the BINARY file mode to cicumvent rewrite actions from ftp server (mostly linefeeds being replaced)
		// 'I' == BINARY
		// 'A' == ASCII
		if (!$this->_send_command('TYPE', 'I'))
			return false;

		// open the connection to send file over
		if (!$this->_open_data_connection())
			return false;

		$this->_send_command('STOR', $to_file, false);

		// send the file
		$fp = @fopen($from_file, 'rb');
		while (!@feof($fp))
			@fwrite($this->data_connection, @fread($fp, 4096));

		// close connection

		return $this->_check_command();

	* Delete file (DELETE)
	* @access private
	function _delete($file)
		return $this->_send_command('DELE', $file);

	* Close ftp session (CLOSE)
	* @access private
	function _close()
		if (!$this->connection)
			return false;

		return $this->_send_command('QUIT');

	* Return current working directory (CWD)
	* At the moment not used by parent class
	* @access private
	function _cwd()
		$this->_send_command('PWD', '', false);
		return preg_replace('#^[0-9]{3} "(.+)" .+\r\n#', '\\1', $this->_check_command(true));

	* Return list of files in a given directory (LS)
	* @access private
	function _ls($dir = './')
		if (!$this->_open_data_connection())
			return false;

		$this->_send_command('NLST', $dir);

		$list = array();
		while (!@feof($this->data_connection))
			$list[] = preg_replace('#[\r\n]#', '', @fgets($this->data_connection, 512));

		return $list;

	* Send a command to server (FTP fsock only function)
	* @access private
	function _send_command($command, $args = '', $check = true)
		if (!empty($args))
			$command = "$command $args";

		fwrite($this->connection, $command . "\r\n");

		if ($check === true && !$this->_check_command())
			return false;

		return true;

	* Opens a connection to send data (FTP fosck only function)
	* @access private
	function _open_data_connection()
		$this->_send_command('PASV', '', false);

		if (!$ip_port = $this->_check_command(true))
			return false;

		// open the connection to start sending the file
		if (!preg_match('#[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]+,[0-9]+#', $ip_port, $temp))
			// bad ip and port
			return false;

		$temp = explode(',', $temp[0]);
		$server_ip = $temp[0] . '.' . $temp[1] . '.' . $temp[2] . '.' . $temp[3];
		$server_port = $temp[4] * 256 + $temp[5];
		$errno = 0;
		$errstr = '';

		if (!$this->data_connection = @fsockopen($server_ip, $server_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout))
			return false;
		@stream_set_timeout($this->data_connection, $this->timeout);

		return true;

	* Closes a connection used to send data
	* @access private
	function _close_data_connection()
		return @fclose($this->data_connection);

	* Check to make sure command was successful (FTP fsock only function)
	* @access private
	function _check_command($return = false)
		$response = '';

			$result = @fgets($this->connection, 512);
			$response .= $result;
		while (substr($response, 3, 1) != ' ');

		if (!preg_match('#^[123]#', $response))
			return false;

		return ($return) ? $response : true;
