<?php /** * * @package phpBB3 * @version $Id$ * @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * */ /** * @ignore */ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { exit; } /** * Class handling all types of 'plugins' (a future term) * @package phpBB3 */ class p_master { var $p_id; var $p_class; var $p_name; var $p_mode; var $p_parent; var $active_module = false; var $active_module_row_id = false; var $acl_forum_id = false; var $module_ary = array(); /** * List modules * * This creates a list, stored in $this->module_ary of all available * modules for the given class (ucp, mcp and acp). Additionally * $this->module_y_ary is created with indentation information for * displaying the module list appropriately. Only modules for which * the user has access rights are included in these lists. */ function list_modules($p_class) { global $auth, $db, $user, $cache; global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; // Sanitise for future path use, it's escaped as appropriate for queries $this->p_class = str_replace(array('.', '/', '\\'), '', basename($p_class)); // Get cached modules if (($this->module_cache = $cache->get('_modules_' . $this->p_class)) === false) { // Get modules $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . MODULES_TABLE . " WHERE module_class = '" . $db->sql_escape($this->p_class) . "' ORDER BY left_id ASC"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $rows = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $rows[$row['module_id']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $this->module_cache = array(); foreach ($rows as $module_id => $row) { $this->module_cache['modules'][] = $row; $this->module_cache['parents'][$row['module_id']] = $this->get_parents($row['parent_id'], $row['left_id'], $row['right_id'], $rows); } unset($rows); $cache->put('_modules_' . $this->p_class, $this->module_cache); } if (empty($this->module_cache)) { $this->module_cache = array('modules' => array(), 'parents' => array()); } // We "could" build a true tree with this function - maybe mod authors want to use this... // Functions for traversing and manipulating the tree are not available though // We might re-structure the module system to use true trees in 3.2.x... // $tree = $this->build_tree($this->module_cache['modules'], $this->module_cache['parents']); // Clean up module cache array to only let survive modules the user can access $right_id = false; foreach ($this->module_cache['modules'] as $key => $row) { // Not allowed to view module? if (!$this->module_auth($row['module_auth'])) { unset($this->module_cache['modules'][$key]); continue; } // Category with no members, ignore if (!$row['module_basename'] && ($row['left_id'] + 1 == $row['right_id'])) { unset($this->module_cache['modules'][$key]); continue; } // Skip branch if ($right_id !== false) { if ($row['left_id'] < $right_id) { unset($this->module_cache['modules'][$key]); continue; } $right_id = false; } // Not enabled? if (!$row['module_enabled']) { // If category is disabled then disable every child too unset($this->module_cache['modules'][$key]); $right_id = $row['right_id']; continue; } } // Re-index (this is needed, else we are not able to array_slice later) $this->module_cache['modules'] = array_merge($this->module_cache['modules']); // Include MOD _info files for populating language entries within the menus $this->add_mod_info($this->p_class); // Now build the module array, but exclude completely empty categories... $right_id = false; $names = array(); foreach ($this->module_cache['modules'] as $key => $row) { // Skip branch if ($right_id !== false) { if ($row['left_id'] < $right_id) { continue; } $right_id = false; } // Category with no members on their way down (we have to check every level) if (!$row['module_basename']) { $empty_category = true; // We go through the branch and look for an activated module foreach (array_slice($this->module_cache['modules'], $key + 1) as $temp_row) { if ($temp_row['left_id'] > $row['left_id'] && $temp_row['left_id'] < $row['right_id']) { // Module there if ($temp_row['module_basename'] && $temp_row['module_enabled']) { $empty_category = false; break; } continue; } break; } // Skip the branch if ($empty_category) { $right_id = $row['right_id']; continue; } } $depth = sizeof($this->module_cache['parents'][$row['module_id']]); // We need to prefix the functions to not create a naming conflict // Function for building 'url_extra' $url_func = '_module_' . $row['module_basename'] . '_url'; // Function for building the language name $lang_func = '_module_' . $row['module_basename'] . '_lang'; // Custom function for calling parameters on module init (for example assigning template variables) $custom_func = '_module_' . $row['module_basename']; $names[$row['module_basename'] . '_' . $row['module_mode']][] = true; $module_row = array( 'depth' => $depth, 'id' => (int) $row['module_id'], 'parent' => (int) $row['parent_id'], 'cat' => ($row['right_id'] > $row['left_id'] + 1) ? true : false, 'is_duplicate' => ($row['module_basename'] && sizeof($names[$row['module_basename'] . '_' . $row['module_mode']]) > 1) ? true : false, 'name' => (string) $row['module_basename'], 'mode' => (string) $row['module_mode'], 'display' => (int) $row['module_display'], 'url_extra' => (function_exists($url_func)) ? $url_func($row['module_mode'], $row) : '', 'lang' => ($row['module_basename'] && function_exists($lang_func)) ? $lang_func($row['module_mode'], $row['module_langname']) : ((!empty($user->lang[$row['module_langname']])) ? $user->lang[$row['module_langname']] : $row['module_langname']), 'langname' => $row['module_langname'], 'left' => $row['left_id'], 'right' => $row['right_id'], ); if (function_exists($custom_func)) { $custom_func($row['module_mode'], $module_row); } $this->module_ary[] = $module_row; } unset($this->module_cache['modules'], $names); } /** * Check if a certain main module is accessible/loaded * By giving the module mode you are able to additionally check for only one mode within the main module * * @param string $module_basename The module base name, for example logs, reports, main (for the mcp). * @param mixed $module_mode The module mode to check. If provided the mode will be checked in addition for presence. * * @return bool Returns true if module is loaded and accessible, else returns false */ function loaded($module_basename, $module_mode = false) { if (empty($this->loaded_cache)) { $this->loaded_cache = array(); foreach ($this->module_ary as $row) { if (!$row['name']) { continue; } if (!isset($this->loaded_cache[$row['name']])) { $this->loaded_cache[$row['name']] = array(); } if (!$row['mode']) { continue; } $this->loaded_cache[$row['name']][$row['mode']] = true; } } if ($module_mode === false) { return (isset($this->loaded_cache[$module_basename])) ? true : false; } return (!empty($this->loaded_cache[$module_basename][$module_mode])) ? true : false; } /** * Check module authorisation */ function module_auth($module_auth, $forum_id = false) { global $auth, $config; $module_auth = trim($module_auth); // Generally allowed to access module if module_auth is empty if (!$module_auth) { return true; } // With the code below we make sure only those elements get eval'd we really want to be checked preg_match_all('/(?: "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*" | \'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\' | [(),] | [^\s(),]+)/x', $module_auth, $match); $tokens = $match[0]; for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($tokens); $i < $size; $i++) { $token = &$tokens[$i]; switch ($token) { case ')': case '(': case '&&': case '||': case ',': break; default: if (!preg_match('#(?:acl_([a-z_]+)(,\$id)?)|(?:\$id)|(?:aclf_([a-z_]+))|(?:cfg_([a-z_]+))|(?:request_([a-z_]+))#', $token)) { $token = ''; } break; } } $module_auth = implode(' ', $tokens); // Make sure $id seperation is working fine $module_auth = str_replace(' , ', ',', $module_auth); $forum_id = ($forum_id === false) ? $this->acl_forum_id : $forum_id; $is_auth = false; eval('$is_auth = (int) (' . preg_replace(array('#acl_([a-z_]+)(,\$id)?#', '#\$id#', '#aclf_([a-z_]+)#', '#cfg_([a-z_]+)#', '#request_([a-z_]+)#'), array('(int) $auth->acl_get(\'\\1\'\\2)', '(int) $forum_id', '(int) $auth->acl_getf_global(\'\\1\')', '(int) $config[\'\\1\']', '!empty($_REQUEST[\'\\1\'])'), $module_auth) . ');'); return $is_auth; } /** * Set active module */ function set_active($id = false, $mode = false) { $icat = false; $this->active_module = false; if (request_var('icat', '')) { $icat = $id; $id = request_var('icat', ''); } $category = false; foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary) { // If this is a module and it's selected, active // If this is a category and the module is the first within it, active // If this is a module and no mode selected, select first mode // If no category or module selected, go active for first module in first category if ( (($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && (($item_ary['mode'] == $mode && !$item_ary['cat']) || ($icat && $item_ary['cat']))) || ($item_ary['parent'] === $category && !$item_ary['cat'] && !$icat && $item_ary['display']) || (($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && !$mode && !$item_ary['cat']) || (!$id && !$mode && !$item_ary['cat'] && $item_ary['display']) ) { if ($item_ary['cat']) { $id = $icat; $icat = false; continue; } $this->p_id = $item_ary['id']; $this->p_parent = $item_ary['parent']; $this->p_name = $item_ary['name']; $this->p_mode = $item_ary['mode']; $this->p_left = $item_ary['left']; $this->p_right = $item_ary['right']; $this->module_cache['parents'] = $this->module_cache['parents'][$this->p_id]; $this->active_module = $item_ary['id']; $this->active_module_row_id = $row_id; break; } else if (($item_ary['cat'] && $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) || ($item_ary['parent'] === $category && $item_ary['cat'])) { $category = $item_ary['id']; } } } /** * Loads currently active module * * This method loads a given module, passing it the relevant id and mode. */ function load_active($mode = false, $module_url = false, $execute_module = true) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx, $user; $module_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/' . $this->p_class; $icat = request_var('icat', ''); if ($this->active_module === false) { trigger_error('Module not accessible', E_USER_ERROR); } if (!class_exists("{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name")) { if (!file_exists("$module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx")) { trigger_error("Cannot find module $module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx", E_USER_ERROR); } include("$module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx"); if (!class_exists("{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name")) { trigger_error("Module file $module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx does not contain correct class [{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name]", E_USER_ERROR); } if (!empty($mode)) { $this->p_mode = $mode; } // Create a new instance of the desired module ... if it has a // constructor it will of course be executed $instance = "{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name"; $this->module = new $instance($this); // We pre-define the action parameter we are using all over the place if (defined('IN_ADMIN')) { // Is first module automatically enabled a duplicate and the category not passed yet? if (!$icat && $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['is_duplicate']) { $icat = $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['parent']; } // Not being able to overwrite ;) $this->module->u_action = append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", "i={$this->p_name}") . (($icat) ? '&icat=' . $icat : '') . "&mode={$this->p_mode}"; } else { // If user specified the module url we will use it... if ($module_url !== false) { $this->module->u_action = $module_url; } else { $this->module->u_action = $phpbb_root_path . (($user->page['page_dir']) ? $user->page['page_dir'] . '/' : '') . $user->page['page_name']; } $this->module->u_action = append_sid($this->module->u_action, "i={$this->p_name}") . (($icat) ? '&icat=' . $icat : '') . "&mode={$this->p_mode}"; } // Add url_extra parameter to u_action url if (!empty($this->module_ary) && $this->active_module !== false && $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['url_extra']) { $this->module->u_action .= $this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]['url_extra']; } // Assign the module path for re-usage $this->module->module_path = $module_path . '/'; // Execute the main method for the new instance, we send the module id and mode as parameters // Users are able to call the main method after this function to be able to assign additional parameters manually if ($execute_module) { $this->module->main($this->p_name, $this->p_mode); } return; } } /** * Appending url parameter to the currently active module. * * This function is called for adding specific url parameters while executing the current module. * It is doing the same as the _module_{name}_url() function, apart from being able to be called after * having dynamically parsed specific parameters. This allows more freedom in choosing additional parameters. * One example can be seen in /includes/mcp/mcp_notes.php - $this->p_master->adjust_url() call. * * @param string $url_extra Extra url parameters, e.g.: &u=$user_id * */ function adjust_url($url_extra) { if (empty($this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id])) { return; } $row = &$this->module_ary[$this->active_module_row_id]; // We check for the same url_extra in $row['url_extra'] to overcome doubled additions... if (strpos($row['url_extra'], $url_extra) === false) { $row['url_extra'] .= $url_extra; } } /** * Check if a module is active */ function is_active($id, $mode = false) { // If we find a name by this id and being enabled we have our active one... foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary) { if (($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && $item_ary['display']) { if ($mode === false || $mode === $item_ary['mode']) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Get parents */ function get_parents($parent_id, $left_id, $right_id, &$all_parents) { global $db; $parents = array(); if ($parent_id > 0) { foreach ($all_parents as $module_id => $row) { if ($row['left_id'] < $left_id && $row['right_id'] > $right_id) { $parents[$module_id] = $row['parent_id']; } if ($row['left_id'] > $left_id) { break; } } } return $parents; } /** * Get tree branch */ function get_branch($left_id, $right_id, $remaining) { $branch = array(); foreach ($remaining as $key => $row) { if ($row['left_id'] > $left_id && $row['left_id'] < $right_id) { $branch[] = $row; continue; } break; } return $branch; } /** * Build true binary tree from given array * Not in use */ function build_tree(&$modules, &$parents) { $tree = array(); foreach ($modules as $row) { $branch = &$tree; if ($row['parent_id']) { // Go through the tree to find our branch $parent_tree = $parents[$row['module_id']]; foreach ($parent_tree as $id => $value) { if (!isset($branch[$id]) && isset($branch['child'])) { $branch = &$branch['child']; } $branch = &$branch[$id]; } $branch = &$branch['child']; } $branch[$row['module_id']] = $row; if (!isset($branch[$row['module_id']]['child'])) { $branch[$row['module_id']]['child'] = array(); } } return $tree; } /** * Build navigation structure */ function assign_tpl_vars($module_url) { global $template; $current_id = $right_id = false; // Make sure the module_url has a question mark set, effectively determining the delimiter to use $delim = (strpos($module_url, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&'; $current_padding = $current_depth = 0; $linear_offset = 'l_block1'; $tabular_offset = 't_block2'; // Generate the list of modules, we'll do this in two ways ... // 1) In a linear fashion // 2) In a combined tabbed + linear fashion ... tabs for the categories // and a linear list for subcategories/items foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary) { // Skip hidden modules if (!$item_ary['display']) { continue; } // Skip branch if ($right_id !== false) { if ($item_ary['left'] < $right_id) { continue; } $right_id = false; } // Category with no members on their way down (we have to check every level) if (!$item_ary['name']) { $empty_category = true; // We go through the branch and look for an activated module foreach (array_slice($this->module_ary, $row_id + 1) as $temp_row) { if ($temp_row['left'] > $item_ary['left'] && $temp_row['left'] < $item_ary['right']) { // Module there and displayed? if ($temp_row['name'] && $temp_row['display']) { $empty_category = false; break; } continue; } break; } // Skip the branch if ($empty_category) { $right_id = $item_ary['right']; continue; } } // Select first id we can get if (!$current_id && (in_array($item_ary['id'], array_keys($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id)) { $current_id = $item_ary['id']; } $depth = $item_ary['depth']; if ($depth > $current_depth) { $linear_offset = $linear_offset . '.l_block' . ($depth + 1); $tabular_offset = ($depth + 1 > 2) ? $tabular_offset . '.t_block' . ($depth + 1) : $tabular_offset; } else if ($depth < $current_depth) { for ($i = $current_depth - $depth; $i > 0; $i--) { $linear_offset = substr($linear_offset, 0, strrpos($linear_offset, '.')); $tabular_offset = ($i + $depth > 1) ? substr($tabular_offset, 0, strrpos($tabular_offset, '.')) : $tabular_offset; } } $u_title = $module_url . $delim . 'i=' . (($item_ary['cat']) ? $item_ary['id'] : $item_ary['name'] . (($item_ary['is_duplicate']) ? '&icat=' . $current_id : '') . '&mode=' . $item_ary['mode']); // Was not allowed in categories before - /*!$item_ary['cat'] && */ $u_title .= (isset($item_ary['url_extra'])) ? $item_ary['url_extra'] : ''; // Only output a categories items if it's currently selected if (!$depth || ($depth && (in_array($item_ary['parent'], array_values($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['parent'] == $this->p_parent))) { $use_tabular_offset = (!$depth) ? 't_block1' : $tabular_offset; $tpl_ary = array( 'L_TITLE' => $item_ary['lang'], 'S_SELECTED' => (in_array($item_ary['id'], array_keys($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false, 'U_TITLE' => $u_title ); $template->assign_block_vars($use_tabular_offset, array_merge($tpl_ary, array_change_key_case($item_ary, CASE_UPPER))); } $tpl_ary = array( 'L_TITLE' => $item_ary['lang'], 'S_SELECTED' => (in_array($item_ary['id'], array_keys($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false, 'U_TITLE' => $u_title ); $template->assign_block_vars($linear_offset, array_merge($tpl_ary, array_change_key_case($item_ary, CASE_UPPER))); $current_depth = $depth; } } /** * Returns desired template name */ function get_tpl_name() { return $this->module->tpl_name . '.html'; } /** * Returns the desired page title */ function get_page_title() { global $user; if (!isset($this->module->page_title)) { return ''; } return (isset($user->lang[$this->module->page_title])) ? $user->lang[$this->module->page_title] : $this->module->page_title; } /** * Load module as the current active one without the need for registering it */ function load($class, $name, $mode = false) { $this->p_class = $class; $this->p_name = $name; // Set active module to true instead of using the id $this->active_module = true; $this->load_active($mode); } /** * Display module */ function display($page_title, $display_online_list = true) { global $template, $user; // Generate the page if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && isset($user->data['session_admin']) && $user->data['session_admin']) { adm_page_header($page_title); } else { page_header($page_title, $display_online_list); } $template->set_filenames(array( 'body' => $this->get_tpl_name()) ); if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && isset($user->data['session_admin']) && $user->data['session_admin']) { adm_page_footer(); } else { page_footer(); } } /** * Toggle whether this module will be displayed or not */ function set_display($id, $mode = false, $display = true) { foreach ($this->module_ary as $row_id => $item_ary) { if (($item_ary['name'] === $id || $item_ary['id'] === (int) $id) && (!$mode || $item_ary['mode'] === $mode)) { $this->module_ary[$row_id]['display'] = (int) $display; } } } /** * Add custom MOD info language file */ function add_mod_info($module_class) { global $user, $phpEx; if (file_exists($user->lang_path . 'mods')) { $add_files = array(); $dir = @opendir($user->lang_path . 'mods'); if ($dir) { while (($entry = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (strpos($entry, 'info_' . strtolower($module_class) . '_') === 0 && substr(strrchr($entry, '.'), 1) == $phpEx) { $add_files[] = 'mods/' . substr(basename($entry), 0, -(strlen($phpEx) + 1)); } } closedir($dir); } if (sizeof($add_files)) { $user->add_lang($add_files); } } } } ?>