* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ /** * @ignore */ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { exit; } /** * Recalculate Nested Sets * * @param int $new_id first left_id (should start with 1) * @param string $pkey primary key-column (containing the id for the parent_id of the children) * @param string $table constant or fullname of the table * @param int $parent_id parent_id of the current set (default = 0) * @param array $where contains strings to compare closer on the where statement (additional) */ function recalc_nested_sets(&$new_id, $pkey, $table, $parent_id = 0, $where = array()) { global $db; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . (int) $parent_id . ((!empty($where)) ? ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '') . ' ORDER BY left_id ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { // First we update the left_id for this module if ($row['left_id'] != $new_id) { $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', array('left_id' => $new_id)) . " WHERE $pkey = {$row[$pkey]}"); } $new_id++; // Then we go through any children and update their left/right id's recalc_nested_sets($new_id, $pkey, $table, $row[$pkey], $where); // Then we come back and update the right_id for this module if ($row['right_id'] != $new_id) { $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', array('right_id' => $new_id)) . " WHERE $pkey = {$row[$pkey]}"); } $new_id++; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } /** * Simple version of jumpbox, just lists authed forums */ function make_forum_select($select_id = false, $ignore_id = false, $ignore_acl = false, $ignore_nonpost = false, $ignore_emptycat = true, $only_acl_post = false, $return_array = false) { global $db, $auth, $phpbb_dispatcher; // This query is identical to the jumpbox one $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name, parent_id, forum_type, forum_flags, forum_options, left_id, right_id FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY left_id ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 600); $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $rowset[(int) $row['forum_id']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $right = 0; $padding_store = array('0' => ''); $padding = ''; $forum_list = ($return_array) ? array() : ''; /** * Modify the forum list data * * @event core.make_forum_select_modify_forum_list * @var array rowset Array with the forums list data * @since 3.1.10-RC1 */ $vars = array('rowset'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.make_forum_select_modify_forum_list', compact($vars))); // Sometimes it could happen that forums will be displayed here not be displayed within the index page // This is the result of forums not displayed at index, having list permissions and a parent of a forum with no permissions. // If this happens, the padding could be "broken" foreach ($rowset as $row) { if ($row['left_id'] < $right) { $padding .= '   '; $padding_store[$row['parent_id']] = $padding; } else if ($row['left_id'] > $right + 1) { $padding = (isset($padding_store[$row['parent_id']])) ? $padding_store[$row['parent_id']] : ''; } $right = $row['right_id']; $disabled = false; if (!$ignore_acl && $auth->acl_gets(array('f_list', 'a_forum', 'a_forumadd', 'a_forumdel'), $row['forum_id'])) { if ($only_acl_post && !$auth->acl_get('f_post', $row['forum_id']) || (!$auth->acl_get('m_approve', $row['forum_id']) && !$auth->acl_get('f_noapprove', $row['forum_id']))) { $disabled = true; } } else if (!$ignore_acl) { continue; } if ( ((is_array($ignore_id) && in_array($row['forum_id'], $ignore_id)) || $row['forum_id'] == $ignore_id) || // Non-postable forum with no subforums, don't display ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT && ($row['left_id'] + 1 == $row['right_id']) && $ignore_emptycat) || ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_POST && $ignore_nonpost) ) { $disabled = true; } if ($return_array) { // Include some more information... $selected = (is_array($select_id)) ? ((in_array($row['forum_id'], $select_id)) ? true : false) : (($row['forum_id'] == $select_id) ? true : false); $forum_list[$row['forum_id']] = array_merge(array('padding' => $padding, 'selected' => ($selected && !$disabled), 'disabled' => $disabled), $row); } else { $selected = (is_array($select_id)) ? ((in_array($row['forum_id'], $select_id)) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') : (($row['forum_id'] == $select_id) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''); $forum_list .= ''; } } unset($padding_store, $rowset); return $forum_list; } /** * Generate size select options */ function size_select_options($size_compare) { global $user; $size_types_text = array($user->lang['BYTES'], $user->lang['KIB'], $user->lang['MIB']); $size_types = array('b', 'kb', 'mb'); $s_size_options = ''; for ($i = 0, $size = count($size_types_text); $i < $size; $i++) { $selected = ($size_compare == $size_types[$i]) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s_size_options .= ''; } return $s_size_options; } /** * Generate list of groups (option fields without select) * * @param int $group_id The default group id to mark as selected * @param array $exclude_ids The group ids to exclude from the list, false (default) if you whish to exclude no id * @param int $manage_founder If set to false (default) all groups are returned, if 0 only those groups returned not being managed by founders only, if 1 only those groups returned managed by founders only. * * @return string The list of options. */ function group_select_options($group_id, $exclude_ids = false, $manage_founder = false) { global $db, $config, $phpbb_container; /** @var \phpbb\group\helper $group_helper */ $group_helper = $phpbb_container->get('group_helper'); $exclude_sql = ($exclude_ids !== false && count($exclude_ids)) ? 'WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('group_id', array_map('intval', $exclude_ids), true) : ''; $sql_and = (!$config['coppa_enable']) ? (($exclude_sql) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . "group_name <> 'REGISTERED_COPPA'" : ''; $sql_founder = ($manage_founder !== false) ? (($exclude_sql || $sql_and) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . 'group_founder_manage = ' . (int) $manage_founder : ''; $sql = 'SELECT group_id, group_name, group_type FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . " $exclude_sql $sql_and $sql_founder ORDER BY group_type DESC, group_name ASC"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $s_group_options = ''; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $selected = ($row['group_id'] == $group_id) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s_group_options .= '' . $group_helper->get_name($row['group_name']) . ''; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); return $s_group_options; } /** * Obtain authed forums list */ function get_forum_list($acl_list = 'f_list', $id_only = true, $postable_only = false, $no_cache = false) { global $db, $auth, $phpbb_dispatcher; static $forum_rows; if (!isset($forum_rows)) { // This query is identical to the jumpbox one $expire_time = ($no_cache) ? 0 : 600; $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name, parent_id, forum_type, left_id, right_id FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY left_id ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql, $expire_time); $forum_rows = array(); $right = $padding = 0; $padding_store = array('0' => 0); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['left_id'] < $right) { $padding++; $padding_store[$row['parent_id']] = $padding; } else if ($row['left_id'] > $right + 1) { // Ok, if the $padding_store for this parent is empty there is something wrong. For now we will skip over it. // @todo digging deep to find out "how" this can happen. $padding = (isset($padding_store[$row['parent_id']])) ? $padding_store[$row['parent_id']] : $padding; } $right = $row['right_id']; $row['padding'] = $padding; $forum_rows[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); unset($padding_store); } $rowset = array(); foreach ($forum_rows as $row) { if ($postable_only && $row['forum_type'] != FORUM_POST) { continue; } if ($acl_list == '' || ($acl_list != '' && $auth->acl_gets($acl_list, $row['forum_id']))) { $rowset[] = ($id_only) ? (int) $row['forum_id'] : $row; } } /** * Modify the forum list data * * @event core.get_forum_list_modify_data * @var array rowset Array with the forum list data * @since 3.1.10-RC1 */ $vars = array('rowset'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.get_forum_list_modify_data', compact($vars))); return $rowset; } /** * Get forum branch */ function get_forum_branch($forum_id, $type = 'all', $order = 'descending', $include_forum = true) { global $db; switch ($type) { case 'parents': $condition = 'f1.left_id BETWEEN f2.left_id AND f2.right_id'; break; case 'children': $condition = 'f2.left_id BETWEEN f1.left_id AND f1.right_id'; break; default: $condition = 'f2.left_id BETWEEN f1.left_id AND f1.right_id OR f1.left_id BETWEEN f2.left_id AND f2.right_id'; break; } $rows = array(); $sql = 'SELECT f2.* FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f1 LEFT JOIN ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " f2 ON ($condition) WHERE f1.forum_id = $forum_id ORDER BY f2.left_id " . (($order == 'descending') ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (!$include_forum && $row['forum_id'] == $forum_id) { continue; } $rows[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); return $rows; } /** * Copies permissions from one forum to others * * @param int $src_forum_id The source forum we want to copy permissions from * @param array $dest_forum_ids The destination forum(s) we want to copy to * @param bool $clear_dest_perms True if destination permissions should be deleted * @param bool $add_log True if log entry should be added * * @return bool False on error */ function copy_forum_permissions($src_forum_id, $dest_forum_ids, $clear_dest_perms = true, $add_log = true) { global $db, $user, $phpbb_log; // Only one forum id specified if (!is_array($dest_forum_ids)) { $dest_forum_ids = array($dest_forum_ids); } // Make sure forum ids are integers $src_forum_id = (int) $src_forum_id; $dest_forum_ids = array_map('intval', $dest_forum_ids); // No source forum or no destination forums specified if (empty($src_forum_id) || empty($dest_forum_ids)) { return false; } // Check if source forum exists $sql = 'SELECT forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_id = ' . $src_forum_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $src_forum_name = $db->sql_fetchfield('forum_name'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Source forum doesn't exist if (empty($src_forum_name)) { return false; } // Check if destination forums exists $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $dest_forum_ids); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $dest_forum_ids = $dest_forum_names = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $dest_forum_ids[] = (int) $row['forum_id']; $dest_forum_names[] = $row['forum_name']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // No destination forum exists if (empty($dest_forum_ids)) { return false; } // From the mysql documentation: // Prior to MySQL 4.0.14, the target table of the INSERT statement cannot appear // in the FROM clause of the SELECT part of the query. This limitation is lifted in 4.0.14. // Due to this we stay on the safe side if we do the insertion "the manual way" // Rowsets we're going to insert $users_sql_ary = $groups_sql_ary = array(); // Query acl users table for source forum data $sql = 'SELECT user_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting FROM ' . ACL_USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_id = ' . $src_forum_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $row = array( 'user_id' => (int) $row['user_id'], 'auth_option_id' => (int) $row['auth_option_id'], 'auth_role_id' => (int) $row['auth_role_id'], 'auth_setting' => (int) $row['auth_setting'], ); foreach ($dest_forum_ids as $dest_forum_id) { $users_sql_ary[] = $row + array('forum_id' => $dest_forum_id); } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Query acl groups table for source forum data $sql = 'SELECT group_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_id = ' . $src_forum_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $row = array( 'group_id' => (int) $row['group_id'], 'auth_option_id' => (int) $row['auth_option_id'], 'auth_role_id' => (int) $row['auth_role_id'], 'auth_setting' => (int) $row['auth_setting'], ); foreach ($dest_forum_ids as $dest_forum_id) { $groups_sql_ary[] = $row + array('forum_id' => $dest_forum_id); } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); // Clear current permissions of destination forums if ($clear_dest_perms) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ACL_USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $dest_forum_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $dest_forum_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } $db->sql_multi_insert(ACL_USERS_TABLE, $users_sql_ary); $db->sql_multi_insert(ACL_GROUPS_TABLE, $groups_sql_ary); if ($add_log) { $phpbb_log->add('admin', $user->data['user_id'], $user->ip, 'LOG_FORUM_COPIED_PERMISSIONS', false, array($src_forum_name, implode(', ', $dest_forum_names))); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); return true; } /** * Get physical file listing */ function filelist($rootdir, $dir = '', $type = 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png') { $matches = array($dir => array()); // Remove initial / if present $rootdir = (substr($rootdir, 0, 1) == '/') ? substr($rootdir, 1) : $rootdir; // Add closing / if not present $rootdir = ($rootdir && substr($rootdir, -1) != '/') ? $rootdir . '/' : $rootdir; // Remove initial / if present $dir = (substr($dir, 0, 1) == '/') ? substr($dir, 1) : $dir; // Add closing / if not present $dir = ($dir && substr($dir, -1) != '/') ? $dir . '/' : $dir; if (!is_dir($rootdir . $dir)) { return $matches; } $dh = @opendir($rootdir . $dir); if (!$dh) { return $matches; } while (($fname = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (is_file("$rootdir$dir$fname")) { if (filesize("$rootdir$dir$fname") && preg_match('#\.' . $type . '$#i', $fname)) { $matches[$dir][] = $fname; } } else if ($fname[0] != '.' && is_dir("$rootdir$dir$fname")) { $matches += filelist($rootdir, "$dir$fname", $type); } } closedir($dh); return $matches; } /** * Move topic(s) */ function move_topics($topic_ids, $forum_id, $auto_sync = true) { global $db, $phpbb_dispatcher; if (empty($topic_ids)) { return; } $forum_ids = array($forum_id); if (!is_array($topic_ids)) { $topic_ids = array($topic_ids); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_moved_id', $topic_ids) . ' AND forum_id = ' . $forum_id; $db->sql_query($sql); if ($auto_sync) { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT forum_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_ids[] = $row['forum_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } $table_ary = array(TOPICS_TABLE, POSTS_TABLE, LOG_TABLE, DRAFTS_TABLE, TOPICS_TRACK_TABLE); /** * Perform additional actions before topics move * * @event core.move_topics_before_query * @var array table_ary Array of tables from which forum_id will be updated for all rows that hold the moved topics * @var array topic_ids Array of the moved topic ids * @var string forum_id The forum id from where the topics are moved * @var array forum_ids Array of the forums where the topics are moving (includes also forum_id) * @var bool auto_sync Whether or not to perform auto sync * @since 3.1.5-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'table_ary', 'topic_ids', 'forum_id', 'forum_ids', 'auto_sync', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.move_topics_before_query', compact($vars))); foreach ($table_ary as $table) { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET forum_id = $forum_id WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } unset($table_ary); if ($auto_sync) { sync('forum', 'forum_id', $forum_ids, true, true); unset($forum_ids); } } /** * Move post(s) */ function move_posts($post_ids, $topic_id, $auto_sync = true) { global $db, $phpbb_dispatcher; if (!is_array($post_ids)) { $post_ids = array($post_ids); } $forum_ids = array(); $topic_ids = array($topic_id); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT topic_id, forum_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_id', $post_ids); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_ids[] = (int) $row['forum_id']; $topic_ids[] = (int) $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT forum_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$forum_row) { trigger_error('NO_TOPIC'); } /** * Perform additional actions before moving posts * * @event core.move_posts_before * @var array post_ids Array of post ids to move * @var int topic_id The topic id the posts are moved to * @var bool auto_sync Whether or not to perform auto sync * @var array forum_ids Array of the forum ids the posts are moved from * @var array topic_ids Array of the topic ids the posts are moved from * @var array forum_row Array with the forum id of the topic the posts are moved to * @since 3.1.7-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'post_ids', 'topic_id', 'auto_sync', 'forum_ids', 'topic_ids', 'forum_row', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.move_posts_before', compact($vars))); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' SET forum_id = ' . (int) $forum_row['forum_id'] . ", topic_id = $topic_id WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('post_id', $post_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . " SET topic_id = $topic_id, in_message = 0 WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('post_msg_id', $post_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); /** * Perform additional actions after moving posts * * @event core.move_posts_after * @var array post_ids Array of the moved post ids * @var int topic_id The topic id the posts are moved to * @var bool auto_sync Whether or not to perform auto sync * @var array forum_ids Array of the forum ids the posts are moved from * @var array topic_ids Array of the topic ids the posts are moved from * @var array forum_row Array with the forum id of the topic the posts are moved to * @since 3.1.7-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'post_ids', 'topic_id', 'auto_sync', 'forum_ids', 'topic_ids', 'forum_row', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.move_posts_after', compact($vars))); if ($auto_sync) { $forum_ids[] = (int) $forum_row['forum_id']; sync('topic_reported', 'topic_id', $topic_ids); sync('topic_attachment', 'topic_id', $topic_ids); sync('topic', 'topic_id', $topic_ids, true); sync('forum', 'forum_id', $forum_ids, true, true); /** * Perform additional actions after move post sync * * @event core.move_posts_sync_after * @var array post_ids Array of the moved post ids * @var int topic_id The topic id the posts are moved to * @var bool auto_sync Whether or not to perform auto sync * @var array forum_ids Array of the forum ids the posts are moved from * @var array topic_ids Array of the topic ids the posts are moved from * @var array forum_row Array with the forum id of the topic the posts are moved to * @since 3.1.11-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'post_ids', 'topic_id', 'auto_sync', 'forum_ids', 'topic_ids', 'forum_row', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.move_posts_sync_after', compact($vars))); } // Update posted information update_posted_info($topic_ids); } /** * Remove topic(s) */ function delete_topics($where_type, $where_ids, $auto_sync = true, $post_count_sync = true, $call_delete_posts = true) { global $db, $config, $phpbb_container, $phpbb_dispatcher; $approved_topics = 0; $forum_ids = $topic_ids = array(); if ($where_type === 'range') { $where_clause = $where_ids; } else { $where_ids = (is_array($where_ids)) ? array_unique($where_ids) : array($where_ids); if (!count($where_ids)) { return array('topics' => 0, 'posts' => 0); } $where_clause = $db->sql_in_set($where_type, $where_ids); } // Making sure that delete_posts does not call delete_topics again... $return = array( 'posts' => ($call_delete_posts) ? delete_posts($where_type, $where_ids, false, true, $post_count_sync, false) : 0, ); $sql = 'SELECT topic_id, forum_id, topic_visibility, topic_moved_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_ids[] = $row['forum_id']; $topic_ids[] = $row['topic_id']; if ($row['topic_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED && !$row['topic_moved_id']) { $approved_topics++; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $return['topics'] = count($topic_ids); if (!count($topic_ids)) { return $return; } $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $table_ary = array(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, TOPICS_TRACK_TABLE, TOPICS_POSTED_TABLE, POLL_VOTES_TABLE, POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE, TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE, TOPICS_TABLE); /** * Perform additional actions before topic(s) deletion * * @event core.delete_topics_before_query * @var array table_ary Array of tables from which all rows will be deleted that hold a topic_id occuring in topic_ids * @var array topic_ids Array of topic ids to delete * @since 3.1.4-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'table_ary', 'topic_ids', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.delete_topics_before_query', compact($vars))); foreach ($table_ary as $table) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } unset($table_ary); /** * Perform additional actions after topic(s) deletion * * @event core.delete_topics_after_query * @var array topic_ids Array of topic ids that were deleted * @since 3.1.4-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'topic_ids', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.delete_topics_after_query', compact($vars))); $moved_topic_ids = array(); // update the other forums $sql = 'SELECT topic_id, forum_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_moved_id', $topic_ids); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_ids[] = $row['forum_id']; $moved_topic_ids[] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (count($moved_topic_ids)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $moved_topic_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); if ($auto_sync) { sync('forum', 'forum_id', array_unique($forum_ids), true, true); sync('topic_reported', $where_type, $where_ids); } if ($approved_topics) { $config->increment('num_topics', $approved_topics * (-1), false); } /* @var $phpbb_notifications \phpbb\notification\manager */ $phpbb_notifications = $phpbb_container->get('notification_manager'); $phpbb_notifications->delete_notifications(array( 'notification.type.topic', 'notification.type.approve_topic', 'notification.type.topic_in_queue', ), $topic_ids); return $return; } /** * Remove post(s) */ function delete_posts($where_type, $where_ids, $auto_sync = true, $posted_sync = true, $post_count_sync = true, $call_delete_topics = true) { global $db, $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $auth, $user, $phpbb_container, $phpbb_dispatcher; // Notifications types to delete $delete_notifications_types = array( 'notification.type.quote', 'notification.type.approve_post', 'notification.type.post_in_queue', 'notification.type.report_post', ); /** * Perform additional actions before post(s) deletion * * @event core.delete_posts_before * @var string where_type Variable containing posts deletion mode * @var mixed where_ids Array or comma separated list of posts ids to delete * @var bool auto_sync Flag indicating if topics/forums should be synchronized * @var bool posted_sync Flag indicating if topics_posted table should be resynchronized * @var bool post_count_sync Flag indicating if posts count should be resynchronized * @var bool call_delete_topics Flag indicating if topics having no posts should be deleted * @var array delete_notifications_types Array with notifications types to delete * @since 3.1.0-a4 */ $vars = array( 'where_type', 'where_ids', 'auto_sync', 'posted_sync', 'post_count_sync', 'call_delete_topics', 'delete_notifications_types', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.delete_posts_before', compact($vars))); if ($where_type === 'range') { $where_clause = $where_ids; } else { if (is_array($where_ids)) { $where_ids = array_unique($where_ids); } else { $where_ids = array($where_ids); } if (!count($where_ids)) { return false; } $where_ids = array_map('intval', $where_ids); /* Possible code for splitting post deletion if (count($where_ids) >= 1001) { // Split into chunks of 1000 $chunks = array_chunk($where_ids, 1000); foreach ($chunks as $_where_ids) { delete_posts($where_type, $_where_ids, $auto_sync, $posted_sync, $post_count_sync, $call_delete_topics); } return; }*/ $where_clause = $db->sql_in_set($where_type, $where_ids); } $approved_posts = 0; $post_ids = $topic_ids = $forum_ids = $post_counts = $remove_topics = array(); $sql = 'SELECT post_id, poster_id, post_visibility, post_postcount, topic_id, forum_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_ids[] = (int) $row['post_id']; $poster_ids[] = (int) $row['poster_id']; $topic_ids[] = (int) $row['topic_id']; $forum_ids[] = (int) $row['forum_id']; if ($row['post_postcount'] && $post_count_sync && $row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) { $post_counts[$row['poster_id']] = (!empty($post_counts[$row['poster_id']])) ? $post_counts[$row['poster_id']] + 1 : 1; } if ($row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) { $approved_posts++; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!count($post_ids)) { return false; } $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $table_ary = array(POSTS_TABLE, REPORTS_TABLE); /** * Perform additional actions during post(s) deletion before running the queries * * @event core.delete_posts_in_transaction_before * @var array post_ids Array with deleted posts' ids * @var array poster_ids Array with deleted posts' author ids * @var array topic_ids Array with deleted posts' topic ids * @var array forum_ids Array with deleted posts' forum ids * @var string where_type Variable containing posts deletion mode * @var mixed where_ids Array or comma separated list of post ids to delete * @var array delete_notifications_types Array with notifications types to delete * @var array table_ary Array with table names to delete data from * @since 3.1.7-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'post_ids', 'poster_ids', 'topic_ids', 'forum_ids', 'where_type', 'where_ids', 'delete_notifications_types', 'table_ary', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.delete_posts_in_transaction_before', compact($vars))); foreach ($table_ary as $table) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('post_id', $post_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } unset($table_ary); // Adjust users post counts if (count($post_counts) && $post_count_sync) { foreach ($post_counts as $poster_id => $substract) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_posts = 0 WHERE user_id = ' . $poster_id . ' AND user_posts < ' . $substract; $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_posts = user_posts - ' . $substract . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $poster_id . ' AND user_posts >= ' . $substract; $db->sql_query($sql); } } // Remove topics now having no posts? if (count($topic_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids) . ' GROUP BY topic_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $remove_topics[] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Actually, those not within remove_topics should be removed. ;) $remove_topics = array_diff($topic_ids, $remove_topics); } // Remove the message from the search index $search_type = $config['search_type']; if (!class_exists($search_type)) { trigger_error('NO_SUCH_SEARCH_MODULE'); } $error = false; $search = new $search_type($error, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $auth, $config, $db, $user, $phpbb_dispatcher); if ($error) { trigger_error($error); } $search->index_remove($post_ids, $poster_ids, $forum_ids); /** @var \phpbb\attachment\manager $attachment_manager */ $attachment_manager = $phpbb_container->get('attachment.manager'); $attachment_manager->delete('post', $post_ids, false); unset($attachment_manager); /** * Perform additional actions during post(s) deletion * * @event core.delete_posts_in_transaction * @var array post_ids Array with deleted posts' ids * @var array poster_ids Array with deleted posts' author ids * @var array topic_ids Array with deleted posts' topic ids * @var array forum_ids Array with deleted posts' forum ids * @var string where_type Variable containing posts deletion mode * @var mixed where_ids Array or comma separated list of posts ids to delete * @var array delete_notifications_types Array with notifications types to delete * @since 3.1.0-a4 */ $vars = array( 'post_ids', 'poster_ids', 'topic_ids', 'forum_ids', 'where_type', 'where_ids', 'delete_notifications_types', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.delete_posts_in_transaction', compact($vars))); $db->sql_transaction('commit'); /** * Perform additional actions after post(s) deletion * * @event core.delete_posts_after * @var array post_ids Array with deleted posts' ids * @var array poster_ids Array with deleted posts' author ids * @var array topic_ids Array with deleted posts' topic ids * @var array forum_ids Array with deleted posts' forum ids * @var string where_type Variable containing posts deletion mode * @var mixed where_ids Array or comma separated list of posts ids to delete * @var array delete_notifications_types Array with notifications types to delete * @since 3.1.0-a4 */ $vars = array( 'post_ids', 'poster_ids', 'topic_ids', 'forum_ids', 'where_type', 'where_ids', 'delete_notifications_types', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.delete_posts_after', compact($vars))); // Resync topics_posted table if ($posted_sync) { update_posted_info($topic_ids); } if ($auto_sync) { sync('topic_reported', 'topic_id', $topic_ids); sync('topic', 'topic_id', $topic_ids, true); sync('forum', 'forum_id', $forum_ids, true, true); } if ($approved_posts && $post_count_sync) { $config->increment('num_posts', $approved_posts * (-1), false); } // We actually remove topics now to not be inconsistent (the delete_topics function calls this function too) if (count($remove_topics) && $call_delete_topics) { delete_topics('topic_id', $remove_topics, $auto_sync, $post_count_sync, false); } /* @var $phpbb_notifications \phpbb\notification\manager */ $phpbb_notifications = $phpbb_container->get('notification_manager'); $phpbb_notifications->delete_notifications($delete_notifications_types, $post_ids); return count($post_ids); } /** * Delete Attachments * * @deprecated 3.2.0-a1 (To be removed: 3.4.0) * * @param string $mode can be: post|message|topic|attach|user * @param mixed $ids can be: post_ids, message_ids, topic_ids, attach_ids, user_ids * @param bool $resync set this to false if you are deleting posts or topics */ function delete_attachments($mode, $ids, $resync = true) { global $phpbb_container; /** @var \phpbb\attachment\manager $attachment_manager */ $attachment_manager = $phpbb_container->get('attachment.manager'); $num_deleted = $attachment_manager->delete($mode, $ids, $resync); unset($attachment_manager); return $num_deleted; } /** * Deletes shadow topics pointing to a specified forum. * * @param int $forum_id The forum id * @param string $sql_more Additional WHERE statement, e.g. t.topic_time < (time() - 1234) * @param bool $auto_sync Will call sync() if this is true * * @return array Array with affected forums */ function delete_topic_shadows($forum_id, $sql_more = '', $auto_sync = true) { global $db; if (!$forum_id) { // Nothing to do. return; } // Set of affected forums we have to resync $sync_forum_ids = array(); // Amount of topics we select and delete at once. $batch_size = 500; do { $sql = 'SELECT t2.forum_id, t2.topic_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t2, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE t2.topic_moved_id = t.topic_id AND t.forum_id = ' . (int) $forum_id . ' ' . (($sql_more) ? 'AND ' . $sql_more : ''); $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $batch_size); $topic_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_ids[] = (int) $row['topic_id']; $sync_forum_ids[(int) $row['forum_id']] = (int) $row['forum_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!empty($topic_ids)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } } while (count($topic_ids) == $batch_size); if ($auto_sync) { sync('forum', 'forum_id', $sync_forum_ids, true, true); } return $sync_forum_ids; } /** * Update/Sync posted information for topics */ function update_posted_info(&$topic_ids) { global $db, $config; if (empty($topic_ids) || !$config['load_db_track']) { return; } // First of all, let us remove any posted information for these topics $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TOPICS_POSTED_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); // Now, let us collect the user/topic combos for rebuilding the information $sql = 'SELECT poster_id, topic_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids) . ' AND poster_id <> ' . ANONYMOUS . ' GROUP BY poster_id, topic_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $posted = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { // Add as key to make them unique (grouping by) and circumvent empty keys on array_unique $posted[$row['poster_id']][] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Now add the information... $sql_ary = array(); foreach ($posted as $user_id => $topic_row) { foreach ($topic_row as $topic_id) { $sql_ary[] = array( 'user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'topic_id' => (int) $topic_id, 'topic_posted' => 1, ); } } unset($posted); $db->sql_multi_insert(TOPICS_POSTED_TABLE, $sql_ary); } /** * Delete attached file * * @deprecated 3.2.0-a1 (To be removed: 3.4.0) */ function phpbb_unlink($filename, $mode = 'file', $entry_removed = false) { global $phpbb_container; /** @var \phpbb\attachment\manager $attachment_manager */ $attachment_manager = $phpbb_container->get('attachment.manager'); $unlink = $attachment_manager->unlink($filename, $mode, $entry_removed); unset($attachment_manager); return $unlink; } /** * All-encompasing sync function * * Exaples: * * sync('topic', 'topic_id', 123); // resync topic #123 * sync('topic', 'forum_id', array(2, 3)); // resync topics from forum #2 and #3 * sync('topic'); // resync all topics * sync('topic', 'range', 'topic_id BETWEEN 1 AND 60'); // resync a range of topics/forums (only available for 'topic' and 'forum' modes) * * * Modes: * - forum Resync complete forum * - topic Resync topics * - topic_moved Removes topic shadows that would be in the same forum as the topic they link to * - topic_visibility Resyncs the topic_visibility flag according to the status of the first post * - post_reported Resyncs the post_reported flag, relying on actual reports * - topic_reported Resyncs the topic_reported flag, relying on post_reported flags * - post_attachement Same as post_reported, but with attachment flags * - topic_attachement Same as topic_reported, but with attachment flags */ function sync($mode, $where_type = '', $where_ids = '', $resync_parents = false, $sync_extra = false) { global $db; if (is_array($where_ids)) { $where_ids = array_unique($where_ids); $where_ids = array_map('intval', $where_ids); } else if ($where_type != 'range') { $where_ids = ($where_ids) ? array((int) $where_ids) : array(); } if ($mode == 'forum' || $mode == 'topic' || $mode == 'topic_visibility' || $mode == 'topic_reported' || $mode == 'post_reported') { if (!$where_type) { $where_sql = ''; $where_sql_and = 'WHERE'; } else if ($where_type == 'range') { // Only check a range of topics/forums. For instance: 'topic_id BETWEEN 1 AND 60' $where_sql = 'WHERE (' . $mode[0] . ".$where_ids)"; $where_sql_and = $where_sql . "\n\tAND"; } else { // Do not sync the "global forum" $where_ids = array_diff($where_ids, array(0)); if (!count($where_ids)) { // Empty array with IDs. This means that we don't have any work to do. Just return. return; } // Limit the topics/forums we are syncing, use specific topic/forum IDs. // $where_type contains the field for the where clause (forum_id, topic_id) $where_sql = 'WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set($mode[0] . '.' . $where_type, $where_ids); $where_sql_and = $where_sql . "\n\tAND"; } } else { if (!count($where_ids)) { return; } // $where_type contains the field for the where clause (forum_id, topic_id) $where_sql = 'WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set($mode[0] . '.' . $where_type, $where_ids); $where_sql_and = $where_sql . "\n\tAND"; } switch ($mode) { case 'topic_moved': $db->sql_transaction('begin'); switch ($db->get_sql_layer()) { case 'mysql4': case 'mysqli': $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' USING ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t1, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t2 WHERE t1.topic_moved_id = t2.topic_id AND t1.forum_id = t2.forum_id"; $db->sql_query($sql); break; default: $sql = 'SELECT t1.topic_id FROM ' .TOPICS_TABLE . ' t1, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t2 WHERE t1.topic_moved_id = t2.topic_id AND t1.forum_id = t2.forum_id"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $topic_id_ary = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_id_ary[] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!count($topic_id_ary)) { return; } $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_id_ary); $db->sql_query($sql); break; } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); break; case 'topic_visibility': $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, p.post_visibility FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $where_sql_and p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND p.post_visibility = " . ITEM_APPROVED; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $topics_approved = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topics_approved[] = (int) $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, p.post_visibility FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $where_sql_and " . $db->sql_in_set('t.topic_id', $topics_approved, true, true) . ' AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND p.post_visibility = ' . ITEM_DELETED; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $topics_softdeleted = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topics_softdeleted[] = (int) $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $topics_softdeleted = array_diff($topics_softdeleted, $topics_approved); $topics_not_unapproved = array_merge($topics_softdeleted, $topics_approved); $update_ary = array( ITEM_UNAPPROVED => (!empty($topics_not_unapproved)) ? $where_sql_and . ' ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topics_not_unapproved, true) : '', ITEM_APPROVED => (!empty($topics_approved)) ? ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topics_approved) : '', ITEM_DELETED => (!empty($topics_softdeleted)) ? ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topics_softdeleted) : '', ); foreach ($update_ary as $visibility => $sql_where) { if ($sql_where) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' SET topic_visibility = ' . $visibility . ' ' . $sql_where; $db->sql_query($sql); } } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); break; case 'post_reported': $post_ids = $post_reported = array(); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_reported FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $where_sql GROUP BY p.post_id, p.post_reported"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_ids[$row['post_id']] = $row['post_id']; if ($row['post_reported']) { $post_reported[$row['post_id']] = 1; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(post_id) FROM ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_id', $post_ids) . ' AND report_closed = 0'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (!isset($post_reported[$row['post_id']])) { $post_ids[] = $row['post_id']; } else { unset($post_reported[$row['post_id']]); } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // $post_reported should be empty by now, if it's not it contains // posts that are falsely flagged as reported foreach ($post_reported as $post_id => $void) { $post_ids[] = $post_id; } if (count($post_ids)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' SET post_reported = 1 - post_reported WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_id', $post_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); break; case 'topic_reported': if ($sync_extra) { sync('post_reported', $where_type, $where_ids); } $topic_ids = $topic_reported = array(); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(t.topic_id) FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . " t $where_sql_and t.post_reported = 1"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_reported[$row['topic_id']] = 1; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_reported FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t $where_sql"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['topic_reported'] ^ isset($topic_reported[$row['topic_id']])) { $topic_ids[] = $row['topic_id']; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (count($topic_ids)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' SET topic_reported = 1 - topic_reported WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); break; case 'post_attachment': $post_ids = $post_attachment = array(); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_attachment FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $where_sql GROUP BY p.post_id, p.post_attachment"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_ids[$row['post_id']] = $row['post_id']; if ($row['post_attachment']) { $post_attachment[$row['post_id']] = 1; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(post_msg_id) FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_msg_id', $post_ids) . ' AND in_message = 0'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (!isset($post_attachment[$row['post_msg_id']])) { $post_ids[] = $row['post_msg_id']; } else { unset($post_attachment[$row['post_msg_id']]); } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // $post_attachment should be empty by now, if it's not it contains // posts that are falsely flagged as having attachments foreach ($post_attachment as $post_id => $void) { $post_ids[] = $post_id; } if (count($post_ids)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' SET post_attachment = 1 - post_attachment WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_id', $post_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); break; case 'topic_attachment': if ($sync_extra) { sync('post_attachment', $where_type, $where_ids); } $topic_ids = $topic_attachment = array(); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(t.topic_id) FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . " t $where_sql_and t.post_attachment = 1"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_attachment[$row['topic_id']] = 1; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_attachment FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t $where_sql"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['topic_attachment'] ^ isset($topic_attachment[$row['topic_id']])) { $topic_ids[] = $row['topic_id']; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (count($topic_ids)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' SET topic_attachment = 1 - topic_attachment WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids); $db->sql_query($sql); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); break; case 'forum': $db->sql_transaction('begin'); // 1: Get the list of all forums $sql = 'SELECT f.* FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " f $where_sql"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_data = $forum_ids = $post_ids = $last_post_id = $post_info = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) { continue; } $forum_id = (int) $row['forum_id']; $forum_ids[$forum_id] = $forum_id; $forum_data[$forum_id] = $row; if ($sync_extra) { $forum_data[$forum_id]['posts_approved'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['posts_unapproved'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['posts_softdeleted'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['topics_approved'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['topics_unapproved'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['topics_softdeleted'] = 0; } $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_id'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_subject'] = ''; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_time'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_id'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_name'] = ''; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_colour'] = ''; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!count($forum_ids)) { break; } $forum_ids = array_values($forum_ids); // 2: Get topic counts for each forum (optional) if ($sync_extra) { $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, topic_visibility, COUNT(topic_id) AS total_topics FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_ids) . ' GROUP BY forum_id, topic_visibility'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_id = (int) $row['forum_id']; if ($row['topic_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) { $forum_data[$forum_id]['topics_approved'] = $row['total_topics']; } else if ($row['topic_visibility'] == ITEM_UNAPPROVED || $row['topic_visibility'] == ITEM_REAPPROVE) { $forum_data[$forum_id]['topics_unapproved'] = $row['total_topics']; } else if ($row['topic_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED) { $forum_data[$forum_id]['topics_softdeleted'] = $row['total_topics']; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } // 3: Get post count for each forum (optional) if ($sync_extra) { if (count($forum_ids) == 1) { $sql = 'SELECT SUM(t.topic_posts_approved) AS forum_posts_approved, SUM(t.topic_posts_unapproved) AS forum_posts_unapproved, SUM(t.topic_posts_softdeleted) AS forum_posts_softdeleted FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $forum_ids) . ' AND t.topic_status <> ' . ITEM_MOVED; } else { $sql = 'SELECT t.forum_id, SUM(t.topic_posts_approved) AS forum_posts_approved, SUM(t.topic_posts_unapproved) AS forum_posts_unapproved, SUM(t.topic_posts_softdeleted) AS forum_posts_softdeleted FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $forum_ids) . ' AND t.topic_status <> ' . ITEM_MOVED . ' GROUP BY t.forum_id'; } $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_id = (count($forum_ids) == 1) ? (int) $forum_ids[0] : (int) $row['forum_id']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['posts_approved'] = (int) $row['forum_posts_approved']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['posts_unapproved'] = (int) $row['forum_posts_unapproved']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['posts_softdeleted'] = (int) $row['forum_posts_softdeleted']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } // 4: Get last_post_id for each forum if (count($forum_ids) == 1) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(t.topic_last_post_id) as last_post_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $forum_ids) . ' AND t.topic_visibility = ' . ITEM_APPROVED; } else { $sql = 'SELECT t.forum_id, MAX(t.topic_last_post_id) as last_post_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $forum_ids) . ' AND t.topic_visibility = ' . ITEM_APPROVED . ' GROUP BY t.forum_id'; } $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_id = (count($forum_ids) == 1) ? (int) $forum_ids[0] : (int) $row['forum_id']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_id'] = (int) $row['last_post_id']; $post_ids[] = $row['last_post_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // 5: Retrieve last_post infos if (count($post_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.poster_id, p.post_subject, p.post_time, p.post_username, u.username, u.user_colour FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.post_id', $post_ids) . ' AND p.poster_id = u.user_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_info[$row['post_id']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($forum_data as $forum_id => $data) { if ($data['last_post_id']) { if (isset($post_info[$data['last_post_id']])) { $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_subject'] = $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['post_subject']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_time'] = $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['post_time']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_id'] = $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['poster_id']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_name'] = ($post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['poster_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['username'] : $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['post_username']; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_colour'] = $post_info[$data['last_post_id']]['user_colour']; } else { // For some reason we did not find the post in the db $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_id'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_subject'] = ''; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_post_time'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_id'] = 0; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_name'] = ''; $forum_data[$forum_id]['last_poster_colour'] = ''; } } } unset($post_info); } // 6: Now do that thing $fieldnames = array('last_post_id', 'last_post_subject', 'last_post_time', 'last_poster_id', 'last_poster_name', 'last_poster_colour'); if ($sync_extra) { array_push($fieldnames, 'posts_approved', 'posts_unapproved', 'posts_softdeleted', 'topics_approved', 'topics_unapproved', 'topics_softdeleted'); } foreach ($forum_data as $forum_id => $row) { $sql_ary = array(); foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) { if ($row['forum_' . $fieldname] != $row[$fieldname]) { if (preg_match('#(name|colour|subject)$#', $fieldname)) { $sql_ary['forum_' . $fieldname] = (string) $row[$fieldname]; } else { $sql_ary['forum_' . $fieldname] = (int) $row[$fieldname]; } } } if (count($sql_ary)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . ' WHERE forum_id = ' . $forum_id; $db->sql_query($sql); } } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); break; case 'topic': $topic_data = $post_ids = $resync_forums = $delete_topics = $delete_posts = $moved_topics = array(); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.forum_id, t.topic_moved_id, t.topic_visibility, ' . (($sync_extra) ? 't.topic_attachment, t.topic_reported, ' : '') . 't.topic_poster, t.topic_time, t.topic_posts_approved, t.topic_posts_unapproved, t.topic_posts_softdeleted, t.topic_first_post_id, t.topic_first_poster_name, t.topic_first_poster_colour, t.topic_last_post_id, t.topic_last_post_subject, t.topic_last_poster_id, t.topic_last_poster_name, t.topic_last_poster_colour, t.topic_last_post_time FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t $where_sql"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['topic_moved_id']) { $moved_topics[] = $row['topic_id']; continue; } $topic_id = (int) $row['topic_id']; $topic_data[$topic_id] = $row; $topic_data[$topic_id]['visibility'] = ITEM_UNAPPROVED; $topic_data[$topic_id]['posts_approved'] = 0; $topic_data[$topic_id]['posts_unapproved'] = 0; $topic_data[$topic_id]['posts_softdeleted'] = 0; $topic_data[$topic_id]['first_post_id'] = 0; $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_post_id'] = 0; unset($topic_data[$topic_id]['topic_id']); // This array holds all topic_ids $delete_topics[$topic_id] = ''; if ($sync_extra) { $topic_data[$topic_id]['reported'] = 0; $topic_data[$topic_id]['attachment'] = 0; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Use "t" as table alias because of the $where_sql clause // NOTE: 't.post_visibility' in the GROUP BY is causing a major slowdown. $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.post_visibility, COUNT(t.post_id) AS total_posts, MIN(t.post_id) AS first_post_id, MAX(t.post_id) AS last_post_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . " t $where_sql GROUP BY t.topic_id, t.post_visibility"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_id = (int) $row['topic_id']; $row['first_post_id'] = (int) $row['first_post_id']; $row['last_post_id'] = (int) $row['last_post_id']; if (!isset($topic_data[$topic_id])) { // Hey, these posts come from a topic that does not exist $delete_posts[$topic_id] = ''; } else { // Unset the corresponding entry in $delete_topics // When we'll be done, only topics with no posts will remain unset($delete_topics[$topic_id]); if ($row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) { $topic_data[$topic_id]['posts_approved'] = $row['total_posts']; } else if ($row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_UNAPPROVED || $row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_REAPPROVE) { $topic_data[$topic_id]['posts_unapproved'] = $row['total_posts']; } else if ($row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED) { $topic_data[$topic_id]['posts_softdeleted'] = $row['total_posts']; } if ($row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) { $topic_data[$topic_id]['visibility'] = ITEM_APPROVED; $topic_data[$topic_id]['first_post_id'] = $row['first_post_id']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_post_id'] = $row['last_post_id']; } else if ($topic_data[$topic_id]['visibility'] != ITEM_APPROVED) { // If there is no approved post, we take the min/max of the other visibilities // for the last and first post info, because it is only visible to moderators anyway $topic_data[$topic_id]['first_post_id'] = (!empty($topic_data[$topic_id]['first_post_id'])) ? min($topic_data[$topic_id]['first_post_id'], $row['first_post_id']) : $row['first_post_id']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_post_id'] = max($topic_data[$topic_id]['last_post_id'], $row['last_post_id']); if ($topic_data[$topic_id]['visibility'] == ITEM_UNAPPROVED || $topic_data[$topic_id]['visibility'] == ITEM_REAPPROVE) { // Soft delete status is stronger than unapproved. $topic_data[$topic_id]['visibility'] = $row['post_visibility']; } } } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($topic_data as $topic_id => $row) { $post_ids[] = $row['first_post_id']; if ($row['first_post_id'] != $row['last_post_id']) { $post_ids[] = $row['last_post_id']; } } // Now we delete empty topics and orphan posts if (count($delete_posts)) { delete_posts('topic_id', array_keys($delete_posts), false); unset($delete_posts); } if (!count($topic_data)) { // If we get there, topic ids were invalid or topics did not contain any posts delete_topics($where_type, $where_ids, true); return; } if (count($delete_topics)) { $delete_topic_ids = array(); foreach ($delete_topics as $topic_id => $void) { unset($topic_data[$topic_id]); $delete_topic_ids[] = $topic_id; } delete_topics('topic_id', $delete_topic_ids, false); unset($delete_topics, $delete_topic_ids); } $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.topic_id, p.post_visibility, p.poster_id, p.post_subject, p.post_username, p.post_time, u.username, u.user_colour FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.post_id', $post_ids) . ' AND u.user_id = p.poster_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_id = intval($row['topic_id']); if ($row['post_id'] == $topic_data[$topic_id]['first_post_id']) { $topic_data[$topic_id]['time'] = $row['post_time']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['poster'] = $row['poster_id']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['first_poster_name'] = ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['first_poster_colour'] = $row['user_colour']; } if ($row['post_id'] == $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_post_id']) { $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_poster_id'] = $row['poster_id']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_post_subject'] = $row['post_subject']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_post_time'] = $row['post_time']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_poster_name'] = ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']; $topic_data[$topic_id]['last_poster_colour'] = $row['user_colour']; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Make sure shadow topics do link to existing topics if (count($moved_topics)) { $delete_topics = array(); $sql = 'SELECT t1.topic_id, t1.topic_moved_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t1 LEFT JOIN ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t2 ON (t2.topic_id = t1.topic_moved_id) WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t1.topic_id', $moved_topics) . ' AND t2.topic_id IS NULL'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $delete_topics[] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (count($delete_topics)) { delete_topics('topic_id', $delete_topics, false); } unset($delete_topics); // Make sure shadow topics having no last post data being updated (this only rarely happens...) $sql = 'SELECT topic_id, topic_moved_id, topic_last_post_id, topic_first_post_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $moved_topics) . ' AND topic_last_post_time = 0'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $shadow_topic_data = $post_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $shadow_topic_data[$row['topic_moved_id']] = $row; $post_ids[] = $row['topic_last_post_id']; $post_ids[] = $row['topic_first_post_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sync_shadow_topics = array(); if (count($post_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.topic_id, p.post_visibility, p.poster_id, p.post_subject, p.post_username, p.post_time, u.username, u.user_colour FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.post_id', $post_ids) . ' AND u.user_id = p.poster_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_id = (int) $row['topic_id']; // Ok, there should be a shadow topic. If there isn't, then there's something wrong with the db. // However, there's not much we can do about it. if (!empty($shadow_topic_data[$topic_id])) { if ($row['post_id'] == $shadow_topic_data[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id']) { $orig_topic_id = $shadow_topic_data[$topic_id]['topic_id']; if (!isset($sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id])) { $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id] = array(); } $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_time'] = $row['post_time']; $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_poster'] = $row['poster_id']; $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_first_poster_name'] = ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']; $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_first_poster_colour'] = $row['user_colour']; } if ($row['post_id'] == $shadow_topic_data[$topic_id]['topic_last_post_id']) { $orig_topic_id = $shadow_topic_data[$topic_id]['topic_id']; if (!isset($sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id])) { $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id] = array(); } $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_last_poster_id'] = $row['poster_id']; $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_last_post_subject'] = $row['post_subject']; $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_last_post_time'] = $row['post_time']; $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_last_poster_name'] = ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']; $sync_shadow_topics[$orig_topic_id]['topic_last_poster_colour'] = $row['user_colour']; } } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $shadow_topic_data = array(); // Update the information we collected if (count($sync_shadow_topics)) { foreach ($sync_shadow_topics as $sync_topic_id => $sql_ary) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . ' WHERE topic_id = ' . $sync_topic_id; $db->sql_query($sql); } } } unset($sync_shadow_topics, $shadow_topic_data); } // These are fields that will be synchronised $fieldnames = array('time', 'visibility', 'posts_approved', 'posts_unapproved', 'posts_softdeleted', 'poster', 'first_post_id', 'first_poster_name', 'first_poster_colour', 'last_post_id', 'last_post_subject', 'last_post_time', 'last_poster_id', 'last_poster_name', 'last_poster_colour'); if ($sync_extra) { // This routine assumes that post_reported values are correct // if they are not, use sync('post_reported') first $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, p.post_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $where_sql_and p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND p.post_reported = 1 GROUP BY t.topic_id, p.post_id"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $fieldnames[] = 'reported'; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_data[intval($row['topic_id'])]['reported'] = 1; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // This routine assumes that post_attachment values are correct // if they are not, use sync('post_attachment') first $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, p.post_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $where_sql_and p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND p.post_attachment = 1 GROUP BY t.topic_id, p.post_id"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $fieldnames[] = 'attachment'; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_data[intval($row['topic_id'])]['attachment'] = 1; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } foreach ($topic_data as $topic_id => $row) { $sql_ary = array(); foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) { if (isset($row[$fieldname]) && isset($row['topic_' . $fieldname]) && $row['topic_' . $fieldname] != $row[$fieldname]) { $sql_ary['topic_' . $fieldname] = $row[$fieldname]; } } if (count($sql_ary)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . ' WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id; $db->sql_query($sql); $resync_forums[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_id']; } } unset($topic_data); $db->sql_transaction('commit'); // if some topics have been resync'ed then resync parent forums // except when we're only syncing a range, we don't want to sync forums during // batch processing. if ($resync_parents && count($resync_forums) && $where_type != 'range') { sync('forum', 'forum_id', array_values($resync_forums), true, true); } break; } return; } /** * Prune function */ function prune($forum_id, $prune_mode, $prune_date, $prune_flags = 0, $auto_sync = true, $prune_limit = 0) { global $db, $phpbb_dispatcher; if (!is_array($forum_id)) { $forum_id = array($forum_id); } if (!count($forum_id)) { return; } $sql_and = ''; if (!($prune_flags & FORUM_FLAG_PRUNE_ANNOUNCE)) { $sql_and .= ' AND topic_type <> ' . POST_ANNOUNCE; $sql_and .= ' AND topic_type <> ' . POST_GLOBAL; } if (!($prune_flags & FORUM_FLAG_PRUNE_STICKY)) { $sql_and .= ' AND topic_type <> ' . POST_STICKY; } if ($prune_mode == 'posted') { $sql_and .= " AND topic_last_post_time < $prune_date"; } if ($prune_mode == 'viewed') { $sql_and .= " AND topic_last_view_time < $prune_date"; } if ($prune_mode == 'shadow') { $sql_and .= ' AND topic_status = ' . ITEM_MOVED . " AND topic_last_post_time < $prune_date"; } /** * Use this event to modify the SQL that selects topics to be pruned * * @event core.prune_sql * @var string forum_id The forum id * @var string prune_mode The prune mode * @var string prune_date The prune date * @var int prune_flags The prune flags * @var bool auto_sync Whether or not to perform auto sync * @var string sql_and SQL text appended to where clause * @var int prune_limit The prune limit * @since 3.1.3-RC1 * @changed 3.1.10-RC1 Added prune_limit */ $vars = array( 'forum_id', 'prune_mode', 'prune_date', 'prune_flags', 'auto_sync', 'sql_and', 'prune_limit', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.prune_sql', compact($vars))); $sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_id) . " AND poll_start = 0 $sql_and"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $prune_limit); $topic_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_list[] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($prune_flags & FORUM_FLAG_PRUNE_POLL) { $sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_id) . " AND poll_start > 0 AND poll_last_vote < $prune_date $sql_and"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $prune_limit); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topic_list[] = $row['topic_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $topic_list = array_unique($topic_list); } /** * Perform additional actions before topic deletion via pruning * * @event core.prune_delete_before * @var int[] topic_list The IDs of the topics to be deleted * @since 3.2.2-RC1 */ $vars = array('topic_list'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.prune_delete_before', compact($vars))); return delete_topics('topic_id', $topic_list, $auto_sync, false); } /** * Function auto_prune(), this function now relies on passed vars */ function auto_prune($forum_id, $prune_mode, $prune_flags, $prune_days, $prune_freq) { global $db, $user, $phpbb_log; $sql = 'SELECT forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = $forum_id"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($row) { $prune_date = time() - ($prune_days * 86400); $next_prune = time() + ($prune_freq * 86400); $result = prune($forum_id, $prune_mode, $prune_date, $prune_flags, true, 300); if ($result['topics'] == 0 && $result['posts'] == 0) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " SET prune_next = $next_prune WHERE forum_id = $forum_id"; $db->sql_query($sql); } $phpbb_log->add('admin', $user->data['user_id'], $user->ip, 'LOG_AUTO_PRUNE', false, array($row['forum_name'])); } return; } /** * Cache moderators. Called whenever permissions are changed * via admin_permissions. Changes of usernames and group names * must be carried through for the moderators table. * * @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db Database connection * @param \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface Cache driver * @param \phpbb\auth\auth $auth Authentication object * @return null */ function phpbb_cache_moderators($db, $cache, $auth) { // Remove cached sql results $cache->destroy('sql', MODERATOR_CACHE_TABLE); // Clear table switch ($db->get_sql_layer()) { case 'sqlite3': $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . MODERATOR_CACHE_TABLE); break; default: $db->sql_query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . MODERATOR_CACHE_TABLE); break; } // We add moderators who have forum moderator permissions without an explicit ACL_NEVER setting $sql_ary = array(); // Grab all users having moderative options... $hold_ary = $auth->acl_user_raw_data(false, 'm_%', false); // Add users? if (!empty($hold_ary)) { // At least one moderative option warrants a display $ug_id_ary = array_keys($hold_ary); // Remove users who have group memberships with DENY moderator permissions $sql_ary_deny = array( 'SELECT' => 'a.forum_id, ug.user_id, g.group_id', 'FROM' => array( ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE => 'o', USER_GROUP_TABLE => 'ug', GROUPS_TABLE => 'g', ACL_GROUPS_TABLE => 'a', ), 'LEFT_JOIN' => array( array( 'FROM' => array(ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE => 'r'), 'ON' => 'a.auth_role_id = r.role_id', ), ), 'WHERE' => '(o.auth_option_id = a.auth_option_id OR o.auth_option_id = r.auth_option_id) AND ((a.auth_setting = ' . ACL_NEVER . ' AND r.auth_setting IS NULL) OR r.auth_setting = ' . ACL_NEVER . ') AND a.group_id = ug.group_id AND g.group_id = ug.group_id AND NOT (ug.group_leader = 1 AND g.group_skip_auth = 1) AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('ug.user_id', $ug_id_ary) . " AND ug.user_pending = 0 AND o.auth_option " . $db->sql_like_expression('m_' . $db->get_any_char()), ); $sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_ary_deny); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (isset($hold_ary[$row['user_id']][$row['forum_id']])) { unset($hold_ary[$row['user_id']][$row['forum_id']]); } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (count($hold_ary)) { // Get usernames... $sql = 'SELECT user_id, username FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', array_keys($hold_ary)); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $usernames_ary = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $usernames_ary[$row['user_id']] = $row['username']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($hold_ary as $user_id => $forum_id_ary) { // Do not continue if user does not exist if (!isset($usernames_ary[$user_id])) { continue; } foreach ($forum_id_ary as $forum_id => $auth_ary) { $sql_ary[] = array( 'forum_id' => (int) $forum_id, 'user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'username' => (string) $usernames_ary[$user_id], 'group_id' => 0, 'group_name' => '' ); } } } } // Now to the groups... $hold_ary = $auth->acl_group_raw_data(false, 'm_%', false); if (!empty($hold_ary)) { $ug_id_ary = array_keys($hold_ary); // Make sure not hidden or special groups are involved... $sql = 'SELECT group_name, group_id, group_type FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('group_id', $ug_id_ary); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $groupnames_ary = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['group_type'] == GROUP_HIDDEN || $row['group_type'] == GROUP_SPECIAL) { unset($hold_ary[$row['group_id']]); } $groupnames_ary[$row['group_id']] = $row['group_name']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($hold_ary as $group_id => $forum_id_ary) { // If there is no group, we do not assign it... if (!isset($groupnames_ary[$group_id])) { continue; } foreach ($forum_id_ary as $forum_id => $auth_ary) { $flag = false; foreach ($auth_ary as $auth_option => $setting) { // Make sure at least one ACL_YES option is set... if ($setting == ACL_YES) { $flag = true; break; } } if (!$flag) { continue; } $sql_ary[] = array( 'forum_id' => (int) $forum_id, 'user_id' => 0, 'username' => '', 'group_id' => (int) $group_id, 'group_name' => (string) $groupnames_ary[$group_id] ); } } } $db->sql_multi_insert(MODERATOR_CACHE_TABLE, $sql_ary); } /** * View log * * @param string $mode The mode defines which log_type is used and from which log the entry is retrieved * @param array &$log The result array with the logs * @param mixed &$log_count If $log_count is set to false, we will skip counting all entries in the database. * Otherwise an integer with the number of total matching entries is returned. * @param int $limit Limit the number of entries that are returned * @param int $offset Offset when fetching the log entries, f.e. when paginating * @param mixed $forum_id Restrict the log entries to the given forum_id (can also be an array of forum_ids) * @param int $topic_id Restrict the log entries to the given topic_id * @param int $user_id Restrict the log entries to the given user_id * @param int $log_time Only get log entries newer than the given timestamp * @param string $sort_by SQL order option, e.g. 'l.log_time DESC' * @param string $keywords Will only return log entries that have the keywords in log_operation or log_data * * @return int Returns the offset of the last valid page, if the specified offset was invalid (too high) */ function view_log($mode, &$log, &$log_count, $limit = 0, $offset = 0, $forum_id = 0, $topic_id = 0, $user_id = 0, $limit_days = 0, $sort_by = 'l.log_time DESC', $keywords = '') { global $phpbb_log; $count_logs = ($log_count !== false); $log = $phpbb_log->get_logs($mode, $count_logs, $limit, $offset, $forum_id, $topic_id, $user_id, $limit_days, $sort_by, $keywords); $log_count = $phpbb_log->get_log_count(); return $phpbb_log->get_valid_offset(); } /** * Removes moderators and administrators from foe lists. * * @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db Database connection * @param \phpbb\auth\auth $auth Authentication object * @param array|bool $group_id If an array, remove all members of this group from foe lists, or false to ignore * @param array|bool $user_id If an array, remove this user from foe lists, or false to ignore * @return null */ function phpbb_update_foes($db, $auth, $group_id = false, $user_id = false) { // update foes for some user if (is_array($user_id) && count($user_id)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ZEBRA_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('zebra_id', $user_id) . ' AND foe = 1'; $db->sql_query($sql); return; } // update foes for some group if (is_array($group_id) && count($group_id)) { // Grab group settings... $sql_ary = array( 'SELECT' => 'a.group_id', 'FROM' => array( ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE => 'ao', ACL_GROUPS_TABLE => 'a', ), 'LEFT_JOIN' => array( array( 'FROM' => array(ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE => 'r'), 'ON' => 'a.auth_role_id = r.role_id', ), ), 'WHERE' => '(ao.auth_option_id = a.auth_option_id OR ao.auth_option_id = r.auth_option_id) AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('a.group_id', $group_id) . " AND ao.auth_option IN ('a_', 'm_')", 'GROUP_BY' => 'a.group_id', ); $sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_ary); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $groups = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $groups[] = (int) $row['group_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!count($groups)) { return; } switch ($db->get_sql_layer()) { case 'mysqli': case 'mysql4': $sql = 'DELETE ' . (($db->get_sql_layer() === 'mysqli' || version_compare($db->sql_server_info(true), '4.1', '>=')) ? 'z.*' : ZEBRA_TABLE) . ' FROM ' . ZEBRA_TABLE . ' z, ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' ug WHERE z.zebra_id = ug.user_id AND z.foe = 1 AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('ug.group_id', $groups); $db->sql_query($sql); break; default: $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('group_id', $groups); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $users = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $users[] = (int) $row['user_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (count($users)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ZEBRA_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('zebra_id', $users) . ' AND foe = 1'; $db->sql_query($sql); } break; } return; } // update foes for everyone $perms = array(); foreach ($auth->acl_get_list(false, array('a_', 'm_'), false) as $forum_id => $forum_ary) { foreach ($forum_ary as $auth_option => $user_ary) { $perms = array_merge($perms, $user_ary); } } if (count($perms)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ZEBRA_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('zebra_id', array_unique($perms)) . ' AND foe = 1'; $db->sql_query($sql); } unset($perms); } /** * Lists inactive users */ function view_inactive_users(&$users, &$user_count, $limit = 0, $offset = 0, $limit_days = 0, $sort_by = 'user_inactive_time DESC') { global $db, $user; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS user_count FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_type = ' . USER_INACTIVE . (($limit_days) ? " AND user_inactive_time >= $limit_days" : ''); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $user_count = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('user_count'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($user_count == 0) { // Save the queries, because there are no users to display return 0; } if ($offset >= $user_count) { $offset = ($offset - $limit < 0) ? 0 : $offset - $limit; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_type = ' . USER_INACTIVE . (($limit_days) ? " AND user_inactive_time >= $limit_days" : '') . " ORDER BY $sort_by"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, $offset); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $row['inactive_reason'] = $user->lang['INACTIVE_REASON_UNKNOWN']; switch ($row['user_inactive_reason']) { case INACTIVE_REGISTER: $row['inactive_reason'] = $user->lang['INACTIVE_REASON_REGISTER']; break; case INACTIVE_PROFILE: $row['inactive_reason'] = $user->lang['INACTIVE_REASON_PROFILE']; break; case INACTIVE_MANUAL: $row['inactive_reason'] = $user->lang['INACTIVE_REASON_MANUAL']; break; case INACTIVE_REMIND: $row['inactive_reason'] = $user->lang['INACTIVE_REASON_REMIND']; break; } $users[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); return $offset; } /** * Lists warned users */ function view_warned_users(&$users, &$user_count, $limit = 0, $offset = 0, $limit_days = 0, $sort_by = 'user_warnings DESC') { global $db; $sql = 'SELECT user_id, username, user_colour, user_warnings, user_last_warning FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_warnings > 0 ' . (($limit_days) ? "AND user_last_warning >= $limit_days" : '') . " ORDER BY $sort_by"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, $offset); $users = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT count(user_id) AS user_count FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_warnings > 0 ' . (($limit_days) ? "AND user_last_warning >= $limit_days" : ''); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $user_count = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('user_count'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); return; } /** * Get database size * Currently only mysql and mssql are supported */ function get_database_size() { global $db, $user, $table_prefix; $database_size = false; // This code is heavily influenced by a similar routine in phpMyAdmin 2.2.0 switch ($db->get_sql_layer()) { case 'mysql': case 'mysql4': case 'mysqli': $sql = 'SELECT VERSION() AS mysql_version'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($row) { $version = $row['mysql_version']; if (preg_match('#(3\.23|[45]\.|10\.[0-9]\.[0-9]{1,2}-+Maria)#', $version)) { $db_name = (preg_match('#^(?:3\.23\.(?:[6-9]|[1-9]{2}))|[45]\.|10\.[0-9]\.[0-9]{1,2}-+Maria#', $version)) ? "`{$db->get_db_name()}`" : $db->get_db_name(); $sql = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . $db_name; $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 7200); $database_size = 0; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ((isset($row['Type']) && $row['Type'] != 'MRG_MyISAM') || (isset($row['Engine']) && ($row['Engine'] == 'MyISAM' || $row['Engine'] == 'InnoDB' || $row['Engine'] == 'Aria'))) { if ($table_prefix != '') { if (strpos($row['Name'], $table_prefix) !== false) { $database_size += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']; } } else { $database_size += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']; } } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } } break; case 'sqlite3': global $dbhost; if (file_exists($dbhost)) { $database_size = filesize($dbhost); } break; case 'mssql_odbc': case 'mssqlnative': $sql = 'SELECT @@VERSION AS mssql_version'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT ((SUM(size) * 8.0) * 1024.0) as dbsize FROM sysfiles'; if ($row) { // Azure stats are stored elsewhere if (strpos($row['mssql_version'], 'SQL Azure') !== false) { $sql = 'SELECT ((SUM(reserved_page_count) * 8.0) * 1024.0) as dbsize FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats'; } } $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 7200); $database_size = ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ? $row['dbsize'] : false; $db->sql_freeresult($result); break; case 'postgres': $sql = "SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'pg_database_size'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($row['proname'] == 'pg_database_size') { $database = $db->get_db_name(); if (strpos($database, '.') !== false) { list($database, ) = explode('.', $database); } $sql = "SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '$database'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $oid = $row['oid']; $sql = 'SELECT pg_database_size(' . $oid . ') as size'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $database_size = $row['size']; } break; case 'oracle': $sql = 'SELECT SUM(bytes) as dbsize FROM user_segments'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 7200); $database_size = ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ? $row['dbsize'] : false; $db->sql_freeresult($result); break; } $database_size = ($database_size !== false) ? get_formatted_filesize($database_size) : $user->lang['NOT_AVAILABLE']; return $database_size; } /* * Tidy Warnings * Remove all warnings which have now expired from the database * The duration of a warning can be defined by the administrator * This only removes the warning and reduces the associated count, * it does not remove the user note recording the contents of the warning */ function tidy_warnings() { global $db, $config; $expire_date = time() - ($config['warnings_expire_days'] * 86400); $warning_list = $user_list = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . WARNINGS_TABLE . " WHERE warning_time < $expire_date"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $warning_list[] = $row['warning_id']; $user_list[$row['user_id']] = isset($user_list[$row['user_id']]) ? ++$user_list[$row['user_id']] : 1; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (count($warning_list)) { $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . WARNINGS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('warning_id', $warning_list); $db->sql_query($sql); foreach ($user_list as $user_id => $value) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_warnings = user_warnings - $value WHERE user_id = $user_id"; $db->sql_query($sql); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); } $config->set('warnings_last_gc', time(), false); } /** * Tidy database, doing some maintanance tasks */ function tidy_database() { global $config, $db; // Here we check permission consistency // Sometimes, it can happen permission tables having forums listed which do not exist $sql = 'SELECT forum_id FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_ids = array(0); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_ids[] = $row['forum_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); // Delete those rows from the acl tables not having listed the forums above $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_ids, true); $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ACL_USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_ids, true); $db->sql_query($sql); $db->sql_transaction('commit'); $config->set('database_last_gc', time(), false); } /** * Add permission language - this will make sure custom files will be included */ function add_permission_language() { global $user, $phpEx, $phpbb_extension_manager; // add permission language files from extensions $finder = $phpbb_extension_manager->get_finder(); $lang_files = $finder ->prefix('permissions_') ->suffix(".$phpEx") ->core_path('language/') ->extension_directory('/language') ->find(); foreach ($lang_files as $lang_file => $ext_name) { if ($ext_name === '/') { $user->add_lang($lang_file); } else { $user->add_lang_ext($ext_name, $lang_file); } } } /** * Enables a particular flag in a bitfield column of a given table. * * @param string $table_name The table to update * @param string $column_name The column containing a bitfield to update * @param int $flag The binary flag which is OR-ed with the current column value * @param string $sql_more This string is attached to the sql query generated to update the table. * * @return null */ function enable_bitfield_column_flag($table_name, $column_name, $flag, $sql_more = '') { global $db; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET ' . $column_name . ' = ' . $db->sql_bit_or($column_name, $flag) . ' ' . $sql_more; $db->sql_query($sql); }