use_queue = $use_queue;
$this->subject = '';
// Resets all the data (address, template file, etc etc) to default
function reset()
$this->addresses = array();
$this->vars = $this->msg = $this->extra_headers = $this->replyto = $this->from = $this->encoding = '';
$this->mail_priority = MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY;
// Sets an email address to send to
function to($address, $realname = '')
$pos = isset($this->addresses['to']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['to']) : 0;
$this->addresses['to'][$pos]['email'] = trim($address);
$this->addresses['to'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);
function cc($address, $realname = '')
$pos = isset($this->addresses['cc']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['cc']) : 0;
$this->addresses['cc'][$pos]['email'] = trim($address);
$this->addresses['cc'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);
function bcc($address, $realname = '')
$pos = isset($this->addresses['bcc']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['bcc']) : 0;
$this->addresses['bcc'][$pos]['email'] = trim($address);
$this->addresses['bcc'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);
function im($address, $realname = '')
$pos = isset($this->addresses['im']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['im']) : 0;
$this->addresses['im'][$pos]['uid'] = trim($address);
$this->addresses['im'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);
function replyto($address)
$this->replyto = trim($address);
function from($address)
$this->from = trim($address);
// set up subject for mail
function subject($subject = '')
$this->subject = trim($subject);
// set up extra mail headers
function headers($headers)
$this->extra_headers .= trim($headers) . "\n";
function set_mail_priority($priority = MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY)
$this->mail_priority = $priority;
function template($template_file, $template_lang = '')
global $config, $phpbb_root_path;
if (!trim($template_file))
trigger_error('No template file set', E_USER_ERROR);
if (!trim($template_lang))
$template_lang = $config['default_lang'];
if (empty($this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file]))
$tpl_file = "{$phpbb_root_path}language/$template_lang/email/$template_file.txt";
if (!file_exists($tpl_file))
$tpl_file = "{$phpbb_root_path}language/$template_lang/email/$template_file.txt";
if (!file_exists($tpl_file))
trigger_error("Could not find email template file [ $template_file ]", E_USER_ERROR);
if (!($fd = @fopen($tpl_file, 'r')))
trigger_error("Failed opening template file [ $template_file ]", E_USER_ERROR);
$this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file] = fread($fd, filesize($tpl_file));
$this->msg = $this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file];
return true;
// assign variables
function assign_vars($vars)
$this->vars = (empty($this->vars)) ? $vars : $this->vars . $vars;
// Send the mail out to the recipients set previously in var $this->address
function send($method = NOTIFY_EMAIL, $break = false)
global $config, $user;
// Escape all quotes, else the eval will fail.
$this->msg = str_replace ("'", "\'", $this->msg);
$this->msg = preg_replace('#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', "' . $\\1 . '", $this->msg);
// Set vars
foreach ($this->vars as $key => $val)
$$key = $val;
eval("\$this->msg = '$this->msg';");
// Clear vars
foreach ($this->vars as $key => $val)
// We now try and pull a subject from the email body ... if it exists,
// do this here because the subject may contain a variable
$drop_header = '';
$match = array();
if (preg_match('#^(Subject:(.*?))$#m', $this->msg, $match))
$this->subject = (trim($match[2]) != '') ? trim($match[2]) : (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : $user->lang['NO_SUBJECT']);
$drop_header .= '[\r\n]*?' . preg_quote($match[1], '#');
$this->subject = (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : $user->lang['NO_SUBJECT']);
if (preg_match('#^(Charset:(.*?))$#m', $this->msg, $match))
$this->encoding = (trim($match[2]) != '') ? trim($match[2]) : trim($user->lang['ENCODING']);
$drop_header .= '[\r\n]*?' . preg_quote($match[1], '#');
$this->encoding = trim($user->lang['ENCODING']);
if ($drop_header)
$this->msg = trim(preg_replace('#' . $drop_header . '#s', '', $this->msg));
if ($break)
switch ($method)
$result = $this->msg_email();
$result = $this->msg_jabber();
$result = $this->msg_email();
return $result;
function error($type, $msg)
global $user, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
// Session doesn't exist, create it
add_log('critical', 'LOG_ERROR_' . $type, $msg);
// Messenger methods
function save_queue()
global $config;
if ($config['email_package_size'] && $this->use_queue && !empty($this->queue))
function msg_email()
global $config, $user;
if (empty($config['email_enable']))
return false;
$use_queue = false;
if ($config['email_package_size'] && $this->use_queue)
if (empty($this->queue))
$this->queue = new queue();
$this->queue->init('email', $config['email_package_size']);
$use_queue = true;
$to = $cc = $bcc = '';
// Build to, cc and bcc strings
foreach ($this->addresses as $type => $address_ary)
if ($type == 'im')
foreach ($address_ary as $which_ary)
$$type .= (($$type != '') ? ', ' : '') . (($which_ary['name'] != '') ? '"' . mail_encode($which_ary['name'], $this->encoding) . '" <' . $which_ary['email'] . '>' : $which_ary['email']);
if (empty($this->replyto))
$this->replyto = '<' . $config['board_email'] . '>';
if (empty($this->from))
$this->from = '<' . $config['board_email'] . '>';
// Build header
$headers = 'From: ' . $this->from . "\n";
$headers .= ($cc != '') ? "Cc: $cc\n" : '';
$headers .= ($bcc != '') ? "Bcc: $bcc\n" : '';
$headers .= 'Reply-to: ' . $this->replyto . "\n";
$headers .= 'Return-Path: <' . $config['board_email'] . ">\n";
$headers .= 'Sender: <' . $config['board_email'] . ">\n";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= 'Message-ID: <' . md5(uniqid(time())) . "@" . $config['server_name'] . ">\n";
$headers .= 'Date: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', time()) . "\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset={$this->encoding}\n";
$headers .= "Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n";
$headers .= "X-Priority: {$this->mail_priority}\n";
$headers .= 'X-MSMail-Priority: ' . (($this->mail_priority == MAIL_LOW_PRIORITY) ? 'Low' : (($this->mail_priority == MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY) ? 'Normal' : 'High')) . "\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PhpBB\n";
$headers .= "X-MimeOLE: phpBB\n";
$headers .= "X-phpBB-Origin: phpbb://" . str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), array('', ''), generate_board_url()) . "\n";
$headers .= ($this->extra_headers != '') ? $this->extra_headers : '';
// Send message ... removed $this->encode() from subject for time being
if (!$use_queue)
$mail_to = ($to == '') ? 'Undisclosed-Recipient:;' : $to;
$err_msg = '';
$result = ($config['smtp_delivery']) ? smtpmail($this->addresses, $this->subject, wordwrap($this->msg), $err_msg, $this->encoding, $headers) : @$config['email_function_name']($mail_to, $this->subject, implode("\n", preg_split("/\r?\n/", wordwrap($this->msg))), $headers);
if (!$result)
$message = 'EMAIL ERROR [ ' . (($config['smtp_delivery']) ? 'SMTP' : 'PHP') . ' ]
' . $err_msg . '
' . ((!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_ENV['PHP_SELF']) . '
$this->error('EMAIL', $message);
return false;
$this->queue->put('email', array(
'to' => $to,
'addresses' => $this->addresses,
'subject' => $this->subject,
'msg' => $this->msg,
'encoding' => $this->encoding,
'headers' => $headers)
return true;
function msg_jabber()
global $config, $db, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
if (empty($config['jab_enable']) || empty($config['jab_host']) || empty($config['jab_username']) || empty($config['jab_password']))
return false;
$use_queue = false;
if ($config['jab_package_size'] && $this->use_queue)
if (empty($this->queue))
$this->queue = new queue();
$this->queue->init('jabber', $config['jab_package_size']);
$use_queue = true;
$addresses = array();
foreach ($this->addresses['im'] as $type => $uid_ary)
$addresses[] = $uid_ary['uid'];
$addresses = array_unique($addresses);
if (!$use_queue)
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_jabber.'.$phpEx);
$this->jabber = new jabber;
$this->jabber->server = $config['jab_host'];
$this->jabber->port = ($config['jab_port']) ? $config['jab_port'] : 5222;
$this->jabber->username = $config['jab_username'];
$this->jabber->password = $config['jab_password'];
$this->jabber->resource = ($config['jab_resource']) ? $config['jab_resource'] : '';
if (!$this->jabber->connect())
$this->error('JABBER', 'Could not connect to Jabber server');
return false;
if (!$this->jabber->send_auth())
$this->error('JABBER', 'Could not authorise on Jabber server');
return false;
$this->jabber->send_presence(NULL, NULL, 'online');
foreach ($addresses as $address)
$this->jabber->send_message($address, 'normal', NULL, array('body' => $msg));
$this->queue->put('jabber', array(
'addresses' => $addresses,
'subject' => htmlentities($this->subject),
'msg' => htmlentities($this->msg))
return true;
* @package phpBB3
* Queue
* At the moment it is only handling the email queue
class queue
var $data = array();
var $queue_data = array();
var $package_size = 0;
var $cache_file = '';
function queue()
global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
$this->data = array();
$this->cache_file = "{$phpbb_root_path}cache/queue.$phpEx";
function init($object, $package_size)
$this->data[$object] = array();
$this->data[$object]['package_size'] = $package_size;
$this->data[$object]['data'] = array();
function put($object, $scope)
$this->data[$object]['data'][] = $scope;
// Using lock file...
function process()
global $db, $config, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
set_config('last_queue_run', time(), true);
// Delete stale lock file
if (file_exists($this->cache_file . '.lock') && !file_exists($this->cache_file))
@unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock');
if (!file_exists($this->cache_file) || (file_exists($this->cache_file . '.lock') && filemtime($this->cache_file) > time() - $config['queue_interval']))
$fp = @fopen($this->cache_file . '.lock', 'wb');
foreach ($this->queue_data as $object => $data_ary)
if (!isset($data_ary['package_size']))
$data_ary['package_size'] = 0;
$package_size = $data_ary['package_size'];
$num_items = (sizeof($data_ary['data']) < $package_size) ? sizeof($data_ary['data']) : $package_size;
switch ($object)
case 'email':
// Delete the email queued objects if mailing is disabled
if (!$config['email_enable'])
continue 2;
case 'jabber':
if (!$config['jab_enable'])
continue 2;
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_jabber.'.$phpEx);
$this->jabber = new jabber;
$this->jabber->server = $config['jab_host'];
$this->jabber->port = ($config['jab_port']) ? $config['jab_port'] : 5222;
$this->jabber->username = $config['jab_username'];
$this->jabber->password = $config['jab_password'];
$this->jabber->resource = ($config['jab_resource']) ? $config['jab_resource'] : '';
if (!$this->jabber->connect())
messenger::error('JABBER', 'Could not connect to Jabber server');
continue 2;
if (!$this->jabber->send_auth())
messenger::error('JABBER', 'Could not authorise on Jabber server');
continue 2;
$this->jabber->send_presence(NULL, NULL, 'online');
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_items; $i++)
switch ($object)
case 'email':
$err_msg = '';
$to = (!$to) ? 'Undisclosed-Recipient:;' : $to;
$result = ($config['smtp_delivery']) ? smtpmail($addresses, $subject, wordwrap($msg), $err_msg, $encoding, $headers) : @$config['email_function_name']($to, $subject, implode("\n", preg_split("/\r?\n/", wordwrap($msg))), $headers);
if (!$result)
@unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock');
$message = 'Method: [ ' . (($config['smtp_delivery']) ? 'SMTP' : 'PHP') . ' ]
' . $err_msg . '
' . ((!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_ENV['PHP_SELF']);
messenger::error('EMAIL', $message);
continue 3;
case 'jabber':
foreach ($addresses as $address)
$this->jabber->send_message($address, 'normal', NULL, array('body' => $msg));
// No more data for this object? Unset it
if (!sizeof($this->queue_data[$object]['data']))
// Post-object processing
switch ($object)
case 'jabber':
// Hang about a couple of secs to ensure the messages are
// handled, then disconnect
if (!sizeof($this->queue_data))
$file = 'queue_data=' . $this->format_array($this->queue_data) . '; ?>';
if ($fp = @fopen($this->cache_file, 'w'))
@flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
fwrite($fp, $file);
@flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
@unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock');
function save()
if (!sizeof($this->data))
if (file_exists($this->cache_file))
foreach ($this->queue_data as $object => $data_ary)
if (isset($this->data[$object]) && sizeof($this->data[$object]))
$this->data[$object]['data'] = array_merge($data_ary['data'], $this->data[$object]['data']);
$this->data[$object]['data'] = $data_ary['data'];
$file = 'queue_data = ' . $this->format_array($this->data) . '; ?>';
if ($fp = fopen($this->cache_file, 'w'))
@flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
fwrite($fp, $file);
@flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
function format_array($array)
$lines = array();
foreach ($array as $k => $v)
if (is_array($v))
$lines[] = "'$k'=>" . $this->format_array($v);
else if (is_int($v))
$lines[] = "'$k'=>$v";
else if (is_bool($v))
$lines[] = "'$k'=>" . (($v) ? 'true' : 'false');
$lines[] = "'$k'=>'" . str_replace("'", "\'", str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $v)) . "'";
return 'array(' . implode(',', $lines) . ')';
* Replacement or substitute for PHP's mail command
function smtpmail($addresses, $subject, $message, &$err_msg, $encoding, $headers = '')
global $config, $user;
// Fix any bare linefeeds in the message to make it RFC821 Compliant.
$message = preg_replace("#(? 1) ? join("\n", $headers) : $headers[0];
$headers = chop($headers);
// Make sure there are no bare linefeeds in the headers
$headers = preg_replace('#(?' : '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
$mail_rcpt['to'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
if (isset($addresses['bcc']) && sizeof($addresses['bcc']))
foreach ($addresses['bcc'] as $which_ary)
$mail_rcpt['bcc'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
if (isset($addresses['cc']) && sizeof($addresses['cc']))
foreach ($addresses['cc'] as $which_ary)
$mail_cc[] = ($which_ary['name'] != '') ? mail_encode(trim($which_ary['name']), $encoding) . ' <' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>' : '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
$mail_rcpt['cc'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
$smtp = new smtp_class;
// Ok we have error checked as much as we can to this point let's get on
// it already.
if (!$smtp->socket = fsockopen($config['smtp_host'], $config['smtp_port'], $errno, $errstr, 20))
$err_msg = "Could not connect to smtp host : $errno : $errstr";
return false;
// Wait for reply
if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('220', __LINE__))
return false;
// Let me in. This function handles the complete authentication process
if ($err_msg = $smtp->log_into_server($config['smtp_host'], $config['smtp_username'], $config['smtp_password'], $config['smtp_auth_method']))
return false;
// From this point onward most server response codes should be 250
// Specify who the mail is from....
$smtp->server_send('MAIL FROM:<' . $config['board_email'] . '>');
if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
return false;
// Specify each user to send to and build to header.
$to_header = implode(', ', $mail_to);
$cc_header = implode(', ', $mail_cc);
// Now tell the MTA to send the Message to the following people... [TO, BCC, CC]
$rcpt = false;
foreach ($mail_rcpt as $type => $mail_to_addresses)
foreach ($mail_to_addresses as $mail_to_address)
// Add an additional bit of error checking to the To field.
if (preg_match('#[^ ]+\@[^ ]+#', $mail_to_address))
$smtp->server_send("RCPT TO:$mail_to_address");
if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
// We continue... if users are not resolved we do not care
if ($smtp->numeric_response_code != 550)
return false;
$rcpt = true;
// We try to send messages even if a few people do not seem to have valid email addresses, but if no one has, we have to exit here.
if (!$rcpt)
$err_msg .= '
' . sprintf($user->lang['INVALID_EMAIL_LOG'], htmlspecialchars($mail_to_address));
return false;
// Ok now we tell the server we are ready to start sending data
// This is the last response code we look for until the end of the message.
if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('354', __LINE__))
return false;
// Send the Subject Line...
$smtp->server_send("Subject: $subject");
// Now the To Header.
$to_header = ($to_header == '') ? 'Undisclosed-Recipients:;' : $to_header;
$smtp->server_send("To: $to_header");
// Now the CC Header.
if ($cc_header != '')
$smtp->server_send("CC: $cc_header");
// Now any custom headers....
// Ok now we are ready for the message...
// Ok the all the ingredients are mixed in let's cook this puppy...
if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
return false;
// Now tell the server we are done and close the socket...
return true;
* @package phpBB3
* SMTP Class
* Auth Mechanisms originally taken from the AUTH Modules found within the PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR)
* See docs/AUTHORS for more details
class smtp_class
var $server_response = '';
var $socket = 0;
var $responses = array();
var $commands = array();
var $numeric_response_code = 0;
// Send command to smtp server
function server_send($command)
fputs($this->socket, $command . "\r\n");
// We could put additional code here
// We use the line to give the support people an indication at which command the error occurred
function server_parse($response, $line)
$this->server_response = '';
$this->responses = array();
$this->numeric_response_code = 0;
while (substr($this->server_response, 3, 1) != ' ')
if (!($this->server_response = fgets($this->socket, 256)))
return 'Could not get mail server response codes';
$this->responses[] = substr(rtrim($this->server_response), 4);
$this->numeric_response_code = (int) substr($this->server_response, 0, 3);
if (!(substr($this->server_response, 0, 3) == $response))
$this->numeric_response_code = (int) substr($this->server_response, 0, 3);
return "Ran into problems sending Mail at Line $line. Response: $this->server_response";
return 0;
function close_session()
// Log into server and get possible auth codes if neccessary
function log_into_server($hostname, $username, $password, $default_auth_method)
$err_msg = '';
// If we are authenticating through pop-before-smtp, we
// have to login ones before we get authenticated
if ($default_auth_method == 'POP-BEFORE-SMTP' && $username && $password)
$result = $this->pop_before_smtp($hostname, $username, $password);
$username = $password = $default_auth_method = '';
// Try EHLO first
$this->server_send("EHLO [$hostname]");
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
// a 503 response code means that we're already authenticated
if ($this->numeric_response_code == 503)
return false;
// If EHLO fails, we try HELO
$this->server_send("HELO [$hostname]");
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;
foreach ($this->responses as $response)
$response = explode(' ', $response);
$response_code = $response[0];
$this->commands[$response_code] = implode(' ', $response);
// If we are not authenticated yet, something might be wrong if no username and passwd passed
if (!$username || !$password)
return false;
if (!isset($this->commands['AUTH']))
return 'SMTP server does not support authentication';
// Get best authentication method
$available_methods = explode(' ', $this->commands['AUTH']);
// Define the auth ordering if the default auth method was not found
$auth_methods = array('PLAIN', 'LOGIN', 'CRAM-MD5');
if (function_exists('posix_uname'))
$auth_methods[] = 'DIGEST-MD5';
$method = '';
if (in_array($default_auth_method, $available_methods))
$method = $default_auth_method;
foreach ($auth_methods as $_method)
if (in_array($_method, $available_methods))
$method = $_method;
if (!$method)
return 'No supported authentication methods';
$method = strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $method));
return $this->$method($username, $password);
function pop_before_smtp($hostname, $username, $password)
$old_socket = $this->socket;
if (!$this->socket = fsockopen($hostname, 110, $errno, $errstr, 20))
$this->socket = $old_socket;
return "Could not connect to smtp host : $errno : $errstr";
$this->server_parse('0', __LINE__);
if (substr($this->server_response, 0, 3) == '+OK')
fputs($this->socket, "USER $username\r\n");
fputs($this->socket, "PASS $password\r\n");
$this->socket = $old_socket;
return $this->responses[0];
$this->server_parse('0', __LINE__);
$this->socket = $old_socket;
return false;
function plain($username, $password)
$this->server_send('AUTH PLAIN');
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;
$base64_method_plain = base64_encode("\0" . $username . "\0" . $password);
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
return $err_msg;
return false;
function login($username, $password)
$this->server_send('AUTH LOGIN');
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
return $err_msg;
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
return $err_msg;
return false;
// The last two authentication mechanisms are a little bit tricky...
function cram_md5($username, $password)
$this->server_send('AUTH CRAM-MD5');
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;
$md5_challenge = base64_decode($this->responses[0]);
$password = (strlen($password) > 64) ? pack('H32', md5($password)) : ((strlen($password) < 64) ? str_pad($password, 64, chr(0)) : $password);
$md5_digest = md5((substr($password, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5C), 64)) . (pack('H32', md5((substr($password, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64)) . $md5_challenge))));
$base64_method_cram_md5 = base64_encode($username . ' ' . $md5_digest);
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
return $err_msg;
return false;
// A real pain in the ***
function digest_md5($username, $password)
global $config;
$this->server_send('AUTH DIGEST-MD5');
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;
$md5_challenge = base64_decode($this->responses[0]);
// Parse the md5 challenge - from AUTH_SASL (PEAR)
$tokens = array();
while (preg_match('/^([a-z-]+)=("[^"]+(?server_send($base64_method_digest_md5);
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
return $err_msg;
$this->server_send(' ');
if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
return $err_msg;
return false;
* Encodes the given string for proper display for this encoding ... nabbed
* from and modified. There is an alternative encoding method which
* may produce less output but it's questionable as to its worth in this
* scenario IMO
function mail_encode($str, $encoding)
if ($encoding == '')
return $str;
// define start delimimter, end delimiter and spacer
$end = "?=";
$start = "=?$encoding?B?";
$spacer = "$end\r\n $start";
// determine length of encoded text within chunks and ensure length is even
$length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end);
$length = floor($length / 2) * 2;
// encode the string and split it into chunks with spacers after each chunk
$str = chunk_split(base64_encode($str), $length, $spacer);
// remove trailing spacer and add start and end delimiters
$str = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($spacer) . '$#', '', $str);
return $start . $str . $end;