<?php /** * * @package phpBB3 * @version $Id$ * @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * */ /** * @ignore */ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { exit; } /** * Custom Profile Fields * @package phpBB3 */ class custom_profile { var $profile_types = array(FIELD_INT => 'int', FIELD_STRING => 'string', FIELD_TEXT => 'text', FIELD_BOOL => 'bool', FIELD_DROPDOWN => 'dropdown', FIELD_DATE => 'date'); var $profile_cache = array(); var $options_lang = array(); /** * Assign editable fields to template, mode can be profile (for profile change) or register (for registration) * Called by ucp_profile and ucp_register * @access public */ function generate_profile_fields($mode, $lang_id) { global $db, $template, $auth; $sql_where = ''; switch ($mode) { case 'register': // If the field is required we show it on the registration page and do not show hidden fields $sql_where .= ' AND (f.field_show_on_reg = 1 OR f.field_required = 1) AND f.field_hide = 0'; break; case 'profile': // Show hidden fields to moderators/admins if (!$auth->acl_gets('a_', 'm_') && !$auth->acl_getf_global('m_')) { $sql_where .= ' AND f.field_hide = 0'; } break; default: trigger_error('Wrong profile mode specified', E_USER_ERROR); break; } $sql = 'SELECT l.*, f.* FROM ' . PROFILE_LANG_TABLE . ' l, ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_TABLE . " f WHERE f.field_active = 1 $sql_where AND l.lang_id = $lang_id AND l.field_id = f.field_id ORDER BY f.field_order"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { // Return templated field $tpl_snippet = $this->process_field_row('change', $row); // Some types are multivalue, we can't give them a field_id as we would not know which to pick $type = (int) $row['field_type']; $template->assign_block_vars('profile_fields', array( 'LANG_NAME' => $row['lang_name'], 'LANG_EXPLAIN' => $row['lang_explain'], 'FIELD' => $tpl_snippet, 'FIELD_ID' => ($type == FIELD_DATE || ($type == FIELD_BOOL && $row['field_length'] == '1')) ? '' : 'pf_' . $row['field_ident'], 'S_REQUIRED' => ($row['field_required']) ? true : false) ); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } /** * Validate entered profile field data * @access public */ function validate_profile_field($field_type, &$field_value, $field_data) { switch ($field_type) { case FIELD_INT: case FIELD_DROPDOWN: $field_value = (int) $field_value; break; case FIELD_BOOL: $field_value = (bool) $field_value; break; } switch ($field_type) { case FIELD_DATE: $field_validate = explode('-', $field_value); $day = (isset($field_validate[0])) ? (int) $field_validate[0] : 0; $month = (isset($field_validate[1])) ? (int) $field_validate[1] : 0; $year = (isset($field_validate[2])) ? (int) $field_validate[2] : 0; if ((!$day || !$month || !$year) && !$field_data['field_required']) { return false; } if ((!$day || !$month || !$year) && $field_data['field_required']) { return 'FIELD_REQUIRED'; } if ($day < 0 || $day > 31 || $month < 0 || $month > 12 || ($year < 1901 && $year > 0) || $year > gmdate('Y', time()) + 50) { return 'FIELD_INVALID_DATE'; } if (checkdate($month, $day, $year) === false) { return 'FIELD_INVALID_DATE'; } break; case FIELD_BOOL: if (!$field_value && $field_data['field_required']) { return 'FIELD_REQUIRED'; } break; case FIELD_INT: if (empty($field_value) && !$field_data['field_required']) { return false; } if ($field_value < $field_data['field_minlen']) { return 'FIELD_TOO_SMALL'; } else if ($field_value > $field_data['field_maxlen']) { return 'FIELD_TOO_LARGE'; } break; case FIELD_DROPDOWN: if ($field_value == $field_data['field_novalue'] && $field_data['field_required']) { return 'FIELD_REQUIRED'; } break; case FIELD_STRING: case FIELD_TEXT: if (empty($field_value) && !$field_data['field_required']) { return false; } else if (empty($field_value) && $field_data['field_required']) { return 'FIELD_REQUIRED'; } if ($field_data['field_minlen'] && utf8_strlen($field_value) < $field_data['field_minlen']) { return 'FIELD_TOO_SHORT'; } else if ($field_data['field_maxlen'] && utf8_strlen($field_value) > $field_data['field_maxlen']) { return 'FIELD_TOO_LONG'; } if (!empty($field_data['field_validation']) && $field_data['field_validation'] != '.*') { $field_validate = ($field_type == FIELD_STRING) ? $field_value : bbcode_nl2br($field_value); if (!preg_match('#^' . str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $field_data['field_validation']) . '$#i', $field_validate)) { return 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS'; } } break; } return false; } /** * Build profile cache, used for display * @access private */ function build_cache() { global $db, $user, $auth; $this->profile_cache = array(); // Display hidden/no_view fields for admin/moderator $sql = 'SELECT l.*, f.* FROM ' . PROFILE_LANG_TABLE . ' l, ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_TABLE . ' f WHERE l.lang_id = ' . $user->get_iso_lang_id() . ' AND f.field_active = 1 ' . ((!$auth->acl_gets('a_', 'm_') && !$auth->acl_getf_global('m_')) ? ' AND f.field_hide = 0 ' : '') . ' AND f.field_no_view = 0 AND l.field_id = f.field_id ORDER BY f.field_order'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $this->profile_cache[$row['field_ident']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } /** * Get language entries for options and store them here for later use */ function get_option_lang($field_id, $lang_id, $field_type, $preview) { global $db; if ($preview) { $lang_options = (!is_array($this->vars['lang_options'])) ? explode("\n", $this->vars['lang_options']) : $this->vars['lang_options']; foreach ($lang_options as $num => $var) { $this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id][($num + 1)] = $var; } } else { $sql = 'SELECT option_id, lang_value FROM ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_LANG_TABLE . " WHERE field_id = $field_id AND lang_id = $lang_id AND field_type = $field_type ORDER BY option_id"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id][($row['option_id'] + 1)] = $row['lang_value']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } } /** * Submit profile field * @access public */ function submit_cp_field($mode, $lang_id, &$cp_data, &$cp_error) { global $auth, $db, $user; $sql_where = ''; switch ($mode) { case 'register': // If the field is required we show it on the registration page and do not show hidden fields $sql_where .= ' AND (f.field_show_on_reg = 1 OR f.field_required = 1) AND f.field_hide = 0'; break; case 'profile': // Show hidden fields to moderators/admins if (!$auth->acl_gets('a_', 'm_') && !$auth->acl_getf_global('m_')) { $sql_where .= ' AND f.field_hide = 0'; } break; default: trigger_error('Wrong profile mode specified', E_USER_ERROR); break; } $sql = 'SELECT l.*, f.* FROM ' . PROFILE_LANG_TABLE . ' l, ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_TABLE . " f WHERE l.lang_id = $lang_id AND f.field_active = 1 $sql_where AND l.field_id = f.field_id ORDER BY f.field_order"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $cp_data['pf_' . $row['field_ident']] = $this->get_profile_field($row); $check_value = $cp_data['pf_' . $row['field_ident']]; if (($cp_result = $this->validate_profile_field($row['field_type'], $check_value, $row)) !== false) { // If not and only showing common error messages, use this one $error = ''; switch ($cp_result) { case 'FIELD_INVALID_DATE': case 'FIELD_REQUIRED': $error = sprintf($user->lang[$cp_result], $row['lang_name']); break; case 'FIELD_TOO_SHORT': case 'FIELD_TOO_SMALL': $error = sprintf($user->lang[$cp_result], $row['lang_name'], $row['field_minlen']); break; case 'FIELD_TOO_LONG': case 'FIELD_TOO_LARGE': $error = sprintf($user->lang[$cp_result], $row['lang_name'], $row['field_maxlen']); break; case 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS': switch ($row['field_validation']) { case '[0-9]+': $error = sprintf($user->lang[$cp_result . '_NUMBERS_ONLY'], $row['lang_name']); break; case '[\w]+': $error = sprintf($user->lang[$cp_result . '_ALPHA_ONLY'], $row['lang_name']); break; case '[\w_\+\. \-\[\]]+': $error = sprintf($user->lang[$cp_result . '_SPACERS_ONLY'], $row['lang_name']); break; } break; } if ($error != '') { $cp_error[] = $error; } } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } /** * Assign fields to template, used for viewprofile, viewtopic and memberlist (if load setting is enabled) * This is directly connected to the user -> mode == grab is to grab the user specific fields, mode == show is for assigning the row to the template * @access public */ function generate_profile_fields_template($mode, $user_id = 0, $profile_row = false) { global $db; if ($mode == 'grab') { if (!is_array($user_id)) { $user_id = array($user_id); } if (!sizeof($this->profile_cache)) { $this->build_cache(); } if (!sizeof($user_id)) { return array(); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_DATA_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', array_map('intval', $user_id)); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $field_data = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $field_data[$row['user_id']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $user_fields = array(); // Go through the fields in correct order foreach (array_keys($this->profile_cache) as $used_ident) { foreach ($field_data as $user_id => $row) { $user_fields[$user_id][$used_ident]['value'] = $row['pf_' . $used_ident]; $user_fields[$user_id][$used_ident]['data'] = $this->profile_cache[$used_ident]; } } return $user_fields; } else if ($mode == 'show') { // $profile_row == $user_fields[$row['user_id']]; $tpl_fields = array(); $tpl_fields['row'] = $tpl_fields['blockrow'] = array(); foreach ($profile_row as $ident => $ident_ary) { $value = $this->get_profile_value($ident_ary); if ($value === NULL) { continue; } $tpl_fields['row'] += array( 'PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) . '_VALUE' => $value, 'PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) . '_TYPE' => $ident_ary['data']['field_type'], 'PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) . '_NAME' => $ident_ary['data']['lang_name'], 'PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) . '_EXPLAIN'=> $ident_ary['data']['lang_explain'], 'S_PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) => true ); $tpl_fields['blockrow'][] = array( 'PROFILE_FIELD_VALUE' => $value, 'PROFILE_FIELD_TYPE' => $ident_ary['data']['field_type'], 'PROFILE_FIELD_NAME' => $ident_ary['data']['lang_name'], 'PROFILE_FIELD_EXPLAIN' => $ident_ary['data']['lang_explain'], 'S_PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) => true ); } return $tpl_fields; } else { trigger_error('Wrong mode for custom profile', E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Get Profile Value for display */ function get_profile_value($ident_ary) { $value = $ident_ary['value']; $field_type = $ident_ary['data']['field_type']; switch ($this->profile_types[$field_type]) { case 'int': if ($value == '') { return NULL; } return (int) $value; break; case 'string': case 'text': if (!$value) { return NULL; } $value = make_clickable($value); $value = censor_text($value); $value = bbcode_nl2br($value); return $value; break; // case 'datetime': case 'date': $date = explode('-', $value); $day = (isset($date[0])) ? (int) $date[0] : 0; $month = (isset($date[1])) ? (int) $date[1] : 0; $year = (isset($date[2])) ? (int) $date[2] : 0; if (!$day && !$month && !$year) { return NULL; } else if ($day && $month && $year) { global $user; // d/m/y 00:00 GMT isn't necessarily on the same d/m/y in the user's timezone, so add the timezone seconds return $user->format_date(gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) + $user->timezone + $user->dst, $user->lang['DATE_FORMAT'], true); } return $value; break; case 'dropdown': $field_id = $ident_ary['data']['field_id']; $lang_id = $ident_ary['data']['lang_id']; if (!isset($this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id])) { $this->get_option_lang($field_id, $lang_id, FIELD_DROPDOWN, false); } if ($value == $ident_ary['data']['field_novalue']) { return NULL; } $value = (int) $value; // User not having a value assigned if (!isset($this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id][$value])) { return NULL; } return $this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id][$value]; break; case 'bool': $field_id = $ident_ary['data']['field_id']; $lang_id = $ident_ary['data']['lang_id']; if (!isset($this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id])) { $this->get_option_lang($field_id, $lang_id, FIELD_BOOL, false); } if ($ident_ary['data']['field_length'] == 1) { return (isset($this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id][(int) $value])) ? $this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id][(int) $value] : NULL; } else if (!$value) { return NULL; } else { return $this->options_lang[$field_id][$lang_id][(int) ($value) + 1]; } break; default: trigger_error('Unknown profile type', E_USER_ERROR); break; } } /** * Get field value for registration/profile * @access private */ function get_var($field_validation, &$profile_row, $default_value, $preview) { global $user; $profile_row['field_ident'] = (isset($profile_row['var_name'])) ? $profile_row['var_name'] : 'pf_' . $profile_row['field_ident']; $user_ident = $profile_row['field_ident']; // checkbox - only testing for isset if ($profile_row['field_type'] == FIELD_BOOL && $profile_row['field_length'] == 2) { $value = (isset($_REQUEST[$profile_row['field_ident']])) ? true : ((!isset($user->profile_fields[$user_ident]) || $preview) ? $default_value : $user->profile_fields[$user_ident]); } else if ($profile_row['field_type'] == FIELD_INT) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$profile_row['field_ident']])) { $value = ($_REQUEST[$profile_row['field_ident']] === '') ? NULL : request_var($profile_row['field_ident'], $default_value); } else { if (!$preview && isset($user->profile_fields[$user_ident]) && is_null($user->profile_fields[$user_ident])) { $value = NULL; } else if (!isset($user->profile_fields[$user_ident]) || $preview) { $value = $default_value; } else { $value = $user->profile_fields[$user_ident]; } } return (is_null($value)) ? '' : (int) $value; } else { $value = (isset($_REQUEST[$profile_row['field_ident']])) ? request_var($profile_row['field_ident'], $default_value, true) : ((!isset($user->profile_fields[$user_ident]) || $preview) ? $default_value : $user->profile_fields[$user_ident]); if (gettype($value) == 'string') { $value = utf8_normalize_nfc($value); } } switch ($field_validation) { case 'int': return (int) $value; break; } return $value; } /** * Process int-type * @access private */ function generate_int($profile_row, $preview = false) { global $template; $profile_row['field_value'] = $this->get_var('int', $profile_row, $profile_row['field_default_value'], $preview); $template->assign_block_vars($this->profile_types[$profile_row['field_type']], array_change_key_case($profile_row, CASE_UPPER)); } /** * Process date-type * @access private */ function generate_date($profile_row, $preview = false) { global $user, $template; $profile_row['field_ident'] = (isset($profile_row['var_name'])) ? $profile_row['var_name'] : 'pf_' . $profile_row['field_ident']; $user_ident = $profile_row['field_ident']; $now = getdate(); if (!isset($_REQUEST[$profile_row['field_ident'] . '_day'])) { if ($profile_row['field_default_value'] == 'now') { $profile_row['field_default_value'] = sprintf('%2d-%2d-%4d', $now['mday'], $now['mon'], $now['year']); } list($day, $month, $year) = explode('-', ((!isset($user->profile_fields[$user_ident]) || $preview) ? $profile_row['field_default_value'] : $user->profile_fields[$user_ident])); } else { if ($preview && $profile_row['field_default_value'] == 'now') { $profile_row['field_default_value'] = sprintf('%2d-%2d-%4d', $now['mday'], $now['mon'], $now['year']); list($day, $month, $year) = explode('-', ((!isset($user->profile_fields[$user_ident]) || $preview) ? $profile_row['field_default_value'] : $user->profile_fields[$user_ident])); } else { $day = request_var($profile_row['field_ident'] . '_day', 0); $month = request_var($profile_row['field_ident'] . '_month', 0); $year = request_var($profile_row['field_ident'] . '_year', 0); } } $profile_row['s_day_options'] = '<option value="0"' . ((!$day) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>--</option>'; for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) { $profile_row['s_day_options'] .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . (($i == $day) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ">$i</option>"; } $profile_row['s_month_options'] = '<option value="0"' . ((!$month) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>--</option>'; for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) { $profile_row['s_month_options'] .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . (($i == $month) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ">$i</option>"; } $profile_row['s_year_options'] = '<option value="0"' . ((!$year) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>--</option>'; for ($i = $now['year'] - 100; $i <= $now['year'] + 100; $i++) { $profile_row['s_year_options'] .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . (($i == $year) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ">$i</option>"; } unset($now); $profile_row['field_value'] = 0; $template->assign_block_vars($this->profile_types[$profile_row['field_type']], array_change_key_case($profile_row, CASE_UPPER)); } /** * Process bool-type * @access private */ function generate_bool($profile_row, $preview = false) { global $template; $value = $this->get_var('int', $profile_row, $profile_row['field_default_value'], $preview); $profile_row['field_value'] = $value; $template->assign_block_vars($this->profile_types[$profile_row['field_type']], array_change_key_case($profile_row, CASE_UPPER)); if ($profile_row['field_length'] == 1) { if (!isset($this->options_lang[$profile_row['field_id']][$profile_row['lang_id']]) || !sizeof($this->options_lang[$profile_row['field_id']][$profile_row['lang_id']])) { $this->get_option_lang($profile_row['field_id'], $profile_row['lang_id'], FIELD_BOOL, $preview); } foreach ($this->options_lang[$profile_row['field_id']][$profile_row['lang_id']] as $option_id => $option_value) { $template->assign_block_vars('bool.options', array( 'OPTION_ID' => $option_id, 'CHECKED' => ($value == $option_id) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'VALUE' => $option_value) ); } } } /** * Process string-type * @access private */ function generate_string($profile_row, $preview = false) { global $template; $profile_row['field_value'] = $this->get_var('string', $profile_row, $profile_row['lang_default_value'], $preview); $template->assign_block_vars($this->profile_types[$profile_row['field_type']], array_change_key_case($profile_row, CASE_UPPER)); } /** * Process text-type * @access private */ function generate_text($profile_row, $preview = false) { global $template; global $user, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path; $field_length = explode('|', $profile_row['field_length']); $profile_row['field_rows'] = $field_length[0]; $profile_row['field_cols'] = $field_length[1]; $profile_row['field_value'] = $this->get_var('string', $profile_row, $profile_row['lang_default_value'], $preview); $template->assign_block_vars($this->profile_types[$profile_row['field_type']], array_change_key_case($profile_row, CASE_UPPER)); } /** * Process dropdown-type * @access private */ function generate_dropdown($profile_row, $preview = false) { global $user, $template; $value = $this->get_var('int', $profile_row, $profile_row['field_default_value'], $preview); if (!isset($this->options_lang[$profile_row['field_id']]) || !isset($this->options_lang[$profile_row['field_id']][$profile_row['lang_id']]) || !sizeof($this->options_lang[$profile_row['field_id']][$profile_row['lang_id']])) { $this->get_option_lang($profile_row['field_id'], $profile_row['lang_id'], FIELD_DROPDOWN, $preview); } $profile_row['field_value'] = $value; $template->assign_block_vars($this->profile_types[$profile_row['field_type']], array_change_key_case($profile_row, CASE_UPPER)); foreach ($this->options_lang[$profile_row['field_id']][$profile_row['lang_id']] as $option_id => $option_value) { $template->assign_block_vars('dropdown.options', array( 'OPTION_ID' => $option_id, 'SELECTED' => ($value == $option_id) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'VALUE' => $option_value) ); } } /** * Return Templated value/field. Possible values for $mode are: * change == user is able to set/enter profile values; preview == just show the value * @access private */ function process_field_row($mode, $profile_row) { global $template; $preview = ($mode == 'preview') ? true : false; // set template filename $template->set_filenames(array( 'cp_body' => 'custom_profile_fields.html') ); // empty previously filled blockvars foreach ($this->profile_types as $field_case => $field_type) { $template->destroy_block_vars($field_type); } // Assign template variables $type_func = 'generate_' . $this->profile_types[$profile_row['field_type']]; $this->$type_func($profile_row, $preview); // Return templated data return $template->assign_display('cp_body'); } /** * Build Array for user insertion into custom profile fields table */ function build_insert_sql_array($cp_data) { global $db, $user, $auth; $sql_not_in = array(); foreach ($cp_data as $key => $null) { $sql_not_in[] = (strncmp($key, 'pf_', 3) === 0) ? substr($key, 3) : $key; } $sql = 'SELECT f.field_type, f.field_ident, f.field_default_value, l.lang_default_value FROM ' . PROFILE_LANG_TABLE . ' l, ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_TABLE . ' f WHERE l.lang_id = ' . $user->get_iso_lang_id() . ' ' . ((sizeof($sql_not_in)) ? ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('f.field_ident', $sql_not_in, true) : '') . ' AND l.field_id = f.field_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['field_default_value'] == 'now' && $row['field_type'] == FIELD_DATE) { $now = getdate(); $row['field_default_value'] = sprintf('%2d-%2d-%4d', $now['mday'], $now['mon'], $now['year']); } $cp_data['pf_' . $row['field_ident']] = (in_array($row['field_type'], array(FIELD_TEXT, FIELD_STRING))) ? $row['lang_default_value'] : $row['field_default_value']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); return $cp_data; } /** * Get profile field value on submit * @access private */ function get_profile_field($profile_row) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; global $config; $var_name = 'pf_' . $profile_row['field_ident']; switch ($profile_row['field_type']) { case FIELD_DATE: if (!isset($_REQUEST[$var_name . '_day'])) { if ($profile_row['field_default_value'] == 'now') { $now = getdate(); $profile_row['field_default_value'] = sprintf('%2d-%2d-%4d', $now['mday'], $now['mon'], $now['year']); } list($day, $month, $year) = explode('-', $profile_row['field_default_value']); } else { $day = request_var($var_name . '_day', 0); $month = request_var($var_name . '_month', 0); $year = request_var($var_name . '_year', 0); } $var = sprintf('%2d-%2d-%4d', $day, $month, $year); break; case FIELD_BOOL: // Checkbox if ($profile_row['field_length'] == 2) { $var = (isset($_REQUEST[$var_name])) ? 1 : 0; } else { $var = request_var($var_name, (int) $profile_row['field_default_value']); } break; case FIELD_STRING: case FIELD_TEXT: $var = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var($var_name, (string) $profile_row['field_default_value'], true)); break; case FIELD_INT: if (isset($_REQUEST[$var_name]) && $_REQUEST[$var_name] === '') { $var = NULL; } else { $var = request_var($var_name, (int) $profile_row['field_default_value']); } break; case FIELD_DROPDOWN: $var = request_var($var_name, (int) $profile_row['field_default_value']); break; default: $var = request_var($var_name, $profile_row['field_default_value']); break; } return $var; } } /** * Custom Profile Fields ACP * @package phpBB3 */ class custom_profile_admin extends custom_profile { var $vars = array(); /** * Return possible validation options */ function validate_options() { global $user; $validate_ary = array('CHARS_ANY' => '.*', 'NUMBERS_ONLY' => '[0-9]+', 'ALPHA_ONLY' => '[\w]+', 'ALPHA_SPACERS' => '[\w_\+\. \-\[\]]+'); $validate_options = ''; foreach ($validate_ary as $lang => $value) { $selected = ($this->vars['field_validation'] == $value) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $validate_options .= '<option value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . '>' . $user->lang[$lang] . '</option>'; } return $validate_options; } /** * Get string options for second step in ACP */ function get_string_options() { global $user; $options = array( 0 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['FIELD_LENGTH'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_length" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['field_length'] . '" />'), 1 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['MIN_FIELD_CHARS'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_minlen" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['field_minlen'] . '" />'), 2 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['MAX_FIELD_CHARS'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_maxlen" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['field_maxlen'] . '" />'), 3 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['FIELD_VALIDATION'], 'FIELD' => '<select name="field_validation">' . $this->validate_options() . '</select>') ); return $options; } /** * Get text options for second step in ACP */ function get_text_options() { global $user; $options = array( 0 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['FIELD_LENGTH'], 'FIELD' => '<input name="rows" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['rows'] . '" /> ' . $user->lang['ROWS'] . '</dd><dd><input name="columns" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['columns'] . '" /> ' . $user->lang['COLUMNS'] . ' <input type="hidden" name="field_length" value="' . $this->vars['field_length'] . '" />'), 1 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['MIN_FIELD_CHARS'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_minlen" size="10" value="' . $this->vars['field_minlen'] . '" />'), 2 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['MAX_FIELD_CHARS'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_maxlen" size="10" value="' . $this->vars['field_maxlen'] . '" />'), 3 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['FIELD_VALIDATION'], 'FIELD' => '<select name="field_validation">' . $this->validate_options() . '</select>') ); return $options; } /** * Get int options for second step in ACP */ function get_int_options() { global $user; $options = array( 0 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['FIELD_LENGTH'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_length" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['field_length'] . '" />'), 1 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['MIN_FIELD_NUMBER'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_minlen" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['field_minlen'] . '" />'), 2 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['MAX_FIELD_NUMBER'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="text" name="field_maxlen" size="5" value="' . $this->vars['field_maxlen'] . '" />'), 3 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['DEFAULT_VALUE'], 'FIELD' => '<input type="post" name="field_default_value" value="' . $this->vars['field_default_value'] . '" />') ); return $options; } /** * Get bool options for second step in ACP */ function get_bool_options() { global $user, $config, $lang_defs; $default_lang_id = $lang_defs['iso'][$config['default_lang']]; $profile_row = array( 'var_name' => 'field_default_value', 'field_id' => 1, 'lang_name' => $this->vars['lang_name'], 'lang_explain' => $this->vars['lang_explain'], 'lang_id' => $default_lang_id, 'field_default_value' => $this->vars['field_default_value'], 'field_ident' => 'field_default_value', 'field_type' => FIELD_BOOL, 'field_length' => $this->vars['field_length'], 'lang_options' => $this->vars['lang_options'] ); $options = array( 0 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['FIELD_TYPE'], 'EXPLAIN' => $user->lang['BOOL_TYPE_EXPLAIN'], 'FIELD' => '<label><input type="radio" class="radio" name="field_length" value="1"' . (($this->vars['field_length'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onchange="document.getElementById(\'add_profile_field\').submit();" /> ' . $user->lang['RADIO_BUTTONS'] . '</label><label><input type="radio" class="radio" name="field_length" value="2"' . (($this->vars['field_length'] == 2) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onchange="document.getElementById(\'add_profile_field\').submit();" /> ' . $user->lang['CHECKBOX'] . '</label>'), 1 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['DEFAULT_VALUE'], 'FIELD' => $this->process_field_row('preview', $profile_row)) ); return $options; } /** * Get dropdown options for second step in ACP */ function get_dropdown_options() { global $user, $config, $lang_defs; $default_lang_id = $lang_defs['iso'][$config['default_lang']]; $profile_row[0] = array( 'var_name' => 'field_default_value', 'field_id' => 1, 'lang_name' => $this->vars['lang_name'], 'lang_explain' => $this->vars['lang_explain'], 'lang_id' => $default_lang_id, 'field_default_value' => $this->vars['field_default_value'], 'field_ident' => 'field_default_value', 'field_type' => FIELD_DROPDOWN, 'lang_options' => $this->vars['lang_options'] ); $profile_row[1] = $profile_row[0]; $profile_row[1]['var_name'] = 'field_novalue'; $profile_row[1]['field_ident'] = 'field_novalue'; $profile_row[1]['field_default_value'] = $this->vars['field_novalue']; $options = array( 0 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['DEFAULT_VALUE'], 'FIELD' => $this->process_field_row('preview', $profile_row[0])), 1 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['NO_VALUE_OPTION'], 'EXPLAIN' => $user->lang['NO_VALUE_OPTION_EXPLAIN'], 'FIELD' => $this->process_field_row('preview', $profile_row[1])) ); return $options; } /** * Get date options for second step in ACP */ function get_date_options() { global $user, $config, $lang_defs; $default_lang_id = $lang_defs['iso'][$config['default_lang']]; $profile_row = array( 'var_name' => 'field_default_value', 'lang_name' => $this->vars['lang_name'], 'lang_explain' => $this->vars['lang_explain'], 'lang_id' => $default_lang_id, 'field_default_value' => $this->vars['field_default_value'], 'field_ident' => 'field_default_value', 'field_type' => FIELD_DATE, 'field_length' => $this->vars['field_length'] ); $always_now = request_var('always_now', -1); if ($always_now == -1) { $s_checked = ($this->vars['field_default_value'] == 'now') ? true : false; } else { $s_checked = ($always_now) ? true : false; } $options = array( 0 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['DEFAULT_VALUE'], 'FIELD' => $this->process_field_row('preview', $profile_row)), 1 => array('TITLE' => $user->lang['ALWAYS_TODAY'], 'FIELD' => '<label><input type="radio" class="radio" name="always_now" value="1"' . (($s_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onchange="document.getElementById(\'add_profile_field\').submit();" /> ' . $user->lang['YES'] . '</label><label><input type="radio" class="radio" name="always_now" value="0"' . ((!$s_checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onchange="document.getElementById(\'add_profile_field\').submit();" /> ' . $user->lang['NO'] . '</label>'), ); return $options; } } ?>